God of War III: Ultimate Edition $79.99 @ GS B&M


10 (100%)
Just bought one at my local store. It's now $79.99 in-store. All of you lucky ones who bought it full price should return/rebuy. And for those of you looking for one, maybe you'll get lucky and find one =).
Was happy I found one at Gamestop for $79.99.
Went during 12:00 in the afternoon, and the store was actually empty for once and only 1 employee working(I think the manager). It was still school hours I guess. It was nice haha. Still had a couple more in stock but left it for the rest to have. :D
Confirmed. The first GS I called of the three within 4 miles of me (Bizarrely, there are two in Warrington, PA and one just over the border between Warrington and Doylestown) said they had a few and are 79.99. I'm jumping on it too; I just hope it doesn't become one of those so-cheap-it's-the-same-price-as-the-normal-edition-because-we-need-to-clear-space deals.

You can never tell which games it's going to happen to. I've seen it happen to perfectly decent games.
Wanted to get another one for my brother, but they wouldn't let me trade-in games cause I wasn't 18. :bomb::bomb::bomb: And I don't have enough moolah to buy a second one. Gay.
I traded in Bioshock 2 disk only before, and they didn't say anything.

Not trying to be racist or anything, just observing, but when I traded in Bioshock 2, buncha asians were working at gamestop and let me trade in. This time, I tried trading in a couple games and they were white dudes who wouldn't allow me to trade in. I'm asian btw. :p

Anyone 18+ wanna come over to 'Vegas Gamestop and help me out?
of course it's a joke dummy.
[quote name='style_unseen']Wanted to get another one for my brother, but they wouldn't let me trade-in games cause I wasn't 18. :bomb::bomb::bomb: And I don't have enough moolah to buy a second one. Gay.
I traded in Bioshock 2 disk only before, and they didn't say anything.

Not trying to be racist or anything, just observing, but when I traded in Bioshock 2, buncha asians were working at gamestop and let me trade in. This time, I tried trading in a couple games and they were white dudes who wouldn't allow me to trade in. I'm asian btw. :p

Anyone 18+ wanna come over to 'Vegas Gamestop and help me out?
of course it's a joke dummy.

Get a job! :D
I kid of course...

I'm surprised at how many of these I've seen. Granted I've only seen one per store but there have been quite a few in central mass. I'm tempted to buy another but I feel like 2 would just be a waste of space...hmm...
well there were 4 in my area of which one was my preorder that manager gave me back 21.61 which was sweet to match the 79.99 price. i picked up another 2 and a possible 4th one on saturday. the one store had 2 but said i could only buy one for now but come back saturday if none of the reserves come to get it. already sold the 3 i had on amazon for 150$ each LOL. so keeping fingers crossed to get this last one which will be free basically and ill keep. those can get these BUY EM NOW and resell. they are dropping fast in price. they are now at 140ish each and still going down.
According to the guy at my store, ~30 people pre-ordered and a bunch just didn't buy, lacking cash or something. Said they had like 10 left.

I wonder...but not too hard. These days one just feels glad to be gainfully employed.
bread's done