Goomba's Freebie of the Week #4 - Various Prizes


599 (100%)

Last Week's Winner (YouTube Video): [Winner Stoneage (CAG)/ Prize: Final Fantasy IV (GBA)]

Okay guys, as promised here is Week #4's contest. Back by popular demand is the prize list which the winner can pick from, and as always I will be asking a simple question which you are to answer in your post. All you have to do to enter is reply to this post with an answer to the question and I will print your name on a piece of paper and place it into my prize pig. The winner will be selected at random shortly after midnight on Sunday has passed and the winner will be posted sometime on Monday. Good luck and here goes nothing!

The prizes (many of which are carried over from last week, along with a few new ones):

01) Spiderman 2 (Gamecube - Complete)
02) Sonic Plushie (Similar to the Mario one given the first week)
03) Knuckles Plushie (Similar to the Sonic one)
04) 3-in-One Headphones for the DS Lite (includes built in Stereo FM Radio)
05) Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (Nintendo DS)
06) Puzzle Quest (PSP - Brand New)
07) SSX Tricky (Nintendo Gamecube)
08) Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon (GBA Cartridge only)
09) (The) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (GBA Cartridge only)
10) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (Nintendo Gamecube - Some scratches, plays fine)
11) Mario Clash (Virtual Boy - Cartridge only)...Yeah I owned a virtual boy :)
12) Soul Calibur III (Playstation 2 - Disc only)
13) $10 Gift Certificate (Goombucks) to my eBay auctions (No expiration)
14) Resident Evil ["REmake"] (Gamecube - Complete - Player's Choice)

The Questions:

1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?


BONUS: This week is special in that there will be one winner from the normal pool of entrants and also one prize winner for Goozex members exclusively. Meaning that if you're a CAG you'll be entered to win as always but if you're a Goozex member you'll have a much better chance of winning in the second drawing as only Goozex members will be in the second drawing. Rumor has it the prize pig's cousin will be making a visit for this special drawing!

If you haven't joined Goozex yet, I highly recommend you check it out :) Get more game for your gaming buck and I'll pick up 5 free trade credits if you go through my referall link (simply click my Goozex banner in my signature). As always, good luck and thanks for playing!
The Questions:

1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)

Residient Evil (Remake) for the Gamecube.

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

The one game I prize the most and, have some of the best memories with would have to be the original Super Mario Brothers for the NES. It was the first video game I was introduced to 16 years ago when I just 3, a year later my parents bought me my own NES and Super Mario Brothers for christmas when I was 4 years old, I played the game all night long becoming, my first all-nighter playing a video game. To this day, I still have a workin' most of the time NES and 3 copies of Super Mario Brothers :)
Sonic Plushie

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (PS2). I'd say this is my most prized game because it's so sought after; and it's my favorite 2D fighter, meaning I'd have to spend a pretty penny if I didn't already own it.
1. Puzzle Quest (PSP)
2. NFL2k5 because it is the best football game of all time and an example for all others to follow. + it has my man T.O. on the cover.
1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)

Residient Evil (Remake) for the Gamecube.

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

My Final Fantasy XI online for 360. I have put over 230 DAYS into that game, made a huge amount of friends and just love it.
1) Which prize would you select
Resident evil

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?
Definitly chrono trigger. it's the best rpg i have ever played, it has a fantastic story and awesome gameplay, But a very close second place goes to super mario RPG... i love my SNES...
1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)

Sonic Plushie

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

Psychonauts, because it's autographed by Tim Schaefer
Shigster, Super Mario Bros. was also my first real memory of having my own game (I was about 5 when I got mine and it too was my first all nighter). I think a LOT of gamers have the same experience in that regard to that magical gem of a game ^_^

Javil, I too have that game and love it to death...though I have the Dreamcast version. You're right in saying that they go for a pretty penny these days. Glad we picked them up at launch!

OnChkMnDS, I too love Tetris for a match sometime? I'm not that good but I don't have any active friends on there. If you want to add me go ahead my friend code is: 982-942-434-214 (probably get an easy win off me)

tivo, I'm sad to say that I'm just now learning the rules of football (I was raised in a pro-baseball family). I'm looking to check out Madden for the Wii soon to try and learn some of the rules ^_^;;; I'm a crappy American guy, I know.

jousley, That's amazing how much time you put into Final Fantasy XI...that's exactly why I stay away from MMORPGs though I hear they can be a LOT of fun.

