Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

We generally enjoy saving money around here, not patting ourselves on the back for buying a game for $35 when it'll be $5 in a few months. Basically, publicizing your PC game buying missteps is only going to make people laugh. Perhaps you're new to buying PC games, so I'll just advise you to wait. It doesn't take long at all for PC games to get cheap. You wait, you save loads of money. There's a reason us PC regulars have Steam libraries between 1000 and 2000 games.

Go back to your 10 game console backlog that you spend $600 + tax on to accumulate.
I'm blaming all of you PC regulars and these threads for my over 1000 game steam backlog, spreadsheet of over one hundred extra keys, about 75 Desura Keys and at least a dozen GOG keys... all purchased for less than the cost of 5 current generation console games. (I have receipts, a budget and a spreadsheet that bears these numbers out.)

It really does get that way- if you can wait six months, those $35 games can show up for $15 in a steam sale. A few months after that, it can show up for five. With massive backlogs, it really is easy to take the long view. It really does get to the point where it feels like there's no reason TO buy a game at launch for full retail unless there's a great promo, you can double dip on a deal, or you've a group of friends that are going to be playing it to death so you'll either get to play with them online or talk about it around the watercooler. (Or bar, or lunchtable, whatever).

The last new console game I purchased was Mario Kart.... and if not for the free game promo, I probably would have waited on that, too.

Re: Derp Rising 3, Capcom games rarely get steep discounts and when they do it's usually a couple of years, not months, after-the-fact.  I'm deliberating pre-ordering DR3 because I don't have much of a backlog (as I don't +1 crappy bundles that much anymore), it's a decent enough price with pre-order discounts, and it can't really disappoint me since they're just aping the same formula from the first two games.  You won't see DR3 at $10 until 2016.

I'm blaming all of you PC regulars and these threads for my over 1000 game steam backlog, spreadsheet of over one hundred extra keys, about 75 Desura Keys and at least a dozen GOG keys... all purchased for less than the cost of 5 current generation console games. (I have receipts, a budget and a spreadsheet that bears these numbers out.)

It really does get that way- if you can wait six months, those $35 games can show up for $15 in a steam sale. A few months after that, it can show up for five. With massive backlogs, it really is easy to take the long view. It really does get to the point where it feels like there's no reason TO buy a game at launch for full retail unless there's a great promo, you can double dip on a deal, or you've a group of friends that are going to be playing it to death so you'll either get to play with them online or talk about it around the watercooler. (Or bar, or lunchtable, whatever).

The last new console game I purchased was Mario Kart.... and if not for the free game promo, I probably would have waited on that, too.
Multiplayer. If you really want to play the multiplayer aspect of a multiplayer game, you're better off not waiting too long.

I'm considering SnakeyBroing The Crew. (I played during the closed beta, so it's not a blind purchase.)

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Re: Derp Rising 3, Capcom games rarely get steep discounts and when they do it's usually a couple of years, not months, after-the-fact. I'm deliberating pre-ordering DR3 because I don't have much of a backlog (as I don't +1 crappy bundles that much anymore), it's a decent enough price with pre-order discounts, and it can't really disappoint me since they're just aping the same formula from the first two games. You won't see DR3 at $10 until 2016.
Nah, Capcom has been fine with sales lately. Granted it's not gonna be $5-10 as fast as other pubs, they aren't Activision, and have been way more aggressive with sales lately than they have in the past.

Regardless, gloating about getting any PC game for 25% off is silly.

Multiplayer. If you really want to play the multiplayer aspect of a multiplayer game, you're better off not waiting too long.

I'm considering SnakeyBroing The Crew. (I played during the closed beta, so it's not a blind purchase.)
That really is true. Multiplayer communities on PC games grow and die quickly, so if you really want to take the best advantage of the multiplayer you do have to jump on it almost at launch. (Or when a new DLC is introduced, etc).

But, I figure that's value added, and exactly why you'd be an early adopter.

There really is a balance to it all, but being frugal on other games makes it a lot easier to fit those occasional splurges on a franchise or new entry into a genre you really love into your budget.

You're a fucking moron. Read what I wrote; I hardly console game anymore. Congratulations on being an ignorant moron.

Nah, Capcom has been fine with sales lately. Granted it's not gonna be $5-10 as fast as other pubs, they aren't Activision, and have been way more aggressive with sales lately than they have in the past.

Regardless, gloating about getting any PC game for 25% off is silly.
But he wasn't gloating. lol. The guy just posted he bought it and even said it wasn't a bad deal so he wasn't making it sound like the deal of the century.

Between a guy paying $35 for a game he's looking forward to and will play right away and us hoarders who pay more to +1 hundreds of games we just idle for cards, he's probably getting more "value" out of his money than most of us.

