GOG Deals Thread

Yeah smartphone, though mentioning it seems to solve the outtage so false alarm, also see Wasteland 1 is looking like it will take a good hour (at least) to get sold
On a bit of a non-sequitur note, even though the first one couldn't be more different than the recent remake (currently on Steam Early Access), there is still a bit of humour and minor game mechanics that inXile has carried over from the original to the remake.

In other words, if you haven't played the original in a while (or at all, for that matter), and you plan on playing the new one, I highly recommend picking it from GOG during this sale.

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@Idiotekque or @MysterD - Did any of you pick up an extra copy of VtM? The second I step out to make dinner, the one game I *really* want goes on sale...  erghh

Since it kinda got swept up in the tide of changing deals, I'll reask my question from earlier: Does anybody know how well the Arcanum fan patches fix the game? I installed the fan patch for ToEE, which I also bought from GOG, and that game still crashed a lot, even deleting save files. I don't want to go through that again.
Has Arcanum already had it's "last chance" sale? I decided to pass on Wasteland when it was up today, and I think I'll be grabbing Arcanum instead.

Well, a couple pages back, I did say that I was looking for it, but I completely understand your length of attention span (or rather, lack thereof). :dunce: lol
This thread is moving as fast as the Steam thread during a Summer Sale... I tried catching up, but I probably missed your post saying that.

Thankfully there aren't many of them... shouldn't be TOO long.
They're going somewhat faster than I expected (also, as you said, the fact that there weren't many available copies probably helps).

I give it another 5-10 minutes... tops.

What did I miss between 6 and 9? Any more of the Sierra games come up?

I don't think there have been any Sierra games in quite a while now, so it looks like you're in luck!

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Sweet. Anything that is 4x or with great stories, I will jump. I missed Jack Keane though. So sad... haha

I can't tell if you're being facetious or not, but the second one is quite decent, at least story-wise. However, as the GOG reviews point out, the controls and technical glitches (READ: NOT bugs!) make it unplayable for a fair amount of the game... And yes, I'm speaking from experience, not from hearsay. :whistle2:

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I was here, posting, and grabbed the last one on my list. Should have asked me before grabbing one simpsonps121.

That said, I'm sure someone else will end up wanting your extra, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

That said, I'm sure someone else will end up wanting your extra, so it shouldn't be a big deal.
This is quite true, although probably unlikely (at least for those who have posted in the GOG thread over the last few days). I say this because if memory serves correctly, you were the only one in here wanting Race the Sun; unfortunately, you may have to wait a while to offload that key, @simpsonps121. :whistle2:(

Hopefully, though, that won't be the case... ;)

It is not a problem. I don't have the game, so maybe I will just play it myself. :) If not, I will give it to a friend or something.
I'm tempted as it's gotten some rave reviews here. Ashes is a big fan, I think.

I'm planning on holding out for a bundle, but I am tempted to just grab it here.

Bought race the sun. Don't know why, I'm drunk. I just opened my phone, the page was there, saw it and bought it.
Those are the kinds of things that *tend to happen* when one imbibes to the point of becoming legless... :beer:

It is not a problem. I don't have the game, so maybe I will just play it myself. :) If not, I will give it to a friend or something.
That's the spirit, eh?! :D/

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This sale has gotten me to scurry through my pile of games.  I found a Kings Quest Collection...  

As to the Jack Keane - I am interested in playing it.  

bread's done