GOG Deals Thread

Grabbed Master of Magic, Master of Orion 1+2, and Alpha Centauri.  I'd passed on all three at worse discounts.  I kinda wish I'd passed on Theme Hospital last month.

And with that, my sale day is over. Thanks, GOG! Let's do this again some other day where I have 10 hours to sit around and click things. Maybe tomorrow?

Jade Empire buyers will be let down, mark my worms.
Joke's on you, i'm probably not even going to play it. :booty:

I hate how this started as I was heading out the door for work, but love how I came home and got Retro City Rampage and Jade Empire for cheap. It doesn't seem to be telling you when you already own something though, so beware, maybe?

And someone please buy SotS: The Pit before I inevitably forget to watch the page.

I hate how this started as I was heading out the door for work, but love how I came home and got Retro City Rampage and Jade Empire for cheap. It doesn't seem to be telling you when you already own something though, so beware, maybe?

And someone please buy SotS: The Pit before I inevitably forget to watch the page.
It tells you when it's it your cart. It will give you a gift only option
Have I missed Expeditions: Conquistador or Beyond Good and Evil?
Rumor is that Expeditions might be in the BTA Hoi-Polloi tier of an upcoming HB....


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Assassin's Creed 1 is still $5 at 75% off? -sigh-
I'd consider it if I didn't already own hard copies for both 360 and PC. I like DRM free, but I can afford to hold out and see if it goes any lower some other time.

Considering you can get Assassin's Creed III for $20, and virtually any AC for the same price 6-9 months after release, it does seem absurd that GOG would set it at a $19.99 MSRP.

Yeah, I'd actually really love this if I hadn't paid $5 for Expeditions about a month ago. When will I learn?
Rule #10 of Game Hoarders Club is: Never buy a game not in a bundle. Ever. Unless you really want need it. Realllllly want need it. You really needed it didn't you? Of course you did...silly question.

Dirt cheap Master of Magic if anyone's interested. 400 copies for $1.19 each.

I've got enough pixel eye-bleed classics to tide me over for a long time.

EDIT: They're going ridiculously fast, in any case.

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With this insomniac-promo, I wonder how many people BUY the current deal - especially if it's dirt cheap - just so they can get to the next deal...

Puddle was free, but it was literally gone within... 2 seconds? Can't say I have any interest in that game anyways.

And now we have Jack Keane 2 for $12. This outta sell out quick (not).

Argh, it tricked me, I thought I had managed to actually get Puddle for free.  Bitch slapped again.  Though, I already own it on Steam.

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Mr. Ninj A. Squirrel is applying for a $1019.15 credit line so he can afford the other 85 copies of Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within.

Doesn't help that JK2 is probably the only game on GOG that doesn't have a dozen user reviews claiming it is a CLASSIC MASTERPIECE OF NOSTALGIC ECSTASY or even a bunch of 5 star "great game please visit my website" comments.

That site needs some moderation, saw multiple 5 star ratings followed by the comment: Does this run on windows 7?

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They really need some "Elevator Music" playing while we wait for 83 suckers gamers to buy up Jacque Peen.

EDIT: Ahhhh...there we go:


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Why couldn't they have put JK2 up for sale when I wanted to make a sandwich earlier.  I would've had time to go to Subway or Italy or something.

I love me some pointanclicks, but $12 isn't selling me on Jack Keane 2. Looks like it's time to sleep.

The thing about Jack Keane 2 selling for shaq-fuing twelve dollars is that it screams "inevitable Groupees/IndieGala candidate!" So of course it's barely budging. With 41 copies sold in seventeen minutes short of two hours, this is... painful. Stay up all night and endure the hell of watching it slowly count down, or go to bed and get up to find that it finally ended at who-knows-what-hour and then everything else flew off the digital shelves? Maybe this was part of the plan. GOG hates America.

(Minor edit; are we allowed to get away with "the F word" now?)

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It is taking so long to sell through Jack Keane 2 people are starting to write fake positive reviews about it get to the next sale faster.

It is taking so long to sell through Jack Keane 2 people are starting to write fake positive reviews about it get to the next sale faster.
You mean this one isn't real? Damn, I was just going to buy 57 56 copies, too.

I am serious, this game is literally making my dick shoot sperm at the same power as the sun
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When they said Insomnia, they meant Insomnia.

Wouldn't be surprised to see something like 50 copies of Prison Architect or Blood Dragon for free after Jack Keane is sold out. :whee:

33 left as of this writing. I wish I knew how many people bought it simply to get the ball rolling for the next deal. To anyone out there who would actually do such a thing, I salute you.

bread's done