Go buy Breakdown!!!!!!!


5 (100%)
I just finished Breakdown. Gameplay-wise, it's barely good enough for the 10-15 hours it takes for a play-through. I played through it at the normal level, and it was often frustrating (should've read the movelist faq earlier than 5 minutes ago).

However, I can't remember the last game I played with such a good story, and I've NEVER played a game where I felt more immersed in the experience. The story draws on multiple sci-fi cliches, but it does so with aplomb, including the way everything ties together in the end. Also, the story starts out strong, and it only gets better. And better. And better. And better. I even liked the credit sequence and the song they chose to license to play over it.

If any of you enjoy a good sci-fi story and haven't played this wondrous masterpiece of storytelling, you owe it to yourself to buy this for less than $10, set it on easy, and play through it.

I will now bump this continuously for weeks on end until people start telling me they're cleaning out their local toysruses of this 50% green tagged game and playing through them.

Damn, the game was good.
Yes it is am awsome game too bad i bought it right before the price drop, but traded it to blockbuster for 30 so i actually got it for 20.
Man i spent 50 bucks for this game, was i ever happy for it. This is one game where im happy namco got the 45 bucks of profit from my sale.

The game has some sick kick butt combos.

In the begining when your powerless, you certainly get a good sinking feeling when your running for your life, but the stronger you get throughout the game, certainly the cooler it feels to stand up to what once ran from me.

I did enjoy the story alot, a real lot. The musical score was electric and every single score in Project Breakdown had awesome timing.
[quote name='Over easy']I have it siiting in the CC $10 sale pile in my room.[/QUOTE]

I have it sitting in the BB $5 sale pile in my room. :D
I played it but I cant play it for to long cause then I get motion sickness either than that the game is very imersive .
It's very hard, if it was easier I would have put more time into it. I'll go back to it whenever I know I won't break a television.
I liked the credit song a lot myself!

I found the game to be really really tough. I got to a point fairly soon (where you have to fight two of the beefed up baddies bare-handed in a flaming building) and had to restart on Easy difficulty.
[quote name='mmn']Enough already about this overrated, worthless game. Its about on the level of Aquaman or Bad Boys.[/QUOTE]

Don't get pissed because you got stuck.

I was about to make this exact same topic. I'm at the end boss. This game has sucked me in like no other single player experience. The gameplay is unique, the game itself is insanely challenging.. it's just a complete blast to play, i've loved every second of it. I was stuck at first trying to figure out how to kill T'Lan soldiers, then I realized that you have to run.. so run I did.. got the upgrades, and kicked the crap out of them. This game is one of the best values ever for under $10.. i'm playing on easy and I STILL get the crap kicked out of me.

I found the game to be really really tough. I got to a point fairly soon (where you have to fight two of the beefed up baddies bare-handed in a flaming building) and had to restart on Easy difficulty.

If you think two was bad, wait until you get near the end.
[quote name='jam3582']I played it but I cant play it for to long cause then I get motion sickness either than that the game is very imersive .[/QUOTE]

I too get a little motion sick while playing.

I'm probably 80% through the game and I have been enjoying the story and it's wild twists. There's been at least 2 times now that I thought I was done witht the game and it keeps on going.

I do have complaints though; the constant "pickup up something, look at it, then add it to your inventory" is very annoying; the pausing (character stands there for a second) after a combo becomes troublesome in a big battle - often getting you punched in the back of the head; you can basically take most enemies out by a "home slide > upper cut" combo (or at least hurt them pretty badly) and then finish them off - so having to know all the moves isn't all that nessasary. And last but not least...the save system is a bit decieving: you can "save" anywhere but you're only saving the last checkpoint you made...forcing you to go through some rough patches to get you back up to where you left off.

Over all...good game and fun time for under $10.
[quote name='wubb']I liked the credit song a lot myself!

I found the game to be really really tough. I got to a point fairly soon (where you have to fight two of the beefed up baddies bare-handed in a flaming building) and had to restart on Easy difficulty.[/QUOTE]

You gotta block and keep them separated! It's the only way. That part sucked when you're new to the new powers you've aquired.