But he wasn't gloating. lol. The guy just posted he bought it and even said it wasn't a bad deal so he wasn't making it sound like the deal of the century.

Between a guy paying $35 for a game he's looking forward to and will play right away and us hoarders who pay more to +1 hundreds of games we just idle for cards, he's probably getting more "value" out of his money than most of us.
It's all the same shit, just like Naked Snakey Eyesbro talking about how he got something for $30 on launch.

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Great job keeping up the stereotype of PC gamers being elitist dickheads guys. Who cares if he paid $35 for a game. He really wanted it, and he will actually play it, and didnt really come off as bragging to me, and unless I missed something people started talking to him in a condescending manner almost immediately

Whats worse, paying $35 for a game you intend to play right away and will get a lot of play from, or buying a game for $5 you know you'll likely never get to?
I'm not sure what happened here. I mean, I don't post much but I've been a fairly active member of CAG since 2010. It's my homepage. I religiously visit the site every half hour or so during steam sales and the like just to talk with my fellow cheap ass gamers and personalities around here.

And I don't know if I've ever been alienated before Motoki. Sorry I came to "your forums" man. I mean I've got almost 400 steam games and a bunch of backlog, and this isn't my first rodeo. Just thought I'd shout out how only 30 some bucks for a game I didn't think I'd even get to play due to exclusive was pretty cool. Think I'll stick to the Amazon and Steam threads from now on. And sorry to everybody else for apparently starting something here. Just didn't like the taste of being looked down upon for being excited for a game.

Man, this argument is worse than the sales I post.  Everybody chillax, there's more GMG crap to snicker at in a few hours.


/google image'd chillax, did not expect, but surprisingly appropriate

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I'm not sure what happened here. I mean, I don't post much but I've been a fairly active member of CAG since 2010. It's my homepage. I religiously visit the site every half hour or so during steam sales and the like just to talk with my fellow cheap ass gamers and personalities around here.

And I don't know if I've ever been alienated before Motoki. Sorry I came to "your forums" man. I mean I've got almost 400 steam games and a bunch of backlog, and this isn't my first rodeo. Just thought I'd shout out how only 30 some bucks for a game I didn't think I'd even get to play due to exclusive was pretty cool. Think I'll stick to the Amazon and Steam threads from now on. And sorry to everybody else for apparently starting something here. Just didn't like the taste of being looked down upon for being excited for a game.
Don't bother with some of these people. This place has been allowed to become toxic for a while now. There are truly some trashy posters here who thrive on nastiness and negativity. They constantly derail threads and bring the whole place down. Why they're allowed to do so is beyond me, but whatever.

Enjoy your game. Don't let these filths get you down. You got a great game (played the heck out of it on my XBO) at a better price than I paid back on 11/22. That's a great deal in my book.

Great job keeping up the stereotype of PC gamers being elitist dickheads guys. Who cares if he paid $35 for a game. He really wanted it, and he will actually play it, and didnt really come off as bragging to me, and unless I missed something people started talking to him in a condescending manner almost immediately

Whats worse, paying $35 for a game you intend to play right away and will get a lot of play from, or buying a game for $5 you know you'll likely never get to?
I'm not sure what happened here. I mean, I don't post much but I've been a fairly active member of CAG since 2010. It's my homepage. I religiously visit the site every half hour or so during steam sales and the like just to talk with my fellow cheap ass gamers and personalities around here.

And I don't know if I've ever been alienated before Motoki. Sorry I came to "your forums" man. I mean I've got almost 400 steam games and a bunch of backlog, and this isn't my first rodeo. Just thought I'd shout out how only 30 some bucks for a game I didn't think I'd even get to play due to exclusive was pretty cool. Think I'll stick to the Amazon and Steam threads from now on. And sorry to everybody else for apparently starting something here. Just didn't like the taste of being looked down upon for being excited for a game.
Chill out. Don't take everything you read here that seriously. Our kind of humor is... ok, you just saw a bit of it. We also like to debate A LOT about EVERYTHING (soda vs pop, what's an RPG, what kind of toaster MD is... ) when there's not a good sale around.

We all have a game that will buy at launch (at the best price possible). Mine is Killing Floor 2 (if the price is right) because it is mainly multiplayer and Tripwire is a dev/pub I want to support because they support their games through years, make events an are very active with the community... and the community itself is awesome.

Just stay around here and you'll notice you won't get bored at all. I spend more time here than playing games!

