GGT 275 Got Rejected From The University of Sonic

I still haven't touched RE 6. I think its because 5 was so crappy and disappointing that I can't get myself back into any RE game. Used to be my absolute favorite series. Way to go, Crapcom. Just don't screw up the new Strider, okay?

In other disappointing Capcom news, I did grab that DmC yesterday. Combo square mashing time!
I'm not sure how you can look at the new Strider trailers and *NOT* think that they're screwing it up.

It's almost nothing like the original arcade game and reminds me of some sort of spawn from Shadow Complex... but with Strider and his cyberninja world instead of the military-esque complex in SC.

I guess, maybe, it's sort of like the NES Strider, because that was sort of Metroidvania-ish, but I still don't think this new one looks good.

I guess the closest to Strider that we'll ever get is from Konami (how ironic) achieved by playing Hard Corps. Uprising and using Sayuri.

Alright cool, Thanks all for the info. Now the real question as to what to play from my backlog....MGS4, Assassin's Creed 1, Infamous, ICO, SOTC, Heavy Rain, etc...
First recommendation:
It's about the only one you're guaranteed to complete in a short window. You can speed run ICO in under 2 hours, I think... first playthrough should take about... 6-10 hours, depending on how quickly you solve puzzles and figure things out (if you're not using a guide).

Second recommendation:
Assassin's Creed
It shouldn't take you that long to complete if you're not OCD and start collecting flags and stuff... since you're playing on PS3, there's no trophies for that one to encourage it either. You don't even have to do full-sync before doing your target assassinations (and even if you do, most of those are quick anyway). 15-20 hours, depending, if you ignore the meaningless collection stuff.

Third recommendation:
If you don't use a guide, you could get stuck for a bit trying to figure out how to finish off a given colossus. With 16 total colossi and a decent amount of exploration, you're looking around 10-15 for this one. I have a soft spot for it though, so I don't think you should be playing this on a road trip... it's really impressive how ... vast... and empty... the world is... I think you'd experience that better on the big screen.

The rest:
You can do playthroughs quickly, I think, but only if you skip cutscenes. If you watch all the cutscenes and take your time, that one is probably 25+ the first time.

Takes awhile if you're trophy hunting or going for 100% completion. Might not be a bad option if you're not looking to finish it before the end of your trip... the story is easy to follow and pick up where you left off.

Heavy Rain
I have no clue, never played it. :)
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GG's :(


I'm over it

I don't even know what that means dawg

spiderman 2099 is in the ultimate universe? So can miles see him if he lives long enough?

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I'm 3rd dawg

How do people enjoy this pokemon shit? Its like everything is super easy to kill if you use the right type. Whats the point?

Oh my pokemon did a little shimmy and did a  fire attack against a grass type and now its dead. repeat 500x

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Never counted to three before, thanks guys.

You mentioned wanting to be top 20 or some shit when we last talked. Thought that was an actual goal and not just yours. That's what I get for looking at rank instead of the times/place.

How do people enjoy this pokemon shit? Its like everything is super easy to kill if you use the right type. Whats the point?
Why do people play this video game? It's like you just have to figure out what to do to win and then do that to win, what's the point?

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Never counted to three before, thanks guys.

You mentioned wanting to be top 20 or some shit when we last talked. Thought that was an actual goal and not just yours. That's what I get for looking at rank instead of the times/place.
Nah I don't care where I place as long as I'm first. I want that statue dawg.

usedpizza's is a mega man speed runner so this should be interesting next week =O

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No doubt. I misunderstood that competition. Thought you just had to be in the top-however many and not first. Third is still fucking great, man.

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No doubt. I misunderstood that competition. Thought you just had to be in the top-however many and not first. Third is still fucking great, man.
Yeah its cool I have another 7 chances I'm just too lazy to input my free plus card although I read you can't use one month plus codes on the same account more then once so if I can't do that thats already 4 entries out for me.

No doubt. I misunderstood that competition. Thought you just had to be in the top-however many and not first. Third is still fucking great, man.
You beat wind waker yet?

I'm on the 4th dungeon on LoZ. Game is great.

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Yeah, I beat it the the Tuesday after it dropped. Ended up blowing through it way quicker than I intended, but I got super into it. The changes they made are really good.

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gunm dawg doesn't even like for us to talk comics he just hates nice things

It rained pretty hard and its pretty cold outside today dawg. I'm liking this weather if only it could stay like this all year its still fucking 85 in fall

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How do people enjoy this pokemon shit? Its like everything is super easy to kill if you use the right type. Whats the point?

Oh my pokemon did a little shimmy and did a fire attack against a grass type and now its dead. repeat 500x
If you get into the collecting/dueling other people/trading then there will be a lot more and just using the "right type" won't matter if you don't have them set up right :p

That said, you don't haaaave to use the right type if it makes it 2 easy for ya, just make sure you use all the wrong types instead ;D

Also, y u no put friend code out :(

If you get into the collecting/dueling other people/trading then there will be a lot more and just using the "right type" won't matter if you don't have them set up right :p

That said, you don't haaaave to use the right type if it makes it 2 easy for ya, just make sure you use all the wrong types instead ;D

Also, y u no put friend code out :(
I don't know it off hand I'll look for it later

nice my copy of mega man x4 on sega saturn came in pristine condition for only $40

I'm a happy boy :>

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I was trying to make a dog licking my peanut butter covered dick joke god mociwe stop ruining everything

what does mociwe even mean

He's also the voice of smaug.

Which looks great btw some people complaining about there being a made up female role in it I say fuck em.

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That should have came with a picture of Leda. or Melodie.

Or both. Scissoring. 

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It doesn't matter, probably. It looks like the Ultimate Universe is probably gone after Cataclysm. Besides Ultimate Spidey, sales for other Ultimate books have been very low.

bread's done