Good God This Brings Back Memories (Nick, You'll Love This.)


Toby Harnden in Fallujah observes American soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division taskforce avenging their fallen comrades as battle begins

After seven months in Iraq's Sunni triangle, for many American soldiers the opportunity to avenge dead friends by taking a life was a moment of sheer exhilaration.

As they approached their "holding position", from where hours later they would advance into the city, they picked off insurgents on the rooftops and in windows.

"I got myself a real juicy target," shouted Sgt James Anyett, peering through the thermal sight of a Long Range Acquisition System (LRAS) mounted on one of Phantom's Humvees.

"Prepare to copy that 89089226. Direction 202 degrees. Range 950 metres. I got five motherf****** in a building with weapons."

Capt Kirk Mayfield, commander of the Phantoms, called for fire from his task force's mortar team. But Sgt Anyett didn't want to wait. "Dude, give me the sniper rifle. I can take them out - I'm from Alabama."

Two minutes tick by. "They're moving deep," shouted Sgt Anyett with disappointment. A dozen loud booms rattle the sky and smoke rose as mortars rained down on the co-ordinates the sergeant had given.

"Yeah," he yelled. "Battle Damage Assessment - nothing. Building's gone. I got my kills, I'm coming down. I just love my job."

Phantom Troop had rolled out of Camp Fallujah, the main US military base, shortly before 4am. All morning they took fire from the Al-Askari district in Fallujah's north-east, their target for the invasion proper.

The insurgents, not understanding the capabilities of the LRAS, crept along rooftops and poked their heads out of windows. Even when they were more than a mile away, the soldiers of Phantom Troop had their eyes on them.

Lt Jack Farley, a US Marines officer, sauntered over to compare notes with the Phantoms. "You guys get to do all the fun stuff," he said. "It's like a video game. We've taken small arms fire here all day. It just sounds like popcorn going off."

Another marine stepped forward and began to fire an M4 rifle at the city. "He's a reservist for the San Diego police. He wants a piece of the action, too".

A Phantom Abrams tank moved up the road running along the high ground. Its barrel, stencilled with the words "Ali Baba under 3 Thieves" swivelled towards the city and then fired a 120mm round at a house where two men with AK-47s had been pinpointed. "Ain't nobody moving now," shouted a soldier as the dust cleared. "He rocked that guy's world."

One of Phantom's sniper teams laid down fire into the city with a Barrett .50 calibre rifle and a Remington 700. A suspected truck bomb was riddled with bullets, the crack of the Barrett echoing through the mainly deserted section of the city. The insurgents fired 60mm mortars back, one of them wounding a soldier.

There were 25mm rounds from Phantom's Bradley fighting vehicles, barrages from Paladin howitzers back at Camp Fallujah and bursts of fire from .50 calibre machineguns. One by one, the howitzers used by the insurgents were destroyed.

"Everybody's curious," grinned Sgt Anyett as he waited for a sniper with a Russian-made Dragonov to show his face one last, fatal time. A bullet zinged by.

Dusk fell and 7pm, "A hour", the appointed hour to move into the city, approached. The soldiers of Phantom all reflected.

"Given the choice, I would never have wanted to fire a gun," said Cpl Chris Merrell, 21, manning a machinegun mounted on a Humvee. "But it didn't work out that way. I'd like a thousand boring missions rather than one interesting one."

On his wrist was a black bracelet bearing the name of a sergeant from Phantom Troop. "This is a buddy of mine that died," he said. "Pretty much everyone in the unit has one."

One fear playing on the mind of the task force was that of "friendly fire", also known as "blue on blue".

"Any urban fight is confusing," Lt Col Newell, the force's commander, told his troops before the battle. "The biggest threat out there is not them, but us."

His officers said that the plan to invade Fallujah involved months of detailed planning and elaborate "feints" designed to draw the insurgents out into the open and fool them into thinking the offensive would come from another side of the city.

"They're probably thinking that we'll come in from the east," said Capt Natalie Friel, an intelligence officer with task force, before the battle. But the actual plan involves penetrating the city from the north and sweeping south.

