God of War Collection - The Thread

I beat it in just over 3 hours. I actually did not use Hermes dash even. I just rolled around and ran. Army of hades and pos rage whenever you can. Max out pos rage first, and don't put any orbs into anything else until it is maxed. Battles will go fast, and it just isn't bad. I did it on easy.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.I aced the puzzles (since I just beat it, I knew everything).

I also beat the challenge of the titans.

I got a Platinum in both!!
I finished my 2nd time on easy in 4:22 (played on normal the 1st time thru). I used the business suit and maxed everything out. I also forgot most of the puzzles--that's why it took me so long.

So, it really wasn't too hard to make it under 5 hours. I was at 3.5 hours once I got to the top level of Pandora's temple (I got the muse keys and all that stuff too).

I managed to get the 100 combos somehow, but now I need to go back and try for the 200 combos.

But wow, easy mode is really freaking easy. You can kill cyclops' in like 2 hits with the triangle-button attack. Ares was super duper easy too--I did the rage of the gods (whatever L3 + R3 is called) and did the triangle attack a few times and he was dead in like 2 minutes. Killed the clones really easy; then the last part was pathetic.

Easy mode vs. Normal mode was kind of night and day IMO. Normal was pretty challenging for me. I shudder to think what God mode is like. I beat Uncharted 2 on Crushing mode, and that wasn't as bad as I thought. But I'm pretty certain God mode must be unbearable (esp. seeing previous posters' comments).
Ok, I got the 200 combos and the Platinum :D

I found a super simple way to get the combos. Use the Dairy Bastard and when you get to the desert where you have to kill the 3 sirens, use the Poseidon's rage on the siren. After the attack is over, she'll be stunned and if you are quick, you can hit the Poseidon's rage again. Repeat this as many times as you wish. I actually tried it a second time after I got the 200 combos and I was able to get it over 1,000.

Maybe someone posted this here, but I kind of stumbled upon this one.

Debating on whether to see what God mode is like.
The 5 hours trophy is not that bad at all... i took my time and still finished within 3.5 hours. I max'd everything except the blade of Artemis (i already have the All Red trophy anyway). Platinum for GoW is not bad at all. Two play throughs are recommended though. First one basically unlocks the Challenge of the Gods, which you need to beat to unlock the gold trophy and the Dairy Bastard skin. Using the Dairy Basterd skin, you can easily get the 100/200 comb trophies (i went high as 500 hits w/o even trying). With the infnite magic skin, you can beat the game very fast, even if you stick around and kill everything in your path. I switched from P's Rage to H's Soul at the end, H's Soul is very good since you can unleash the souls and kill pretty much everything in your path automatically. Taking care of the annoying archers? No problems!

Oh, the only part that might eat up your time is the Sirens in the desert. Mainly because you have to find them... Use Zeus' Bolt, P's Rage is no good if you want to finish the part fast...
[quote name='jh6269']Ok, I got the 200 combos and the Platinum :D

I found a super simple way to get the combos. Use the Dairy Bastard and when you get to the desert where you have to kill the 3 sirens, use the Poseidon's rage on the siren. After the attack is over, she'll be stunned and if you are quick, you can hit the Poseidon's rage again. Repeat this as many times as you wish. I actually tried it a second time after I got the 200 combos and I was able to get it over 1,000.

Maybe someone posted this here, but I kind of stumbled upon this one.

Debating on whether to see what God mode is like.[/QUOTE]

There's an easier way to get that one. I got it on my first play through... it's after you get one of the shields for the puzzle which requires you find the two shields, and a bunch of enemies start dropping on you. Then you just spam Poseidon's Rage. I think I got a 340 hit combo there.
Yeah, I was going to try the shield part, but I found that siren part 1st (the shield part is later). The first siren seems to be at the door to the temple every time; also, the siren won't die until you grab her with the circle button--this gives you an infinite amount of times to do the magic attack.
I have decided to add links to the Trophy Guides for God of War and God of War II to the OP. The guy who wrote the GOWII Guide seems familiar...
I just got this game - are the cut-scenes supposed to look all crappy? Not a big deal but I thought is was weird. I'm remembering why I love this series - GoW is better than 95% of the current generation games I've played through...
Lol, when i first played GoW, i was like "wow wow wow." But after a lot of PS3 games later, yeah, GoW does look crappy, lol. GoWII does look better though.
[quote name='javeryh']I just got this game - are the cut-scenes supposed to look all crappy? Not a big deal but I thought is was weird. I'm remembering why I love this series - GoW is better than 95% of the current generation games I've played through...[/QUOTE]

If you're talking about the cut-scenes which use the in game engine (and not the CGI ones) then yes, they are. Sadly, they didn't re-capture those videos with the upscaled graphics... they just ripped them straight from the PS2 release.

