GF and I 6 Month Anniversary Suggestions


CAG Veteran
Its me and my girlfriends 6 month anniversary on monday and I think i should get/do something special. We're already going out to Red Lobster (she's paying! :0) and me doing nice things like buying flowers and shit is already standard fair in our relation ship, so I'm not quite sure on what to do. HELP!
[quote name='the3rdkey']Surpise her by telling her it is time to take a break.[/quote]

Is that what you had to eventually tell the big bottle of hand lotion?
[quote name='PieLover']Its me and my girlfriends 6 month anniversary on monday and I think i should get/do something special. We're already going out to Red Lobster (she's paying! :0) and me doing nice things like buying flowers and shit is already standard fair in our relation ship, so I'm not quite sure on what to do. HELP![/quote]

Get Engaged.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Is that what you had to eventually tell the big bottle of hand lotion?[/QUOTE]

No, I have to keep that for some reason. We never have any real issues.
Take her somewhere special, that you've never taken her before. Surprise her. You should also buy her a gift (not flowers), since she's paying for dinner.
6 month anniversary?

[ insert whip sound effect here ]

I hate it when I see friends' girlfriends make them celebrate a measly sixth month of being together.
[quote name='javeryh']6 months? Red Lobster? Umm... save your money.[/quote]

Honestly, to me, going to Red Lobster for any special occasion like that is kinda tacky...
Well what I did for my 6 month anniversary was take her to a secluded beach at night, walk through the sand with boots and a backpack full of the "surprise" which weighed half of what I did, settled down in a nice little spot, whipped out the Martinelli sparkling apple cider and champagne glasses, set up the fire, set down the blanket and relaxed there for as long as we could before we ran away from the beach patrol for being on the beach too late.

For our year anni., we did something special I forgot.

For our 2nd year anni., we ........... continued our day as if we had both forgotten.

For our 3rd year anni., we ............ continued our day as if we had both forgotten.

When our 4th year anni. comes up, I'm sure we'll have forgotten that too.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Buy her a bowling ball with your name on it and a jug of perfume.
Go to a real restaurant.
fuck her gently. Raw dog.[/quote]

Or you could skip all that and just get at her like a bowling ball in the backseat of your car.
[quote name='Brak']6 month anniversary?

[ insert whip sound effect here ]

I hate it when I see friends' girlfriends make them celebrate a measly sixth month of being together.[/QUOTE]

That's the exact same train of thought I had when I saw the thread title.

Hell, with my last girlfriend I didn't even do anything special for our 1 year anniversary. I figured since we hadn't been together for that entire year straight then why count it as an anniversary? Sure enough, when she broke up with me a month later that was one of her laundry list complaints, that I didn't do anything for our anniversary. Oh well, ya win some ya lose some.

Seriously, anniversaries mean something when your married but when your just dating? Come on...
I've dated my bf for 6+ years and we've never celebrated an anniversary. Mainly because when we started dating is kind of ambiguous, but neither one of us thinks it's worth the effort to celebrate anniversaries. There's enough occasions during the year to celebrate togetherness. I'm sure that changes with marriage. I have to agree with the folks that think 6 months of dating is sort of a trivial occasion. It reminds of high school when girls would want to celebrate BS like 2-week or 1 month anniversaries.

Edited to add: I forgot to say that my advice to you is do something simple and not make a big occasion of it. Like someone else said, if you really want to make an occasion special, save it for your 1 year.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Seriously, anniversaries mean something when your married but when your just dating? Come on...[/quote]

Not even then. I guess we acknowledge it but no gifts are exchanged... we may go out to dinner or something but nothing fancy or out of the ordinary.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
Seriously, anniversaries mean something when your married but when your just dating? Come on...[/QUOTE]

Maybe to you they don't, but you can't assume your views apply to everyone.
I've been with my girlfriend for 3 yrs and I dont think Ive done anything TOO special, we eat out everytime we chill, and I dont think a girlfriend of 6 months is worth something OVERLY special, unless you're fa sho set that you're gonna be together for a long long time, or forever.
roses and dinner aren't special, that's expected from women. :/
this past valentines I didnt get my girlfriend anything, I made her a batch of cookies, put a nice candle in the middle and wrapped it in plastic and she gave me a card that said, ''I bet you think I love you, but I dont...teehee!''.. and that was SO SPECIAL.
[quote name='tiredfornow']
this past valentines I didnt get my girlfriend anything, I made her a batch of cookies, put a nice candle in the middle and wrapped it in plastic and she gave me a card that said, ''I bet you think I love you, but I dont...teehee!''.. and that was SO SPECIAL.[/QUOTE]

haha, that is hilarious. It's almost like you switched roles.

