GGT 314 Welcomes Chewie Back to the Crew

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Ended up ordering Trials for pick up even after my rant that I won't be getting it anymore, I just like the user created stuff too much, plus I had enough in reward certificates/gift cards (and my 20% off), that I don't have to pay any cash, so that's a plus.

I'm going to be home alone all day, so I think I'm gonna play more Peacewalker.
Still have to play that one. :l

One day, maybe, Pure Chess will come to realize that Chess is a multiplayer game. I mean, who needs online, right? Whatevs.

Still don't know if I want to get Conception or get Demon's Gaze next week. I plan to game like crazy after finals are done with next week.

Hey Phantom, I may stream that later (maybe use Skype while doing it if anyone wants to talk, and that will let me test out my new mic!) if I do get my copy today and if I do I'll post it in here.

I feel the arc cannon is a powerful support gun but for 1v1 battles its shit.
That's probably my second most used gun behind the rail gun, yeah it's great for infantry/support, but you'll most likely want to stick with another Titan when you are using it to get the best results.

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Played through episode 3 of The Wolf Among Us.

Solid so far, though I like the Walking Dead games more as that setting is more interesting to me.
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Hey Phantom, I may stream that later (maybe use Skype while doing it if anyone wants to talk, and that will let me test out my new mic!) if I do get my copy today and if I do I'll post it in here.

That's probably my second most used gun behind the rail gun, yeah it's great for infantry/support, but you'll most likely want to stick with another Titan when you are using it to get the best results.
I was thinking of making a cheap ass stryder class. Using hard punch/ infinite dash/core accelator and smoke screen and just dash around other mechs as I punch them. I have no problem fighting ogres as a stryder they're so slow although I fuck myself with triple threat because I always step on my own grenades

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spent the weekend back in PA. saw my play and shattered my iphone screen. Trying to find a used smartphone online for a reasonable price is rough and verizon says i cant upgrade till 2015 even though i havent upgraded in 3+ years. oh and i got a story published i will get you guys dat link
Did you shatter your phone screen because of your play?

Still have to play that one. :l

One day, maybe, Pure Chess will come to realize that Chess is a multiplayer game. I mean, who needs online, right? Whatevs.

Still don't know if I want to get Conception or get Demon's Gaze next week. I plan to game like crazy after finals are done with next week.
Only one of those has classmating

Still have to play that one. :l

One day, maybe, Pure Chess will come to realize that Chess is a multiplayer game. I mean, who needs online, right? Whatevs.

Still don't know if I want to get Conception or get Demon's Gaze next week. I plan to game like crazy after finals are done with next week.
You should. It's not as good as other Metal Gear games (or even Portable Ops, IMO), but it's still good. Master Miller continually comes off like an asshole, though.

Also, I really misread that last part as you wondering about whether to get Confection or Demon's Glaze.
When the fuck did I make a account?

Must have been back when I pirated SCII...

Are you playing D3 Reaper of Souls? If so, add me. I probably won't play with you, but it's fun to have a friends list. :p

I only have level 34 Crusader and 40 Wizard. I like playing the 'Sader on Normal levels, but I hear the Torment game sucks because Crusaders are slow, gear-dependent, and have the worst DPS of all the other classes.

I was going to play Act V with the Crusader, but maybe now I will just play it with Wizard. Still not sure yet, but I've got a little more to go before the Crusader finishes the regular game.

Snoop Dogg dlc comin to Cod Ghosts dawg!  

PvZ had a big huge free update today, six shooters and cowboys!!! im gonna play dat wit moey later.

Are you the sequel to that Namco game?

I haven't been playing long, so I only really know Jago. Good frame trap with his f+hk, his seems like a great punisher, his wind kicks are safe, his fireballs build a ton of meter, he can cancel into supers off throws, etc. What's not to like about the guy? Thunder is pretty easy to play, too. His unbreakable damage is insane in comparison to the rest of the cast. Sadira is definitely the most fun to play as. I just get annoyed with the controller because sometimes my DPs don't come out (big surprise) and my QCB motions mess up on the left side (wtf?). Feels like I've had some good tools ripped from me just because of my controller. =( It's like having a phillips head screwdriver taken from you and told you have to turn the screw with pliers. Pretty sure I already have you added, btw.

Going with Qanba this time seems like the better idea. They weren't exactly popular until near the end of the PS3 and 360's lifetime. I would love to plop down a solid $150 for one. Hell, I may even consider $200 if it works with my PS3, 360, Xbone, and PS4.
Yeah playing Fulgore is tough on pad because you have to constantly do QCB+K and it just doesn't roll as easily as it would on stick. Jago is great and has basically all the tools he could need. If you ever see me on just shoot me an invite.

Alan Wake is the best 360 game.
It's one of the better single player ones, that's for sure.

Alan Wake was a great surprise. Easily one of my favorite games from last gen. Still have to play through American Nightmare, though....
Me too. I've heard mixed things.

Even more FREE(!) DLC for PvZ Garden Warfare,

Western themed, 8 new variants, more growable plants (probably zombies), a new map, more accessories, more achievements, level cap increase, buffing/nerfing stuff as well.
Hmm, I might have to try this out. Haven't played it since Titanfall came out.

I feel the arc cannon is a powerful support gun but for 1v1 battles its shit.
It's amazing in Attrition for killing grunts and everything. Really easy to rack up monster scores with it. 1v1 it isn't very good.

Snoop Dogg dlc comin to Cod Ghosts dawg!

PvZ had a big huge free update today, six shooters and cowboys!!! im gonna play dat wit moey later.
Snoop Dogg DLC? WTF? This is the Call of Duty that finally jumped the shark, huh? That series has been teetering on the edge for the past few installments.

What time do you guys think you'll play? I'd probably be down for that.

Hey Phantom, I may stream that later (maybe use Skype while doing it if anyone wants to talk, and that will let me test out my new mic!) if I do get my copy today and if I do I'll post it in here.
Could you not try to steal my thunder?

I meant to play two rounds of Me3 multiplayer. I played like 30. I'm so tired.
Thanks for the invite, champ.

Are you playing D3 Reaper of Souls? If so, add me. I probably won't play with you, but it's fun to have a friends list. :p
Message Received.

I hope you have the PS3 version of Bayonetta. The other one is not so good.
no i bought the nintendo 64 verison, it was between that and the atari 2600 but i felt the atari one had far better graphics

less pixels = more better :whee:

on a serious note I got it on 360

I told everyone to add me and only Crotch did which says a lot about our friendship considering he's Canadian.

Also, dot is upset that you won't add him or something.
You haven't even posted your Bnet ID, gosh.

dot never sent the request, I think. I have to check.

Tables are wrestleman kryptonite.


Didn't you pay attention to Nintendo Direct, Mac? You're no good in the air!


There are no excuses for you though, Knuckles.


God Dammit, Knuckles.

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