It sucks but it also goes to show you how much of a difference the upscaling makes.
Playing 1 on God mode. It's pretty difficult. Hope I can do the red orb glitch. Just got past the part where you get Zeus' lightning bolt.
wow that speed run wasnt anywhere near as hard as i thought it would be. was even able to pull off a 1300 hit combo near the end. dairy bastard is definelty the way to go.
Did you play on easy?
The cyclops can be defeated in one hit w/the triangle button in easy.

On God mode, the cyclops and medusa are terrible.
[quote name='jh6269']Did you play on easy?
The cyclops can be defeated in one hit w/the triangle button in easy.

On God mode, the cyclops and medusa are terrible.[/QUOTE]

yep easy with the dairy bastard costume. finished in a little over 3:37. i already beat it on god mode on the ps2 i dont want to do that ever again. even
called the phone number way back then.
Thank goodness that there's no God Mode trophy, otherwise it's a pain in the ass... I hate those damn Medusa, i don't ever want to play room#8 again, hell, make that entire Challenge of the Gods.

What are some the hard trophies for GoWII? Doing a little homework before i begin, heehee.
I kind of wish they allowed you to use your old saves on this compilation, since I still have saves for both games from last gen.

Is it just me or weren't there 'making of' videos available from day one on the original God Of War just like on the second game? Or did you have to unlock those videos in the first game? It's been awhile since I owned the PS2 versions, so I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly or not.
[quote name='Serpentor']Thank goodness that there's no God Mode trophy, otherwise it's a pain in the ass... I hate those damn Medusa, i don't ever want to play room#8 again, hell, make that entire Challenge of the Gods.

What are some the hard trophies for GoWII? Doing a little homework before i begin, heehee.[/QUOTE]

most of the trophys so far are pretty easy to get on gow2. be sure to look up the locations of some of the special urns/chests theres a pretty good guide on gamefaqs that tells you where they are a few rophies are linked to finding those.
I am playing GOW on my 60GB and NO problems at all. I have finished the first game and am about half way through the second one. This game looks great in 720p e i am in love with the game
[quote name='lokizz']most of the trophys so far are pretty easy to get on gow2. be sure to look up the locations of some of the special urns/chests theres a pretty good guide on gamefaqs that tells you where they are a few rophies are linked to finding those.[/QUOTE]

You're right, besides the Urns and Uber Chest, everything else is pretty much straight forward. The hardest trophy is the challenges again... Well, at least in part II, you don't have to continue playing like in part I (all 10 rooms straight, pretty nutty). Also, there are only 7 challenges in part II too, less to do, lol. If the last batch of bosses trophy doesn't glitch, only one play thru is needed. The Urn trophy doesn't require you to finish the game, just activate two Urns on a new game...
There is a glitched trophy in GOWII (Boss Batch 3). It is 100% random as to whether or not you will get it. Make sure you save before you face the Kraken boss and keep that save in case it glitches so you can restart from there.

Basically, people have tried
- Beating all the bosses in 1 sitting
- Not dying at all between those bosses
- A combination of the two
- Going through on Bonus Play
- Backing up their save onto a USB stick, deleting the data on the HDD, then putting the save back on the HDD and trying again

So yeah, it's pretty nasty.
[quote name='KingBroly']There is a glitched trophy in GOWII (Boss Batch 3). It is 100% random as to whether or not you will get it. Make sure you save before you face the Kraken boss and keep that save in case it glitches so you can restart from there.

