GOG Deals Thread

That's it, I guess. Seasoned deal is currently Doorkickers. 

All told, I picked up Sam & Max, Bard's Tale, and Jade Empire. Also go Little Big Adventure & the Last Express for free. Not bad, but I wish I had gotten Nox & Gex. 

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Got dat Nox. I've been eyeing that game for over a year but everytime it's been on sale for some reason I just didn't pick it up. I just can't resist artificially created rarity though.

I'm still clicking for free stuff but I ended up with:

Clive Barker's Undying
Great Battles Collector's Edition
Monster Bash
Pharaoh + Cleopatra
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption
Shadowgate: Special Edition   :whee:
I tried to buy more (like Nox) but apparently already owned my additional selections.  Since they updated their web site I don't see that I own a game until checkout which is annoying.
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Well guess that's it for the OG...time to ignore GOG again.


Battle Isle Platinum

Dark Reign


Indiana Jones & Fate of Atlantis

Monster Bash

Sam & Max


Wasteland 1 (Freebie gifted to Fox)

I had about a $20 budget set for this sale and think I was at it or slightly under it. Happy with the games though!

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Undying looked interesting. 

Honestly, there were a ton of games that I wish I had gotten for free. Like Wizardry 6 + 7. I just couldn't buy everything I wanted, so I was basically  :pray:

I'm still clicking for free stuff but I ended up with:

Clive Barker's Undying
Great Battles Collector's Edition
Monster Bash
Pharaoh + Cleopatra
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption

Shadowgate: Special Edition :whee:

I tried to buy more (like Nox) but apparently already owned my additional selections. Since they updated their web site I don't see that I own a game until checkout which is annoying.
I picked up Great Battles Collector's Edition as well.

I just couldn't resist those gorgeous graphics.

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Heretic kingdoms


children of the nile (damn completionist in me wanted the whole series on gog)

tie figher


sam n max

bad mojo


indiana atlantis

corsairs gold


7th guest

wizardry 6+7

I do admit once some of those hit like 1.50$ or less it becomes a why the hell not purchase

Man, you GOG peeps should go hang out with the console kids who are all like EWWW COOTIES DIGITAL and dreading that they'll eventually be dragged kicking and screaming into the digital world while clutching their boxes for dear life. They'll be able to relate more to ya'lls box fetish than normal modern PC gamers would.
If I was so "Ewww cooties digital", then I wouldn't have tons of games compiled across Steam (on Steam, I do have 878 games + 381 DLC's); EA Origin; GOG; GMG Capsule/Playfire; Direct2Drive; UPlay; DRM-FREE from Humble Bundle; Gamersgate (some are DRM-FREE; some have Tages; some have Securom; or whatever); Desura; and other services.

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If I was so "Ewww cooties digital", then I wouldn't have tons of games compiled across Steam (on Steam, I do have 878 games + 381 DLC's); EA Origin; GOG; GMG Capsule/Playfire; Direct2Drive; UPlay; DRM-FREE from Humble Bundle; Gamersgate (some are DRM-FREE; some have Tages; some have Securom; or whatever); and other services.
You're so vain, you probably thought that post was about you.
Picked up Inquisitor, 7th Guest, I have no mouth and I Must Scream, Fate of Atlantis, Witcher 2, Driftmoon, Dark Reign, Wizardry 6+7 (Freebie), Wizardry 8 and Kentucky Route Zero. 

KRZ finally got to my own magical 9.99 price point.  Almost bought but really waiting for 9.99 for Legend of Grimrock 2, Wasteland 2, and Dreamfall Chapters.

My Haul:

Monster Bash



Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption

Gifted from Nitrosmob:

Wasteland 1

I tried to restrict myself to one full price game ($5.99) and only went over by $.50 so I'm happy.  Better sale than I thought it would be.  

I got vampire masquerade redemption and nox. Was kind of surprised to see wasteland 2 at sixteen bucks. I could be remembering wrong but that seems a lot lower than it was in the steam winter sale
- Indy

- S&M


- 7 cities (free)

- Entomorph

I got vampire masquerade redemption and nox. Was kind of surprised to see wasteland 2 at sixteen bucks. I could be remembering wrong but that seems a lot lower than it was in the steam winter sale
Wasteland 2 was around $11 at south of heaven

Please stop trolling MysterD and his fear of not having access to his games.

