Greatest American...Your Pick(We Have A Winner)

Why in the fuck are Reagan and Kennedy on there?

Einstein or Franklin. The rest are weak sauce.


Wtf, I can't beleive DUBYA is on there. OR fuckING CLINTON.

fuck all this. I vote Mitch Hedburg. If we're going to have bullshit on there, might as well go for someone that deserves it in his own special way.

Where the hell are all the greats from literature? Hawthorne? Poe? If we're going to include Oprah, might as well put guys like that on there.

Mark Twain should at LEAST be a consideration.

This list is even more pathetic than I thought...
[quote name='opportunity777']None of them.[/QUOTE]
OK then who?

I personally think the culture icons, foriegners, and 800-on-their-SAT'ers should not be included...also the inventors...
Why the hell are Bill Gates, Oprah, or GW Bush

My vote would probably go to Martin Luther King, George Washington or Abe Lincoln

Although Ali is a baaaaaaaaad man :)
[quote name='rallen']George S. Patton (Write-in vote)[/QUOTE]
I will say there are a great many who deserve to be in here

Goerge S. Patton
(ill add more...when i think of em)
[quote name='Ozzkev55']OK then who?

I personally think the culture icons, foriegners, and 800-on-their-SAT'ers should not be included...also the inventors...[/QUOTE]

Nobody is, was, or every will be the greatest American.
tie between Martin Luther and Ali. Luther for obvious reasons, but Ali is probably a shocker. In a time with Malcom X's assasination and basically the whole African race on his shoulders he was the "man". Also, probably the most amazing sports figure ever to grace the media (yes even better than Michael Jordan)
[quote name='opportunity777']Nobody is, was, or every will be the greatest American.[/QUOTE]
Hey...I know you love being a depressive little anti-american shit, but even if you hate every american ever born, theres always one who willl be the greatest patriot, because ill be damned if martin sheen is a bigger patriot than John Wayne, or Richard nixon than kiss my ass :)
This was the same exact question they asked me when I was picked for jury selection and I said Ross Peirot outta nowhere. Then one of my co jurors ended up being a complete fan, had buttons/posters the works and I had to pretend to have the same interest. Very uncomfortable situation
[quote name='Ozzkev55']I will say there are a great many who deserve to be in here

Goerge S. Patton
(ill add more...when i think of em)[/QUOTE]


Maybe Thomas Edison instead of Bill "Suck the life out of technological innovation" Gates

Maybe Thoreau instead of Oprah

Maybe James Madison instead of Lance fucking Armstrong

Maybe Teddy Roosevelt instead of W or Clinton.

Maybe Mark Twain instead of :shock: JACK BENNY :shock:

Maybe, just maybe ;)
Einstein did more to advance the understanding of physics than all of the French and Italian physicists throughout history combined.

Energy = matter, that is deep.
There was a thread about this awhile ago. The list was much bigger (and a lot worse too). I think the most puzzling thing about it is that Arnold Schwarzenegger.
his name was Henry Clay. A man seemingly forgotten when it comes to greatest Americans. Not only set the mold for Lincoln, but personally was able to stave off the dividing of this country for over 40 years through his three great compromises. He was a true patriot and a the greatest American.

honorable mention goes to Winfield Scott because if Lincoln was not an idiot the Civil War would have never dragged on half as long as it did. Grant gets all the glory for stealing a plan over 4 years old

Mr. America, brother!
First of all, no entertainer or sportsman should ever be considered for this. Its flat out rediculous to say someones entertainment or athletic talents were the most important contribution EVER given to this country. Total BS.

Now to get down to those worth considering:

Einstein - First off, not american (by birth) And while his knowledge was incredible, it wasnt so much a benefit to america but to mankind as a whole.

M.L.K. - Heres where I become unpopular. Yes, a great man. Maybe the greatest black american ever. He became the face and voice for millions of black americans who were standing up for themselves and their rights. However, black america is but one part of a WHOLE america. Im not suggesting this country is much better for his contributions but one segment of society benefited greatly, the other learned what all men are created equal truly means.

Inventors and humanitarians. Again, more for the benefit of mankind than just america. Sure we got the lightbulb FIRST but it changed the world more than it changed us.

Presidents - Clinton and Dubya? They will be lucky to be remembered as above average presidents. Only reason they are on the list is they are semi current.

Kennedy - Good president. Too short of a term. Cuban missle crisis was his shining moment. May have been one of the greatest had he had a full chance. Sadly, his legacy is more about promise and potential than actual deeds.

Founding fathers - Having studied a great deal of history Ive come to the opinion that while all of them were great men, none of them were truly VITAL to what took place. Of course there absence would be painfully missed but do you really think without a Washington that Frankin,Adams,Jefferson,Hancock,Madison,et all etc would have faultered? Ill admit G.W. was an incredible leader of men and one of our finest generals. I do think though that its rare one man can turn the tide of a war. Battles, yes. Wars no. That said, G.W. I love ya, but you had too much good help around you to give you most of the credit.