So far Resident Evil Remake is doing well...I thought it would :) The game is in excellent condition by the way.
07) SSX Tricky (Nintendo Gamecube)

My most prized game would be Grind Session for PSX. I won it at comic con out of a bag full of games, after i had previously played and liked the demo years before.
someguy222, I also LOVE Chrono Trigger (I'm trying to get a copy of it for my SNES currently) and Mario RPG was one of the first RPG's I ever completed ... it's a really, really, really incredible game. Couldn't agree more with you on those two!

danhoo, that's SO amazing that you got it autographed by Tim Schafer...was that you that mentioned that on Kotaku a while back? Maybe it was just a coincidence but that'd be cool if that was you ^_^ This is another game I'm playing through simultaneously with about 20 other far I'm loving it. I got the PC version only because it was $6.99 brand new. I'm a CAG after all.

Salvamag, I've heard Ikaruga is really cool! I love shooters and I'm just waiting for it to be released on Xbox Live since I can't seem to pay the money most sellers want for it on Gamecube ^_^ nice collector's item though for sure!
UltimoRey, I'm embarassed to say I never heard of Grind Session, but that's really awesome that you won it at a comic convention ^_^ Congrats! Great responses so far guys, they're my favorite part about these giveaways of mine.
[quote name='goomba478']UltimoRey, I'm embarassed to say I never heard of Grind Session, but that's really awesome that you won it at a comic convention ^_^ Congrats! Great responses so far guys, they're my favorite part about these giveaways of mine.[/quote]

It was a THPS ripoff but i liked it.
05) Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (Nintendo DS)

My most prized game in my collection is probly Starsiege: TRIBES on PC. Still to this day the BEST FPS i have ever Experienced. It was my first major online game too besides ultima online :D
The Questions:

1) Which prize would you select?

- Im going to have to go with Prince of Persia again as for the same reason as before, I havent played it.

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

- Tough question as I have so many, but I would have to say "Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition". It includes some of the best games made which I still enjoy playing.
knuckles plushie (same as i wanted last week)
my most prized game in my collection is probably my copy of Mario Kart DS right now
i have been playing the game for 2 years, and am finally getting closer and closer to becoming a 3 star
only have to finish the 150cc mirror cups :)
i will not be selling this game EVAR
XGunCrazyX...sorry you didn't win last week, perhaps this week? ^_^ If you're a Goozexer then you get two entries, so go for it!

I also LOVE my Mario DS and can't wait to try the Wii version. My only problem with the DS one is that "snaking" sort of ruined the online experience for me...I know how to do it, but frankly it ruins the fun for me. I still love playing with friends though and the single player is surprisingly good. Great choices!
SSX Tricky

Ikaruga because its not only worth a decent amount but because I managed to find it for $2 and I waited years to play it.
1. REmake as I really want to try it out and never played it before. Unless you have a Tails plushie, I'd kill for a Tails plushie.

2. Pokemon Red Version. It was the first game I bought with my own money. I was completely hyped up for it even though I hadn't seen the TV show. I'd play my friend's game and was instantly hooked. Replayed it dozens of times. I still remember opening it and reading the instructions as my parents drove me home. Heck, I even remember the store I got it at! Zellers at Oakridge Centre...

I'm also a Goozex member.
1) Which prize would you select

Resident evil (REmake)

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

I'll have to go with Final Fantasy Chronicles. Why? Well double the games for one which is always nice. But more importantly they are both games I've played over and over. Besides, after the unforunate loss of my SNES and all of my during a move (there was much cussing and anger involved in the incident) it was great relief to be able to play Chrono Trigger again.
Tony Hawk American Sk8teland (DS)

My most prized game is Culdcept because its a harder to find game. I don't collect rare games.
1) Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (Nintendo DS)

2) I am also gonna have to say Mario Kart DS because of the progress I've made completing all the cups, unlocking every kart and character, and still working my way trying to complete Mission Mode. I just realized that I've forgotten how great this game really is and that I've got to finish it when I have the time. Another thing is if somebody plays your copy on their own DS and goes online, your friend code will be changed and you'll have to add everyone all over again.

