Gotham City imposters Free to Play through Steam


CAG Newbie
Title pretty much describes the post. lol. It's free to play now through Steam. Don't know all of the details but saw a trailer on Youtube and checked it out on Steam and it's free to download and play.
I did see that in my games list, I was wondering where it came from haha. I haven't looked into it at all though. Is it any good?
Haven't installed it yet and looks like my laptop would run it like garbage. I need to get my old PC back in to use.
The game is extremely mediocre. But I've def had some fun with it with friends. The biggest peoblem I had was connecting to games as well as it being GfWL.
I've only played a little bit of it and it was ok. I got it during the last Steam sale when they had both GOTY editions of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City along with pretty much all the DLC for GCI fior 25 bucks
Decided to play this today out of shear boredom. Its actually quite fun, though most of the people playing are really bad. My overall KDR is 3 after playing about a dozen games of TDM. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like any of the other game modes get played, which is a shame as the one where you have to collect a coin when you kill someone to score is pretty cool.
JusT discovered last night that the paid version and f2p are incompatible. My friend downloaded the f2p and tried to invite me to game, but it said that I had to redownload the 6+ gig f2p version :p. no thanks Warner/steam
They stripped GFWL from the F2P client and if you bought the game before you get a ton of unlocks added to your account. Why not just uninstall the "pay" version and install the F2P one? :)
bread's done