Gold's Gym Cardio Workout (wii) $20 at Amazon

LOL if someone needs a thing like this to finally start losing weight, there is something really wrong with that person.
This dropped to $19.99 at GS and GameCrazy about 3 weeks ago. If Amazon just dropped it, they're really behind the times.
It's been up and down $20-$$28 on Amazon for awhile. Every other week it seemed like this game was $20.

It's actually fun and actually DOES provide a workout. A Wii game that is ACTUALLY worth the $20.

I've been thinking about it. I already got EA Sports Active and Personal Trainer: Walking (for when I am at work) on pre-order.

A work out video game is no worse than work out videos. It provides motivation, auto tracking and it is interactive and dare I say, FUN. I live in downtown LA. I don't like to join health clubs and I don't dare to run on the street... so beside my exercise equipments in my apartment (which I actually use)... this kind of stuff is great and give me more variety. Tho I don't know why anyone need to justify it...

If someone needs a video game to start exercising and lose weight, so what? Who cares what motivates them or how they do it, as long as they do it.
[quote name='wasabi5858']
If someone needs a video game to start exercising and lose weight, so what? Who cares what motivates them or how they do it, as long as they do it.[/QUOTE]

i agree 100%.
Effectiveness aside, who can't laugh at this?

Get a realistic "gym feel" thanks to the game's use of Gold's Gym exclusive signage and the experience of authentic gym dialogue
[quote name='Ceej']Effectiveness aside, who can't laugh at this?[/QUOTE]

Agreed 100% with that.
It really IS corny...and it's ashame.. because it's surprisingly really solid.
[quote name='UberNinjaz']LOL if someone needs a thing like this to finally start losing weight, there is something really wrong with that person.[/QUOTE]

The legions of DDR players would like to have a word with you.
[quote name='UberNinjaz']LOL if someone needs a thing like this to finally start losing weight, there is something really wrong with that person.[/QUOTE]

If someone "LOLs" someone else attempting to make a positive change in their life, there is really something wrong with that person.
[quote name='Nohbdy']The legions of DDR players would like to have a word with you.[/QUOTE]

But DDR actually does something. It forces you to use you legs.
[quote name='iRent']...p90x...[/QUOTE]
This is OT, but my girlfriend's $90 WiiFit sits in the corner covered in dust, but our $140 p90x gets used every day.
^that's good, then. wii fit is a toy whereas P90x is a hardcore workout plan that requires intense, daily dedication.

good for you.
what does this come out to plus tax? Does it get super saver or no?!
[quote name='UberNinjaz']LOL if someone needs a thing like this to finally start losing weight, there is something really wrong with that person.[/QUOTE]

The expert has spoken. Bow down and pay it homage.
[quote name='Nohbdy']The legions of DDR players would like to have a word with you.[/QUOTE]

They are playing an actual game, anyone that actually touts it as a way to lose weight is just an idiot.

[quote name='dboy81']If someone "LOLs" someone else attempting to make a positive change in their life, there is really something wrong with that person.[/QUOTE]

Never see this trick from trolls before. Nope, never have.

[quote name='Nohbdy']Still, video game cardio > normal boring exercise.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='UberNinjaz']They are playing an actual game, anyone that actually touts it as a way to lose weight is just an idiot.

Exercise = Moving around. Anything that burns calories = exercise.
You don't have to lift weights or run at the park or use a treadmill for something to be considered exercise.

I could pretend to have a seizure for 10 minutes. I would most def break a sweat and have my heart racing fast. If I do that 3x a day, 5x a week and eat a good lower calorie diet.. I will lose weight.

it does not matter what one person uses to burn some extra calories. I don't know why people get so.. DDR/Exercise games as "not real exercise"??
[quote name='UberNinjaz']

Fuck off, douche. If DDR isn't as effective as you think it is, then why the hell are tons of schools integrating it into their PE programs?
I have this and it is fun. It is a better time than Wii Fit. By itself it is not going to get you slim, but it is good for a change of pace.
Wii exercise games aren't going to provide results

I beg to differ. I have had success with My Fitness Coach. It can be very tough and effective for weight loss and endurance.
[quote name='Nohbdy']Well, legs, rhythm, dexterity, and balance.