Just do a "home slide > uppercut" and you should be able to knock those baddies out.
I do have complaints though; the constant "pickup up something, look at it, then add it to your inventory" is very annoying; the pausing (character stands there for a second) after a combo becomes troublesome in a big battle - often getting you punched in the back of the head; you can basically take most enemies out by a "home slide > upper cut" combo (or at least hurt them pretty badly) and then finish them off - so having to know all the moves isn't all that nessasary. And last but not least...the save system is a bit decieving: you can "save" anywhere but you're only saving the last checkpoint you made...forcing you to go through some rough patches to get you back up to where you left off.

Those are all of my complaints. A big one is how once you pick up an item, you can't set it down, you either use it or he discards it. The save system isn't a big deal for me.. except near the end.

The combo thing, you're right.. the pausing hurts it, and slide + uppercut is how I actually defeat most of my enemies, though lately i've been doing a slide + elbow (left trigger) then holding right on the left joystick and hitting the left trigger, he repeatedly pounds them in the face.. great for when you get extremely pissed off.
[quote name='Scorch']Those are all of my complaints. A big one is how once you pick up an item, you can't set it down, you either use it or he discards it. The save system isn't a big deal for me.. except near the end.

The combo thing, you're right.. the pausing hurts it, and slide + uppercut is how I actually defeat most of my enemies, though lately i've been doing a slide + elbow (left trigger) then holding right on the left joystick and hitting the left trigger, he repeatedly pounds them in the face.. great for when you get extremely pissed off.[/QUOTE]

I'll try out that move...sound pretty cool...thanks Scorch.
fuck, Breakdown was awesome.

It's been 24 hours since I finished it, and I still have scenes from it replaying in my head- a few boss battles and the end. I'm telling you guys, even if you find it incredibly frustrating, bear through it because the payoff in storytelling and the scripted events are sooooooo fucking good. How good is the story? I've never before experienced the joys of having my words censored by the title of a horrible 16-bit game, but the game's writers deserve a fucking award not for the originality of the story but the innovative use of the medium to create a whole new type of experience.

It sat on my backlog, too, for a long time. I suspect it resides in many people's backlogs, because it's been a part of so many clearances. I still see a few copies around at circuit city and toysrus, $10 at both places. Please buy, play, and FINISH this game. You have to play the game through the end to see how great it is. I beg you all. Pretty please with a candy cherry on top.
Personally, I didn't like it, I found it to be too hard for me. Also it did give me motion sickness ever so slighty, and I haven't had that since my first time playing a FPS waaay back in the day.

It was fairly impressive for a Namco title though, I just suck at hard games.
I loved this game. Everyone always mentions Riddick's first person fighting, but Breakdown is the king of first person fighting.

If a mix of The Matrix (the first one, don't worry) and Donny Darko sounds good to you, then play this game. The story is pretty damn good.
[quote name='Scorch']If you think two was bad, wait until you get near the end.[/QUOTE]

I restarted on Easy and beat the game months and months ago.


You spend a fucking half hour beating Solus and you barely escape alive, then you have to avoid those rocket things, then you have to fight a wave of soldiers, a wave of fatties, a wave of invisible guys, a wave of the ones that shoot lasers, then all of them at once BUT YOU LOSE WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO RUN AWAY FROM A FATTIE AND DEREK WON'T STOP TARGETING HIM EVEN IF THE fuckING AUTOTARGET IS TURNED OFF

Namco has NO excuse to whine about poor sales when it comes to situations like that!
Yeah, you can't switch down to Easy mode without starting over right?

This game and Genma Onimusha are the two Xbox games that come to mind that I had to play on Easy mode. If Ninja Gaiden had an Easy mode I'm pretty sure I would have restarted on it, but since that wasn't an option I did muddle through it on Normal.
Funny seeing this topic, as I just started playing Breakdown the other day myself. On that topic, I had a question or two.

1. About midway through the game my HUD disappered, and my health/psychic power meter is completely gone. Is this a bug, or a scripted event?

2. I'm in the hallucination at the end and with the little health they give you I get raped by the guards. Any advice?
Zach, can you remove the parenthetical comments from your post? You're giving away some key plot points with those comments.

As for your questions, the answer to 1 is that the HUD is gone for good (You have to pause to check health). Makes sense since the HUD is an artifice that no longer applies when you reach that point in the game. You're almost done with the game anyway; you don't need it any more. As for 2, you have to get lucky and hope that the guards aim for Alex instead of you while you shimmy across the pipe. The first two times they got me I thought I would never get across it, but the third time I died the game somehow made the checkpoint at the entry to that particular training area instead of the bed, and I made it through either that time or the next try.

