Good Horror Movies

I think Night of the Living Dead is the greatest horror movie ever made.

Just the thought of your dead family coming back to life and trying to eat you is more disturbing than anything possible, IMO.

I've watched and read so many zombie flicks and stories that now I have nightmares all the time about zombies. These things scare the shit outta me.
Black Sunday-Mario Bava and Barbara Steele
The City of the Dead/Horror Hotel-witchcraft
Ravenous-maniac killer during the civil war times
Near Dark-vampire movie shot like a western
Session 9-creepy as hell haunted state mental hospital
Dead&Buried-zombies who seem normal
The Changeling-creepy as hell haunted house movie

I like alot of the others mentioned such as the Halloween series and the Hammer movies but I only mentioned the ones I hadn't seen yet.
[quote name='Lil Stinky']Black Sunday-Mario Bava and Barbara Steele
The City of the Dead/Horror Hotel-witchcraft
Ravenous-maniac killer during the civil war times
Near Dark-vampire movie shot like a western
Session 9-creepy as hell haunted state mental hospital
Dead&Buried-zombies who seem normal
The Changeling-creepy as hell haunted house movie

I like alot of the others mentioned such as the Halloween series and the Hammer movies but I only mentioned the ones I hadn't seen yet.[/quote]

Black Sunday is a Classic from the 50's. Its a good movie.
Changeling is an excellent choice. I saw that years ago and I remembered that it was good.

I didnt like Ravenous. The concept was good but the execution had something to be desired. Its one of those "almost" movies as in it could almost have been somthing special but it isnt..
The Ring is the only movie in the last 6 years that has actually scared me in the field and the first in a LONG time that has left a lasting impression. Friggen A, the concept screws w/ me. I had to put a towel over my tv after i saw it the first time.
[quote name='guardian_owl']Jacob's Ladder was more weird than scary.[/quote]

Indeed. As many know it served as major inspiration for the Silent Hill series, which is another series which scares/disturbes me
what really good are the cheesy horror movies of the 50's 60's and 70's. I saw this one called FROGS! and all these amphibians went nuts and frogs somehow killed a guy in a wheel chair.

I think the opening scene in Children of the Corn still freaks me out. The one in the coffee shop...gettin bugged out thinkin about it
Final Destination is really good but it's not scary at all. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake) is awesome. Also, I liked Wrong Turn, but I only rented it cuz Eliza Dushku was in it.....
I just watched Ginger Snaps 2 a couple days and ago and that and the first Ginger Snaps film are ones I'd suggest. If looking for older ones some of my favorites are:

Don't Go in the House
Deranged (can get as double feature with Motel Hell on Dvd)
Maniac (Joe spinell is amazing)
Waxwork 1 and 2
Just Before Dawn
Chopping Mall
Hide and Go Shriek
Critters series
Microwave Massacre
Sleepaway Camp series
The Mutilator
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Killer Party
Brain Damage
Student Bodies or Wacko if you are looking for early movies like scary movie

As you can probably tell I like 80's horror a lot and will probably think of 20 more movies as soon as I submit this post
the origianl Texas Chainsaw is great,with the creepy old man, yikes! the best with a group,
Also seven freked me the way out, vanity still gives me the willies.
If you want to laugh and see some good death scenes Jack Frost, is silly and gory.
[quote name='MrBrando']Hey, I'm just wondering if you guys could recommend some good horror movies. I'm not looking for just gory movies (some is good) like Dead Alive or Cannibal Holocaust. I'm mainly looking for good movies to watch with a group of people, some of them girls. Thanks[/quote]

The Devil's Backbone...
I can't believe nobody has mentioned one of the most classic 80's horror films...The Re-Animator! This movie has got it all - freaky mad scientist - more gore than you can shake a stick at - a sense of humor - some genuine creepout moments. Bride of re-animator, while not as good is a fair watch as well. Stay away from the newer 3rd installment. The first Basket Case is classic as well. And then one of my all time favorite films (from the guy that did re-animator and starring much of the same cast) - From Beyond - that movie is genuinely freaky, gory, and a ton of fun!
Student Bodies, man that was great.
Motel Hell- a garden of people.
Night of the Comet is good because it is so crappy
The Shining- Those girls still freak me out.
Wishmaster- The first one was good, the rest suck.
[quote name='daikaiju']I can't believe nobody has mentioned one of the most classic 80's horror films...The Re-Animator! This movie has got it all - freaky mad scientist - more gore than you can shake a stick at - a sense of humor - some genuine creepout moments. Bride of re-animator, while not as good is a fair watch as well. Stay away from the newer 3rd installment. The first Basket Case is classic as well. And then one of my all time favorite films (from the guy that did re-animator and starring much of the same cast) - From Beyond - that movie is genuinely freaky, gory, and a ton of fun![/quote]