F.D.R. - As far as Im concerned, hes the greatest president ever. (looking at his full history) Yes, others dealt with bigger issues but he conquered many HUGE social problems, not just rescuing but improving the country at the same time. The depression and a World War are in his body of work. Programs such as the Tennesee Valley authority , the New Deal, Social security,and the FDIC all came to be in large part due to him. He is, without doubt or question, the greatest of the modern presidents. Without him, america could literally be a 3rd world country right now. Think about that.

And finally, Abe... While I think FDR is the most consitant and accomplished of all the presidents, Abe is the most important. America was completely divided and he somehow got us through a civil war and pulled us all back together. At the same time he laid the groundwork for freedom for ALL men with with E.Proc. So Abe is the greatest american. Not because he has the most contributions, but because he had 2 of the biggest and there would be no america anymore without him.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']his name was Henry Clay.[/QUOTE]

The Civil War would reveal the limits of Clay's compromises. The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott decision both effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise, and the Fugitive Slave provisions of the Compromise of 1850 proved to be more divisive than conciliatory. His solutions were not prefect, as he would have been the first to admit, and they eventually broke down under the tremendous twin stresses of slavery and states-rights. But they were noble, patrotic attempts to bring fractious elements together for the benefit of the whole.

Most underrated american of all time. Greatest senator of all time. Just not the greatest american ever.

Beats the fuck outta Oprah though.
[quote name='jaykrue']George Washington....... Carver - he invented peanut butter.

Mmmmmm... peanut butter.[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah. Peanut butter is my favorite food. I'm not even kidding a little bit.

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Hell yeah. Peanut butter is my favorite food. I'm not even kidding a little bit.

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:[/QUOTE]

I'm tellin' ya. George Washington Carver's the Man. ;)
Washington, Franklin, or Jefferson...people fail to realize the geniuses that these men are. If I had to choose one, I'd probably go with Washington, as he set the precedent for the rest of the presidents (no pun intended). A great warrior and a great leader, truly the greatest American.

I'd go mostly military for the choices though but they all have their flaws...
Patton - crazy?
McArthur - subordinate?
Grant - eh...
Eisenhower - pretty impressive actually

Probably one who you wouldn't expect...Robert E. Lee, one of the finest military minds ever. Although he did fight for the south, it was only his loyalty to the state of Virginia that made him do it. Really a brilliant man and great leader, and later a great teacher.
[quote name='whoknows']Che Guevara failed where I will succeed[/QUOTE]

You mean he lived to long to be a truely effective martyr? My thoughts exactly.:D
[quote name='zionoverfire']You mean he lived to long to be a truely effective martyr? My thoughts exactly.:D[/QUOTE]

Quit trying to make me look stupid.
Che got killed, and I will never get killed since I am unkillable.
[quote name='whoknows']Quit trying to make me look stupid.
Che got killed, and I will never get killed since I am unkillable.[/QUOTE]

Of course you are unkillable, all ideas are.:D
How the hell can they leave off Hulk Hogan?! How can they?!

Seriously, from that list... Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. An incredible human being. I can only imagine how much more he could have done if he was still alive.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Of course you are unkillable, all ideas are.:D[/QUOTE]

I am more than an idea, I exist as more than that.
I'd say jerry springer but I think he's canadian!

How in the hell did oprah get on that list????? BIll gates?????

My vote is for the rude crude child melstin dude him self micheal jackson. HE HEE! WOOOO
( grab myself, did a little spin, and had wind blowing my hair back)

Honestly who picked these people?
Im going have to go with G. Washington. My degree in American History would be taken away from me if voted any other way. He pretty much created the role President as he went along. Also look at this way, if he had failed there would never have been a second president. He was more than a great general, he was great leader knowing exactly who was right for each job that needed to be done despite his personal feelings or party lines. He wasnt a big fan of John Adams (his VP) or Franklin but he knew value where he saw it.

Also on a side note Washington-Carver, who I agree is a great american, did not invent peanut butter, He did invent hundreds of uses for peanuts and single handedly created modern agricutlural techniques. But sadly the US patent for PB was actually filed by the Kellogg Bros. in the late 1800 (yes the frosted flake guys).
I'd have to pick Lincoln...

Walt Disney comes in a close second (although his once glorious company is a hunk of shit now -- thanks, Eisner!!!).
[quote name='snotknocker']What! no Mr. Rogers?[/QUOTE]

He was very well balanced.

Not only was he an excellent host of a popular childrens' show he made no less than 19 confirmed kills as a US Navy Seal.
bread's done