Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

Dr. Luke produces a lot of pop songs:

He produced stuff for Katy Perry, Kesha, Miley Cyrus, Marina And The Diamonds, and the list goes ON:
Symphonic/Melodic Power Metal or GTFO

...I do listen to other things... but it is most of my collection.

how did we get on who produces shit music?
Someone posted a pic of Kathy Peri in reply to my post and I didn't know who she was...

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Meh. If I'm picking young females to listen to I'd choose Lorde over Perry.
I been meaning to buy "Pure Heroine LP" + "The Love Club EP"...

or just flat-out buy "Pure Heroine: Extended" (re-release that contains both of those albums listed above).

"Royals", "Tennis Court", "Team", "Buzzcut Season" & "Swingin' Party" are all pretty good. :D

Heard 'em on Lorde's VEVO.

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I been meaning to buy "Pure Heroine LP" + "The Love Club EP"...
or just flat-out buy "Pure Heroine: Extended" (re-release that contains both of those albums listed above).

"Royals", "Tennis Court", "Team", "Buzzcut Season" & "Swingin' Party" are all pretty good. :D
Heard 'em on Lorde's VEVO.
I remember buying music...the 90's were a fun time.
I like to listen to Kesha.


Don't know if it was mentioned but the 25% off coupon works on thief and thief master editions on the coming soon page. No dice for titanfall or watchdogs though.

I played about half of the MoH: Warfighter missions tonight.  They aren't bad although they're short and by the time I get into the flow of things, they're over.  I don't know if the later missions will take longer.  I know the SP campaign is always a near afterthought in these games though so I'm not expecting a lengthy experience.

The game seems okay to me; nothing more or less special than most shooters.  Graphics are nicely done although I seem to have some sort of creepy goblin-child for a daughter.  I don't have any real issues with it so far, just a pretty standard linear shooter tack-on SP campaign with the usual jack-of-all-trades nonsense ("You need to be the sniper! Now steer this robot!  Now help secure this building interior!  Now chase this truck in this car!" etc).  I wouldn't have wanted to pay over the four bucks for it though, once I finish it I doubt I'll ever pick it up again.

On the other hand, Remember Me was dreadful.  Just terrible.  The graphics are fine and if you play with the French language on (and English subtitles) you can pretend it's some foreign futurist film but that's the best you can say for it.  Plodding, hand-holding, bad pacing, boring combat, terrible boss battles... I kept forcing myself to play it over a couple nights "just to see where it went", I got halfway through, realized I was only halfway through and uninstalled it before I was tempted to waste any more of my life on that thing.

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Haha 193 games on here....I've played probably 20 of them...and 2 were horrible old school plat former shooter games. During the winter sale just got Wing Commander 5 and Carmageddon 2 though.

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I played about half of the MoH: Warfighter missions tonight. They aren't bad although they're short and by the time I get into the flow of things, they're over. I don't know if the later missions will take longer. I know the SP campaign is always a near afterthought in these games though so I'm not expecting a lengthy experience.

The game seems okay to me; nothing more or less special than most shooters. Graphics are nicely done although I seem to have some sort of creepy goblin-child for a daughter. I don't have any real issues with it so far, just a pretty standard linear shooter tack-on SP campaign with the usual jack-of-all-trades nonsense ("You need to be the sniper! Now steer this robot! Now help secure this building interior! Now chase this truck in this car!" etc). I wouldn't have wanted to pay over the four bucks for it though, once I finish it I doubt I'll ever pick it up again.

On the other hand, Remember Me was dreadful. Just terrible. The graphics are fine and if you play with the French language on (and English subtitles) you can pretend it's some foreign futurist film but that's the best you can say for it. Plodding, hand-holding, bad pacing, boring combat, terrible boss battles... I kept forcing myself to play it over a couple nights "just to see where it went", I got halfway through, realized I was only halfway through and uninstalled it before I was tempted to waste any more of my life on that thing.
hey guy, the game sucks stop trying to make it seem like a reasonable purchase cuz its not ;p Unistall and move on!

I played about half of the MoH: Warfighter missions tonight. They aren't bad although they're short and by the time I get into the flow of things, they're over. I don't know if the later missions will take longer. I know the SP campaign is always a near afterthought in these games though so I'm not expecting a lengthy experience.

The game seems okay to me; nothing more or less special than most shooters. Graphics are nicely done although I seem to have some sort of creepy goblin-child for a daughter. I don't have any real issues with it so far, just a pretty standard linear shooter tack-on SP campaign with the usual jack-of-all-trades nonsense ("You need to be the sniper! Now steer this robot! Now help secure this building interior! Now chase this truck in this car!" etc). I wouldn't have wanted to pay over the four bucks for it though, once I finish it I doubt I'll ever pick it up again.