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Ive been around here for a while so I see plenty of the harmless ribbing that goes on between everyone. Your initial comment did seem to be just that, but it seemed to escalate into something more. Im not trying to be a white knight, I just thought everyone should give him a break.
We all get pokes at what we do on here. I don't take anything personally. Most people know somehow that when I see an Andorlea game I don't have it makes me want to get them along with any RPGMaker games, and I know for the most part most of those are poop. I still like to collect them and even play one on the odd day better RPGs aren't taking up my time. I also buy many Japanese and niche games full price for which I may be called Animu lover and an otaku dakimakura loving Dollfie hugging person. It's just fun to poke fun at people paying full prices for games and collector's editons and other things at full price or a bit of discount when this is CAG and we love cheap games and bundles even if half of the games are terrible, as long as they have Steam Trading Cards or Playfire achievements.

It's all in fun and there is lots of nice, generous people on here. Once in a blue moon someone actually plays a game, and it shocks and awes everyone!

In fact right now I'm really contemplating this Miku figure slightly NSFW picture:


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Chill out. Don't take everything you read here that seriously. Our kind of humor is... ok, you just saw a bit of it. We also like to debate A LOT about EVERYTHING (soda vs pop, what's an RPG, what kind of toaster MD is... ) when there's not a good sale around.
MD is not sure if he's a Cylon, Toaster, or a hybrid of the two...

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Multiplayer. If you really want to play the multiplayer aspect of a multiplayer game, you're better off not waiting too long.

I'm considering SnakeyBroing The Crew. (I played during the closed beta, so it's not a blind purchase.)
We all have our "weaknesses" to the usual CAG'ing we do around to - games that we know we'll sink tons of time into + not regret spending a good deal of money on.

For me, it's normally RPG's - especially ones from BioWare, Bethesda, + CD Projekt.

Yours seem to be racing games.

And w/ what you're saying there by purchasing The Crew ASAP after you playing Closed-Beta (were there NDA's when you tried it?), sounds like it might be as good as I hoped it would be - i.e. a worthy successor to TDU2 (damn, I love that racer).

Chill out. Don't take everything you read here that seriously. Our kind of humor is... ok, you just saw a bit of it. We also like to debate A LOT about EVERYTHING (soda vs pop, what's an RPG, what kind of toaster MD is... ) when there's not a good sale around.

We all have a game that will buy at launch (at the best price possible). Mine is Killing Floor 2 (if the price is right) because it is mainly multiplayer and Tripwire is a dev/pub I want to support because they support their games through years, make events an are very active with the community... and the community itself is awesome.

Just stay around here and you'll notice you won't get bored at all. I spend more time here than playing games!
No we don't.

We all have our "weaknesses" to the usual CAG'ing we do around to - games that we know we'll sink tons of time into + not regret spending a good deal of money on.

For me, it's normally RPG's - especially ones from BioWare, Bethesda, + CD Projekt.

Yours seem to be racing games.

And w/ what you're saying there by purchasing The Crew ASAP after you playing Closed-Beta (were there NDA's when you tried it?), sounds like it might be as good as I hoped it would be - i.e. a worthy successor to TDU2 (damn, I love that racer).
It's not a weakness... it's needs. I don't think so, major gaming rags were talking about and steaming it.

The Crew is quite an ambitious game. I had concerns over their ability to deliver, and if it would run on my venerable 5.5 year old Phenom II X3 720 BE and GTX 660. The good news, it ran just fine, on low/medium pop beta. After a .cfg edit I was able to uncap the (default 30) framerate, and was getting very close to 60.

The handling is a little different, but imo, it's just wonky with all assists on (most games are). Kicking assists to low felt good. I didn't quite get the hang of assists-off, in my short time. The maps are nice and big (recent NFS's have had small maps), and the mission structure is reminiscent of GTA. It looks like all missions (main/side) can be done solo or 2-4 player coop. It's like a different realization of the TDU2 dream. The other thing is there's lots of racing disciplines, street, offroad, track, etc. I have hope and faith in The Crew.

Whats worse, paying $35 for a game you intend to play right away and will get a lot of play from, or buying a game for $5 you know you'll likely never get to?
Paying $35 for a game. :lol:

I'm not sure what happened here. I mean, I don't post much but I've been a fairly active member of CAG since 2010. It's my homepage. I religiously visit the site every half hour or so during steam sales and the like just to talk with my fellow cheap ass gamers and personalities around here.

And I don't know if I've ever been alienated before Motoki. Sorry I came to "your forums" man. I mean I've got almost 400 steam games and a bunch of backlog, and this isn't my first rodeo. Just thought I'd shout out how only 30 some bucks for a game I didn't think I'd even get to play due to exclusive was pretty cool. Think I'll stick to the Amazon and Steam threads from now on. And sorry to everybody else for apparently starting something here. Just didn't like the taste of being looked down upon for being excited for a game.
Nah, don't take it personally, it's just a "thing" here in the CAG PC community. There are #trueCAGs and #fakeCAGs, and regardless of how new or old you are, veteran or newbie, you pretty much get shamed when you spend a lot of money on a game. It's just the way of things, you shrug it off and say "fuck you guys." and everyone laughs and moves on. It's not like anyone actually is angry with you for spending your own money, lol.

