Got kicked out of EB today

You see, the reason that there are so many out there is that Gamestop, which owns EB, seems to like to send HUGE price change requests at once. Instead of getting 20 a day we will get none some days and then 80!!! on one day.

There are often numerous strategy guides being pennied out at a time, and it is a pain to find all of them in the various racks.
I wish they'd drop the guides to $5 or some kind of reasonable price when they get old. The $16.99 down to destruction is weird.
[quote name='jer7583']I wish they'd drop the guides to $5 or some kind of reasonable price when they get old. The $16.99 down to destruction is weird.[/QUOTE]

I guess because they still get credited for the price they paid when they get "destroyed", so if they did drop them to $5 they'd take a loss where they wouldn't have to take one at all.

It's more the publishers fault, I guess, then the companies who sell the guides.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I STILL don't get why guides are even MADE anymore for most games. With the internet message boards and sites offering FAQs for games within DAYS of release, I see no need for the guides to even be published.

Sure, the art book ones may still find a niche market, but why have multiple copies at each store?

And 62t, why risk getting arrested and everything for a penny guide, most I've ever done was say 'if its on the shelf, it should be for sale at whatever price' and walked out.[/quote]

Sadly, depending on the game, some guides, while freely available and somewhat useful, tend to miss a great deal of information. Well, at least in my experience as of late.

I still don't go out and buy guides, to be fair, but most of the titles I've been playing have had really shoddy FAQ work as of late. And I can't necessarily throw stones myself since I know I've had some FF1 White Mage FAQ material I always meant to update to completion but never got around to doing from years ago. Time goes on, time gets short, people can figure these things out on their own..
[quote name='62t']i wrote that in a hurry.

Also she used one of the excuse I am starting to hear everytime time now, the "you will sell this on ebay." I am sure what i do with my purchase is none of your business.[/quote]

If anyone says that to me im pretty much gonna make them cry with my insults and have everyone I know complain till the person is fired.

The penny guide refusal doesnt sound like a big deal to me depends how much additude she gave.
[quote name='Kapwanil']Sadly, depending on the game, some guides, while freely available and somewhat useful, tend to miss a great deal of information. Well, at least in my experience as of late.

I still don't go out and buy guides, to be fair, but most of the titles I've been playing have had really shoddy FAQ work as of late. And I can't necessarily throw stones myself since I know I've had some FF1 White Mage FAQ material I always meant to update to completion but never got around to doing from years ago. Time goes on, time gets short, people can figure these things out on their own..[/QUOTE]

That's my problem... alot of the FAQ work I've seen lately has been shitty, and it's taken me about 3 - 4 FAQ's to find just one thing. A guide is quick, easy, and is generally full of good info. I only buy RPG guides, but DoubleJump guides are better then anything.

That Disgaea 2 guide they are making will be better than any FAQ anyone could ever write.

Not to mention that RPG guides actually hold their value, somewhat, so I know I can always get some cash back on them if I ever need to.
What I dont get is, if they are going to just up and get rid of the guides anyways, why dont they just sell them to the customer in the first place? Or give them out as it's still getting rid of the guide.
[quote name='klyco']What I dont get is, if they are going to just up and get rid of the guides anyways, why dont they just sell them to the customer in the first place? Or give them out as it's still getting rid of the guide.[/QUOTE]

yea, they should give the guide free when you buy the game. Im sure that would make people buy more video games if they got a guide to go with it.
[quote name='klyco']What I dont get is, if they are going to just up and get rid of the guides anyways, why dont they just sell them to the customer in the first place? Or give them out as it's still getting rid of the guide.[/QUOTE]

"UNSOLD inventory gets credited back"
"UNSOLD inventory gets credited back"
"UNSOLD inventory gets credited back"

If the strategy guide isn't selling, then it is just taking up retail space.

If the vender somehow discovers this violation (guides that have being credited are given away or sold at full price), the vender will probably either fine the store or stop crediting the store for unsold inventory.
[quote name='klyco']What I dont get is, if they are going to just up and get rid of the guides anyways, why dont they just sell them to the customer in the first place? Or give them out as it's still getting rid of the guide.[/quote]
Because it's illegal for them to do so. Once they get their money back from the publisher, they are supposed to throw the guides away because otherwise they would be stealing money from the publisher. Barnes & Noble and other bookstores do this all the time with other books. They tear off the cover, send that back to the publisher and throw the rest of the book away. That's why you'll see on some books that if you've bought it without a cover, report it to the authorities.

By the way, how come bookstores clearance out other books but guides usually don't? I go into B&N every once in a while and always see 25-50% clearance sales. Is this the publisher trying to recoup some money?
[quote name='Backlash']Isn't dumpster diving illegal, btw?[/QUOTE]

I think so, but really if you are willing to actually dive in the dumpster for a fucking guide, you probably dont care.
The worst part about guides is, they now make the manual that comes with the game soo bare bones that you need the guide just to be able to play the game half the time.

