GoHastings 30% off Movies w/ Coupon Code 321


10 (100%)
This was posted in the video game deals section, but I think it deserves a spot here.

I have 8 movies in my cart right now for a total of $73. Don't know if I should pull the trigger. For about $9.xx a movie, that's not a bad deal. They are used, but GoHastings has a good reputation for sending pristine movies with everything you ordered. If you ordered a digital copy, you'll get one. People over at bluray.com have already ordered and some people have already gotten their movies.

Just something to note. Your order may ship separately. Not all your movies are shipped from one location.

Just used coupon code 321 at checkout for 30% off your used movies. Shipping is a flat $1.99 + $0.99 for each extra movie.
Here's what I picked up a few days ago:

Standing in the Shadows of Motown (DVD) $1.07
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (Blu) $6.80
W. (Blu) $5.97
Smart People (Blu) $7.12

5.99 shipping
2.08 tax
29.03 total

once they arrive if they are all in good condition I'll probably order a few more
i ordered a bunch of stuff from them during the b2g1 deal a couple weeks back. out of the movies, i got Indy 4, Quantum of Solice and Tropic Thunder (along with 3 games), after all it turned out to be 10$ per game/movie, which was great considering what i got.

even though everything may get 'shipped' on the same day, you will get your items throughout the course of a week or so, shipping is slow and everything will be shipped from different locations. everything was indeed in excellent condition and 100% complete. however the plastic cases did have dings/cuts on them, like what happens when people dont peel stickers off the cases carefully.

overall im happy.
order stuff off them 2 weeks back...

got 2 emails

1 item shipped 9 2
1 item shipped 9 3

and the other item was cancelled

after being told all 3 were in stock and all 3 WOULD SHIP

well called today and they go

We hope to have your items shipped by 9 -11

the worker on the phone called me a liar that i had emails saying my items shipped on the 2 and 3rd and REFUSED to allow me to talk to their boss... Called bck and it was the same SOB

EDIT lol check my mail today and both of the 2 items got here today, (just shows how stupid that Sob was) they dont even know when something ships.... that is just plain sad
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I've gotten shipped e-mails for all four of my items, no problems.

I'll let you guys know how they are once they arrive
Thank you SOOOO much for the code, I picked up some stuff I've been meaning to get for a while. I grabbed the two disc Dragon Dynasty version of Hard Boiled, a cheap dubbed version of 8 Diagram Pole Fighter, the crazy Takashi Miike flick Gozu, Berserk manga volume 29, Bleach manga volume 27, an Evangelion music cd, and best of all...GOD HAND FOR PS2! All for 37 bucks shipped. Just buying the two manga at Border's (without a coupon, but I always use a coupon) would cost around 24 bucks or so!
Good deal. 25th Anniversary Transformers Season 1 for 9.30 after coupon. I'm wondering if this deal works in stores also, as it's in stock at a couple near me. Would jump on it in a heart beat if it weren't for shipping, so I'm crossing my fingers it'll fly in store. Will check tomorrow.
Ordered more:
Gundam Crossfire(ps3) $7.05
10,000 BC (blu) $9.14
Shinobi the movie(blu) $9.35

Ordered before:
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
The Forbidden Kingdom (shipped)
Resident Evil: Degeneration
Afro Samurai: Director's Cut (shipped)
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (shipped)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (shipped)
Eagle Eye (shipped)

Will let everyone know the condition when I receive em.

Damn I've spent about 100$
[quote name='Mako1215'].

Damn I've spent about 100$[/QUOTE]

HAHA I'll be getting there soon! I just ordered Pineapple Express, Dark Knight, and Ghostbusters Blu Rays. 27 bucks shipped, not bad!
Recieved RE: Degeneration, Eagle Eye, and Afro Samurai.
Eagle Eye, and RE: Degeneration are in good condition. Just finger prints and a little dust on RE. Afro's disc is in good condition. Just a little dust, but it's case on the other hand. Looks like someone drilled a hole through the upper left part of it. I'm OCD about my cases, so I'm calling on that one. Plus when you open your package and the first thing you see is a fucking hole. Not good.
I just got my order, 3 blu rays and a DVD all arrived today (from different shipping centers) and all 4 were in absolute mint and complete condition. I seriously can't tell the difference between them and a newly unwrapped movie.

I was skeptical since this was my first order, but gohastings now has a new customer, and I'm setting up another order right now!
30% did not come off my order so i had to email them... LOL they took 30% off the entire bill not just the items... so they even took 30% off shipping

Total was like 10.61 with shipping got an email saying im getting 4.xx back even though it was just 6 bucks for the movies meaning 1.80 back....
[quote name='canza']Why hasn't anyone jumped on these deals? They're so good![/QUOTE]

I've been trying to cut back on my movie/book buying habit. Those are the only two things I buy frequently and lately I've spent too much money on them if you ask me. I just spent $40 on 2 Green Lantern paperbacks and Dan Brown's new book. In August I spent about $70-$80 on Blu Rays. Overall cost would be about $13 each, which isn't bad if you ask me. I'm making $15 my new buying point for Blu Rays. And I might just buy X-men Origins: Wolverine when it comes out. BBV has this exclusive one that has Sabretooth and Wolverine fighting and I think it looks cool. I want it, but I'm not sure if I will spend $35 on it.

I actually want this one too; http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...verine+xmen&lp=4&type=product&cp=1&id=2011891 , but again, I don't want to use the money.
I had found the post in the Video games section as well. picked up a total of 12 blu-rays for a grand total of 107.50. breaking down to a little under 9 bucks each. picked up:
Fast & Furious
12 Rounds
Max Payne
Underworld Rise of the Lycans
Horton hears a Who?
Punisher War Zone
X-Men 2
X-Men 3(2 Disc Ed.)
The Spirit
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Zack and Miri make a Porno

I'm thinking of picking up Death Race & My Bloody Valentine 3-D

major thanks to the OP's but damn I need to stop spending money.......
Got Forbidden Kingdom, Zack and Miri, Underworld, Shinobi, and DOA Xtreme2. All in excellent condition. Worse one I recieved was Afro Samurai. The rest were awesome.
How often to used items become available? I have 6 movies in my 'Wish List' waiting to be available. Is it worth holding out on these, or am I just as well to look elsewhere?
Okay I got my Blu Rays in the mail today and they were like BRAND NEW. Discs were flawless and even the cases were like I just pulled the plastic off them.

I even got the wrong cd in the mail (I ordered Evangelion Vol.2 and got Vol.1) and they told me to keep it AND refunded my money. I've having nothing but good times from this sale.
bread's done