On the other hand, Remember Me was dreadful. Just terrible. The graphics are fine and if you play with the French language on (and English subtitles) you can pretend it's some foreign futurist film but that's the best you can say for it. Plodding, hand-holding, bad pacing, boring combat, terrible boss battles... I kept forcing myself to play it over a couple nights "just to see where it went", I got halfway through, realized I was only halfway through and uninstalled it before I was tempted to waste any more of my life on that thing.
I had the same feeling about Remember Me but I think it is worth yuutuubing the rest. Just hit up the remaining memory hacks you didn't do as apart from the one with the businessman, those ARE the story, essentially. Then follow from the final memory hack (Which seemed kinda pointless and arbitrary) through to the final battle. You have something akin to a cheesy 90s sci-fi, which I would argue we have not seen in games since Headhunter on DC/PS2.

The first MoH of the reboot was pretty dang good all things considered. Better than the contemporary CoD of its time. Haven't tried the second because I really do not think I want to revisit that well.

Don't know if it was mentioned but the 25% off coupon works on thief and thief master editions on the coming soon page.
All true CAG's already preordered Thief 2014 for ~$8.50 :D

Preorder with 83% off? Probably worth it, even with it beign Square Enix game.

Was 90% off for me since bad euro pricing...

All true CAG's already preordered Thief 2014 for ~$8.50 :D

Preorder with 83% off? Probably worth it, even with it beign Square Enix game.

Was 90% off for me since bad euro pricing...
all true cags are waiting til winter sale 2015 when it will be in an amazon bundle for a 5 dollar per game average


All true CAG's already preordered Thief 2014 for ~$8.50 :D

Preorder with 83% off? Probably worth it, even with it beign Square Enix game.
Was 90% off for me since bad euro pricing...
shit, got mine for free. gave 1 to ln3000
katy perry
Ninja Blade (Crapsule) is $2 (before coupon)... in case you missed IG5 or didn't buy it separately on Steam... and missed the GMG Ninja Blade giveaway.

I'm kinda surprised it's the #2 best seller on GMG atm.

Ninja Blade (Crapsule) is $2 (before coupon)... in case you missed IG5 or didn't buy it separately on Steam... and missed the GMG Ninja Blade giveaway.

I'm kinda surprised it's the #2 best seller on GMG atm.
I traded mine in a while ago for GMG credit. I had it from IG5 and I'll never use Capsule anyway. Wish the Steam version of the game would get bundled already. Maybe it hasn't because it's developed by From Software? The publisher(s) have bundled games in the past.

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I have one and only one game on Capsule....Disciples 2 Gold, but still haven't played (played so much Disciples 2 original in the past so it was more for the collection). Not a fan of extra clients though......i can't stand the Gamestop one and Uplay one is pretty bad as well.

I keep checking every time Ninja Blade goes on sale cheap on GMG hoping it's a Steam key but it never is.


I already have it from IG and got it free from GMG and I think traded it in for some small change at one point but I want it on Steam.

I have a couple Capsule games. It's not bad. It's not good. Personally, I think it's unnecessary. Capsule to download, fine, just like GOG. Capsule to play, don't see the reasoning.
I think the purpose is for trade-ins.. I don't think there is any other point to it.

Digital trade in is one of those features that people say they want but then the reality is that the games they have it on are ones that people don't want in the first place or if they do they would just rather have them on Steam even without a trade in option.
It seems like they were really pushing trade-in for a while there but lately I notice they haven't been. I haven't even seen trade in values on even the bottom feeder capsule games lately.
You're back! And in fine form as usual. Where you been, bro? Don't tell me the mods booted you again!

I'm learning Esperanto from David Lynch when he was a little baby boy. He's some sort of magician.


You guys are a good-to-great group -- fucking fantastic, in fact -- butt this is merely an isolated incident.

Good luck with everything and what have you.

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I'm learning Esperanto from David Lynch when he was a little baby boy. He's some sort of magician.


You guys are a good-to-great group -- fucking fantastic, in fact -- butt this is merely an isolated incident.

Good luck with everything and what have you.
Bummer, dude. I have been contemplating spending less time on the forums myself because I really have a lot IRL that I have to kick into gear...but if it happens, I too will really miss this great community. Only one in a decade and a half of forum lurking I've found inviting enough to regularly post on.

bread's done