Girl gets pwned on Indian show...brawl ensues

Anyone who believes she didn't deserve to get hit back is a tool. Women can cry about how they aren't treated equally all they want, but in a situation like this they are allowed to pull the gender card? fuck that.

"I was raised not to act like that towards women". Congratulations on furthering gender bias instead of moving towards true equality. Being raised that way is no excuse to act and talk like a fool.

I hate all these guys (Such as those in the video) that will go rush in to beat up a man who DEFENDED himself, instead of looking at what happened. She hit him, and got hit back. She deserved everything she got (And more, for provoking him and starting the fight in the first place). Hats off to this dude.

P.S.: What's.... With.... All..... This.... Ellipse.... Crap.....? You know, ellipses should be used sparingly. One period (or comma) is more than enough in 99% of the cases.
if i was that dude i woulda slap her too...she didnt know him and he didnt know she gonna slap him like that and not expect to get slap back....lucky she didnt get her teeth knocked out...she would have been eating thru a straw for was funny how he slapped her back tho..she thought she was not gonna get slapped back...
[quote name='aeauvian']Anyone who believes she didn't deserve to get hit back is a tool. Women can cry about how they aren't treated equally all they want, but in a situation like this they are allowed to pull the gender card? fuck that.

"I was raised not to act like that towards women". Congratulations on furthering gender bias instead of moving towards true equality. Being raised that way is no excuse to act and talk like a fool.

I hate all these guys (Such as those in the video) that will go rush in to beat up a man who DEFENDED himself, instead of looking at what happened. She hit him, and got hit back. She deserved everything she got (And more, for provoking him and starting the fight in the first place). Hats off to this dude.

P.S.: What's.... With.... All..... This.... Ellipse.... Crap.....? You know, ellipses should be used sparingly. One period (or comma) is more than enough in 99% of the cases.[/quote]

I know you directed the post towards me.

let me clear this up.


But... doesn't mean that the guy needs to stoop to her level... for what? just to cause pain?

here are some more...


Let me turn this into something else.

Would you jump off a bridge because your friend did? Would you smack and shake a baby because it's crying? Would you smack a kid in the store bawling it's face off and all you want it to do is shut up?

Why does physical violence be an answer to anything when itself doesn't prove anything?!

Just because the girl slap does not make it "ok" that a guy "needs" to back.

I'd say the same thing for any person or gender.

It seems that everyone says she deserves it would do it themselves... makes me think you're less of a person to do so because violence doesn't solve anything.

I've seen enough myself, expereinced myself that it solved nothing.

Whatever happend to taking the "high road" anymore?

I'm not saying she doesn't deserve something, just not a slap back, that won't teach her shit.
[quote name='xycury']Let me turn this into something else.

Would you jump off a bridge because your friend did? Would you smack and shake a baby because it's crying? Would you smack a kid in the store bawling it's face off and all you want it to do is shut up?[/QUOTE]

These are all strawmen arguments. For one thing, the difference between what occurred in the OP and your theoretical scenarios is that your scenarios are all unprovoked actions. No aggressive moves were made against me in each of your scenarios. Now, in the situation given here, the girl deserved the slap because she provoked it w/ an aggressive action that goes beyond the scope of civility.
Why does physical violence be an answer to anything when itself doesn't prove anything?!

It does actually. It might not affect this guy in particular but you can bet the girl will learn in future encounters that if you get in someone's face, you better be prepared for the consequences, be it violent or otherwise.
Just because the girl slap does not make it "ok" that a guy "needs" to back.

I'd say the same thing for any person or gender.

By your own admission, you've been in fights so you should at least understand that's partly bullshit. If a person of the same gender as you came up and slapped you, I don't doubt you'd slap that person back at the very least unless you've lost every single fight you've been in.

It seems that everyone says she deserves it would do it themselves... makes me think you're less of a person to do so because violence doesn't solve anything.

