Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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75% negatives on Steam.

Just cause it's cool doesn't mean it's awesome. I mean it would kind of be cool and funny to see a friend puking all over the's terrible cause someone has to clean it, but it's awesome in some way too. It's a cheap Build a Bundle type bundle, the problem is that lots are repeats.

Don't know if I missed it earlier, but it looks like the Life of Pixel devs, as expected, caved to the pressure and supplied Groupees with keys even though "we only promised Desura keys as we weren't on Greenlight yet when we were bundled."

Available now on Groupees.

Don't know if I missed it earlier, but it looks like the Life of Pixel devs, as expected, caved to the pressure and supplied Groupees with keys even though "we only promised Desura keys as we weren't on Greenlight yet when we were bundled."

Available now on Groupees.
Another victory for us angry mobsters

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FWIW, Life of Pixel is a decent game. A bit unforgiving, but I like it. It kind of reminds me of Evoland, in that the graphics evolve over time.

FWIW, Life of Pixel is a decent game. A bit unforgiving, but I like it. It kind of reminds me of Evoland, in that the graphics evolve over time.
It does look cool, it was one of the main draws of that Remute bundle, after Soda Drinker Pro of course. Waiting for cards and PlayFire rewards to play it though.

Ku: The Shroud of the Morrigan is the next bonus
I'm actually kind of happy about this one. It's the type of thing that I would never go out of my way to pick up, but I've heard enough bad about it that I kind of want to see the trainwreck for myself. Now I'll end up with a copy without feeling like I paid for a copy.

Finished Slate Rock. It's a decent VN for 50 cents, so if you're into the genre I'd suggest picking it up. Good game to play so close to halloween, lasts about 2 hours. Story isn't great or anything, and the voice acting is ok.. better than I expected. All of the dialogue is voiced.. so that's another plus.

Don't buy it for the "puzzles" though, they're crap and there aren't many of them.

I finally got around to playing some bundled Desura games. Installed a few good ones, as well as some not-so-good ones. I need more time with the good ones, but I've written a review on Desura for Zombusters (Bundle of the Undead):

Zombusters is, in a nutshell, a boring husk of a dual-stick shooter.

There is a scrolling text introduction at the very beginning that contains whatever tidbits of plot the developers deemed meritable enough to have you plodding through 50 waves of the same enemies lumbering slowly after you in one stilted, looped animation that never changes; and it should be noted that there's actually only one enemy sprite, it's just that the color palettes were changed to mark the toughness of each wave. Each level is one still frame of boring landscape wherein you fight hundreds of zombies until you magically transport to the next still frame. Compelling, consistency, coherency, and creativeness are four "c" words that I would not use to describe this, but there's one four-letter "s" word that Zombusters is the very definition of.

I couldn't discern gameplay variations between the different characters, either. None of them have a special ability or advantage over one another, so choosing comes down to sprite preference. I also had to use the touch screen on my laptop because the aiming mechanics with mouse and keyboard felt broken to me; it felt like I could only shoot in eight directions instead of omnidirectionally as is expected from a dual-stick.

The only thing this game doesn't fall short on is soundtrack; if only they had spent as much time creating a good game instead of soliciting good indie bands, Zombusters would've turned out to be a much better game.

I MIGHT recommend it if it's free due to the soundtrack, otherwise Zombusters is a definite pass.

3/10 (4.7/10 average)

Desura is charging $2.99 for this pile of XNA feces. I made a better XNA game as a final project in one of my college classes in 2009. Also, it is confirmed by other reviewers that there is no omnidirectional shooting. How can you not have that?!

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Where's Groupeesbuttcoins? Cotober is almost over!
Seems they're more focused on building "gamer like interactions".

Summary: levels are tied to $ spent on Groupees, with only three existing at the moment. More will be added, as part of the "gamer like interactions."Such "interactions" appear to include even more superpowers, counter powers, unlockable powers, classes,and a scoring system- which sounds like they're trying their hardest to make the chat as hostile a place as humanly possible. On the bright side, a "free Chat" will be added without all that junk, so there's that.

I'm torn, on one hand the last BAGB had several games that looked interesting to me. On the other hand I check greenlight on a regular basis and see all the games I've gotten in bundles and voted for that still haven't been greenlit. I hope the new Doujin bundle starts soon.

Shifty SlugGroupees HQ10:02
There is a Dungeon Crawler game in it, a tactical strategy game in it, a puzzle game, a platformer that has a halloween theme. and more

Shifty SlugGroupees HQ10:03
8 of the 10 games have not been in a bundle before, 2 of theme where on sale however not sure if it also was in a bundle.

