Good time to buy an iPod?

Well, there's always a good time to buy an iPod, especially from Best Buy. Best Buy has an amazingly exploitable product replacement plan. For like $20, you get a price guarantee on your iPod for 2 years. So, say you buy an iPod nano for $249 today with a $20 product replacement plan. Anytime within the next two years Apple will stop making nanos and replace them with something else. At that point, you can go into Best Buy with your PRP and say your iPod is running slowly, or stops working after an hour or something similar. Some intermittent problem that isn't easily detected. Well, you're in luck, Best Buy will give you back your full purchase price of $249 (plus tax) as a gift card or as a comparable iPod! So then you can just get that one for free, add a new product replacement plan, and repeat in two years.

Indeed, it's a good idea. Actually, last time my mom went to BB she bought an iPod with a PRP like I'd suggested and the sales rep told her that exact same bit above that I'd just given her!
[quote name='iowaholdem']Well, there's always a good time to buy an iPod, especially from Best Buy. Best Buy has an amazingly exploitable product replacement plan. For like $20, you get a price guarantee on your iPod for 2 years. So, say you buy an iPod nano for $249 today with a $20 product replacement plan. Anytime within the next two years Apple will stop making nanos and replace them with something else. At that point, you can go into Best Buy with your PRP and say your iPod is running slowly, or stops working after an hour or something similar. Some intermittent problem that isn't easily detected. Well, you're in luck, Best Buy will give you back your full purchase price of $249 (plus tax) as a gift card or as a comparable iPod! So then you can just get that one for free, add a new product replacement plan, and repeat in two years.

Indeed, it's a good idea. Actually, last time my mom went to BB she bought an iPod with a PRP like I'd suggested and the sales rep told her that exact same bit above that I'd just given her![/quote]

Don't they try to repair the stuff first? Or just try to give you a new one? I have a Zen Vision M I'd like to get rid of and I wouldn't mind exchanging it for an iPod.
Yeah, with my camera, they tried to repair 4 times before they would replace it. Its never as easy as they make it sound.

Like someone said earlier, a new model is supposed to be announced next month. Unfortunately, it isn't a iPhone minus the phone that alot of us were hoping for. Its supposed to be very similar to the existing 5G model but about 1 inch shorter in length. Whoop-de-freakin-do.
[quote name='GizmoGC']I'd wait. New models should arrive in September...hopefully. I'm enjoying my iPhone right now.[/QUOTE]

Sept, eh... I know you are just speculating, but it is based, I'm assuming, on something. I have no clue about iPods, but my kids want them for Christmas. However, it is probably pretty dumb to buy them now and put them away for that long when newer/better ones may come out this Fall. I know they almost never go on sale but Best Buy had $12.50 off on the $299 ones last week and I almost bit. Costco has them for $10 off just as a regular price and even though they are definitely under the new 90 day return policy they do extend the manufacturer's warranty by a year. My son just wants a shuffle ($79) and at first my daughter wanted the Nano (the $199 green one). But then I saw the 30GB models were only $249 so I showed her those and now she wants that ;). Obviously something that expensive needs to be a Christmas present - the biggest thing they've gotten before that was the Gamecube in 2003 and they shared that present :lol:. Kind of a big leap to get a $250 mp3 player.

Of course I can make it cheaper any number of ways - I can get a Best Buy gift card via Coke Rewards (though they made it very expensive now in terms of points). I can also get one via Marriott Rewards from all of my past work travel. However, I can also use those for other things, so I don't consider it critical to use on something like this. (My last Marriott Rewards BB gift card paid for most of my launch PSP).

agapens - 5G model? I thought they were only 1, 2, 4, 30 and 80. I'll check out Apple's site and see what's there now... That "improvement" sounds good to me though. My daughter needs something as compact as possible (but she wants the screen of course).
[quote name='io']
agapens - 5G model? I thought they were only 1, 2, 4, 30 and 80. I'll check out Apple's site and see what's there now... That "improvement" sounds good to me though. My daughter needs something as compact as possible (but she wants the screen of course).[/quote]5G model = 5th generation model a.k.a. the iPod video. ;)
[quote name='agapens']Yeah, with my camera, they tried to repair 4 times before they would replace it. Its never as easy as they make it sound.