I started DLing Wasteland and it started out like dial-up slow but then picked up to normal levels within a few seconds.

Well I bought way too many things in this sale:

Age of Wonders 2

Defender's Quest

Dracula Trilogy


Return to Krondor

Sacred 2 Gold

Sam & Max Hit the Road

Shadowrun Returns

Stronghold HD

Tetrobot and Co.

Uplink: Hacker Elite


That's 12 games (not counting multipacks) for $27.88.

I've been playing some Defender's Quest and Tetrobot.  Both are fun, but I really have to give a shout out to Tetrobot - it's a brilliant puzzle game.  It's one of those games where things look impossible until you have that "Aha!" moment that is so satisfying.

- Indy

- S&M


- 7 cities (free)

- Entomorph

Wasteland 2 was around $11 at south of heaven
7.50 or bust...actually i would love a crpg humble bundle. given that everybody behind this resurgence is indie it could happen one day

Shadow is on my wishlist, but I think I wait for it to hit that price on Steam.
If you buy it at that price you belong in the heretic kingdom yourself

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i was busy all week so my haul is very smaull

rayman origins


beyond good and evil

the last express (free)

though the only one i missed and really wanted was nox

Not a single thing I wanted hit a price I was willing to pay, and I haven't gotten any freebies as yet, so my final haul appears to be nil.
So some quick thoughts:

Monster Bash - As expected, hasn't really aged too well.  Controls are sort of laggy but I couldn't figure out how to use my controller (is there a way?).  Still fun and as I remember it - a "spooky" platformer aimed more towards kids.

Gex - I never played this one before and it has aged very well.  Controller works fine and it feels very responsive.  Wall crawling aspect is fun.  Overall, stands up with the platformers out today (and maybe even better graphics than some!).  I also enjoy the horror vibe.

Wasteland - This one definitely requires a specific state of mind and alert mind too.  So far I've killed some rats, lizards, and bunnies in my quest to protect a 15 foot carrot.  The future is might weird.  

Gex - I never played this one before and it has aged very well. Controller works fine and it feels very responsive. Wall crawling aspect is fun. Overall, stands up with the platformers out today (and maybe even better graphics than some!). I also enjoy the horror vibe.
Since that's a Crystal Dynamics game circa 1996 that Square now owns the rights to just like Pandemonium, it seems odd to me that they put Pandemonium up and all those out Kain/Soul Reaver games that are on GOG on Steam but not Gex. I guess they never did put Pandemonium 2 on Steam either. Weird.

For that matter, the first Legacy of Kain game isn't even on GOG although there definitely was a Windows version because I MysterD'ed it like a bajillion years ago.

Since that's a Crystal Dynamics game circa 1996 that Square now owns the rights to just like Pandemonium, it seems odd to me that they put Pandemonium up and all those out Kain/Soul Reaver games that are on GOG on Steam but not Gex. I guess they never did put Pandemonium 2 on Steam either. Weird.

For that matter, the first Legacy of Kain game isn't even on GOG although there definitely was a Windows version because I MysterD'ed it like a bajillion years ago.
Last night, as he was berating me for buying games on GOG, Spoder told me there was some sort of exclusivity period for games on GOG before they can be added to Steam. Not sure how long Gex has been on GOG. Between the loud cursing, misspellings, and GIVE ME FREE GAMES I AM SPODER I didn't retain everything.

Last night, as he was berating me for buying games on GOG, Spoder told me there was some sort of exclusivity period for games on GOG before they can be added to Steam. Not sure how long Gex has been on GOG. Between the loud cursing, misspellings, and GIVE ME FREE GAMES I AM SPODER I didn't retain everything.
Yeah, I always have a bit of pause when buying on Gog because of this. When I bought Anachronox it got placed on Steam about a week later. This happened w/some other game as well that I cant remember the name of. Vast majority of the games I have on Gog aren't on Steam though.

I don't think people want these...though I kickstarted that dead one.....I need to play it sometime. I don't kickstart anything anymore....

bread's done