Gran Turismo 5


1 (100%)
Im surprised that there hasn't been a thread about this (just searched but maybe I'm blind)

Okay supposedly the screenshots and video are actual gameplay with a demo (prologue) out in October. My god if they are...

Just looking at a screenshot like this. I really had to scrutinise and I'm still convinced it's a photo :)


and this the cockpit view??


Holy schnikeys. This blows TDU and Forza 2 out of the water. I'm anticipating this even more than KZ2 and MGS4 now just to see if this is actually for real
Look how blurry the flowers (i really dislike how the flowers all end at a certain point. In real life, some flowers would be taller than others, they wouldn't magically be in perfect alignment) and trees are, and how sharp the tables and umbrellas are compared to the building in the background. It's odd. But it's looking good.
First pic looks great (obviously touched up). 2nd pic...not so good. After the rearview mirror comment, I looked a little harder and it looks like you're watching an 8-bit game in the mirror. That's a lot of jagged pixels! Maybe it's just how the screen is frozen though. Regardless, I can't wait for this game.
[quote name='postaboy']whats up with the rear view mirror? I might buy a ps3 for this.[/quote]

Atari-esque mini game? 4-bit GT5? ;)
Yeah the rear view looks like placeholder code. I hope. Hopefully they dont skimp on the rearview to make the rest of the detail since it sticks out like a store thumb. Here's another "could be a photo" screenshot.


The first screenshot I posted was apparently a "photo mode" so I guess you don't get to drive around there :( I haven't played a GT since the first one so veterans might be able to say more about it. I thought that was actual geometry lol. Its's probably just a static image with the car on it, or a HD skybox of some kind. The track images are still fab though.
[quote name='fathamburger']Yeah the rear view looks like placeholder code. I hope. Hopefully they dont skimp on the rearview to make the rest of the detail since it sticks out like a store thumb. Here's another "could be a photo" screenshot.


The first screenshot I posted was apparently a "photo mode" so I guess you don't get to drive around there :( I haven't played a GT since the first one so veterans might be able to say more about it. I thought that was actual geometry lol. Its's probably just a static image with the car on it, or a HD skybox of some kind. The track images are still fab though.

Nice pic , but I'm suspicious as to why it's all the same car .
Memory limited most likely .
[quote name='Richlough']Nice pic , but I'm suspicious as to why it's all the same car .
Memory limited most likely .[/quote]Hahaha yeah right. Why don't you check out the official site and see the pics with 15 different cars on one screen on the track.

These pics with the duplicate cars are fan service for the lovers of that particular model.
wow, first generation title can look this good. sshhhiittt...gran turismo 6 4th yr in ps3 cycle will just be the showcase period.
[quote name='dallow']Hahaha yeah right. Why don't you check out the official site and see the pics with 15 different cars on one screen on the track.

These pics with the duplicate cars are fan service for the lovers of that particular model.[/QUOTE]

Wow , you'd think a member of the Playstation Network would be nicer to a prospective PS3 buyer .

I guess I'm not allowed to ask questions or make inquiries about things I'm interested in .

You're certainly not attracting any new PS3 owners with your shitty , elitist attitude .
Relax Richlough. He's right, there are lots of shots/videos with many fast cars, of different makes/models.

This game is the reason why there is a PS3 in my entertainment cabinent, I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint.

**disclaimer- there is also a Wii and an Xbox 360 in said cabinent.
[quote name='Richlough']Wow , you'd think a member of the Playstation Network would be nicer to a prospective PS3 buyer .

I guess I'm not allowed to ask questions or make inquiries about things I'm interested in .

You're certainly not attracting any new PS3 owners with your shitty , elitist attitude .[/QUOTE]You didn't ask a question, you claimed it was a memory issue. And since when do you judge which product you buy by a comment made from a message board poster (which wasn't even offensive)? With that attitude, I'd assume it'll be a present for your 8th birthday.
[quote name='TimPV3']You didn't ask a question, you claimed it was a memory issue. And since when do you judge which product you buy by a comment made from a message board poster (which wasn't even offensive)? With that attitude, I'd assume it'll be a present for your 8th birthday.[/QUOTE]

He gave me shit in another thread . I was defending myself , you need to mind your own business .

[quote name='Rynoceros']Relax Richlough. He's right, there are lots of shots/videos with many fast cars, of different makes/models.

This game is the reason why there is a PS3 in my entertainment cabinent, I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint.

**disclaimer- there is also a Wii and an Xbox 360 in said cabinent.[/QUOTE]

Post a link . I'd like to check them out .
I already posted a link. The top link in the OP, click screenshots.

You're right to be skeptical, but like the man said above. There's plenty of evidence :D I only posted that screenshot because I thought it looked photographic. I easily could have picked anothe one with more car variation but I felt that one had the best lighting
[quote name='fathamburger']I already posted a link. The top link in the OP, click screenshots.

You're right to be skeptical, but like the man said above. There's plenty of evidence :D I only posted that screenshot because I thought it looked photographic. I easily could have picked anothe one with more car variation but I felt that one had the best lighting[/QUOTE]

I know you did for pics , he said videos . Thanks .
Richlough, several of the GT games have had races where you can only race a specific car (ie: the entire field might be mustangs). My guess is that the screen shot you saw is one of these types of races, and not a memory issue at all.
[quote name='Richlough']Wow , you'd think a member of the Playstation Network would be nicer to a prospective PS3 buyer .

I guess I'm not allowed to ask questions or make inquiries about things I'm interested in.[/quote]See what I bolded? That's exactly what you didn't do.
Ask a question, and I'm more than happy to help.

If you need videos, gametrailers seems to have most of the recent ones in HD for this game.