Game manuals used to be 30+ pages of full color goodness filled with useful info. Look at any new games manual nowadays...

the worst offender? Everyones favorite target... EA.

EA manuals are black & white and like 8 fucking pages long! WTF? They dont even mention features of a game like oh.. I dunno... Online functionality?

If you have an EA game made in the last year, go look at the manual for it... disgusting.
i used to live with two people that worked at two different game stores, one at EB games and one that worked at a mom-n-pop shop. When the penny guides showes their faces, they would pull them all off the shelf and then bring them all back to our apartment. We are talking about 30-40 guides at a time, lots of duplicates though. We would then take them all to another mom-n-pop shop in another town that seemed to only hire non-gaming high school kids. This shop took guides at $5 in credit. We would all take in about 5 at a time, wait for a shift change, they only worked like 4 hour shifts, then make a run on the store again. This means 3 people, two trips each at $25 dollars a trip. This means we would create $150 in credit in one day for free. We would pick up three new releases and leave. One day we showed up and someone else had made this same run on the store, the manager was there, he thought this was all fishy, and well, the store no longer takes guides that arent for very very new releases. So maybe this gal was planning on making a guide to credit run and didnt want you to have the guides.
this may have been the best thread i have ever read on CAG, i think i just shit my pants laughing at the glitter bitch thing
[quote name='62t']I try to reason with her saying I brought them before at this store, that I brought them at another store in the same city, and even ask her to check with her manger.[/QUOTE]

Why wouldn't the lady let you buy guides for $.01 that you brought in, she wpold be making a profit... oh you meant "bought" not "brought" :rofl: Anyways, that chick had a major attitude problem. I agree with asianxcore, it is the sales persons job to pull the guides and if they are slacking then they reap what they sew. No offense to you asianxcore, but I'm tired of hearing countless stories like the OP's just because some lazy ass didn't want to do their job. I know EB/GS isn't the dream job for everyone, but have a little pride in what you do and do it. A job is just that a job, it is not you sitting at mommy and daddy's with them telling you to clean your room. If you're told to do something in the workplace you fucking do it and if you chose not to your ass should be fired.
[quote name='Weedy649']I think so, but really if you are willing to actually dive in the dumpster for a fucking guide, you probably dont care.[/quote]
isnt this the on public property in public sight thing? maybe not cause its a mall and technically its not private property

and the guy who permanented makered sports games, that is just plain illegal you are defacing their property
[quote name='ZeroEclipse']all hobos would be arrested if dumpster diving was illegal.[/QUOTE]

Nah.. Just b/c it's illegal doesn't mean they always enforce it. But they could. Jaywalking anyone?
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']Maybe EB is catching on to us then.[/QUOTE]
I don't think I've seen a magazine rack at an EB or Gamestop in years, so it's pretty weird when people still suggest that when most don't have them from what I've seen.
Actually Frisky, all the EB/GS stores I've been in recently have had magazine racks. Thing is, most of them are attached to the front of the sales desk.

Only EB or GS I've been to lately that didn't have an attached one was in Middletown, NY(about a month ago). They had some of the 360 and newer guides in it(namely Quake 4, which they wouldn't sell me).

And actually, I've seen more and more GS/EB stores with racks in them lately, gotta put those copies of the Game Informer magazine SOMEPLACE.
Not all Gamestop's have stand alone magazine racks. My store does. And I feel bad about the guy who started this thread (sorry, forgot the name). Whenever somebody comes up to us with a guide and it happens to be pennied out, we just give them the guide. Generally, this doesn't happen since we get price changes in the morning and that's when we pull any guides that get pennied out off the shelves. I don't destroy them unless none of my employees want them. I'm all about giving them free shit. why waste a perfectly good guide if someone is going to use it? I've gotten a shitload of guides for free, including the Xenosaga II limited edition strat. guide and the street fighter anniversary collection guide w/cd.
Some stores must not get accurate lists then, God, because I've gone to alot of EB/GS stores and most have at LEAST 1-4 that haven't been pulled.

Of course lately, GS seems to be re pricing guides to .99 when they get 'old' enough and they just want to clear them out without losing the possibility of making ANY money from them.

I wish I had stopped at your store when I was out Paramus/Seacaucus area about 2-3 weeks ago, God, as with my luck lately, I'm pretty sure I could've found(and according to you been given)a couple guides I want for the personal collection.

Oh well, maybe next time......

Glad to see SOME EB/GS stores are actually doing their customers a good thing and giving out the penny guides.
the thought of someone getting angry at a customer cause the customer found an item that the employee was suposed to pull already is pretty entertaining the word lazy comes to mind.
bread's done