Shifty SlugGroupees HQ10:02
There is a Dungeon Crawler game in it, a tactical strategy game in it, a puzzle game, a platformer that has a halloween theme. and more

Shifty SlugGroupees HQ10:03
8 of the 10 games have not been in a bundle before, 2 of theme where on sale however not sure if it also was in a bundle.
Hm. In other words, a fair chance of garbage, as these descriptors could easily apply to many things on Greenlight that if PCs were consoles we'd call "shovelware." Yep, I'll wait and see what they come up with. Maybe I'll be in for $0.50 if there's wheat among the chaff.

crap dont know why i just got it for. forgot no steam keys
Think of it as a high risk investment that might payout in Steam keys during the next year, unless the developers decide they don't want to give Steam keys to bundle buyers and only wanted to use the bundle to promote their games.

Hm. In other words, a fair chance of garbage, as these descriptors could easily apply to many things on Greenlight that if PCs were consoles we'd call "shovelware." Yep, I'll wait and see what they come up with. Maybe I'll be in for $0.50 if there's wheat among the chaff.
Fixed ;)

Nope. Groupees has suckered me for the first and last time on this preorder nonsense. BM 15 was the worst BM since 12, and 12 was awful.
12 was mediocre (A New Beginning was really nice, at the time,) but if Bundlestars had released the exact same bundle for $4 people would have jumped on it. 15 is also mediocre, but better and $1.50 cheaper with a preorder--people would be excited by the exact same bundle if Blink charged $5 for it.

12 was mediocre (A New Beginning was really nice, at the time,) but if Bundlestars had released the exact same bundle for $4 people would have jumped on it. 15 is also mediocre, but better and $1.50 cheaper with a preorder--people would be excited by the exact same bundle if Blink charged $5 for it.
People are excited to buy shitty IG Monday bundles (including the current one which is mostly garbage), so I'd have to agree.

People are excited to buy shitty IG Monday bundles (including the current one which is mostly garbage), so I'd have to agree.
Indiegala has really stepped up their game on the Monday bundles recently, not so much in terms of actually being good with a good price, but in making sure to include a few interesting games that people likely don't have and might actually want, possibly enough so to talk themselves into the bundle.

I hate that they don't have a clue game for the greenlight bundle this time. There is so much garbage on Greenlight....

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12 was mediocre (A New Beginning was really nice, at the time,) but if Bundlestars had released the exact same bundle for $4 people would have jumped on it. 15 is also mediocre, but better and $1.50 cheaper with a preorder--people would be excited by the exact same bundle if Blink charged $5 for it.
Hm. If you say so. Personally, I just feel as though Groupees has shifted to quantity over quality because of pressures from Humble and IG (and most of their weeklies aren't that great either). Whereas Groupees used to do periodic bundles that were remarkable values, now they're basically like every other bundle site and churning out piles of garbage with the odd nugget of something that might be worthwhile in it.

As far as 15 being better, that's an "eye of the beholder" scenario. I see one or two items I might actually play at some point, two I already have (Lionheart and Darkstone on GOG), and a bunch of other filler. Maybe I'm being too harsh as all of the bonuses haven't been revealed yet, but I doubt they'll be too fantastic.

EDIT: And this preorder trend (a la Indie Royale) is just silly to me. I have a hard time finding two things I want in most of these BABs, so how could I justify prepaying more than I'm likely to spend just to have a bunch of extra junk I don't want and probably can't unload on the trade thread?

People are excited to buy shitty IG Monday bundles (including the current one which is mostly garbage), so I'd have to agree.
Like gilby said, a lot of the IG biweekly bundles are at least full of things that haven't been endlessly rebundled or that are so terrible that even Greenlight won't take them. By the same token, probably 50% of them fit this description to a "t."

It all goes back to what we said a long time ago--when sites start doing a bundle per week (or more), the quality will inevitably go down and the proportion of repeats will inevitably go up. Frankly I think that if all of the big sites went back to doing a bundle every couple of months, we'd see bundles that were of much higher quality.

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I was disappointed in the Be Mine pre-order....I think enough is enough...the prices are going higher...and you know what enough! I'm getting ultra saturated with crappy indie games that I'll never play and enough of these +1s....this is just annoying. I will just wait it out and likely laugh at the trash that will be in the Greenlight bundle and see the WTFs included in the Bundle of the Damned. $1.25 and $1.50 may not be much...but enough of this. I'd rather save my money...and I'm a staunch supporter of indie games.

Just too much bulk from all bundle sites....too much...

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bread's done