"I don't think they know what's coming. They have no idea of the magnitude," she said. "But their defences are pretty circular. They're prepared for any kind of direction. They've got strong points on all four corners of the city."

The aim was to push the insurgents south, killing as many as possible, before swinging west. They would then be driven into the Euphrates.


:twoguns: :notworth: Oh to be 20 something again....
[quote name='jmcc']This doesn't do much to change the image of the common republican...[/quote]

If you ever spend three months in that heat ducking under your desk because the chickenshits shoot rockets at you from trucks and than run away. You will understand where these soldiers are coming from.
[quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='jmcc']This doesn't do much to change the image of the common republican...[/quote]

If you ever spend three months in that heat ducking under your desk because the chickenshits shoot rockets at you from trucks and than run away. You will understand where these soldiers are coming from.[/quote]

I'll say right out: I have neither the capacity to kill [on orders] nor the single-mindedness to effectively carry out a military operation without questioning every command I got. However, I'd like to think that if I were in such a situation I'd be able to, if not avoid altogether, then at least compartmentalize any emotional response to the situation. If it took drugs to do it, then so be it, but a battle is likely hectic enough as it is without anger making you sloppy. That wasn't what I was referring to, though. PAD and BN's posts just seem like such stereotypical republican responses. I can appreciate that perhaps there's a certain beauty to war, but it's a terrible beauty, one that I look at with no pride and no love.
I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..
[quote name='pfunkpearl']I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..[/quote]

So your actually looking forward to America failing? What a patriot!
Whatever it takes to get america to wake any means neccesary..not that we'd ever actually lose...but it is inevitable for them to turn on us..
[quote name='RedvsBlue']So your actually looking forward to America failing? What a patriot![/quote]

Its not really so much looking forward to America failing. It more the realization that America IS going to fail, and looking forward eagerly to laugh at (or better yet kick the ass of) the people who put America in the position to fail.
[quote name='pfunkpearl']I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..[/quote]

Not cool. I don't like Bush, but the last thing I want is for America to fail in any capacity, be it in Iraq or our economy here at home.

If Bush does an excellent job, I will be very glad and be the first to admit that I was wrong (at least partially - I will never agree with the fundamentalist Christians on abortion or gay rights).

I do hope that if Bush does a terrible job that at least some of his supporters would admit it, though judging from this past summer I doubt it.
Meanwhile....the true terrorists (bin Laden) are still roaming freely in Pakistan while the U.S. is bogged down with insurgents that had nothing to do with terrorism before the Iraq invasion.
Even if Bush does fail, we must still "stay the course". Anything else would mean flip-flopping.
[quote name='pfunkpearl']I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..[/quote]

You're an idiot and 99%+ of America disagrees with you. You want American soldiers to die. Shaq-fu you.
I bet a lot of you repubs would want Kerry to fail in Iraq if he were president, too. Especially PAD and bignick.
[quote name='bignick']That was shaq-fuing awesome![/quote]

That is the Republican ideal, that battle is all glory.

What about an American soldier who get captured and beheaded? Or dragged behind a corner and having their throat slit?

Is that glorious too?

Real war is not Halo or America's Army, it is not a fun adrenalin rush.
People get hurt and many die.

Tens of thousands of civilians have lost their lives during this war, does the glory of victory in battle justify it?
[quote name='Quackzilla'][quote name='bignick']That was shaq-fuing awesome![/quote]

That is the Republican ideal, that battle is all glory.

What about an American soldier who get captured and beheaded? Or dragged behind a corner and having their throat slit?

Is that glorious too?

Real war is not Halo or America's Army, it is not a fun adrenalin rush.
People get hurt and many die.