I also traded in some of my last and best (like 2 or 3) GBA games I had in order to buy this game brand new a few days after release. Usually I have the cash to buy my games but I was really desperate and wanted it badly but I've gotta say it was still worth it. I had a blast playing online (even though I wasn't as experiences as the other players) the second I popped the MKDS into my DS, I didn't even play single player until 4+ hours of multiplayer.
The Almighty Goombuck...

In case you were wondering what the heck a "Goombuck" is, now you know:


Rules that go along with Goombucks:
1) Each Goombuck is good for $1.00 off any one of my auctions, with the exception of ACEO auctions.
2) Goombucks ARE combinable. You can save up several and get bigger discounts our free items even.
3) Goombucks are NOT transferable. You can't give them to friends or pool them together for group discounts.
4) They don't expire, but they do have individual Serial Numbers. I keep good track of them.
5) To redeem them, simply put in "Seller Discount" $1.00 for each Goombuck you are turning in and be
sure to list the Serial Number(s) in the comment section while checking out ^_^
6) I don't guarantee you will get a Goombuck with your auction, but I do pass them out quite frequently.
The Questions:

1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)

Resident Evil ["REmake"] (Gamecube - Complete - Player's Choice) :D

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

My black label FFVII. Simply because it's my favorite game :D

I'm also a Goozex member! (same name as here)
1.The sonic plushie, i just have too many games right now to even think about getting another.

2. Chrono Trigger(snes), my favorite RPG of all time.
Random responses to recent comments:

I'll look into getting a Tales plushie (for the next contest perhaps) ^_^ I can see from your Avatar that you'd really like that....

I've heard great things about Culdcept and it is hard to find. I'll have to track down a copy for my collection :)

Pokemon Red was truly revolutionary (though I myself bought the blue one initially)

AndrewCP..consider Goozex. You'll get a lot more value for the games you trade in.

AlphakirA, I too treasure my black label FFVII copy :) Got it on day one!
I'm trying for the Knuckles Plushie once again...

My most valued game is one of my favorites Super Mario RPG. I happened to find a complete one at a yard sale about a decade ago
1) Which prize would you select

Soul Calibur 3

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

My orignal copy of ridge racer type 4 that i've had since 1999, I got it for christmas that year and I still play it once in a while.. all I need is a pocketstation and i'd be good.
1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)


2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

Earthbound. I had it when I was little, sold it last year, and finally reclaimed it. Never letting it go again.
1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)

Resident Evil

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

Resident Evil 4 Collector Edition from Gamestop with the tin. I remember the day I went out to Gamestop to pre-order RE4 and getting all the goodies for RE4. Plus RE4 gave me one of the best gaming experience ever in gaming.
1) Goombucks since i plan on winning your Guitar Hero as long as it doesn't get too expensive.

2) My most prized game is Phantasy Star Online for Gamecube, I would never sell that as i have put over 1000 logged hours into it (sadly 500 of those hours were deleted after i turned the power off when i was saving) but still, i managed to rack up another 500hours, that game has to be the most bang for my buck i've ever got, and i wouldn't ever not know where it is!
[quote name='goomba478']The Almighty Goombuck...

In case you were wondering what the heck a "Goombuck" is, now you know:


Rules that go along with Goombucks:
1) Each Goombuck is good for $1.00 off any one of my auctions, with the exception of ACEO auctions.
2) Goombucks ARE combinable. You can save up several and get bigger discounts our free items even.
3) Goombucks are NOT transferable. You can't give them to friends or pool them together for group discounts.
4) They don't expire, but they do have individual Serial Numbers. I keep good track of them.
5) To redeem them, simply put in "Seller Discount" $1.00 for each Goombuck you are turning in and be
sure to list the Serial Number(s) in the comment section while checking out ^_^
6) I don't guarantee you will get a Goombuck with your auction, but I do pass them out quite frequently.[/quote]

*Prints out masses of Goombucks* I believe wal-mart will accept these.
Just like last week I am going to try for the Puzzle Quest (PSP - Brand New). What game do I prize??? That is a tuff one...I guess I would have to say my import copy of Samba de Amigo; I just had so much fun with it and still play it from time to time.
1) Puzzle Quest for PSP, because I absolutely need to play this game.

2) The original Shenmue. I don't even have a DC anymore. I keep the game around as a memory to the best game ever made.
Knuckles plushie.