I mentioned Re-Animator in an earlier post. The Beyond I heard good things about- especially some scene involving a loose eyeball.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']what really good are the cheesy horror movies of the 50's 60's and 70's. I saw this one called FROGS! and all these amphibians went nuts and frogs somehow killed a guy in a wheel chair.
Some of the more memborable campy 70s horror movies that I remember:
Empire of the Ants
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
The Incredible Melting Man
Let's Scare Jessica To Death
Food of the Gods

You know what other movies freaked me out when I was a kid are some the early David Cronenberg flicks.
Shivers (aka They Came From Within) and Rabid really messed with my head for quite a while.
I mentioned Re-Animator in an earlier post. The Beyond I heard good things about- especially some scene involving a loose eyeball.

I must've missed that reading the thread - props to your excellent choice! And the movie I was mentioning was FROM BEYOND. From Beyond was also directed/produced by the Re-aniamtor's Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzna, and stars both Jeffery Combs AND Barbara Crampton -also from The Re-animator! To make the connection even stronger, both films were based on H.P. Lovecraft stories as well! As an added bonus, you see much more of Barbara Crampton's lovely flesh in this flick than in Re-Animator. It gets a little racy towards the end! :twisted: The movie that I think you're confusing it with is THE BEYOND (aka The Seven Doors of Death) by reknowned italian horror maestro Lucio Fulci (of Zombie! fame). And yes it has a great eyeball scene - it runs a close second to his "splinter in the eyeball" scene from Zombie!
[quote name='daikaiju']
I mentioned Re-Animator in an earlier post. The Beyond I heard good things about- especially some scene involving a loose eyeball.

I must've missed that reading the thread - props to your excellent choice! And the movie I was mentioning was FROM BEYOND. From Beyond was also directed/produced by the Re-aniamtor's Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzna, and stars both Jeffery Combs AND Barbara Crampton -also from The Re-animator! To make the connection even stronger, both films were based on H.P. Lovecraft stories as well! As an added bonus, you see much more of Barbara Crampton's lovely flesh in this flick than in Re-Animator. It gets a little racy towards the end! :twisted: The movie that I think you're confusing it with is THE BEYOND (aka The Seven Doors of Death) by reknowned italian horror maestro Lucio Fulci (of Zombie! fame). And yes it has a great eyeball scene - it runs a close second to his "splinter in the eyeball" scene from Zombie![/quote]

Thanks for letting me know the distinction. Youre right, I was thinking about Fulci's The Beyond. The other movie, I never heard of but I will check it out upon your recommendation.
Whoa, I don't know how this sliped my mind. Here in Austin we have the Alamo Drafthouse, which always shows weird/obscure/old movies and stuff like that. Anyway, their doing this thing called Roadshow of the Dead. They're gonna show Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, Martin, and The Crazies (all Romero directed). It's in the park at midnight, and Romero will be there in person. So if you live in the greater Austin area, come check it out.
What about Frankenhooker? That one was really terrifying!

God I love all that Romero's twice as interesting to me as I LIVE literally 20 minutes from where a lot of his classic movies were filmed. The Crazies was filmed in a little town called Evan's City here in western PA - I drive through it several times a week. Not to mention the classic NOTLD was filmed in the Evan's City Cemetary. In high school, we used to take cameras to the cemetary and set up still shots based on shots from the movie! Sadly, the house has been long demolished, but many of the distinguishing headstones etc are still there in all their glory! "They're coming to get you Barbara!". For the record, the ticker across the bottom of the screen stating the counties / cities affected by the zombie emergency in the film are all REAL places that surround that area. Also, all the mall sequences in Dawn of the Dead were actually shot at the Monroeville Mall in Monroeville, PA. And yes - it DID have a public ice skating rink in it back when that movie was filmed - I skated there as a kid! They nixed it in the mid eighties and replaced it with a food court. *Sigh* They have NOTLD conventions and the like in the area here to celebrate the anniversaries of these films and are usually attended by G. Romero,Tom Savini, and many of the surviving cast members. Always good times :D
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Whoa, I don't know how this sliped my mind. Here in Austin we have the Alamo Drafthouse, which always shows weird/obscure/old movies and stuff like that. Anyway, their doing this thing called Roadshow of the Dead. They're gonna show Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, Martin, and The Crazies (all Romero directed). It's in the park at midnight, and Romero will be there in person. So if you live in the greater Austin area, come check it out.[/quote]

Romero directed a movie thats underated but it was pretty good. It was called "Monkey Shines: An experiment in Fear". I saw this in the movie theater years ago and I remember that it was uneven but scary. Its worth looking for.
Yep saw Monkey Shine last year for the first time, pretty creepy. I remember seeing the video cover when I was young at the rental place, scared the crap out of me.

