[quote name='Collectordragon']You should have had an option for people who know what their vision is and may even have glasses or contacts but never wear them. I wear my glasses all the time but have known plenty of people with lousy vision who never wore theirs. I've heard that about 50% of the population has poor vision and it doesn't seem like any where near that number wear glasses or contacts or get their eyes corrected so there must be tons of people running and driving around with poor vision. Disturbing when you think about it.[/QUOTE]What I meant by my poll was, some people have glasses and wear them all the time, or some people have them but never wear them. That counts as having glasses, because a doctor prescribed them to that person.
My last option, was intended for those who probably don't have perfect vision, or aren't 100% sure what their vision is. For the most part, those who have not seen an eye doctor and never got glasses prescribed to them.
I doubt there are many drivers out there who don't wear glasses/contacts who have worse than 20/40 vision (unless they cheated and wore glasses on the exam at the DMV, but took them off on their picture and not wearing them while driving). If people don't meet the requirement, they will have a restriction on their license. I barely got by the test on my left eye.
I'm one of those people who probably doesn't have perfect vision (I can tell because a lot of stuff looks blurry to me, especially through my left eye. My right eye, seems okay, but it might be slightly off 20/20). I always thought my vision was perfect until I could see crap on an eye chart at the doctor's office four years ago, and my eyes seem to be getting worse since then. However, I'm not 100% sure or convinced I need glasses, which is why I won't get them checked (Eye Exams are expensive). I need to spend my money on more video games, lol.

It's not just a matter of the eye exam, but glasses aren't exactly cheap either (I believe at least $200). And if I need them, not sure I can pay that amount currently, especially if it was mostly fixing one eye. But, if I had two really bad eyes (basically being blind without glasses), then I'd have no choice, but I'm not blind yet.