GoGamer 48 Hour Madness (Beginning 2/20)

Meh, on the fence regarding Quake Wars. I enjoyed RTCW: ET which featured the same basic gameplay but had the advantage of being free. Anyone know how the Quake Wars community is? If it's full of aimbotters and such I'm not going to bother with it.
Is there still no free-ish shipping option? They kill the Guitar Hero deal with that ridiculous shipping.

$43.99 shipping? puh-lease
[quote name='talon2099']Meh, on the fence regarding Quake Wars. I enjoyed RTCW: ET which featured the same basic gameplay but had the advantage of being free. Anyone know how the Quake Wars community is? If it's full of aimbotters and such I'm not going to bother with it.[/QUOTE]
I've only played it a little so take my comments with a grain of salt, but from my limited experience it's pretty good, but small. For instance, filtering the servers to only list unlocked, pure, dedicated, no-bots, ranked, non-empty, non-full, gives you about 20 servers. Not a lot, but enough that you can definitely play the game on well populated servers. Didn't notice anything suspiciously cheaty during my limited playtime.

Basically, if you liked RTCW:ET, it's worth the $8-10 shipped.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']I've only played it a little so take my comments with a grain of salt, but from my limited experience it's pretty good, but small. For instance, filtering the servers to only list unlocked, pure, dedicated, no-bots, ranked, non-empty, non-full, gives you about 20 servers. Not a lot, but enough that you can definitely play the game on well populated servers. Didn't notice anything suspiciously cheaty during my limited playtime.

Basically, if you liked RTCW:ET, it's worth the $8-10 shipped.[/QUOTE]

You would have to pay me to take this game.

/Loved Wolf:ET
/Jumped in at launch of QW:ET, severely disappointed
i wanted to get the oblivion expansion for the longest time, but if i get it now, i really doubt i'll ever dive back in with fallout 3 and the witcher on my plate.
The Guitar Hero bundle seems to be worth it, even if you can't play the game. The drum set itself is $100 from Red Octane, and you get the guitar and mic too.
Any recommendations for Prince of Persia? I heard it was way too easy but it looks amazing...I've been on the fence about getting it and the drm free Import has me piqued, hah
[quote name='Cheadyp']Whatever happened to the incredibly cheap PC games they used to always have? Oh well... nothing this time.[/quote]

Quake Wars: Enemy Territory $5.90 ?

Pretty cheap there.

Prince of Persia - $21.90 (DRM-Free!)

Over 50% off for a game out just over 2 months? That's pretty cheap. No, it's not incredibly inexpensive but it's most definitely cheap. :mrgreen:
The Drum Kit version only for $100 doesn't include the game.

So yeah compared to that, $44 more for the guitar, mic, and game is a good deal. But really, they have just overpriced the separate drum kit.

$144 is still more than it's worth to me. My ceiling is around $100.
got oblivion and zoo tycoon 2 some exp for 9.90 for my wife. just got a 9800 so ive been looking into oblivion. and now to go to a gamestop to get a collectors version of crysis for 20.00
[quote name='Over easy']The Guitar Hero bundle seems to be worth it, even if you can't play the game. The drum set itself is $100 from Red Octane, and you get the guitar and mic too.[/quote]

The shipping sucks for the Guitar Hero bundle. It's $37.99 which makes
the total $137.89. With Toys "R" Us still having it for $139.99 free shipping
this isn't much of a deal.

And I got all excited when I saw $99.90. :cry:
This sale is off the chain.

Europa III plus both expansions for $19.90? Are you kidding!? Yes please.
Quake Wars for $5.90? Yes please.
I'd also get No More Heroes for $15 if I didn't already own it.
[quote name='placebo1']Quake Wars: Enemy Territory $5.90 ?

Pretty cheap there.

Prince of Persia - $21.90 (DRM-Free!)

Over 50% off for a game out just over 2 months? That's pretty cheap. No, it's not incredibly inexpensive but it's most definitely cheap. :mrgreen:[/quote]

I got Quake wars months ago at Circuit City (before they declared they were going out of business) for $5, and I've seen it since then at Big Lots for $6 and on the net for prices under $10. $5.90's a good deal but it's not that incredible. Aside from POP which is a pretty good deal this week is pretty 'meh' IMO. The Oblivion deals really aren't that great if you consider that you can pick up the gold edition which includes both the expansion and all the downloadable content (aka, Knights of the Nine) for $20 or less almost anywhere nowadays.
[quote name='Vlad Impaler7']The shipping sucks for the Guitar Hero bundle. It's $37.99 which makes
the total $137.89. With Toys "R" Us still having it for $139.99 free shipping
this isn't much of a deal.

And I got all excited when I saw $99.90. :cry:[/quote]

shipping was $43.99 for me, so the toys r us deal was better for me. after tax it's probably not since I doubt go gamer would do sales tax, but toys r us likely would.

i wonder if one could price match the toys r us ad at dell and get the extra 7% off or maybe 20% off. hmm...
bread's done