It's the internet. It's NOT srs bsns, despite joking claims that it is. We're all just screwing around. We all make expensive purchases here and there. I'm preordering Destiny, a FULL PRICE CONSOLE game, and I will get strung up for doing so. Bring on the shame!

We all get pokes at what we do on here. I don't take anything personally. Most people know somehow that when I see an Andorlea game I don't have it makes me want to get them along with any RPGMaker games, and I know for the most part most of those are poop. I still like to collect them and even play one on the odd day better RPGs aren't taking up my time. I also buy many Japanese and niche games full price for which I may be called Animu lover and an otaku dakimakura loving Dollfie hugging person. It's just fun to poke fun at people paying full prices for games and collector's editons and other things at full price or a bit of discount when this is CAG and we love cheap games and bundles even if half of the games are terrible, as long as they have Steam Trading Cards or Playfire achievements.

It's all in fun and there is lots of nice, generous people on here. Once in a blue moon someone actually plays a game, and it shocks and awes everyone!

In fact right now I'm really contemplating this Miku figure slightly NSFW picture:

+1, well put.

#12-20 are up for the 50 Games You Must Play list:
50 Games You Must Play, for 75% off.
Games #12-20 include:50 Games Cumulative List [customspoiler=Dead][/customspoiler]
30 Indie Games You Must Play, for 33-75% off.
Games #11-20 include:30 Indie Games Cumulative List [customspoiler=Dead][/customspoiler]
New coupon code Z4364W-7MR5WA-N5BCOO for an additional 20% off if you spend $7 or more, excludes credits and selected titles.
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Of course, I bought it a couple weeks ago from GMG at 66% thinking, well, its playfire bux anyway, and I haven't even gotten around to installing it. 

Of course, I bought it a couple weeks ago from GMG at 66% thinking, well, its playfire bux anyway, and I haven't even gotten around to installing it.
Same here. If it wasn't for the stupid paranoia about GMG bux I would have held off too. Oh well. $2.50 of fake money lost.

Are the Dishonered DLC worth it? I have the first one (knife) but not the second one (witches).
Yes, they're quite good. They've got arguably better level design than in the base game.

The Dunwall Trials DLC isn't too shabby either if you like the basic gameplay of the game, too. The story DLCs are better but if you've got any score-attack urges in you then trials is a surprisingly good time.

Thanks I'll get the Witches next time it's $5 or so or the GOTY is $5 whichever happens first, need to play the game though!

I think I have had every 50 games you must play and likely beat 5-6 of them haha.

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Dishonored and all its DLC (besides Brigmore Witches) is also free on Xbox 360 right now if you have gold.

Useless console peasant information, but I thought it was worth mentioning if anyone wants to double dip.

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So, doesn't anyone know how different Dishonored's PC version is to the console? 

That's a really good price on the GOTY version, but the on Gamestop's website, they have an ad saying they're giving away the Tarot deck with online purchases. The Tarot deck is listed on ebay and Amazon at around $20-25.

Yeah I just bit on Dead Rising 3 for 33 dollars and some cents with that 25% coupon. a shitty deal.

thanks for guaranteeing a bundle for the rest of us though

we appreciate your sacrifice

Great job keeping up the stereotype of PC gamers being elitist dickheads guys. Who cares if he paid $35 for a game. He really wanted it, and he will actually play it, and didnt really come off as bragging to me, and unless I missed something people started talking to him in a condescending manner almost immediately

Whats worse, paying $35 for a game you intend to play right away and will get a lot of play from, or buying a game for $5 you know you'll likely never get to?
both are equally bad, wait for bundle or price glitch


Dishonored and all its DLC (besides Brigmore Witches) is also free on Xbox 360 right now if you have gold.

Useless console peasant information, but I thought it was worth mentioning if anyone wants to double dip.
sweet, went ahead and picked up the freebies

please don't flame me derintroll for not paying 75% of full retail price

#1-10 are up for the 30 Indie Games You Must Play list:
30 Indie Games You Must Play, for 33-75% off.
Games #1-10 include:30 Indie Games Cumulative List [customspoiler=Dead][/customspoiler]
50 Games You Must Play, for 75% off.
Games #12-20 include:50 Games Cumulative List [customspoiler=Dead][/customspoiler]
New coupon code Z4364W-7MR5WA-N5BCOO for an additional 20% off if you spend $7 or more, excludes credits and selected titles.
bread's done