If a guy cooked me something, I would love it. I wouldn't eat it, but I would love it none the less.
[quote name='ITDEFX']i recall back during our 6 months with my ex gf... we had sex :)[/quote]

I hope so... what's the point of having a girlfriend if you're not getting laid? :D
Easy on the hardcore sex guys. I think the OP needs to take a little advice from our from from Tenacious D:

This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely
You don't always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that's not right to do
Sometimes you've got to make some love
And fuckin give her some smooches too
Sometimes ya got to squeeze
Sometimes you've got to say please
Sometime you've got to say "hey"
I'm gonna fuck you softly
I'm gonna screw you gently
I'm gonna hump you sweetly
I'm gonna ball you discreetly
And then you say hey I bought you flowers
And then you say wait a minute Sally
I think I got something in my teeth
Could you get it out for me
That's fuckin teamwork!
Whats your favorite posish?
That's cool with me
Its not my favorite
But I'll do it for you
What's your favorite dish?
Im not gonna cook it
But ill order it from Zanzibar!
And then I'm gonna love you completely
And then I'll fuckin' fuck you discreetly
And then I'll fucking bone you completely
But then...
I'm gonna fuck you hard
[quote name='javeryh']I hope so... what's the point of having a girlfriend if you're not getting laid? :D[/QUOTE]

YEA i deflowered her, even though we talked about not having sex until getting married...boy did we let our hormones do the talking lol....
My ex bf and I celebrated a 6mo anniversary once. He gave me a silver fairy necklace that he kept on his computer and took me to the mall shopping and bought me two new fairy shirts to go with it...we stopped at toys R us and bought a video game to play together.. I thought it was incredibly sweet, but then again he was an angel and a rare find indeed.

Once you get married or have been with someone for a looooooong time then you tend to forget about anniversaries. i know the last few of mine went by and I didnt remember it til several days after the fact and WELL by then its too late.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Update your sig[/QUOTE]
Agreed. It was a scam. Get over it.

People seem to forget that the word "anniversary" comes from the Latin for "return yearly." Tell your girlfriend to quit abusing the meaning of the word by attaching 6-month to it.
[quote name='Brak']6 month anniversary?

[ insert whip sound effect here ]

I hate it when I see friends' girlfriends make them celebrate a measly sixth month of being together.[/QUOTE]

yeah, really 6 months ? how old are you ? Yeah get her a "promise" ring.
[quote name='KingDox']yeah, really 6 months ? how old are you ? Yeah get her a "promise" ring.[/quote]

Good one there. I've been with my partner for over 3 1/2 years. We keep saying that we'd like to go out to dinner on our anniversary, but we never have the money...
[quote name='KingDox']yeah, really 6 months ? how old are you ? Yeah get her a "promise" ring.[/QUOTE]

i got my gf back then a promise ring around the 1st month anniversary.. bitch damaged it and when we broke up she never gave it back...thank god I never bought that engagement ring... :)
LOL, I have this situation on lock. At dinner on my 3 month anniversary me and my girlfriend decided what were gonna do every month. We will do dinner every month til a one year and then go on a trip at our one year which will only lead back to her dorm room for sex. Two years were gonna just go everywhere that we did the first time couple stuff at. Third year were going to the zoo where I will propose in front of the panda bears. Whats sad is I think that will all happen. Maybe it will. I did win 50$ in the lottery yesterday.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']LOL, I have this situation on lock. At dinner on my 3 month anniversary me and my girlfriend decided what were gonna do every month. We will do dinner every month til a one year and then go on a trip at our one year which will only lead back to her dorm room for sex. Two years were gonna just go everywhere that we did the first time couple stuff at. Third year were going to the zoo where I will propose in front of the panda bears. Whats sad is I think that will all happen. Maybe it will. I did win 50$ in the lottery yesterday.[/QUOTE]

I say propose when the panda's are getting busy :)
bread's done