Tens of thousands of civilians have lost their lives during this war, does the glory of victory in battle justify it?[/quote]

It's no use, Quackzilla. This is the new Republican party. To force your religious beliefs onto everyone else, to erradicate all those who oppose you both politically and militarily, to cheat and scheme and become drunk on power, and to spread hate and division on your people. It's the new Crusades.
[quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='pfunkpearl']I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..[/quote]

You're an idiot and 99%+ of America disagrees with you. You want American soldiers to die. Shaq-fu you.[/quote]

I'm Far from an idoit...I'm just tired of this war...I'm tired of repbulican presidents making allies with the wrong people and then not keeping up with those alliances....I'm tired o american's dieing for oil...I'm tired of a cowboy for a president who is going to get us all killed eventually..
There are still civilians in fallujah, listening to these soldiers I have no doubt they wouldn't get a kick out of taking out a few of them as well, well at least the ones quoted in this article. Doesn't anyone get just a little nervous when soldiers start looking for revenge? History is littered with atrocities started by soldiers looking to take out anger and get revenge. Build up enough hatred in them and they stop discriminating between valid targets and civilians.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']There are still civilians in fallujah, listening to these soldiers I have no doubt they wouldn't get a kick out of taking out a few of them as well, well at least the ones quoted in this article. Doesn't anyone get just a little nervous when soldiers start looking for revenge? History is littered with atrocities started by soldiers looking to take out anger and get revenge. Build up enough hatred in them and they stop discriminating between valid targets and civilians.[/quote]

IE offering to kill people who disagree with their political views *cough*PAD*cough*
[quote name='Quackzilla']Did you see that video from inside an American plane that bombed a group of people running away from a conflict?[/quote]

No, didn't even hear of it. I'd watch it if someone had a link, unless it actually shows them getting killed, then I don't want to see it.
[quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='Quackzilla']Did you see that video from inside an American plane that bombed a group of people running away from a conflict?[/quote]

No, didn't even hear of it. I'd watch it if someone had a link, unless it actually shows them getting killed, then I don't want to see it.[/quote]

The picture is bad because it's looking at the tageting screen, and when the bomb hits there is nothing to see because it is a 100 pound bomb.

But you can clearly see a group of people running away down a street, obviously scared as shit. Didn't see any guns.

I saw it on CNN.
[quote name='camoor']IE offering to kill people who disagree with their political views *cough*PAD*cough*[/quote]

Get things straight, I never offered to kill anyone. I merely offered to send out razor blades, rubber hoses, bullets or sleeping pills as a consolation prize to LOSERS that may desire such products.

Some of the anti-American sentiment here is sickening. I already posted the link to renounce your citizenship why don't some of you take it? You whining crybabies.

Backlash, I will go on record as saying I would never want Kerry to ever fail militarily if he had won. Military failure isn't a political issue, it's an American issue. This country suffers when our military fails on a world stage. Oh, BTW Mogadishu wasn't a military failure, it was a civillian failure. The army asked repeatedly for heavy armor and were denied because of the "message" it might send.

That's why you don't put Democrats in charge of the military in today's day and age.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']
Backlash, I will go on record as saying I would never want Kerry to ever fail militarily if he had won. Military failure isn't a political issue, it's an American issue. This country suffers when our military fails on a world stage. Oh, BTW Mogadishu wasn't a military failure, it was a civillian failure. The army asked repeatedly for heavy armor and were denied because of the "message" it might send.

That is good to hear, though I never mentioned that you would want Kerry to fail (I think someone else said that on another thread).

I mentioned that I harbor serious doubt that many Republicans could admint they were wrong about Bush IF Bush does a bad job (personally, I think he did a bad job for the last four years).
[quote name='Quackzilla'][quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='Quackzilla']Did you see that video from inside an American plane that bombed a group of people running away from a conflict?[/quote]

No, didn't even hear of it. I'd watch it if someone had a link, unless it actually shows them getting killed, then I don't want to see it.[/quote]

The picture is bad because it's looking at the tageting screen, and when the bomb hits there is nothing to see because it is a 100 pound bomb.

But you can clearly see a group of people running away down a street, obviously scared as shit. Didn't see any guns.

I saw it on CNN.[/quote]

Just because they were running from it doesn't mean they weren't guilty of doing something earlier it is their tactic to hit and run.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark'][quote name='camoor']IE offering to kill people who disagree with their political views *cough*PAD*cough*[/quote]

Get things straight, I never offered to kill anyone. I merely offered to send out razor blades, rubber hoses, bullets or sleeping pills as a consolation prize to LOSERS that may desire such products.