I've seen enough myself, expereinced myself that it solved nothing.

Whatever happend to taking the "high road" anymore?

I'm not saying she doesn't deserve something, just not a slap back, that won't teach her shit.

[quote name='myself']It does actually. It might not affect this guy in particular but you can bet the girl will learn in future encounters that if you get in someone's face, you better be prepared for the consequences, be it violent or otherwise.[/QUOTE]

The high road is nice but if you've got a bully, all that teaches them is that you're easy pickings and will continue to bully you. In this particular scenario, taking the high road didn't work since the guy initially said that both guys didn't want to talk to her and that got him a "FCUK OFF" and a slap to the face. Aggression is a tool of last resort. The guy gave her a chance to back off via discussion. She escalated so it's not out of reason that he slapped her back. Truthfully, I think he let her off easy since he could've easily closed that palm into a fist instead.
[quote name='jaykrue']These are all strawmen arguments. For one thing, the difference between what occurred in the OP and your theoretical scenarios is that your scenarios are all unprovoked actions. No aggressive moves were made against me in each of your scenarios. Now, in the situation given here, the girl deserved the slap because she provoked it w/ an aggressive action that goes beyond the scope of civility.

It does actually. It might not affect this guy in particular but you can bet the girl will learn in future encounters that if you get in someone's face, you better be prepared for the consequences, be it violent or otherwise.

By your own admission, you've been in fights so you should at least understand that's partly bullshit. If a person of the same gender as you came up and slapped you, I don't doubt you'd slap that person back at the very least unless you've lost every single fight you've been in.

The high road is nice but if you've got a bully, all that teaches them is that you're easy pickings and will continue to bully you. In this particular scenario, taking the high road didn't work since the guy initially said that both guys didn't want to talk to her and that got him a "FCUK OFF" and a slap to the face. Aggression is a tool of last resort. The guy gave her a chance to back off via discussion. She escalated so it's not out of reason that he slapped her back. Truthfully, I think he let her off easy since he could've easily closed that palm into a fist instead.[/quote]

Give this guy a medal please. :applause: So much sense pouring out of this post its unreal.
[quote name='jaykrue']These are all strawmen arguments. For one thing, the difference between what occurred in the OP and your theoretical scenarios is that your scenarios are all unprovoked actions. No aggressive moves were made against me in each of your scenarios. Now, in the situation given here, the girl deserved the slap because she provoked it w/ an aggressive action that goes beyond the scope of civility.

It does actually. It might not affect this guy in particular but you can bet the girl will learn in future encounters that if you get in someone's face, you better be prepared for the consequences, be it violent or otherwise.

By your own admission, you've been in fights so you should at least understand that's partly bullshit. If a person of the same gender as you came up and slapped you, I don't doubt you'd slap that person back at the very least unless you've lost every single fight you've been in.

The high road is nice but if you've got a bully, all that teaches them is that you're easy pickings and will continue to bully you. In this particular scenario, taking the high road didn't work since the guy initially said that both guys didn't want to talk to her and that got him a "FCUK OFF" and a slap to the face. Aggression is a tool of last resort. The guy gave her a chance to back off via discussion. She escalated so it's not out of reason that he slapped her back. Truthfully, I think he let her off easy since he could've easily closed that palm into a fist instead.[/quote]

fighting leads to more fighting.

I don't know why people need to think that this girl was totally all over this guy... thank god he hit her, because damn... he was going to seriously die /sarcasm

it's a single slap.

I think you hit the point on at least a wake-up call, but you'd have to know if she really is a slapper or not. If she slaps alot, maybe not learning anything, but if this is her first time, maybe.

I haven't really been in a fist fight before (i've talked myself out of them), but I've been on both sides, and definately had a belt/fist/foot as a child many times before.

I think in same gender, i'd partly do a push in your example, but I don't think I'd go into fisticuffs off the bat. I have a bit more control, and really what does that tell the other person? to start swinging some more.

