Getting your console online!


Okay -

I haven't really been into online games with my console because I lacked a way to connect to the wireless router in the other room.

I thought about Nyko's Wireless Adaptors, discontinued

I thought about Logtech's Playlink. Problem cost, new locally is between $80-$100 (Fry's, BB, CC, Newegg)

There had to be a better solution...

I found it!

Buffalo Technology's Wireless Ethernet Converter!!!

I have found it between $60-75 online at various retailers and $75 at Fry's.

It has 4 ethernet ports!

So that means can connect everything in my room. My PS2, the PC and the Slingbox (when I finally get one)

I originally thought I would have to buy the Playlink and then a router.

No more!

I'll let you know how it went with the installation and config. Im going to pick one up from Fry's if they have it in-stock since I don't get paid until Fri and I would be waiting until at least Monday for anything ordered from Newegg.

If you have more than one console and your PC all in the same place, you should look into this.
Well most games do not require a high speed Router or connection. For me I used my Win98 internal sharing program and hook a 5-port switch on the other end for only $20. For the NDS and PSP I guess I will probably use a USB WiFi stick and create another network via the main comp or one of the other many computers.
Well, I would need to buy a HUB anyway to do what your saying. So $40 more doesn't bother me, plus while I have basic network skillz, I did something stupid and forced my IP which of course the 2 Wire DSL Gateway/Router/Access Point doesn't see my USB dongle, until I put it back to find IP and DNS automatically.

The Bridge is more, but setup is simpler. My time is valuable to me and sometimes spending a bit more for less headache is worth it.

I found it at Best Buy or $9 less, so Im going to pick it up today.
Okay here's my review, Im also going to review it elsewhere.

If you need to connect more than one console or anything else that requires an net connection, get this!

It was $70 at Best Buy

Setup was easy. A tip tho, if you have your desktop/laptop connected to the net wirelessly, then you'll need to first setup the bridge though Buffalo's web config. I wasn't able to use the included install CD because it couldn't detect the bridge because this is not the host computer for the network.

Make sense?

If you are the host connection, then though your wireless router/gateway, the software will see the bridge, then help you config.

The only other snag was the WEP for the 2 Wire gateway is 128bit, not 64-bit like I thought it was. If I had to do it again, it would take less than 10 mins to set this up. So if you're having a problem somewhere, you might have a defective unit.

The connection to the network is STRONG! I'm at the other end of the hallway from the router/gateway about 20ft and though walls and a door closed 99% of the time. Hasn't dropped it yet and I don't expect it too, my USB dongle hardly ever drops the signal, it stays right around 90%, while the bridge shows 99-100% connection.

If your router is G speed (11b) then you'll get full speed from the bridge. Not much of any issue as we just share the connection, not files from the host PC here.

It was really simple to install and its cheaper than Logitech's Playlink at most retail location, plus you have 4 ethernet ports, when you would have to buy a wired router to hook multiple things to the bridge.

Go Get It!
[quote name='dj4monie']Okay here's my review, Im also going to review it elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, what review?

Edit - Nevermind. He edited his post above with the review after I posted.
bread's done