In the US we call that accessory to murder.

Reminds me of some good reading:
[quote name='"PittsburghAfterDark"'][quote name='camoor']...Oh, BTW Mogadishu wasn't a military failure, it was a civillian failure. The army asked repeatedly for heavy armor and were denied because of the "message" it might send.

That's why you don't put Democrats in charge of the military in today's day and age.[/quote]

Totally missing the point, as usual. I was pointing out that war is hell, not some revenge fantasy spun out by a GI Joe fanboy.

Yeah there was a political failure in Mogadishu. But there was a much greater political failure in Afganistan (Where's Bin Laden, Bushy can't finish a job, just like his father) and Iraq (Mission Accomplished?... Nuff Said). Political failure because all military opinion that disagreed with what god was telling Bush was promptly fired.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark'][quote name='camoor']IE offering to kill people who disagree with their political views *cough*PAD*cough*[/quote]

Get things straight, I never offered to kill anyone. I merely offered to send out razor blades, rubber hoses, bullets or sleeping pills as a consolation prize to LOSERS that may desire such products.

Some of the anti-American sentiment here is sickening. I already posted the link to renounce your citizenship why don't some of you take it? You whining crybabies.

Backlash, I will go on record as saying I would never want Kerry to ever fail militarily if he had won. Military failure isn't a political issue, it's an American issue. This country suffers when our military fails on a world stage. Oh, BTW Mogadishu wasn't a military failure, it was a civillian failure. The army asked repeatedly for heavy armor and were denied because of the "message" it might send.

That's why you don't put Democrats in charge of the military in today's day and age.[/quote]

Shut up and eat your jumbo, yinzer...
[quote name='pfunkpearl'][quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='pfunkpearl']I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..[/quote]

You're an idiot and 99%+ of America disagrees with you. You want American soldiers to die. Shaq-fu you.[/quote]

I'm Far from an idoit...I'm just tired of this war...I'm tired of repbulican presidents making allies with the wrong people and then not keeping up with those alliances....I'm tired o american's dieing for oil...I'm tired of a cowboy for a president who is going to get us all killed eventually..[/quote]

I don't begrudge anyone for being against the war, far from it. However, to wish that we fail and that American soldiers get killed, much like Michael Moore did, is just beyond the pale. Calling for a change in policy is one thing, but actually wanting your country to be humiliated and worse wanting Americans (or anyone else for that matter) to be killed is a very different thing.
I think there is a benefit in the u.s. losing, but it's more in hindsight. For example, if Iraq was a cakewalk we'd be staring at Iran right now, at least that's my opinion. Or if we actually won vietnam (I don't care what you say about how many more of them we killed, when you're fighting over a hill and the enemy loses 100 troops and you lose 10 and the hill, you lost) we would have been that much quicker to enter in other, largescale wars. So while I wouldn't wish for us to lose, I don't believe every u.s. war was justified, and winning every time, especially easily, would lead to more unjustified wars with more civilians killed.
[quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='pfunkpearl'][quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='pfunkpearl']I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..[/quote]

You're an idiot and 99%+ of America disagrees with you. You want American soldiers to die. Shaq-fu you.[/quote]

I'm Far from an idoit...I'm just tired of this war...I'm tired of repbulican presidents making allies with the wrong people and then not keeping up with those alliances....I'm tired o american's dieing for oil...I'm tired of a cowboy for a president who is going to get us all killed eventually..[/quote]

I don't begrudge anyone for being against the war, far from it. However, to wish that we fail and that American soldiers get killed, much like Michael Moore did, is just beyond the pale. Calling for a change in policy is one thing, but actually wanting your country to be humiliated and worse wanting Americans (or anyone else for that matter) to be killed is a very different thing.[/quote]

