GoGamer 48 Hour Madness (PC): ETQW $20, Shadowrun $5, UT3 $30


Haven't seen this posted already--GoGamer's latest 48 hour madness sale is up and going with a few new PC titles http://www.gogamer.com/

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - $19.90

(totally worth checking out at this price; the latest patch really smoothes out the somewhat steep learning curve)
Unreal Tournament 3 - $29.90
Unreal Tournament 3: Collectors Edition - $34.90
Soldier of Fortune: Payback - $14.90

Shadowrun - $4.90 (is it worth this much even?)
Tabula Rosa: Collector's Edition - $14.90
History Channel: Battle for the Pacific - $9.90

The Spiderwick Chronicles - $9.90
Shadowrun is definitely worth the 5 bucks... If there's still a decent community out there playing.. I haven't played it in a while so I wouldn't know anymore. Can't go wrong for $5 though..
Quake Wars for $20 is a pretty good deal for those that missed out on Play-asia's $14.90 sale of the Quake Wars Limited Edition.

Prices are decent for UT3. It was $34.90 for UT3 w/ a t-shirt the last time GoGamer had it on 48 hour madness.

Tabula Rasa Collectors edition was actually going for $34.90 on GoGamer before this sale. Some sellers on Amazon are offering it for between $45-50.

History Channel: Battle for the Pacific is a terrible game by all accounts.

I'm a little tempted, but Tabula Rasa is not my kind of game at all. But then again, $15 when it's retailing for $60...
quake wars and UT3 both have gameplay too hollow for me to justify the price. I'd seriously consider UT3 for around 20 but thats the most i can see spending. The QW demo really turned me off so it would have to be bargain bin cheap for me to even think about a purchase.
[quote name='qwerty1']quake wars and UT3 both have gameplay too hollow for me to justify the price. I'd seriously consider UT3 for around 20 but thats the most i can see spending. The QW demo really turned me off so it would have to be bargain bin cheap for me to even think about a purchase.[/quote]

I feel the same way. UT3 didn't feel all that different than UT2004. I was hoping to have as much fun with QW as I did with BF2, but the pacing was just too different for me to deal with.
I wouldn't get Shadowrun if THEY paid ME to take it, and that has nothing to do with gameplay and everything to do with them destroying one of my favorite settings in all of gaming.

Never been too much into MMOs, but Tabula Rasa seems like a decent enough deal. Maybe that's because I've never been too much into MMOs, so I don't look at it with the critical eye that old school MMO fans would.

Plus, I'm a sucker for a collector's edition. :D
Thank you much, I've been holding out on UT3 even though it is my favorite multiplayer FPS series. Scored the collector's edition.
Any website that shows what games are the most popular in terms of multiplayer? I know World of Warcraft is up there with 10million+ :)
SHADOWRUN for 360 was awesome!

The PC version suffered because it requires VISTA and only certain video cards worked with it.

I still see alot of people people playing it.
[quote name='maxim730']Any website that shows what games are the most popular in terms of multiplayer? I know World of Warcraft is up there with 10million+ :)[/quote]


The site seems to be having some problems right now but when it works it'll show you how many servers and players a game and mods are currently active.
Shadowrun is far from a great game, but I'll admit I had SOME fun with it despite all its major flaws and shortcomings. If you have Vista you might as well pick it up for this price, but the Dystopia mod for Half-life 2 is probably a better game overall (and, ironically, has more variety and content).

Quake Wars was that price at Best Buy already (unfortunately I had already gotten the import for $20 on one of Gogamer's other sales), and that's a pretty solid discount on UT3.
finally i can get ut3...plus they accept paypal! is the l.e. worth it? i can just download that stupid dvd anyways if i wanted it

i have shadowrun as well so if you ppl wanna play let me know..

this pretty much completes my pc game search (already have gears of war and crysis)
No PO Boxes, what the world? I used them about a few years ago and they did the super saving shipper. I guess they hate the United States Postal Service.
Shadowrun comes with 1 month of free LIVE. That's pretty much $5 right there. So get it. It's a good deal.
Hmm, quick question: is Shadowrun an import? There's no (I) in the title, but the boxshot shows a 16+ age rating rather than the ESRB rating on the packaging. It does show the T rating right below that in the description though, so maybe they just use the same picture the import and non-import.
[quote name='Edge']Hmm, quick question: is Shadowrun an import? There's no (I) in the title, but the boxshot shows a 16+ age rating rather than the ESRB rating on the packaging. It does show the T rating right below that in the description though, so maybe they just use the same picture the import and non-import.[/quote]

If they don't indicate it I highly doubth it's an import version. Just a fudge up picture, I think Amazon has done this from time to time before too.
Eww. $6 on the cheapest shipping for UT3 CE. I think I'll pass for the time being and try and pick it up a bit into the future. Shipping right now kills it for me.
Tabula Rasa is definitely worth $20 if the community hasn't bottomed out. It's fun, and a fresh perspective on the MMO formula.

Thanks OP.
damnit! I wanted Tabula Rasa... I was gonna buy the regular edition the other day for $40 too.

I might pick up shadowrun, wish it was free shipping though :p
bread's done