In related news, sorry to keep hijacking your thread, but:

Land of the Dead in the works?

Sounds kinda like half of the original concept of Day of the Dead, the one Romero had to deviate from when they cut his budget in 1/2 since he wouldn't tone it down to an "R" rating.
tell me if you have heard anything of this movie or what you think of the trailer!! I think it looks pretty interesting but I wanna hear what you all think since I like what I am hearing here.

if you wanna watch a movie that is kinda like Manhunt (the game) watch My Little Eye, I just finished watching it and it gets pretty good but also not the greatest but look into it. It kinda like a snuff reality web-cast show or something.
[quote name='karmapolice620']Xevious gets more kudos in my book for his listings...I was wondering when someone would mention: The Omen and Rosemary's Baby[/quote]

Thank you sir!

EDIT: Here are 2 more 50's classics that I just thought of that no one has mentioned. the original Village of the Damned and Carnival of Souls. They are old movies but they are still good.
[quote name='ZarathosNY']Try:

Cube - Strange but cool movie. People trapped in a giant building where all the rooms have exits on all 4 walls and the floor and the ceiling. Some of the rooms are trapped, so they have to be careful going from room to room as they try and figure out what is going on.

I thought I was the only one who saw that! That was a pretty sweet movie, do they have a sequel?

Anyways some other movies, Dawn of the Dead remake, and 28 days later. (I like my zombie flicks :) )
To whomever mentioned the Lovecraft inspired movies (Re-Animator, From Beyond, and In the Mouth of Madness), props to ye. All of the are excellent flicks. The only exception I'll make is for In the Mouth of Madness. The build up is wonderful, but the movie loses it toward the end. Also, if you like a Silent Hill Esque thing try Blue Velvet and this little gem from a while back called The Town that Feared Sundown. That one's kinda hard to find though.
[quote name='Chiba'][quote name='ZarathosNY']Try:

Cube - Strange but cool movie. People trapped in a giant building where all the rooms have exits on all 4 walls and the floor and the ceiling. Some of the rooms are trapped, so they have to be careful going from room to room as they try and figure out what is going on.

I thought I was the only one who saw that! That was a pretty sweet movie, do they have a sequel?

Anyways some other movies, Dawn of the Dead remake, and 28 days later. (I like my zombie flicks :) )[/quote]

yes there is a sequel to cube, thats the only one ive seen though(never seen the original)
Bump to bring this to the top as recommendations for all those putting the finishing touches on the selections for Halloween movie marathons.
Why hasn't anyone mentioned Dog Soldiers,The Howling,Bad Moon and Resident Evil those were good movies man, as you can see my favorites are werewolf movies. But why does everyone like 28 days later so much? I purchased it before renting it and felt kinda ripped off. Oh BTW how is Darkness Falls I was going to rent it about two days ago but couldn't combine two Hollywood Video coupons in one visit so I had to put it back, but anyway let me know how good it is so I can maybe rent it today!
My movie plans for tomorrow:
nothing too scary, as I probably couldn't handle it anyways, just
Ringu (j-version of teh Ring, which I did hear was damn scary)
Ju-On (j-version of the grudge)
And the rocky horror picture show for nostalgia effect :D

Other ones too but they don't fit into the theme as well, ^_^
[quote name='ramprider0']Why hasn't anyone mentioned Dog Soldiers,The Howling,Bad Moon and Resident Evil those were good movies man, as you can see my favorites are werewolf movies. But why does everyone like 28 days later so much? I purchased it before renting it and felt kinda ripped off. Oh BTW how is Darkness Falls I was going to rent it about two days ago but couldn't combine two Hollywood Video coupons in one visit so I had to put it back, but anyway let me know how good it is so I can maybe rent it today![/quote]

Dog Soldiers was ok, I wasn't too fond of the howling (though great transformation effects) and I really hated resident evil. Darkness Falls is functional as a horror movie. Whatever you do, stay away from "They", that is just a horrible mess of a film.
And then doG said, "Ret there re rhead recrorancy, rand there ras, rand rit ras rood."

Bumping this thread for the upcoming Halloween season. Feel free to add other good horror films you have come across over the course of this past year.
[quote name='ZarathosNY']
The Fog - I saw this a long time ago, but I remember it was good

Yea I just saw this movie today is pretty good, creepy too. Otherwise Halloween series like alot of other people said.
bread's done