Like someone said earlier, a new model is supposed to be announced next month. Unfortunately, it isn't a iPhone minus the phone that alot of us were hoping for. Its supposed to be very similar to the existing 5G model but about 1 inch shorter in length. Whoop-de-freakin-do.[/quote]
I've never had a problem just getting a replacement. iPods are definitely one of the items they won't try to fix because they can't. It has to be sent to an Apple store and the PRP says they'll replace it right away. I've had a DS and a DS Lite replaced by taking them into the store.

I guess cameras are different. Maybe they have equipment on hand to fix things like that. I don't know about a phone, but if you have a PRP, you might as well give it a shot.

EDIT: Oh and one thing that is covered on the PRP is sun/heat damage. Interestingly enough. So just set whatever you want to break on the hood of you car, park it outside for the day and peel it off when it's good and toasted! Actually scratch that, maybe it doesn't. But it does cover internal overheating, so a microwave for a second maybe?
My iPod is not doing too well, does anyone have information on the new model of the iPod that is supposed to be coming out?

BTW, the Best Buy plan works great. My 360 died and they literally gave me a new one out of the box, never bothered with "repairing" it. That is why it is such a good "refurbished" garbage.
[quote name='parKer']5G model = 5th generation model a.k.a. the iPod video. ;)[/QUOTE]
:rofl: I told you I had no idea what is up with iPods.

Alcedes - thanks for the link, will check it out.
[quote name='nwaugh']There's never a good time to buy an iPod. Save yourself money and get a bunch of additional features by buying any other digital music player.

For example:[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't go as far to say ANY other digital audio player. Ipods are ok, but there is better for your money. Usually people just get Ipods because it's the popular item or they just think it looks nice. It is too bad that rarely anybody actually knows anything about what they are buying.

The Cowon I7 is nice. It is worth checking out other offerings from Cowon, Creative and Meizu. The Cowon D2, and I7 are the awesomeness.
I'm buying for a 10 year-old girl, so the look factor of the iPod is critical. She has a cheap mp3 player I got at black Friday a few years ago and it has served her well but the iPod is so much nicer.

My son wants an orange shuffle and $80 for 1GB is not too bad even compared to other players I've seen (yes, I'm sure there are some cheaper ones).

I like to support Apple too. It's nice to see them doing so well as I was a Mac guy from the VERY beginning (well, my Dad was, anyway) and lived through the agony of the clunky-assed Windows taking over the PC market. I actually haven't bought a Mac since 1999 but I'm thinking of getting one of those new iMacs that just got released... :whistle2:k
Buy a refurbished from the Apple Store online. They give you the same 1 year warranty as new ones. Take it to an Apple store a few months before the warranty is up and tell them the battery doesn't last as long as it did when you bought it. Most times they will replace it with a new current one.
[quote name='ryanflucas']Buy a refurbished from the Apple Store online. They give you the same 1 year warranty as new ones. Take it to an Apple store a few months before the warranty is up and tell them the battery doesn't last as long as it did when you bought it. Most times they will replace it with a new current one.[/QUOTE]

this works? i just got a refurb 5g from apple in june.
Just wait on a video. I'm pretty sure there will be something here real soon. Ipods have seem to take a hit of late of hype. They will get something out before christmas for sure, FOR SURE. Can't say what they will bring to the table though. Mac rumors is saying a mini video and a new operating system but maybe they will suprise us all with an iphone without the phone, 40 and 80 gig with a lot of functions.
[quote name='io']I'm buying for a 10 year-old girl, so the look factor of the iPod is critical. She has a cheap mp3 player I got at black Friday a few years ago and it has served her well but the iPod is so much nicer.

My son wants an orange shuffle and $80 for 1GB is not too bad even compared to other players I've seen (yes, I'm sure there are some cheaper ones).

I like to support Apple too. It's nice to see them doing so well as I was a Mac guy from the VERY beginning (well, my Dad was, anyway) and lived through the agony of the clunky-assed Windows taking over the PC market. I actually haven't bought a Mac since 1999 but I'm thinking of getting one of those new iMacs that just got released... :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]
Apple is doing so well because their marketing department kicks ass.