The intial post was more sarcasm than anything, well maybe some angery sarcasm in there....but it's going to always does...I'm sure we've created more terrorists than killed while being over in IRaq..If you look at Bin laden reasons for the atttack, the us support of palenstien, putting our weapons to close to holy land etc...think about the angry being generated by 16-20 year olds who's who families have been whipped out due to miscalculations of us bombings. I can guarentee they won't take that lightly...
[quote name='pfunkpearl']The intial post was more sarcasm than anything, well maybe some angery sarcasm in there....but it's going to always does...I'm sure we've created more terrorists than killed while being over in IRaq..If you look at Bin laden reasons for the atttack, the us support of palenstien, putting our weapons to close to holy land etc...think about the angry being generated by 16-20 year olds who's who families have been whipped out due to miscalculations of us bombings. I can guarentee they won't take that lightly...[/quote]

Uh...the US supports Israel, not the Palestinians, assuming that's what you were trying to spell there. I suppose they could be pissed at us for supporting some guy named Palenstien.
[quote name='pfunkpearl'][quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='pfunkpearl'][quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='pfunkpearl']I can't wait for when the iraqis who are helping us now turn on'll be sweet...we're giving them the highest tech gadgets we may no be tommorrow or next week but it will be soon...can't wait...when it happens....I'll be sure to bump this..[/quote]

You're an idiot and 99%+ of America disagrees with you. You want American soldiers to die. Shaq-fu you.[/quote]

I'm Far from an idoit...I'm just tired of this war...I'm tired of repbulican presidents making allies with the wrong people and then not keeping up with those alliances....I'm tired o american's dieing for oil...I'm tired of a cowboy for a president who is going to get us all killed eventually..[/quote]

I don't begrudge anyone for being against the war, far from it. However, to wish that we fail and that American soldiers get killed, much like Michael Moore did, is just beyond the pale. Calling for a change in policy is one thing, but actually wanting your country to be humiliated and worse wanting Americans (or anyone else for that matter) to be killed is a very different thing.[/quote]

The intial post was more sarcasm than anything, well maybe some angery sarcasm in there....but it's going to always does...I'm sure we've created more terrorists than killed while being over in IRaq..If you look at Bin laden reasons for the atttack, the us support of palenstien, putting our weapons to close to holy land etc...think about the angry being generated by 16-20 year olds who's who families have been whipped out due to miscalculations of us bombings. I can guarentee they won't take that lightly...[/quote]

Again, I don't think that is an unreasonable opinion to hold. But I'm sure you understand that many people get upset when you are basically hoping that their family/friends/countrymen get killed or defeated.
It's about time we kicked thier asses in that place. Too bad we just can't nuke the place - what a beautiful sight it would be.
[quote name='Scrubking']It's about time we kicked thier asses in that place. Too bad we just can't nuke the place - what a beautiful sight it would be.[/quote]

It's about time someone disemboweled you and slit your throat - what a beautiful site covered in the blood of a racist pig.
[quote name='Scrubking']It's about time we kicked thier asses in that place. Too bad we just can't nuke the place - what a beautiful sight it would be.[/quote]

And we wonder why so many other countries are looking to produce WMDs.
[quote name='niceguyshawne'][quote name='Scrubking']It's about time we kicked thier asses in that place. Too bad we just can't nuke the place - what a beautiful sight it would be.[/quote]

And we wonder why so many other countries are looking to produce WMDs.[/quote]

Yes, it's our fault that terrorists want to take over the world by any means necessary. There is no such thing as crazy, evil people - the whole world is good and we are the ones that turn them evil. :roll:
I never said that there were no "crazy, evil people" that want to take over the world. We reelected one last week.

Also I wrote Countries, not terrorists. There is a difference.
[quote name='niceguyshawne'][quote name='Scrubking']It's about time we kicked thier asses in that place. Too bad we just can't nuke the place - what a beautiful sight it would be.[/quote]

And we wonder why so many other countries are looking to produce WMDs.[/quote]

What's really scary is that the US government is researching ways to actually use nuclear weapons in combat as bunker-buster bombs and such. What a great idea, then we have no way of convincing anyone it's strictly for self-defense. :(
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I never said that there were no "crazy, evil people" that want to take over the world. We reelected one last week.[/quote]

Riiiight. :roll:

Quick, look out the window! There must be some black helicopters there somewhere!
bread's done