GoGamer 48 hour madness (Some Cheap 360 accessories).


Wired 360 controller, only $19.90:

MS 360 headset, $7.90:

Others (PC):
World in Conflict PC, $34.90

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, $5.90:

Heroes of Might and Magic: Hammers of Fate, $12.90:

Two Worlds, $32.90:

Empires: Dawn of the Modern World, $7.90:

That about wraps it up.
Wow, that wired 360 controller is just as cheap as the wireless reciever for Windows. Might have to get it with a spare headset.

Thanks OP!
Those are great prices one the 360 stuff. I just stocked up on headsets at teh CC B1G1F sale a few months ago, or I'd be all over it. It's a better deal here.
Nice prices! I'm going to get a spare controller, and maybe a spare headset and maybe Rise of Legends (maybe I ought to buy two spare controllers at that price!)
I'm trying to use Google checkout, but for some reason it won't work. It just sits on Google's screen showing the total price, and never finishes loading-the "purchase" button is greyed out.

I used to just buy stuff directly from GoGamer, but figured I'd give Google Checkout a try (plus I don't have to hunt down my GoGamer login :D )
For some reason Google Checkout was running really slow, but it worked when I just tried it again. Figured I'd try buying it that way just to try it out.
Yeah. I prefer it to the wireless pad for my PC and 360. I really lucked out getting a pad that actually has a solid d-pad on it, so I hope this one does too, but for half price it would be silly for me not to take the gamble :)
I just picked up two headsets, my house goes through them like nothing. They did not add any extra shipping to my order.
thanks for the post, i've been looking for a new controller for my PC for a while now. now i feel better for missing the wireless xbox360 controller deal from amazon by like a minute a few weeks back.
[quote name='swishbish33']How good is Rise of Legends?[/QUOTE]

Very fun RTS game and somewhat nonlinear. Between battles you get to pick where you fight next and conquering territories gives you bonuses and other things. My only complaint was it was ridiculously easy. It's been a while but I don't recall ever losing a single mission when I played it. I only played single player campaign so I can't speak for multi. Pretty much just rampaged through the thing. But it was fun while it lasted.

I would say if you like RTS it's definitely worth a look at that price.
[quote name='crowbb']Very fun RTS game and somewhat nonlinear. Between battles you get to pick where you fight next and conquering territories gives you bonuses and other things. My only complaint was it was ridiculously easy. It's been a while but I don't recall ever losing a single mission when I played it. I only played single player campaign so I can't speak for multi. Pretty much just rampaged through the thing. But it was fun while it lasted.

I would say if you like RTS it's definitely worth a look at that price.[/QUOTE]
that is the only knock I have on it as well...it is way too easy...I blew by the game without cheats in 2 days.
Okay, that two separate SKUs thing has me a bit worried. Is the $20 pad we're getting the super special broken edition? :D

Mine shipped last night along with a headset. I would have gotten Rise of Legends, but it jacked up the price of shipping a ton so the game ended up over $10 and I wasn't sure about it.
There were 2 SKUs for the 360 wired pad because of the 360 packaging and the Games for Windows packaging - don't sweat it, it's the same controller.
bread's done