You're certainly not attracting any new PS3 owners with your shitty , elitist attitude.
You've obviously no idea how much I've helped shape this board since the PS3 launch. I'm tired of PS3 attackers, which is why I was so curt with you.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Richlough, several of the GT games have had races where you can only race a specific car (ie: the entire field might be mustangs). My guess is that the screen shot you saw is one of these types of races, and not a memory issue at all.[/quote]

Exactly. Hasn't anyone played GT before? Manufacturer's races? No need to be uptight about things - except if they don't include impressive damage modeling and robust online play... and where's my GT4 mobile... and ... sigh...

-Dr. Ugly
[quote name='PagingDrUgly']Exactly. Hasn't anyone played GT before? Manufacturer's races? No need to be uptight about things - except if they don't include impressive damage modeling and robust online play... and where's my GT4 mobile... and ... sigh...

-Dr. Ugly[/quote]No worries, it will feature damage modeling on the race cars, and have a nice robust online service.
[quote name='dallow']See what I bolded? That's exactly what you didn't do.
Ask a question, and I'm more than happy to help.

I asked a question here .
And your response is what made me be curt with you ,
[quote name='dallow']Haha, did you even get a 360 on day 1?
Those patches were much needed, my console was glitchy as hell.

One thing about my PS3 that I can say is that it's never frozen on me. (nor overheated, hmm)[/QUOTE]
[quote name='dallow']If this comment:

was not intended to make you sound like a sarcastic smart ass, then I apologize.

I'm pretty sure everyone who read that felt it was though.[/QUOTE]

OK cool , and this is what I was wondering about when I questioned the screenshots .

The Xbox 360 has 22.4 GB/s of GDDR3 bandwidth and a 256 GB/s of EDRAM bandwidth for a total of 278.4 GB/s total system bandwidth.

Why does the Xbox 360 have such an extreme amount of bandwidth? Even the simplest calculations show that a large amount of bandwidth is consumed by the frame buffer. For example, with simple color rendering and Z testing at 550 MHz the frame buffer alone requires 52.8 GB/s at 8 pixels per clock. The PS3's memory bandwidth is insufficient to maintain its GPU's peak rendering speed, even without texture and vertex fetches.

The PS3 uses Z and color compression to try to compensate for the lack of memory bandwidth. The problem with Z and color compression is that the compression breaks down quickly when rendering complex next-generation 3D scenes.

HDR, alpha-blending, and anti-aliasing require even more memory bandwidth. This is why Xbox 360 has 256 GB/s bandwidth reserved just for the frame buffer. This allows the Xbox 360 GPU to do Z testing, HDR, and alpha blended color rendering with 4X MSAA at full rate and still have the entire main bus bandwidth of 22.4 GB/s left over for textures and vertices.

When you break down the numbers, Xbox 360 has provably more performance than PS3. Keep in mind that Sony has a track record of over promising and under delivering on technical performance. The truth is that both systems pack a lot of power for high definition games and entertainment.
Oh good grief people.

As for the game, thank you for posting the screenshots. This is one of the games I was thinking of when I finally plunked down my cash for a PS3. Cannot wait to play it.
I think breakdowns like that can be taken too seriously as development strategies show that with care, the PS3 is a beast.

Where it really shines is in the first and second party games.
Games like Uncharted, R&C, and even this preview to GT5 known as GT5:prologue show that PS3 is more than capable of handling almost anything it needs to.

I expect it'll take third parties a year or so to catch up with what 1st/2nd parties can do with the system. (save for Konami and MGS4)

I've no doubt the PS3 can outdo any 360 game, and the we'll see the results in the next couple years.

All these games are just the beginning.

[quote name='Richlough']I was just wondering because the older GT Hi-Res modes were limited .[/quote]But of course, that was PS2.
Bottom line the game looks good, I'm hoping that all the stages are as detailed as the first pic w/ the chairs and umbrellas. Photo realism, from from rooter to tooter.
I'm so jazz'd for this game! I love GT and racing in general and this one looks like the most explictly hardcore, spooky-real, car pr0n yet. Here's hoping we get some Porsche love along with the Ferraris and Lambos...
Well there are always the Ruf cars which, as you probably know, are souped up Porches.

Anyhow, I'm not holding my breath for damage modelling. Even if Sony knows it won't be in, they'll keep saying it's going to be there, then reveal that they couldn't implement it at the last minute.

Kind of like how they said that there would be a GT game for the PSP which undoubtedly prompted some people to buy a PSP and now, over two years later, there's still no sign of a PSP Gran Turismo.
New GT5/GT5P details.

* GT5 will be playable at Leipzig, where multiple online features will also be announced.
* GT5 Prologue will be Home compatible!
* While called Prologue, Yamauchi says there will be options to make money, buy cars, etc.
* In the final build, there are ambitions to let you walk around a "town" and look at cars. We imagine this means your Home avatar checking out other people's GT5 cars.
* GT5 Prologue will have 40 cars and 4 tracks, totaling 8 configurations.
* If you use a steering wheel for the game, you can look around the cockpit in cockpit view by moving around the D-Pad. Nice.
* In the full game of Gran Turismo 5, you can fully customize the interior of the car.
* Right now, 16 cars are in each race, but in online modes, the number may shrink to 12.
* Any money, cars, etc. you earn in GT5 Prologue will be able to transfer over to the full Gran Turismo 5.

Wow! This really seems like an ambitious title, so we're salivating to get our hands on the game as soon as possible. GT5 Prologue is rumored to launch on October 24th, so we'll wait until around then.
Good call on letting players transfer the prologue stuff into the full game. Nice way to reward fans for early adoption while they finish up the rest of the game.
bread's done