Give 3 used games for 2 Greatest Hits, PC, or PH games at EB B&M


3 (100%)
I tried to see if this wrinkle on the regular 2 for $30 deal has been mentioned, but in the circular on page 5, it says that you can trade in 3 games for 2 Greatest Hits, Platinum Hits or Player's Choce games that are regularly are $19.99 and not Manufactured by Sony...This would be an awesome deal for those crappy CC games I got but hate(Spy Hunter 2, Robin Hood, and Roadkill)...I know they have a list of games they will not accept but I don't think this is a YMMV deal, unless they have circulars based on Regions(I'm In California)...
Wow, any games restricted? Also, can anyone else confirm this in your area? (I am nowhere near California.)
I'm going there today so I would like to know if this deal is in store. Do you need a coupon?
Is this in store? And do you need a coupon? And is it really trade 3 get 2 free?
Just called my EB B&M, and the guy confirmed the deal. Trade in 3 used to get 2 GH, PH, or PC. I don't know if they are new or used, but I'm guessing new. Also, I think there is a list of games you have to choose from, but I am not sure. Either way, I'll be going there later today.
It's going on in NJ. It's on page four of the advertisement. or you can use the store locator on their website and call your local store.
Well I just tried in Lakewood, Ca and it was a no go. The guy said it wouldn't go through, I had 3 games that were eligible(Bombastic, Activision Anthology, Star Wars Obi Wan) but they wouldn't do it. He kept saying that I could it free with trade in, but I had to trade in more than 3, or it was 2 for $30. I just called Cerritos and they said they will do it I haven't headed out there yet though. Also another thing, Star Wars KOTOR is pictured in the ad, but none of the EB's near me have this game. Pretty much the only game I'm looking for.
This looks like a great deal, I'm looking to trade in ESPN NBA & College Hoops, and I 'll probably throw in Tiger Woods 2002 and get 2 new GH/PC.
Does anyone know if they have to be gamecube games that your trading in. I got a bunch of PS2 titles i could unload. And is there a limit.
What are some really good players choice gamecube games.

Any site that lists all PH GH and PC so maybe we can know what we are going for before we get to EB
is mario sunshine and super smash bros meelee included?

In other words select PC GH and PH or any they might have in stock
[quote name='cag1000']What are some really good players choice gamecube games.

Any site that lists all PH GH and PC so maybe we can know what we are going for before we get to EB[/quote]

Check the top of the Gamecube discussion thread.
i went in there today, and they made me pick from a selected list of games, which i didn't want any of them, so i said forget it. went to ebgames and got 3 for the price of 2. megaman anniversary collection, wild arms, and jak and daxter.
[quote name='Trakan']i went in there today, and they made me pick from a selected list of games, which i didn't want any of them, so i said forget it. went to ebgames and got 3 for the price of 2. megaman anniversary collection, wild arms, and jak and daxter.[/quote]

What was on the list?
I just found out that an EB was built at the Strip about 7.5 miles from my house, it's a hell of a lot closer than the one that's 26 miles away in New Philly. :D
Well, just got back, and it does work, you have to give them three games that are NOT on the list on page 1 of this thread of exclusions and they give you two Greatest hits for PS2, GC, or XBOX, now, here is the kicker, they let me take any TWO games at $19.99, so for Road Killx2, Spy Hunter 2, Bombastic, Kya, Max Payne 2,I scored Prince of Persia(PS2), THUG(XBOX), Knights of the Old Republic, and Ratchet and Clank...They said anygame at 19.99 is a Greatest hit game or a Clearance game....The THUG and the Prince of Persia was YMMV because I tried it at a second store to get Price of Persia for XBox and Soul Calibur 2 for Xbox, and they said PoP was a No-Go, but it does work...the three games are automatically bumped up to $30.00 as long as one game bought is a Greatest Hit, but if the second is not a greatest hit is not, the two Greatest Hit games wring up $19.99 instead of $14.99. the first store just manually changed the price to $14.99, but even if you get two at $19.99. it's still a good deal where they give you $30.00 for three unwanted games....
Anyone having problems with this deal? I called EB and the guy on the phone told me that the credit of the games would be used towards any of the games. For example, if the 3 games I trade it are worth $25, then I'd still have to pay $5 to buy the two games. I really want to get the Warcrat 3 gift set and expansion for the PC.
My goodness, I called another EB, the girl said that if I trade in 3 games I get 1 for free? Could someone explain this to me? I'm really confused now.
It is on the 2nd page of the instore flyer, in small fine print under the huge header "2 for $30" promtions deal. The EB gal I talked to was clueless concerning this deal, and had trouble entering it into the system. After a few calls to the "higher ups" did she finally overrided the system pricing and sent me on my way. Yeesh!
Looks clear enough to me:
Trade in any 3 non-sport, non-exluded current-gen games, get 2 in-stock PH, PC, non-Sony GH regularly priced 19.99. Looks like there's also a promo where those same games are 2 for 30, so you're gettign 10 bucks credit on each of your trade-ins. I've got some losers that I'd gladly let go for that much. Not sure what to look at getting, though; have to check out review on Namco Museum, Finding Nemo, Spider Man, Spongebob. I wish Activision Anthology were a GH, I'm more interested in that one than Namco.
Thanks for the scan.
Trust me you'd think this was easy to understand but 2 of the 3 EBgames I went to didn't understand the deal. They kept telling me you either get 1 game for the trade ins or you get the credit from the games toward the trade in. It's pretty poorly arranged promotion, with the stores not being aware of it.
Well, I'm not doing this deal now that non sports games aren't accepted. All three games, I was gonna trade in were sports. Oh well, I just trade them in to get a PO game for $4.99 minus credit.
I traded in Maximo, DMC2, and Clock Tower 3 for Soul Calibur II and F-Zero GX. That wasn't too shabby, and I'm glad to finally have SCII on Xbox. :)
BTW, some sports games do work -- so long as they're not on the POX list. For instance, I traded in MVP Baseball 03. They were also willing to take Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer.