Basically, people have tried
- Beating all the bosses in 1 sitting
- Not dying at all between those bosses
- A combination of the two
- Going through on Bonus Play
- Backing up their save onto a USB stick, deleting the data on the HDD, then putting the save back on the HDD and trying again

So yeah, it's pretty nasty.[/QUOTE]

Was fine for me.
[quote name='KingBroly']There is a glitched trophy in GOWII (Boss Batch 3). It is 100% random as to whether or not you will get it. Make sure you save before you face the Kraken boss and keep that save in case it glitches so you can restart from there.

Basically, people have tried
- Beating all the bosses in 1 sitting
- Not dying at all between those bosses
- A combination of the two
- Going through on Bonus Play
- Backing up their save onto a USB stick, deleting the data on the HDD, then putting the save back on the HDD and trying again

So yeah, it's pretty nasty.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I had that problem too, didn't give me credit for that trophy. Haven't went back to redo it yet though.
[quote name='Serpentor']You're right, besides the Urns and Uber Chest, everything else is pretty much straight forward. The hardest trophy is the challenges again... Well, at least in part II, you don't have to continue playing like in part I (all 10 rooms straight, pretty nutty). Also, there are only 7 challenges in part II too, less to do, lol. If the last batch of bosses trophy doesn't glitch, only one play thru is needed. The Urn trophy doesn't require you to finish the game, just activate two Urns on a new game...[/QUOTE]

im trying to do the titan challenge now and its kicking my ass. i dont remember it being this damn hard to do but do it i will.
[quote name='KingBroly']There is a glitched trophy in GOWII (Boss Batch 3). It is 100% random as to whether or not you will get it. Make sure you save before you face the Kraken boss and keep that save in case it glitches so you can restart from there.

Basically, people have tried
- Beating all the bosses in 1 sitting
- Not dying at all between those bosses
- A combination of the two
- Going through on Bonus Play
- Backing up their save onto a USB stick, deleting the data on the HDD, then putting the save back on the HDD and trying again

So yeah, it's pretty nasty.[/QUOTE]

I got it with no problems, and I didn't even make a back-up save incase. Thank god I got it though, I would have been annoyed if I didn't!

Regardless, play through 2 is much easier! Use earns for unlimited magic/rage of the gods, and do it on easy! Ace in the hole!
can we ask questions in this thread? if so, here goes..

Playing GoW 1, I get to this level very early on where a towering giant is off in the distance. It looks like I can only go to the left, so I do and I end up in a room where a gate shuts and then infinite monsters spawn. there is a pressure switch that just opens a gate to a green chest. It appears a monster would have to stand on it, as there is nothing to drag. However the monsters don't stay on it for long enough for me to do anything..I'm not sure how to open the main gate back up or get out of the room...do I even have to go in there?

I know I could easily look at GFAQs or a guide, but this is the quick and dirty way! otherwise, great game, glad I never played them much originally, enjoying it very much on the PS3!
[quote name='token2k6']can we ask questions in this thread? if so, here goes..

Playing GoW 1, I get to this level very early on where a towering giant is off in the distance. It looks like I can only go to the left, so I do and I end up in a room where a gate shuts and then infinite monsters spawn. there is a pressure switch that just opens a gate to a green chest. It appears a monster would have to stand on it, as there is nothing to drag. However the monsters don't stay on it for long enough for me to do anything..I'm not sure how to open the main gate back up or get out of the room...do I even have to go in there?

I know I could easily look at GFAQs or a guide, but this is the quick and dirty way! otherwise, great game, glad I never played them much originally, enjoying it very much on the PS3![/QUOTE]

if you mean the room where 2 minotaurs come after you
you need to freeze one of them on top of the switch with the medusa head and then run like hell before he unthaws.so kill one, lure the other one on top of the pressure switch , turn him to stone and run .

If the prev. poster got the place you were thinking of:

get in front of the switch, the side closer to the gate, and lure the Minotaur to follow you onto the switch. Freeze him, then roll to the gate with the right analog. I did it by running, but it was hard.
Man, having to repeatedly hit R2 to open doors is really annoying. It's such an awkward button to make you press like that. It made the
fireball gauntlet
incredibly annoying. Does that same mechanic show up in God of War 2? If so I may not even bother. :roll:
[quote name='Ryukahn']Man, having to repeatedly hit R2 to open doors is really annoying. It's such an awkward button to make you press like that. It made the
fireball gauntlet
incredibly annoying. Does that same mechanic show up in God of War 2? If so I may not even bother. :roll:[/QUOTE]

That's the point of pressing R2 like mad... Otherwise there's no challenge of opening the doors and chests. Just image how easy it is if you can just pop open a health chest with one button when you're low on life and yet monsters are still attacking you. Same thing with the doors in Hades challenge. If you're annoyed just open
the 3rd door on the left.

