Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

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Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

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For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

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For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Well, I solved the BrokenEarth problem, and the solution is fucking laughable.

I thought "Hey, maybe I somehow entered the wrong password in the first place." so I reset my password. They send a new password (made up of numbers) and tell me to use change my password to a new one using that. Okay, so I go the "change password" screen, enter their number password as my "old password", and enter my new password as "new password". I push continue, a popup says "Password changed successfully!", so I go back and try to log in.

Naturally, once again "username and password do not match". So I reset the password again, and I try logging in with the numerical password they give me. Lo and behold, I can log in fine. So I try to change my password again, this time to an extremely basic, no nonsense, 5 character password with no caps, no symbols, no numbers. Once again it tells me the password was changed successfully, but once I try to log in again, it fails every time.

tl;dr, as soon as you make your account, you HAVE to reset your password and then ONLY use the numerical password they give you, otherwise you can't log in. Totally ridiculous, but at least I can play the game now. Extremely shitty first impression.
Have you played it yet?
Nah, I tend to hold off my groupees BAB puchases until I get feedback from the indie junkies on any particular recommends. I had scruitinized youtube of OCR gameplay before. It looked okay. And for $0.75, it's an easy decision.

Indie Royale is easy, I solo'd it with my paypal
Pfft, you shoulda solo'd it with my paypal. Paypal aggro'd my CU...

Nah, I tend to hold off my groupees BAB puchases until I get feedback from the indie junkies on any particular recommends. I had scruitinized youtube of OCR gameplay before. It looked okay. And for $0.75, it's an easy decision.
OCR and Rooks Keep, then. We're gonna have some wild Rooks Keep nights.

First impressions of Residue:

I played what seems to be the first 1/3 of the game from the chapter select menu. That took me a pretty leisurely 40 minutes, so I don't expect this game to be more than around 2.5 hours long.

It's kind of neat. You play as a few different characters with different abilities (or lack there-of if you're the old man) in different chapters uncovering the story of a few personal relationships and a few people's efforts to reroute some rivers back into the dying Aral Sea. 

It's very low-key and methodical. The guy who moves mostly with a grappling hook is theoretically interesting but mostly clumsy to actually control and do anything with. The voice acting is so-so at best, but I play a lot of cheap point & clicks (this game is not a point & click) so I've heard and tolerated far, far worse. I think the art style and sparse animation is aesthetically cool, though i don't know if everyone would agree with me.

I like the atmosphere, though right now I'm finding the actual narrative more than a little impenetrable. I'm not sure if that's by design or not.

I'll report back when I finish the game, but for me I'm finding it worth my 75 cents, particularly as I'd rather a sort of flawed but complete narrative experience over another twin-stick shooter. I would also say that the trailer is, for better or for worse, a decent representation of the game.

Hmm, seems Residue might be worth picking up after all. I'm with Ashes though in rarely picking these up until the last minute. Somehow I just can't make myself click buy with so much time still on the clock :whistle2:k

Well, Pete's review makes me second guess grabbing Residue in single-game-time even more. I feel kind of sad now.
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I grabbed Residue, because it reminds me of a platformer-type version of Resonance, which was an amazing game. The math game should be too easy for me to enjoy since I'm asian, though

New bonus goal is A Walk in the Dark @ 3,000 bundles sold
I'm actually more interested in this than any of the paid games in the bundle. Looks like Gravity Guy crossed with Limbo, and the trailer had some great music. Glad to see a good (in my opinion) bonus this time :D

Hm. Just noticed on Groupees chat: if you're the last man on Earth who doesn't have the original Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Bundle Stars is giving away Steam keys on its Facebook page here.

Hm. Just noticed on Groupees chat: if you're the last man on Earth who doesn't have the original Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Bundle Stars is giving away Steam keys on its Facebook page here.
I was going to snag an extra copy, but then saw the permissions for the coupon app...not sure if it is worth it. Guess I could always uninstall the app afterwards, but by then it will probably have all my info.