Twice as much storage, has a screen and cheaper too. That is the Creative Zen stone plus.

I don't see why their is such pride associated with supposedly being a "Mac guy". I don't think most people have any valid reason for calling themselves "Mac whatevers". I mean, most of us probably used Macs when we were younger. Do you have reason to consider yourself a "Mac guy"? These classifications people throw out are totally arbitrary and meaningless. There is not that great difference between Macs and PC's. Not enough for them to be split in that manner. The only difference nowadays is the operating system they run. Apple has their own OS and PC's have a number, but the majority runs Windows.

Like I said, Apples marketing team is crazy good. They get people who know a very limited amount about computers(the general public) to believe there is some inherent superiority in their products when that is not true.
[quote name='mkg12']Apple is doing so well because their marketing department kicks ass.

Twice as much storage, has a screen and cheaper too. That is the Creative Zen stone plus.

I don't see why their is such pride associated with supposedly being a "Mac guy". I don't think most people have any valid reason for calling themselves "Mac whatevers". I mean, most of us probably used Macs when we were younger. Do you have reason to consider yourself a "Mac guy"? These classifications people throw out are totally arbitrary and meaningless. There is not that great difference between Macs and PC's. Not enough for them to be split in that manner. The only difference nowadays is the operating system they run. Apple has their own OS and PC's have a number, but the majority runs Windows.

Like I said, Apples marketing team is crazy good. They get people who know a very limited amount about computers(the general public) to believe there is some inherent superiority in their products when that is not true.[/QUOTE]

BECAUSE people like you dump on them and it has always ever been so ;). Maybe you didn't grow up when the Mac vs PC thing was relevant (it isn't now, as you say). It was painful watching an inferior product gain marketshare thanks to the marketing geniouses and deep pockets at MS (and, yes, the differences are no longer so great so it doesn't matter much now). It is only very recent that Apple has had a "crazy good" marketing team. They were blown away in the 90's by MS.

I'm a Mac guy not because I "used them when I was younger". That makes you sound fairly young - like you used iMacs in Elementary school or something (even now they are in my daughter's school). I spent my formative years (high school/college/grad school) using Mac's almost EXCLUSIVELY (with some Sun/UNIX on the side). I didn't touch a PC until I absolutely had to in my current job (started in 1999). That's why I'm a "Mac guy" - it brings me nostalgic feelings like so many on this site have for their NES or Sega Genesis or whatever.

But whatever, man, I was looking at getting an iPod and that's why I was drawn to this thread. I got some good info out of it - as I figured I can wait for the new models, whatever they may be. I don't need someone telling me I'm a general populous moron being tricked my Apple's clever marketing :lol:.

On a separate note, I see no need whatsoever for ANY sort of MP3 player. I don't see the appeal. I think it is pretty stupid to spend money on fucking tinny little music players. Like I said, I'm getting them for my kids as toys, pretty much - and if I can take care of two kids' primary Christmas presents in one trip to Best Buy or the Apple Store I'm happy to do so ;).

(and by the way I grew up in the East Bay and went to Cal - I see you are in the East Bay. Perhaps you get overwhelmed with Appleness living there - and thus the backlash. But where I am now people aren't too into that kind of stuff).
Man, the MP3 player market is so saturated with Ipods everyone calls my Creative player an Ipod. Shame people don't do a little research before deciding to buy.

My next potential MP3 player is an Iriver Clix 2. I was thinking about the Ipod Nano for a while until I stumbled onto the Clix.
Did I really DUMP on Apple? I said they put out ok stuff, but that you can get better for your money. I was dumping on the people without valid reason for claiming affiliation towards a certain computer. I guess you don't fall in that category. I didn't mean to say they put out BAD stuff if that is what you interpreted. It is just that most people believe there is a way bigger difference nowadays then there really is.

Yes, there was a greater difference before, you are right. You have to admit though, most people are tricked by Apple's clever marketing. Especially with there run of, "I'm a Mac and i'm a PC" commericals.
[quote name='io']BECAUSE people like you dump on them and it has always ever been so ;). Maybe you didn't grow up when the Mac vs PC thing was relevant (it isn't now, as you say). It was painful watching an inferior product gain marketshare thanks to the marketing geniouses and deep pockets at MS (and, yes, the differences are no longer so great so it doesn't matter much now). It is only very recent that Apple has had a "crazy good" marketing team. They were blown away in the 90's by MS.