Still, video game cardio > normal boring exercise.[/QUOTE]

Ditto :applause:. Gaming exercise FTW :D!
[quote name='Import']If you want to lose weight without joining a gym, get P90X.

Wii exercise games aren't going to provide results[/QUOTE]

Yeah also make sure you're in semi-good shape or else you'll spend a couple weeks trying to catch up to the videos.

If one were really a gamer one would know that spending $20 on a video game workout doesn't really work. There's no substitute for a good workout and commitment. Save your money!
If one were really a gamer one would know that spending $20 on a video game workout doesn't really work.

Sure is trolling in this thread. Of course $20 works. It's called a discounted DDR bundle.
Kinda surprised by all the p90xers in here. Guess the thing really has grown in popularity in the last couple years...

Anyway prolly gonna pick this up sometime but gonna wait to check out ea sport active first... then prolly wait for the eca coupons :) Not expecting an incredible workout from this but be a good change of pace to burn a few calories.
Last I checked, shadow boxing was considered a legitimate exercise. Most of this game is shadow boxing, along with pushups and other actual exercises. I don't see why anybody would think there's anything wrong with that. It's definitely more fun to box at a video game than to an imaginary target in the air. If it keeps you moving, it can give you results.
I don't see what people have against exergaming. Plenty of people find DDR (and its clones) to be a fun activity, plus they lose weight doing it. Just like any other sport. (Fun fact, DDR is a registered sport in Norway)

Likewise, plenty of people find interactive workout programs like Yourself!Fitness, Gold's Gym Cardio Workout, EA Sports Active, and Wii Fit to be a fun and engaging way to workout. Just like exercise books, DVDs, CDs, or gym memberships are to other people.

There is no magic pay-x-amount-and-you-will-be-healthy solution. I could spend all the money in the world on gym memberships, personal trainers, p90x, and whatever else the 'serious' exercise afficienados say is clearly superior, but it does me no good if I never use it. The same goes for Wii Fit, DDR, a treadmill, or even just getting a good pair of shoes and going for walks. However, there are clearly some things that are more likely to draw people back for more.

For example, when I played DDR, I found myself going back to it not for exercise, but simply because it was fun. I only stopped when I got tired of the tracklist; and I still fully intend to get a PC mat and plug it in to stepmania eventually. Likewise, lots of people probably keep in shape by playing football (both NA and soccer), basketball, or swimming-- not because they do it for exercise, but because they do it for fun.

Likewise, I've recently taken to taking walks around town, especially in the early morning. The various sights and sounds are much more interesting on foot than in a car, plus it gives me time to listen to audiobooks, language tapes, and the like. It also allows me to get around nearly free; the only costs being my time and a bit of extra wear and tear on my shoes.

The same things might not work for someone else, though-- I know people with little sense of rhythm, and they do horribly at DDR. If they tried it as a workout regimine, they would quickly fail. Likewise, someone living in a city that doesn't enjoy wide sidewalks and clear skies might find walking around to be an unpleasant experience. What matters is finding something that works for you, and who cares if that's a set of DVDs and books, a video game, or a personal trainer and gym membership if it works?

As far as weight loss is concerned, for the people that are obese or overweight, and really need to lose weight, anything is going to be an improvement over doing nothing, the important thing is sticking with it. Just an office worker replacing their trip to their cube on the 5th floor two or three times a day with taking the stairs would be improving their health. Now, if you're talking about getting a great form, awesome muscles, and very strong for someone who is already in pretty shape, yes, they're probably going to need some harder, more complex stuff. But there's a big difference between those that want to lose weight and those that already have a good body shape and want to improve it.
bread's done