I'm actually more interested in this than any of the paid games in the bundle. Looks like Gravity Guy crossed with Limbo, and the trailer had some great music. Glad to see a good (in my opinion) bonus this time :D
Yeah I think they excluded it from the main bundle just to have a good bonus. It's been on their greenlight collection page for a while, so I'm glad it finally made it into one of their bundles.

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Hm. Just noticed on Groupees chat: if you're the last man on Earth who doesn't have the original Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Bundle Stars is giving away Steam keys on its Facebook page here.
BundleStars is giving an error on their site right now when I try to redeem. Probably being flooded.

Hm. Just noticed on Groupees chat: if you're the last man on Earth who doesn't have the original Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Bundle Stars is giving away Steam keys on its Facebook page here.
Thanks. I already have it, but grabbed another key to use on an alt account for the possibility of cards.

I finished Residue.

It's about 2.5 hours long.

I don't know about that game.

I would call it a methodical puzzle platformer.

You play as an old man with a flashlight, a middle aged man with a grappling hook, and a young boy that jumps good.

The story is atmospheric and sort of tragic in a way I can't explain because it makes very little coherent sense. I think it's also poorly translated. But something about it I really enjoyed. I just can't quite put my finger on what.

If you need a second game to fill out your bundle, and you think story driven, short, puzzle platformers (the movement is in the service of the story, it's a very low maintenance game) are up your alley, I would say go for it.

Also, if you want some weird Russian sadness and environmentalism, go for it too.

I think it has a lot of heart.

That's what I'll say.

If that means something to you, you'll probably find this at least an enjoyable 2 hour curiosity.

Bit on Rawbots, Broken Earth, Rooks and Residue. They seem to be the only titles that look good to me

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Well... I played Paradigm Shift last night. I really, really wish I didn't (there are spoilers below, I guess).

Scary rating: 2/10

Adventure-y point-&-click rating: 1/10

Story rating: 1/10

Graphics rating: 2/10

PC optimization rating: 2/10

The game is just awful on every level. I turn the game on and it's in windowed mode, and it's a very small window. Okay, I'll make it fullscreen... oh wait, there are no options for the game whatsoever. Fine, I'll play the game in a tiny window (already ruining the "scary" vibe). I watch the intro, and the story is just awful. The narrator explains how a "chemical plant" was supposed to make everyone in the city's dreams come true. Jobs, money, progress, etc. Apparently everyone ignored the fact that the chemicals were evil and would turn everyone into zombies, so "greed" was their undoing. He then explains that there was a "chemical leak" and that the chemical spread like 50 miles (I think that was the number) out in every direction in a very short period of time. Somehow I think that's impossible, but okay, fine.

So I jump into the game and I'm shown a letter from you to your lover, and how you'll meet her at "the gas station a few miles out of town", wait for x amount of days, and then move on (sorry, I don't love you THAT much). Now the game starts, and the visuals are awful. Here's the thing, they're hand drawn and would look fine... but EVERY screen has this horrible, OMGGRUNGYSCRATCHES filter over it, so everything is distorted and looks like shit. Perhaps the drawing doesn't look very good without a severe filter over it, but yeah, it looks terrible.

So as far as actually playing the game, I start clicking on stuff. I grab a shotgun that's leaning up against the wall (never once found a situation to use it), and then the second thing I click (a picture hanging on the wall) has a typo in the description, which says something like "A crappy painting I bought for $5 dollar." Alright, moving on, I go into the bedroom and find a screwdriver (once again, found nothing to use it on), and I also find a flask. I click on the flask and the description is something like "Oh yeah, this is what the stranger said." What? What stranger? There's some saying engraved on the flask, so the "stranger" said that? Okay, this game is already feeling horribly foreign.