Seriously either fighting just needs to stop, either by the first account, or the last account, but the circle will continue.

Did you see the guys going after the guy in the video? Obviously he could have thought for a second before slapping.. and save himself.

there are laws to prevent this, when they are broken, punishment will be served, but fighting back to just fight won't get anywhere. Just makes a point to get back at the other one.

I'm not against Justice, just sensless violence. I think any person throwing their fists/hands at another is just less of a human being and more of an animal.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Give this guy a medal please. :applause: So much sense pouring out of this post its unreal.[/quote]

Medal for what? quickly causing pain to another?

Where's the reason to being civil, respect, honor, compasion, sense in that.

If every person decided to immediately retaliate what initally happend to him/her, we'd all be dead by now.

Cripes even Mahatma Gandhi helped in the independance of India from which this show is coming from. It's not Irony is it? Maybe Hypocrisy?
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If someone is yelling at me like that and then slaps me, I'm pretty sure I would do something other than slap them back, regardless of gender.
[quote name='anubis20']She stopped acting all hard and didn't have shit to say when she got slapped LOL, she was talking all that BS before[/quote]

This. Apparently, she was shocked that he slapped her back and that straightened her ass right up. True, ethically guys should not hit/retaliate on women but as evidenced by the video, this stopped her dead in her tracks which basically is the point.

If the guy doesn't run out of the crowd, it's over. Plain and simple. She went over the top, got embarassed, and would have probably just walked off stage. Then is it that big of an issue?
You ladies want equality? There you have it.

I might not slap a girl if she took a swing at me, but I'd sure as shit headbutt her.
[quote name='xycury']fighting leads to more fighting.[/QUOTE]

Sure. I don't disagree w/ that statement. However, I did say that fighting is a weapon of last resort and if all other alternatives are exhausted, then sometimes violence is sadly the answer. It's not the civil answer. It's not the nice answer. It's not the ideal answer. However, it's a 'human' answer. Sorry, the world isn't all about civility or idealism towards your fellow human. If it were a truly universal concept, we wouldn't have the Russia/Georgia situation or even the Iraq occupation or Serbian ethnic cleansing or the Spanish Inquisition or Vietnam or Somalia or the Congo or South Africa or Nagasaki or Hiroshima or Stalin's secret police or yes, even the Nazi extermination squads of a lotta Jews. In each of those situations you have humans acting fatally violent towards others. Hell, I'd say virtually every nation on the planet was founded on violence because you'd have someone who wanted the resources the other had and decided to take it regardless of whether it was a better idea than talking.
I don't know why people need to think that this girl was totally all over this guy... thank god he hit her, because damn... he was going to seriously die /sarcasm

Now you're taking it out of context (even w/ the sarcasm). The fact is, the girl was totally all over this guy. The slap she threw was the culmination of her aggressive behavior. You don't slap a person and not expect a retaliation of sorts, be it verbal or physical or legal. Plus, considering that the show is about people who were supposedly previously bullied as children having a chance to 'withstand a bully', the slap he threw was also the culmination of his behavior & past experiences. If not this particular guy, it would have been inevitably been someone like him. The show just lends itself to this kind of 'controversy'.
I think you hit the point on at least a wake-up call, but you'd have to know if she really is a slapper or not. If she slaps alot, maybe not learning anything, but if this is her first time, maybe.

By her reaction to the slap, she knew she went too far since she was so shocked that someone had the gall to hit her and not just hit her, hit her on tv.
I haven't really been in a fist fight before (i've talked myself out of them), but I've been on both sides, and definately had a belt/fist/foot as a child many times before.

How can you say you've never been in a fist fight but claim you've been on both ends? Either you have or you have not. If you threw a fist at someone, you were in a fist fight. If someone threw a fist at your face, congrats, you were in a fist fight. If it was your mom or dad who hit you in the face as a child, congrats, that's still a fist fight (even if it's completely one-sided). Fights don't necessarily have to be fair. The only prerequisites to a fist fight are two (or more) people who are antagonists to each other and the throwing of fists (in one or both directions).