I'm a Mac guy not because I "used them when I was younger". That makes you sound fairly young - like you used iMacs in Elementary school or something (even now they are in my daughter's school). I spent my formative years (high school/college/grad school) using Mac's almost EXCLUSIVELY (with some Sun/UNIX on the side). I didn't touch a PC until I absolutely had to in my current job (started in 1999). That's why I'm a "Mac guy" - it brings me nostalgic feelings like so many on this site have for their NES or Sega Genesis or whatever.

But whatever, man, I was looking at getting an iPod and that's why I was drawn to this thread. I got some good info out of it - as I figured I can wait for the new models, whatever they may be. I don't need someone telling me I'm a general populous moron being tricked my Apple's clever marketing :lol:.

On a separate note, I see no need whatsoever for ANY sort of MP3 player. I don't see the appeal. I think it is pretty stupid to spend money on fucking tinny little music players. Like I said, I'm getting them for my kids as toys, pretty much - and if I can take care of two kids' primary Christmas presents in one trip to Best Buy or the Apple Store I'm happy to do so ;).

(and by the way I grew up in the East Bay and went to Cal - I see you are in the East Bay. Perhaps you get overwhelmed with Appleness living there - and thus the backlash. But where I am now people aren't too into that kind of stuff).[/QUOTE]
Did I really DUMP on Apple? I said they put out ok stuff, but that you can get better for your money. I was dumping on the people without valid reason for claiming affiliation towards a certain computer. I guess you don't fall in that category. I didn't mean to say they put out BAD stuff if that is what you interpreted. It is just that most people believe there is a way bigger difference nowadays then there really is.

Yes, there was a greater difference before, you are right. You have to admit though, most people are tricked by Apple's clever marketing. Especially with their run of, "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" commercials.
well my question is just how bad do you need an iPod? like do you need it now?

or do you just wanna buy an iPod coz of the coupons you have?

i think that's an answer only you could provide. whether or not there's a deal out there or even if there's a new model coming out like an hour from now, i think it really depends on you. coz from what i see, apple don't do any good offers or cheaper deals.

the only excellent deals that i know when it comes to iPod or such is to get huge fat discounts on iPod when purchased with a student iD, or somewhere along that line. or if you're in college, typically they offer iPods free with any notebook or systems.
In 3 1/2 years I've had 2 4G iPods break on me. Before you tell me I probably threw it around please shhh. I treat all my electronics with great care. Especially shit that cost me $300.

My friend, who gets a boner every time you say Steve Jobs' name, tried to convince me that a 1 1/2 to 2 year life span was good for an iPod. I just LOLed at him. I was like, you're telling me that this $300 product is only good for 2 years? He was like "well yeah, that's a pretty good life-span."

Dumbfounded by his absolute blind love for all-things Apple, I brought up the fact that the damn iPod is meant to be portable. And as a portable device, normal wear and tear from every day use is something it should be able to handle. Outside of a few drops, no more than say 3 feet, my 2 iPods have been cared with fairly well. If they can't handle little bumps like that, then wow. Just wow.

I've personally stayed away from iPods since then. I'm waiting to see the new 6G iPods to see if they're worth my time and money. I'm also waiting for the new Zunes and the new Creative Zen line. I really don't know why so many people shit on the Zunes especially. I really liked the aesthetics and the UI. Though it was a bit too big, and the store, I forget what it's called, is just laughable.

I'm hoping MS gets it's act together, or Creative launches something similar to iTunes. I can't stand using WMP to organize my library.
I'd buy a 40 or 80gb mp3 player if the price was right...but iPods are just soo...trendy >_> the cost + reliability just doesn't compare.
[quote name='mkg12']Apple is doing so well because their marketing department kicks ass.

Twice as much storage, has a screen and cheaper too. That is the Creative Zen stone plus.