You don't need to open every door in that room to unlock trophies...
[quote name='Ryukahn']Man, having to repeatedly hit R2 to open doors is really annoying. It's such an awkward button to make you press like that. It made the
fireball gauntlet
incredibly annoying. Does that same mechanic show up in God of War 2? If so I may not even bother. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Beleive it or not, it worked out better on the PS2. Since the L2 and R2 on the PS3 control are triggers, it is much more annoying.

God of War II changed it slightly. You tap R1 once, and then keep pressing O. It works much better in my opinion.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Beleive it or not, it worked out better on the PS2. Since the L2 and R2 on the PS3 control are triggers, it is much more annoying.

God of War II changed it slightly. You tap R1 once, and then keep pressing O. It works much better in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

I remember thinking the same thing. Anytime you have to pump those triggers it is not a good thing.
[quote name='Serpentor']That's the point of pressing R2 like mad... Otherwise there's no challenge of opening the doors and chests. Just image how easy it is if you can just pop open a health chest with one button when you're low on life and yet monsters are still attacking you. Same thing with the doors in Hades challenge. If you're annoyed just open
the 3rd door on the left.

You don't need to open every door in that room to unlock trophies...[/QUOTE]

Well without knowing beforehand, I did have to open almost every door. Think the 7th one finally let me pass. As I said though, it's not so much that there is a button challenge like that, it's more the placement of it. R2 is so out of the way, I have to completely turn the controller just to hit the button effectively enough to open the door, at least on the PS3 controller.

Good to know that God of War 2 changed it. I will have to give it a try. Does the game give any spoilers for the first one? If not maybe I will just fire it up and play that instead of plugging on with the original, though I sense I'm almost at the end so maybe I should just finish it.
[quote name='Ryukahn'] As I said though, it's not so much that there is a button challenge like that, it's more the placement of it. R2 is so out of the way, I have to completely turn the controller just to hit the button effectively enough to open the door, at least on the PS3 controller.[/QUOTE]

You must have tiny hands.
[quote name='Ryukahn']Good to know that God of War 2 changed it. I will have to give it a try. Does the game give any spoilers for the first one? If not maybe I will just fire it up and play that instead of plugging on with the original, though I sense I'm almost at the end so maybe I should just finish it.[/QUOTE]

Yes. The games are one long story, so it would contain some spoilers for GoW 1.
[quote name='Brownjohn']You must have tiny hands.[/QUOTE]

No, my index finger just doesn't move fast enough to open the doors. When I try to use it, I end up just having the door close on me. So I need to turn it sideways and use my thumb. I'm used to gaming with Nintendo Wii motion controls or PC controls (the last time I owned a PS2 was before the PS3 came out and I have not owned a 360 in several years), so it is very weird using the triggers for anything at all.
In the level when you have to push the dude in the cage up the hill i'm struggling with the correct strategy. I get that you move the cage and prop on the rocks as you battle the sickle monsters, but they continuously spawn and one touch sends the cage sliding down the hill, so there is no opportunity to get past the 2nd or 3rd rock. Any advise? Thanks CAG Community.
[quote name='wiscobrando']In the level when you have to push the dude in the cage up the hill i'm struggling with the correct strategy. I get that you move the cage and prop on the rocks as you battle the sickle monsters, but they continuously spawn and one touch sends the cage sliding down the hill, so there is no opportunity to get past the 2nd or 3rd rock. Any advise? Thanks CAG Community.[/QUOTE]

head towards the
rock on the far right first and when you get to it make sure the cage is just on the edge enough so it wnt fall back. use posiedons rage a few times ( i think 2 will kill them depending on how charged it is) and then move it to the next nearest rock and repeat until youre at the top.

posiedons rage is a good magic to use to stun enemies so you can get by them or do something else. its the one magic you need to have fully charged to make your playthrough less difficult.
How long will a run through on easy take me in the 1st game? I played this when it first released, but I don't quite recall how the story unfolds, so I wanted a refresher before I play the second game for the first time.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']How long will a run through on easy take me in the 1st game? I played this when it first released, but I don't quite recall how the story unfolds, so I wanted a refresher before I play the second game for the first time.[/QUOTE]

If you are taking your time and know what you are doing, about 5 - 6 hours.