I think in same gender, i'd partly do a push in your example, but I don't think I'd go into fisticuffs off the bat. I have a bit more control, and really what does that tell the other person? to start swinging some more.

What? And you don't think a push is not going to provoke a person even more who has already slapped you w/o provocation? If someone slapped you for no reason, he's out to fight so the only real way you're gonna get that person to back down is either appear strong enough to stop him from fighting you or have an army that's got your back.

I've gotten into many bar fights but I've never started any. It's always some drunk asshole who either didn't like me accidentally bumping into him or talking to a girl he likes but is not actually the bf of.:roll: And in about half of those instances, my apology for bumping into him or talking to 'his girl' didn't cut it so what can I do? Curl into a ball where I'm an easier target to kick on the ground or make him pay for every drop of blood he spills a thousandfold? Sorry, my actual experience in fights says fight back.
Seriously either fighting just needs to stop, either by the first account, or the last account, but the circle will continue.

What does that mean? That just because a person stops by 'turning the other cheek' that the aggressor is going to magically stop by 'seeing the light and the error of his ways'? Unlikely. Sorry, life isn't a Full House episode that can be solved in half an hour. Sometimes it just means you gotta fight back.
Did you see the guys going after the guy in the video? Obviously he could have thought for a second before slapping.. and save himself.

there are laws to prevent this, when they are broken, punishment will be served, but fighting back to just fight won't get anywhere. Just makes a point to get back at the other one.

You're still thinking that fighting has to have a certain logic. People are irrational & emotional creatures. Just because there's a law saying someone shouldn't do something doesn't mean they won't do it anyway. Look at prostitution, drugs, underage sex, jaywalking, etc.
I'm not against Justice, just sensless violence. I think any person throwing their fists/hands at another is just less of a human being and more of an animal.

So are you implying that were someone being senselessly violent towards a beloved member of your family/friends and the authorities weren't able to get there in time, you wouldn't intervene if it meant a violent reaction? I don't know where you're from but I don't know anyone that wouldn't jump in, punches & kicks thrown, to save their loved ones.
Medal for what? quickly causing pain to another?
Where did I cause pain? Did you see anywhere in my previous post that I physically hurt someone? Emotionally hurt someone? In this post, I mentioned that I've been in bar fights but that was only used as a weapon of last resort where attempts at civility were attempted but rebuffed.
Where's the reason to being civil, respect, honor, compasion, sense in that.

If every person decided to immediately retaliate what initally happend to him/her, we'd all be dead by now.

You're still thinking that fighting has to have a certain logic. People are irrational & emotional creatures.

Yet, despite this, humanity still exists. Also, the argument could be made that if every person decided to immediately capitulate every time someone bullied them, we'd still be British citizens living in non-representative colonial rule.

Cripes even Mahatma Gandhi helped in the independance of India from which this show is coming from. It's not Irony is it? Maybe Hypocrisy?

Irrelevant. Even if Ghandi fought for India's independence, he doesn't represent all Indian people nor are all Indians required to emulate him.
I think that girl got fired anyway. I went to the website and they have some new girl playing her part.

Indian colleges are pretty bad though. They have a lot of hazing and stuff.
[quote name='jaykrue']Damn good points[/quote]


Jak you have a lot of patience and that is one of my weakness I have very little.

See the one thing you can not lie about, can not fake, is if someone has actually been in a real fight. Yeah anyone can talk tough but you can always tell who has been in a fight.

I knew from this guys first post he had never been in a real fight. And when I say a real fight I am talking about a fight with a guy who could really cares less if you get home safe tonight. Not some pussy push and shove match.