I don't see why their is such pride associated with supposedly being a "Mac guy". I don't think most people have any valid reason for calling themselves "Mac whatevers". I mean, most of us probably used Macs when we were younger. Do you have reason to consider yourself a "Mac guy"? These classifications people throw out are totally arbitrary and meaningless. There is not that great difference between Macs and PC's. Not enough for them to be split in that manner. The only difference nowadays is the operating system they run. Apple has their own OS and PC's have a number, but the majority runs Windows.

Like I said, Apples marketing team is crazy good. They get people who know a very limited amount about computers(the general public) to believe there is some inherent superiority in their products when that is not true.[/QUOTE]

Im an artist, thus a mac guy there is a difference in the 2 especially where I am concerned. I have 4 computers I use at work, one mac & 3 pc's... the mac OS is so much smoother and easier. Love my Imac at home as well, seems like windows is always catching up with them.And I know alot about computers... why is it that any time there is a thread on ipods or macs all the haters come out... my wife after a few years with her PC laptop is switching over to a macbook after playing around with my imac over the past few year with no prodding from me, she came to the conclusion on her own

Why would you feel threatened by the releatively small market share apple holds... they a business out there to make money

Your quote is "I dont see why THERE is such pride associated..."
[quote name='io']BECAUSE people like you dump on them and it has always ever been so ;). Maybe you didn't grow up when the Mac vs PC thing was relevant (it isn't now, as you say). It was painful watching an inferior product gain marketshare thanks to the marketing geniouses and deep pockets at MS (and, yes, the differences are no longer so great so it doesn't matter much now). It is only very recent that Apple has had a "crazy good" marketing team. They were blown away in the 90's by MS.

I'm a Mac guy not because I "used them when I was younger". That makes you sound fairly young - like you used iMacs in Elementary school or something (even now they are in my daughter's school). I spent my formative years (high school/college/grad school) using Mac's almost EXCLUSIVELY (with some Sun/UNIX on the side). I didn't touch a PC until I absolutely had to in my current job (started in 1999). That's why I'm a "Mac guy" - it brings me nostalgic feelings like so many on this site have for their NES or Sega Genesis or whatever.

But whatever, man, I was looking at getting an iPod and that's why I was drawn to this thread. I got some good info out of it - as I figured I can wait for the new models, whatever they may be. I don't need someone telling me I'm a general populous moron being tricked my Apple's clever marketing :lol:.

On a separate note, I see no need whatsoever for ANY sort of MP3 player. I don't see the appeal. I think it is pretty stupid to spend money on fucking tinny little music players. Like I said, I'm getting them for my kids as toys, pretty much - and if I can take care of two kids' primary Christmas presents in one trip to Best Buy or the Apple Store I'm happy to do so ;).

(and by the way I grew up in the East Bay and went to Cal - I see you are in the East Bay. Perhaps you get overwhelmed with Appleness living there - and thus the backlash. But where I am now people aren't too into that kind of stuff).[/QUOTE]

I use my ipod more than anything... I use it in the car, at work to listen to downloads of shows, and at the gym... something about having hundreds of my cd worth of tunes in my hands at anytime is the appeal to me, but I love music, and hate radio
[quote name='zman73']I use my ipod more than anything... I use it in the car, at work to listen to downloads of shows, and at the gym... something about having hundreds of my cd worth of tunes in my hands at anytime is the appeal to me, but I love music, and hate radio[/QUOTE]

Well, I should have said that I would have loved such a device when I was in college. I had one of the first Sony Discmans, actually. So yeah, being able to put all your CDs on one thing is pretty nice. I just don't like using headphones any more, so if I listed to music it is on the stereo. It was just me being grumpy mostly (set off by that post) ;).

Thing is, I don't even buy CDs any more (nor do I download stuff). Music is just not a priority for me any more.

As for the Mac/PC thing, yeah, I need to use the PC for work. But I've been trying for the life of me to find a nice DVD editing package (without spending $$) and nothing compares to what comes with the Mac for that, though I haven't had much time with it (my mother has an iBook so I use that a bit when she visits). It's that kind of stuff that is so much nicer on the Mac. Of course, I've been meaning to pick up an iMac for years now and I just haven't done it - so I'm not THAT into them any more :lol:.

Sorry to hear about your iPod problems, Panda. I would definitely expect them to last several years! If I'm giving them to my kids they better be durable. Now, I could see them being obsolete every few years, but still usable. But if yours are breaking that often that's not good.

