Golden Axe for free on GamersGate (Today only)


1913 (100%)
Today only, Gamers Gate offers downloads of Sega's Golden Axe for Windows for free via coupon code "GIVE-SEGA-GAXE-F8H43".

You can also get this deal on December 17 & 18 with different codes:
December 17 coupon code "GIVE-SEGA-GAXE-32LN2"
December 18 coupon code "GIVE-SEGA-GAXE-96PDB"

I don't think this is transferrable to Steam, but let me know if it is.
Here's a direct link to the game:

It looks like it's the MegaDrive/Genesis version, which was fun.

Edit: I snagged a copy, so thanks so much for sharing this, OP! I already own the Genesis version, but I'm too lazy to go into the garage and dig it out, heh. Also, OP, where did you get these codes? Are there other discount codes to come?
[quote name='NeoGutsman']Here's a direct link to the game:

It looks like it's the MegaDrive/Genesis version, which was fun.

Edit: I snagged a copy, so thanks so much for sharing this, OP! I already own the Genesis version, but I'm too lazy to go into the garage and dig it out, heh. Also, OP, where did you get these codes? Are there other discount codes to come?[/QUOTE]Since it's the Genesis version, it's different than the XBL version, which I think is a port of the arcade version. Isn't that it or is the XBL one also a port of the Genesis version?
[quote name='shrike4242']Since it's the Genesis version, it's different than the XBL version, which I think is a port of the arcade version. Isn't that it or is the XBL one also a port of the Genesis version?[/QUOTE]

The XBL one is a port of the arcade version (my personal favorite version). I should note that this version of Golden Axe (MD/Genesis) runs in a small, neat client that gives you an incredible amount of display customization as well as SAVE STATES! That's right, you can save your game as-is at any moment and load it up again. Pretty neat! I found this to be a really cool surprise.
[quote name='LeRoy']Use to love this game. Too bad they screwed up the remake.[/QUOTE]

I used to hate this game, thank [insert diety of choice] for the remake.
bread's done