By the way, I really appreciated the HUD disappearing. Little touches like that put this game on my short list for best stories in videogames and perhaps my short list for best games ever.
[quote name='mbstuff']Zach, can you remove the parenthetical comments from your post? You're giving away some key plot points with those comments.

As for your questions, the answer to 1 is that the HUD is gone for good (You have to pause to check health). Makes sense since the HUD is an artifice that no longer applies when you reach that point in the game. You're almost done with the game anyway; you don't need it any more. As for 2, you have to get lucky and hope that the guards aim for Alex instead of you while you shimmy across the pipe. The first two times they got me I thought I would never get across it, but the third time I died the game somehow made the checkpoint at the entry to that particular training area instead of the bed, and I made it through either that time or the next try.

By the way, I really appreciated the HUD disappearing. Little touches like that put this game on my short list for best stories in videogames and perhaps my short list for best games ever.[/QUOTE]

I removed the spoiler-like parts in Zach's post.
Ah Breakdown, one of my favorites for sure. I don't think i've ever played a game that did power ups so well, going from a little scrub taking a beating to a big powerhouse............ who is still taking a beating LOL Story was top notch, don't even remember what I paid for it but whatever it was it was well worth it.
[quote name='CaoPi']I also thought the last boss battle was lame btw.[/QUOTE]

I also thought the last boss battle was weak, but the playable sequence after it made up for the last battle, imo.
I've bought this game 6 different times. I liked it up to what I played, but then I didnt save, and I lost like 2 hrs of gameplay. That pissed me off so I traded it in, then whenever I saw it cheap I'd buy it again, but then if I needed to trade it in for something like the EB stuff or the hastings stuff I'd trade it in again. Maybe one day I'll finish it.
I'll give this game another big endorsement. I bought this game for 10bucks not knowing ANYTHING about it, absolutly zilch, and I'm so glad I did.
But I will agree that the game has a few problems, being really hard for one and with a few annoying gameplay mechanics. But the immersion of the game and the story I feel override any of its flawed.
I mean the first time I took a swing at a boss and he caught my fist and threw me down, I knew it was a game for me.
As for the story I loved it. I won't say what they are since they're kind of spoilers, but I might be a little biased on the story because the 2 basic plot elements are things I'm a big sucker for.

From what I've heard though Escape from Butcher's Bay had a better FPS fighting system, but I never played that, can anyone make an objective comparsion between the 2 fighting systems Breakdown vs. EFBB
My opinion isn't objective, but I liked Breakdown's hand-to-hand system better. The only thing that Riddick has over Breakdown is a countering system, but I found its execution to be too random for me. Breakdown's range of moves is far wider, especially if you find the undocumented combos. I was surprised at the number of moves I never found when I read Breakdown's faq after finishing the game.

When I played Riddick, I kept hoping for the hand-to-hand fighting sections to be over in favor of gun-toting sections. I had a lot more fun while Riddick carried guns. When I played Breakdown, it was the opposite. I hoped for hand-to-hand sections, and for me only the battle against a helicopter stood out among the gun sections. Luckily hand-to-hand was the dominant form of fighting as you move on in Breakdown.
btw, the hud disappearing is a bug.. if you reload a save a few times, it comes back (or so i've heard).. I like it better without the hud.
Really? I thought the HUD disappearing was a consequence of what was going on.

Hope you got past the crazy spawning T'lan, Scorch ;)
I always thought that about the HUD too, but I did notice you could check your health without the hud if you hit pause.

All this Breakdown talk makes me want to play it agian.....but on easy mode this time. Normal was tough and took a while and on hard I can't get past the first 5 enemies.
This game is really good, but yeah, it's a bit too hard for me. Like the part where you have to trap the enemies OUTSIDE of the room while YOU get inside, as easy as it may have been for some people, took me quite a few tries to get that down. But yeah, aside from the difficulty, this game is a definite must play. I'd like to play it longer than an 20-30 minutes per sitting, but it gives me such motion sickness that I pretty gotta take a short nap before I can get back into it.
bread's done