If you are good and haul through it all, about 3 hours.

EDIT - plus cut scene time.
[quote name='lokizz']head towards the
rock on the far right first and when you get to it make sure the cage is just on the edge enough so it wnt fall back. use posiedons rage a few times ( i think 2 will kill them depending on how charged it is) and then move it to the next nearest rock and repeat until youre at the top.

posiedons rage is a good magic to use to stun enemies so you can get by them or do something else. its the one magic you need to have fully charged to make your playthrough less difficult.
Thanks for the assistance. Classic gaming moment. Can't figure something out for an hour, first time coming back to it, it's a breeze.
[quote name='wiscobrando']Thanks for the assistance. Classic gaming moment. Can't figure something out for an hour, first time coming back to it, it's a breeze.[/QUOTE]

that part was frustrating for me too when i first played its even more annoying on God mode.....everything in that game is more annoying on God mode. the end boss battle is going to drive yous nut though so be prepared to toss a controller depeding on the difficulty youre playing on).
Ok, I'm playing God mode, and I'm at the huge Minotaur. I can get to where he's on his last bit of life. He does this attack where he punches the ground and flames follow you. There seems no way to defend yourself from this attack, other than roll backwards until the attack ends. Is there any trick I can use?

I tried hanging out in the doorway, the attack doesn't hit you most of the time. No attacks I do to him are very effective, posideon's rage works while he has his armor, but not very much w/o his armor.

It looks like I'm going to have to give up and start GoW 2. The guy was so easy in normal mode.
[quote name='jh6269']Ok, I'm playing God mode, and I'm at the huge Minotaur. I can get to where he's on his last bit of life. He does this attack where he punches the ground and flames follow you. There seems no way to defend yourself from this attack, other than roll backwards until the attack ends. Is there any trick I can use?

I tried hanging out in the doorway, the attack doesn't hit you most of the time. No attacks I do to him are very effective, posideon's rage works while he has his armor, but not very much w/o his armor.

It looks like I'm going to have to give up and start GoW 2. The guy was so easy in normal mode.[/QUOTE]

fight him
up on the upper platform. most of his attacks you can parry and theres one you will have to jump over but once you get him weakened to the point where he has a gra circle on him book it down there do the do and run back and repeat till you get to end it. the main thing with boss battles in God mode is patience. taking the hits you can when you can and being ready to parry or dodge before they start their attack . hope that was of some help.
I was fighting him
on the ground, and I can keep full health and full magic all the way up until after the 2nd time you hit him with the log. I can get all the armor off, and he's down to the last health bar. If I use the posidon's rage, he gets down to 75% health. I guess I can try going on the top platform at that point. It only takes 2 of the flame hits and you're dead.
[quote name='jh6269']I was fighting him
on the ground, and I can keep full health and full magic all the way up until after the 2nd time you hit him with the log. I can get all the armor off, and he's down to the last health bar. If I use the posidon's rage, he gets down to 75% health. I guess I can try going on the top platform at that point. It only takes 2 of the flame hits and you're dead.

once you get him naked take it up top and then you should be ok.

heres a video of someone doing it up top. for those of you who havent played it yet dont click on the video link it will spoil a boss battle for you.

Well, I finally did it.
I was able to try getting on the top level once I got the Minotaur's armor off. It was still a pain in the ass, because he swipes you up and takes 1/3 of your health. I found that if I save my magic, and do posidon's rage when he does that attack, you avoid damage. Still, it took me 5 tries, and it's kind of random b/c he varies the frequency of his attacks. I ended up with about 1/8 of my health left when I defeated him. I'm so afraid I'm wasting my time, because the final boss is going to be terrible.

Thanks for the advice :)
Just beat God of War. Took about 6-7 hours. Such a good game, but there's some truly frustrating things that I remembered from when I played the PS2 original.

Onto God of War 2 this weekend, which I've never beaten. Got about halfway and lost interest.
bread's done