And mkg12 - I didn't mean to imply you were dumping on Apple products, but you have to admit you were on the people who buy them and like them ;).
Yeah it sucked. For the time I had an iPod that worked I loved the thing. I never went anywhere without it. In my car and on campus especially.

Also whoever recommended the Creative Zen Stone Plus I would second. I have the original $40 version (which is better than the shuffle because it has playlist functionality) and it's great. I've been using that to hold me off of a bigger mp3 player until the new products hit this fall.
[quote name='zman73']Im an artist, thus a mac guy there is a difference in the 2 especially where I am concerned. I have 4 computers I use at work, one mac & 3 pc's... the mac OS is so much smoother and easier. Love my Imac at home as well, seems like windows is always catching up with them.And I know alot about computers... why is it that any time there is a thread on ipods or macs all the haters come out... my wife after a few years with her PC laptop is switching over to a macbook after playing around with my imac over the past few year with no prodding from me, she came to the conclusion on her own

Why would you feel threatened by the releatively small market share apple holds... they a business out there to make money

Your quote is "I dont see why THERE is such pride associated..."[/QUOTE]

Would I be one of those "haters"? Just because I don't tell the person to buy an ipod makes me a hater? What are your basis for that claim? I said ipods are ok, BUT there is better. Do you not understand that Zman? Were any of my statements untrue? Haters tend to be illogical and dislike things without reason. I know OS X is known to be a stable and secure operating system. It also has a smooth and easy to use interface, like you said. I never said Apple was putting out bad stuff because they aren't putting out bad stuff.

You say you "And I know alot about computers..." and you also state you are an artist. Yet in the beginning of your post you also say, "Im an artist, thus a mac guy." What does that mean? Artist use Mac's? If that is what you mean, I am doubting your statement that you know a lot about computers.

You seem to be a slight Apple fanboy. I do not recommend their product, therefore I am, "threatened by their small market share Apple holds."? Where is your logic? IO was cool, but you're kinda eh.....

Yes, I misspelled it. Now, try taking a look at your own post. Please don't be a grammar nazi when your own post is a grammar death trap.
Same thread different. I cannot understand the rabid iPod hate. I hate to break it to you but the "it's cool to hate apple" is just as trendy as the iPod is. There are legitimate reasons that people choose an iPod (as well as some shallow reasons) and this notion that everyone who buys one doesn't know any better is stupid. The OP was about iPods, not suggest me an MP3 player.

The bottom line is this.

if you use iTunes get an iPod.
if you listen to a lot of podcasts get an iPod

if you don't get some other player.

otherwise they all use similar components and in my experience have similar lifespans. Additionally, drag and drop sucks for mp3 players.
[quote name='io']And mkg12 - I didn't mean to imply you were dumping on Apple products, but you have to admit you were on the people who buy them and like them ;).[/QUOTE]

You did a little more then imply. You kind of said it flat out.

[quote name='io']BECAUSE people like you dump on them and it has always ever been so ;).[/QUOTE]

Yes, I definitely was dumping on groups of people who buy them. Not all people fall into the group I was dumping on. I said roughly the same thing in my earlier post. I was dumping on people who don't have any good reason to go with Apple. The peoples who's opinions of Apple are a result of their super marketing. Of course those people don't even realize or would want to acknowledge that fact. Most people don't believe ads and commercials affect their buying decisions. When you don't know about the subject being advertised, ads are effective.
Here's some clairity on the BB "warrenties" on Ipods/MP3s:

Ipods w/ hard drives= PSPs(Product Service Plans)~ $60. These are three year "fix it" warrenties w/ one battery replacement.

Everything Else (ie. Nanos, Zunes, Sansas)= 2 year PRPs(Product Replacement Plans)
$200= $40
These are just what they sound like-any loss of performance due to normal wear and tear (including loss of battery life) of defects results in a new product (actually usually a store credit for the original paid amount). This would, in theory, mostly future-proof an MP3 purchase.
[quote name='mkg12'] Most people don't believe ads and commercials affect their buying decisions. When you don't know about the subject being advertised, ads are effective.[/QUOTE]

well we all can't be as smart as you.
[quote name='usickenme']Same thread different. I cannot understand the rabid iPod hate. I hate to break it to you but the "it's cool to hate apple" is just as trendy as the iPod is.