And the fact that he somehow links violence to intelligence proves that he is has nothing to do with either. From what I gather he assume only stupid people use violence but as Jak pointed out and what we all know to be true some of the greatest minds in history not only were violent but choose it voluntarily.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I knew from this guys first post he had never been in a real fight. And when I say a real fight I am talking about a fight with a guy who could really cares less if you get home safe tonight. Not some pussy push and shove match.[/quote]

Good observation.
That chick was a straight up bitch who needed to be knocked down a level or two.

:rofl: how can she slap?! = best line ever.
Dude was justified in smacking the host. He did nothing to provoke the slap and she nailed him out of the blue. He fucked up in the tussle that happened after and crowned himself as the subcontinent's biggest pussy.

First off, his buddy shouldn't have bailed on him immediately. That's some fairy shit. Second, the other host had no right jumping in to 'defend the girl's honor.' Separate the pair? Sure. Yell at the slapper? Sure. Start another fight? No.

The slapper shouldn't have started belting out 'how can she slap!??!' as he fell to the ground and started getting beat on by the other crew members. He should have fought back even though he knew he was going to get his ass beat. Homegirl put him in a baaaaad spot no matter how you look at it but he dropped the ball after he hit her back.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Dude was justified in smacking the host. He did nothing to provoke the slap and she nailed him out of the blue. He fucked up in the tussle that happened after and crowned himself as the subcontinent's biggest pussy.

First off, his buddy shouldn't have bailed on him immediately. That's some fairy shit. Second, the other host had no right jumping in to 'defend the girl's honor.' Separate the pair? Sure. Yell at the slapper? Sure. Start another fight? No.

The slapper shouldn't have started belting out 'how can she slap!??!' as he fell to the ground and started getting beat on by the other crew members. He should have fought back even though he knew he was going to get his ass beat. Homegirl put him in a baaaaad spot no matter how you look at it but he dropped the ball after he hit her back.[/quote]

I almost agree with you. I'm just of the opinion the best move he could have made would have been to respond with a jest instead of hiting back - she wasn't a behemoth and he could have contained her had there been any followup. After he slapped back though - you pretty much chart it out correctly IMO.

It's pretty obvious that the big boy in the back was itching for a fight, I think it's pretty telling how he gives the guy a "test push" to see if any security is going to come in and break it up, and then starts wailing on the dude when he realizes it's wild west time.

The show was honest about one thing - the hosts are true thugs and bullies.
[quote name='camoor']I almost agree with you. I'm just of the opinion the best move he could have made would have been to respond with a jest instead of hiting back - she wasn't a behemoth and he could have contained her had there been any followup. After he slapped back though - you pretty much chart it out correctly IMO.[/quote]

Clearly this would have been the correct response, but had this happened then Slappy and the video would have faded into obscurity and we wouldn't have the chance to mock him endlessly on the internet.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Clearly this would have been the correct response, but had this happened then Slappy and the video would have faded into obscurity and we wouldn't have the chance to mock him endlessly on the internet.[/quote]

LOL Slappy :lol:
[quote name='shieryda']Wouldn't you know it? I wait until today to watch the videos, and they've been removed.:bomb:[/quote]

Nah, just youtube maintenance right in the middle of their primetime. I swear, youtube must have developed their maintenance schedule based on Virginia's transportaion dept - let's upgrade right in the middle of rushhour, that will make the users really appreciate us!
Just out of curiosity, how many Indian people are on here?

I am Indian, and I have always been told not to hit our women or otherwise you would get rocks thrown at you.

I guess that guy got rocks thrown at him by the equivalent of a mob.
[quote name='Phorty Ounce']Just out of curiosity, how many Indian people are on here?

I am Indian, and I have always been told not to hit our women or otherwise you would get rocks thrown at you.

I guess that guy got rocks thrown at him by the equivalent of a mob.[/quote]

You had to be told not to hit women? :lol:
[quote name='becuzimbrown']You had to be told not to hit women? :lol:[/quote]

Well this was at a very young age, where I couldn't do much physical damage.
bread's done