So point is not all sports games are exluded. In fact, with the exception of Madden, most sports games are in fact part of this deal.
I did this deal yesterday. Always a pain seeing which of my games they will accept (I'd try them even if they are on that list from the website, you never know.)

This is all Xbox

They wouldn't let me use Outlaw Volleyball (sports title), Metal Gear Solid 2, Genma Onimusha, Quantum Redshift. GM and QR are on the site's list, MGS2 is not...

I was able to use Spy Hunter 2, Tony Hawk 4, and Vexx. Not a slam dunk of a deal but I was satisfied. I paid $25 for those games and figure I could have gotten something over $20 for them on Ebay (maybe).

I got Finding Nemo (gf's been wanting this for a while :lol: ) and Soul Caliber II. Guy actually gave me a non-PH SC2 as well. I'm fairly certain I could have chosen any Platinum Hit game I wanted (although these two do happen to be on the flyer)

And my guy was unfamiliar with this deal, had to read all the small print and even had to go back and confer with every worker in the place. So if you don't have a flyer it might be difficult to do this. (I got my flyer from the same store last week, not sure if they still have them out or not.)
[quote name='romeogbs19']BTW, some sports games do work -- so long as they're not on the POX list. For instance, I traded in MVP Baseball 03. They were also willing to take Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer.

So point is not all sports games are exluded. In fact, with the exception of Madden, most sports games are in fact part of this deal.[/quote]

My guy wouldn't let me use Outlaw Volleyball. Said it would work for other deals but since this one says no sports titles he couldn't take it for this one. Damn brainiacs at my EBX...z

Although I asked him if I could use 2 or 3 of the same game (in theory) for this deal and he said, sure. (YMMV on that I'd imagine)
The selection was very poor at my eb, and they only gave $30 credit and wanted an extra $10 cash from me.

I went over to gamestop instead and got $30 credit and a halo pre-order. They will give you an extra %30 trade in for 3 or more games.
[quote name='Medium_Pimpin']The selection was very poor at my eb, and they only gave $30 credit and wanted an extra $10 cash from me.

I went over to gamestop instead and got $30 credit and a halo pre-order. They will give you an extra %30 trade in for 3 or more games.[/quote]

Well that's pretty crappy of EB. Did you have a flyer on hand as it says very clearly that you trade in 3 games and get any 2 of the PH, GH, or PC games reg. priced $19.99 for free, or you can buy them 2 for $30. (also notes that some exclusions apply and no sports titles, which lets them deny any particular game they want...)

Flyer says this deal runs through this week (until 8/15 maybe? I don't have it on me) Is it pretty typical that the EB employees don't know what promotions are currently running?
Just got back from EB. They had a stack of flyers on the counter, just as someone posted previously in this thread. Good through 8/14 I believe. I would have shown them the ad and said I want to do this deal.
Anyway, I didn't do the deal because they only had like 30 PS2 GH, and none of them I was really interested in.
There was also a sticky shelf thing saying 2 for 30 on the shelf itself.
I traded in MK: Deadly Alliance, Brute Force, and Burnout 2. They almost didn't take Burnout 2, but eventually they accepted it. Got Dead or Alive 3 and Ghost Recon.
My Ebgames was pretty cool in contrast to what I've been reading from you guys. Aside from sports games, there were no restrictions. Unfortunately, they didn't have DOA 3 or Mechassault which I wanted but I was still able to unload Robotech: Battlecry, Eternal Ring, and Tekken Tag for Soul Calibur II and Morrowind: GOTY edition (I had to chip in another $5 for the GOTY version). The cashier was genuinely happy for me for getting such a great deal. If I can think of any PS2 greatest hits I'd want, I may try to unload some more circuit city chaff later in the week.
bread's done