Good news at last!

Oh, jeez. Here it comes.

Wait, I can hear the disdain brewing. I'm hearing: ".... insensitive....I can't believe you actually have a child....and a daughter, no less.......bastard......knew he doesn't like the brown people.......," like whispers shaping themselves into words.
I think FoC was being facetious, though you may be too young and naive to realize it, and therefore are likely to take it personally.;)
I'm curious what the hungry masses are going to do to the people who have converted perfectly good farming land for biofuel production.

Perhaps they'll eat cake.
[quote name='pittpizza']"Let them eat war." -Bad Religion[/quote]Why are 90% of your political quotes from washed up punk rock bands? (OK, that number was completely unfounded. :))
[quote name='pittpizza']I think FoC was being facetious, though you may be too young and naive to realize it, and therefore are likely to take it personally.;)[/QUOTE]

No, conservatives don't joke because they don't have a sense of humor. He's just letting his selfish, inner racist show.
Washed up? Pah-lease. B R is waaayyy more punk than new stuff.

And they're not, my political views come from my parents, stuff I've read, my education, my friends, and a whole lot of other sources.

It just so happens that lots of punk bands have poignant lyrics (like Neimoller) that are appropriate for discussions occuring the vs. threads.

Bmull, I'm pretty damn sure he was joking. Tell Larry Craig that conservatives don't have a sense of humor, lol. You'd have to be a hard hearted dude to be seriously happy about developing countries blighted by famine and FoC is not that.
[quote name='pittpizza']Bmull, I'm pretty damn sure he was joking. Tell Larry Craig that conservatives don't have a sense of humor, lol. You'd have to be a hard hearted dude to be seriously happy about developing countries blighted by famine and FoC is not that.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I was being facetious. Sorry you didn't get that.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']The nice thing about the Third world is that it is always an ocean away.

Of course, the Summer Olympics could be a lot more interesting this year.[/quote]

I don't know Mexico is part 3rd world. And If Fl legislature has its way most of Fl will be as well.
Well accoridng to a previous post of, "If charity falls short, the person in need of the charity should suffer."

So fuck the third world eh?
[quote name='JolietJake']Well accoridng to a previous post of, "If charity falls short, the person in need of the charity should suffer."

So fuck the third world eh?[/quote]

Correct. Pain teaches you many things. If you protect somebody from pain, that person will have to be protected from greater pain in the future. Ultimately, the protection will fail and the person will die instead of learn.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Correct. Pain teaches you many things. If you protect somebody from pain, that person will have to be protected from greater pain in the future. Ultimately, the protection will fail and the person will die instead of learn.[/quote]
What the fuck does a person learn from starving? Not eating hurts?
[quote name='davidjinfla']I don't know Mexico is part 3rd world. And If Fl legislature has its way most of Fl will be as well.[/quote]

Damn you for beating me to the Florida joke :lol:
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Correct. Pain teaches you many things. If you protect somebody from pain, that person will have to be protected from greater pain in the future. Ultimately, the protection will fail and the person will die instead of learn.[/QUOTE]

Spoken like a responsible parent. Sometimes you have to let your kid be stupid so that he learns not to be stupid again. Pitpizza an Joiliet miss the point and erroneously attribute the last salvo as salient to the original post.
[quote name='JolietJake']What the fuck does a person learn from starving? Not eating hurts?[/quote]

Many of the countries with shortages will learn they shouldn't cultivate biofuel for the EU. The citizens that survive (hopefully most if not all) will learn to grow the food they need locally rather than hope global trade won't jack them on prices overnight.

Yes, starvation is quite unpleasant. Of course, some people find it enlightening. Try it for a few days. Other than being irritable during the process, you can easily recover afterwards.
Well give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for the rest of his life. Unless he lives in a desert then it is pointless to teach him to fish. So teach these people how to farm unless they live in a climate that can't support agriculture. Teach them cannibalism or Teach them how to invade the neighboring states for food. Teach them to illegally immigrate to another country that has food.
The level of famine we see will depend on how governments handle the problem.

If governments keep prices down artificially, their populations will stay in urban areas and do urban work (anything but producing food).

If governments let prices go up, their populations will move back to agricultural areas and produce their own food.

It depends on what the governments would prefer to handle: a smaller more self-sufficient economy with fewer exported goods and services or a famine fueled revolution with no exported goods.
[quote name='davidjinfla']I don't know Mexico is part 3rd world. And If Fl legislature has its way most of Fl will be as well.[/quote]

There are a lot of good US jobs in Mexico. You've heard of NAFTA, right?
[quote name='bmulligan']Pitpizza an Joiliet miss the point and erroneously attribute the last salvo as salient to the original post.[/quote]

Then please enlighten us oh wise one. What is the point? Let em die, right? Survival of the fittest?
Has anyone heard of Codex Alimentarius?

For anyone that has a few minutes to spare, watch this video, or as much of it as you can, and post your thoughts.

It's lecture about 40 minutes long, but you can get a lot of info in the first 10-15.

Crazy? Conspiracy? Insane? Scary?
Keep in mind it is from 2006.
bread's done