The games I prize the most would probably have to be my old Windows 95 copies of Doom and Doom II. (Yes, two games, but I got them at the same time, and I can't really pick one as better than the other.) They were the first games I ever really got into, and are probably the reason I'm still a gamer today.
[quote name='goomba478']Javil, I too have that game and love it to death...though I have the Dreamcast version. You're right in saying that they go for a pretty penny these days. Glad we picked them up at launch![/QUOTE]Whoa, you actually respond to our entries? :lol:

I figured it'd bother you if you got responses in this thread (as it'd detract from a simple post-after-post tally of names), not to mention these contest threads always explode into multiple pages and become incredibly tedious to actually read through.

On the topic of MvsC2, it's rather coincidental because I've just been (as in today and yesterday) been reading fighter strategy guides at work. I've read literally every book I own already, and the strat guides were a last resort. I've been thumbing through Capcom Fighting Evolution and Capcom vs. SNK 2. It amazes me how in-depth these guides get. The CFE guide actually breaks down every move into how many frame animations it takes to execute and connect with your opponent, among a few other equally ridiculous stats. I read through it all with a ;_; expression on my face thinking, "I can barely keep up with how fast rounds go by already." :lol:
3-in-One Headphones for the DS Lite (includes built in Stereo FM Radio)

The game I cherish the most is Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 on the PS2. It was the first game my son every really played and it really allowed us to bond not only as father and son, but as gamers as well. He is now 5 years old and just this last weekend he competed in his first Smash Bros tourney. He did pretty good for a 5 year old. He has also grown fond of old school gaming as well and enjoys hunting down a rare game or good deal. I may trade and sell all my games, but I will never sell THPS 3, it has too much sentimental value.
3-in-One Headphones for the DS Lite

My most prized game is No Mercy for the N64. So many nights playing Royal Rumble with cousins and then playing our own Royal Rumble!
1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)
02) Sonic Plushie (Similar to the Mario one given the first week)

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

Hmm not sure... I guess I would say Secrect of Mana for the SNES. I typically do not like RPG games at all. FPS all the way.
But... I really liked being able to play with up to 3 players on this one. The story line was very well done. And I actually played this game after I beat it.
1) Which prize would you select (if you're chosen as the winner you will get the prize that you chose in your response)

The Knucles plushie. I love knuckles and i have some random Knucles stuff that i collect. Id love a plushie to add to my collection

2) What is the one game in your collection that you prize the most and why?

Probably my copy of Samba de Amigo for the Dreamcast, and the marracas. Why? I loved the dreamcast, and it was one of my favorite games of all time, plus not everybody bought it so its a cool thing to have i guess
Yup Javil, I read every entry. I try to respond to as many as I can too, but I don't want to totally drag the forum down so I keep it limited to responses that actually mean something :)

It does make the posts balloon a little, but right now I manually type in every member's name for the entries to make sure I don't accidentally give someone two listings (if they reply to one of my replies, etc.). The whole process of copying the names down and selecting the winner takes about an hour total and about 15 minutes of video editing and such. It's fun though and I don't mind doing it because I've made a lot of new friends and it's helping me to acclimate to the CAG community.

Best of luck ^_^
Ahh, I love my MvC2 (DC) also...not because I picked it up at launch, but because I found it in a thrift shop early this fall for $2.79.

My friends were way jealous...even the one who still has the copy he bought it at launch, since he paid the ful $49.99 for it back in the day.
n8ron...that's so cool that you guys bonded with a Tony Hawk game like that :) and even cooler that your 5 year old has already been in a Smash Bros. tournament...heck, I've never been in one yet and I have 20 years on him lol. I used to do really good in those Blockbuster game tournaments back in the day though ^_^ I won first place for my town and got free rentals for a year in 1994 heh. Back when I was relatively good at games and before I had to work.

Coyotezeye, I also loved Secret of Mana on the SNES...I had a friend back in school who actually bought me a copy for my birthday which was totally unexpected. He loved the game so much that he bought me a brand new copy, talk about cool. Wish I still had it though, I think one of my friends must have borrowed it and never gave it back. Oh well, who am I to complain I give away free games every week now ^_^ At least I finished it. I loved the bits where you flew around on about 16-bit magic!

Grecco, I'm curious what you think of Samba de Amigo for the Wii. I always wanted to play it on the Dreamcast but never had the maracas. The new one looks graphically impressive, and I'm sure the wii remotes will work fine as maracas, but do you think it'll be as fun without the instruments to shake? I don't see how it could be...
bread's done