The rest of my experience was just mucking about, clicking on everything to see if anything happened, finding random doors that I couldn't open, tons of items that I couldn't pick up, etc. I came across a car in a parking lot, which said "I can barely see through the window.", so here I am trying all my items (I have a fire axe, but naturally I can't break the window), and while I'm doing this, the screen changes (there is no animation in this game, just screen changes) to a zombie pressed up against the inside of the window, a bunch of blood splats appear on my screen, and I'm told that I died. Really? A zombie killed me from the inside of a car with all the windows closed. Cool.

And yes, if you die in this game, you start all over again. Another death happened when I went somewhere, and was given a countdown saying "They're coming!". I couldn't leave the way I came for no reason, and in front of me was a bunch of furniture stacked against a door. I clicked some stuff, nothing really happened, so I clicked to use my shotgun, the countdown ran out, and I was told I died again (this time with the picture of a zombie face getting its mouth and eyes warped in and out like a bad Photoshop effect).

Okay, let's try this again! On my third attempt, I make it to an army base. All of the guns I find are "out of ammo", so I find a radio and click it (to be rescued?). Nope, as soon as I click it, it says "Strike coordinates received, commencing air strike in 15 minutes!" and tells me I need to evacuate the area ASAP or I'll get blown up. Dicks. While the edges of the screen glow red (because that's what happens when an air strike is en route), I go as far away from where I was as possible, back to my house. 2 or so minutes later, I'm shown a game over screen showing a mushroom cloud explosion on the entire city. Thanks guys.

The game is just dumb. It's clearly a cheesy little game that was meant to be played mainly on iOS (even the launch screen says "touch to continue"). It has no redeeming factors. I'm sad I spent 75 cents on it, honestly, and that's pretty pathetic.


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The game sounds awesome. Glad I bought it.  If you would have been around when it was first released you would appreciate it more, but you are too young Idiot.  All you want is bang bang cod halo bf3 fed to you.

I'll likely pick up Residue and Paradigm Shift...did anyone try out Paradigm Shift? That DeCalc game bonus looks like the most amazing game for me to play to get a major headache haha and I do like Math.

Edit: Read about Paradigm Shift. Wow that sounds like Indie Garbage....okay just extreme garbage period. I've played awful adventure games too (like the one with the King of itself was ok other than all the stolen assets). Likely will just get Residue....has anyone played Drip Drip yet? It looks kind of fun but could be very repetitive.

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Well I played about a half hour of Overlight, and so far it isn't bad, but missing any sort of reason to keep playing. Basically the goal is to connect two laser beams (insert Ghostbusters reference) which makes Tetris-ish blocks blow up naturally dropping new blocks. The laser is guided by the shape of the blocks it goes through, and you click on blocks to remove them and create a path of sorts.

This is all fine, but the problem I have is that there is as far as I can tell no way to die or lose, so you basically go on forever and it quickly got rather dull. I'm guessing they expected the fact that you lose points for every blocks you remove to keep people from progressing (levels are tied to your score), but the ratio of points lost/points received is incredibly unbalanced making the game far too easy. I haven't tried time attack yet, and I expect that will fair better as you actually have something pushing you to go faster and try for bigger combos, but arcade mode is rather throwaway in its current state.

On the plus side the presentation is great. Everything has a very polished look, from the great animations to the extremely bright and colorful effects that are something of a poisonous feast for your eyes (epileptics should probably stay clear). There is an option for turning down the background though for those who can't handle games like Beat Hazard and Geometry Wars very well. The music is also super catchy and the sound effects are surprisingly helpful and dynamic.

All in all it definitely has potential, but needs a serious injection of difficulty to be anything I would regularly go back to. I like my puzzle games quick and easy to jump in and out of, which makes Overlight a hard sell for now.

Current Score: 6/10 Hit or Miss

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Maybe you are just a genius Mr. Ninja Squirrel and that is why the game is not fun for you.  These games are made for the average person, not geniuses.

- CheapLikeAFox

Irrationally defending Indie Game Devs since 2013

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