The bottom line is this.

if you use iTunes get an iPod.
if you listen to a lot of podcasts get an iPod

if you don't get some other player.

otherwise they all use similar components and in my experience have similar lifespans. Additionally, drag and drop sucks for mp3 players.[/QUOTE]
If you are referring to my posts, are you sure you are not just interpreting everything that isn't pro Apple as Apple hate?
I wasn't referring to you specifically until later. I was speaking in general terms because every (and I mean EVERY) time there is an Ipod tread, people who dislike the iPod come in and say how much it sucks or how much better other players are, etc.
[quote name='usickenme']I wasn't referring to you specifically until later. I was speaking in general terms because every (and I mean EVERY) time there is an Ipod tread, people who dislike the iPod come in and say how much it sucks or how much better other players are, etc.[/QUOTE]
I don't dislike Ipods as a digital audio player. It does not suck and if you have one you should use itunes to manage your music. There is no question about that. It is just that there are other choices that give you more for you money. A lot of times when people ask about getting an Ipod, they may believe "Ipod" is synonymous with digital audio player. I just want it to be known that is not the case. Is it a bad thing to suggest other players? I don't think so.

People who dislike Apple just because it's trendy or have no reason for their hate are just as dumb as people on the other end of the spectrum. People on both extremes make no sense.

I also have some problems with people in these threads. Like I said, both extremes don't make sense, but people who are, "interpreting everything that isn't pro Apple as Apple hate" are quite annoying.
is the flash-based memory of nanos superior to the larger HD based models in terms of reliability and access speed?

most of my problems come from the HD dying, my ipod's been on life support for the last 3 years.

im thinking about getting a nano since i still use a mac computer and itunes, i just want to make sure its a lot better. i'm also really interested in the bestbuy replacement plan, seems too good to be true.
I would say players that use flash memory are more durable than hard drive based players. Since flash has no moving parts and hard drives have their spinning platters and heads.
[quote name='subsidon']is the flash-based memory of nanos superior to the larger HD based models in terms of reliability and access speed?

Well generally flash based players draw less power and does not have problems like dying hdds. I don't think there is any drawback besides the price/gb.

I dropped my 5GB zen micro 2ft and the pos hdd died out on me. Now I get to buy Iriver's Clix 2 flash player. :D
[quote name='iflabs']Well generally flash based players draw less power and does not have problems like dying hdds. I don't think there is any drawback besides the price/gb.

I dropped my 5GB zen micro 2ft and the pos hdd died out on me. Now I get to buy Iriver's Clix 2 flash player. :D[/QUOTE]

As much as I want the iRiver Clix...I can't warrant the price.
[quote name='iflabs']Well generally flash based players draw less power and does not have problems like dying hdds. I don't think there is any drawback besides the price/gb.

I dropped my 5GB zen micro 2ft and the pos hdd died out on me. Now I get to buy Iriver's Clix 2 flash player. :D[/QUOTE]
Have you seen the Cowon D2? You might be interested in that if you like the Clix2. I hear navigating with the Clix is kind of slow, since you have to keep clicking the sides of the screen to move the selection bar around.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']I have a 10% off coupon that expires tonight and a $10 reward zone card, both for Best Buy...

Should I pick one up tonight, or possibly wait for a new model later?[/quote]
Do yourself a favor and get a Zen
[quote name='mkg12']You did a little more then imply. You kind of said it flat out.


Sorry, said nothing of the sort.

"BECAUSE people like you dump on them" meant dumping on Apple and all that is related - the company itself, the culture, the people that buy them, etc... I certainly didn't say "flat out" you said their products were crappy. I was more referring to what usickenme said - that "it's cool to hate Apple" is just as much of a fanboy position as being a Mac fanatic. And it has been that way for a while - that's what my implication was...

Anyways, enough of this. I will wait until the new models come out, I will take a look around at some other mp3 players and see what's up with them, and I will make a decision on what to get my kids. Though I'm leaning more towards iPods now than I was before ;). And I haven't even seen a single commercial for them since last night!
bread's done