Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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I think i'm going to play the gambling game for the Steampunk bundle (I liked the previous ones) and probably will skip  the Tuesday bundle...that egg game looks like a flash game.

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I don't know who's handling their newsletter, but whoever it is should be replaced. Choosing the egg game to represent the Tuesday bundle in that logo was a bad decision. Either they're trolling us, or the games in the bundle are so bad that they didn't have many options to add as a teaser.

Or maybe they didn't think anyone would link the pic to that game and figure out what the actual game is.

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You had me at $1. Who wouldn't be willing to gamble for a buck? Surely there will be at least one or two games of interest in each bundle. Worst case scenario I'm out $2. If they want to start doing heavily discounted blind preorders I'll probably bite on nearly every future bundle. Not a bad strategy.

I don't know who's handling their newsletter, but whoever it is should be replaced. Choosing the egg game to represent the Tuesday bundle in that logo was a bad decision. Either they're trolling us, or the games in the bundle are so bad that they didn't have many options to add as a teaser.

Or maybe they didn't think anyone would link the pic to that game and figure out what the actual game is.
Ok,you know shifty and jonny run groupies rite? So y wud u xpect the newsletter person to have any level of smarts?

Question, are you guys paying $1 or $1.01? Under the payment it says, "Pay what you want higher than $1, and you will get a full bundle when it starts."
when I got the email from groupees today it mentioned

for steampunk -

$1 min for bundle Preorder

24 hr. sometimes Tuesday Preorder!
$1 min. for full bundle Preorder

*just pay $1 for each

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It said that the last time they did reserves too.. you just need to pay $1, not more.
Ok, thanks. It would just feel wrong even giving them .01 more than I have to with the quality of the bundles lately.

Edit: Someone on reddit said the groupees chat mentioned the steampunk bundle is going to have DLC for a f2p MMO... Maybe I should have looked into that before preordering.

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Edit: Someone on reddit said the groupees chat mentioned the steampunk bundle is going to have DLC for a f2p MMO... Maybe I should have looked into that before preordering.
Common sense says that if they won't show you what you're buying and it only costs a buck... it's a lot of trash. The worst possible thing that could happen is if I'm wrong and then everyone will be inclined to open his or her wallet whenever Groupees says, "Give me a dollar"

Well, after seeing all of the bundle logos.. I'm leaning toward not preordering. I already own Ionball 2 + don't want Egg Returns Home (both in the Tuesday bundle), and I don't want DLC for a F2P game (Steampunk 3 bundle). This is all the information I can go on right now.

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Common sense says that if they won't show you what you're buying and it only costs a buck... it's a lot of trash. The worst possible thing that could happen is if I'm wrong and then everyone will be inclined to open his or her wallet whenever Groupees says, "Give me a dollar"
Yep, my own fault this time. Fool me once... Seems like they are getting desperate now. Hopefully there will be at least one thing in each I am interested in but I highly doubt it.

Well, after seeing all of the bundle logos.. I'm leaning toward not preordering. I already own Ionball 2 + don't want Egg Returns Home (both in the Tuesday bundle), and I don't want DLC for a F2P game (Steampunk 3 bundle). This is all the information I can go on right now.
Definitely grabbing the Steampunk one now. I'll hold out for the Tuesday bundle. Maybe it won't suck.
Ok, thanks. It would just feel wrong even giving them .01 more than I have to with the quality of the bundles lately.

Edit: Someone on reddit said the groupees chat mentioned the steampunk bundle is going to have DLC for a f2p MMO... Maybe I should have looked into that before preordering.
The Tuesday's an all-game or mostly-game bundle and all of those have been terrible of late, so it doesn't pay to ante up early, especially if you've skipped or just snagged 1-2 items in the recent weeklies.

The Steampunk will probably have some crap too because pretty much every Groupees does, but on balance, for people who are interested in the kind of non-game materials that are present in these, it's going to be worth the asking price for a preorder. So whether you feel it's a good value really depends on how interested you are in the comic book/music/ebook content because the games probably won't be anything outstanding or that isn't a repeat.

Preordering only makes sense to me if I'm buying nearly all bundles of the same type to begin with. It's good for greenlight bundles, since I buy almost all of those.. but risky for Tuesday and Steampunk bundles, as I've skipped every Steampunk bundle and bought only 3 Tuesday bundles.

Now if they offered preorders for a Be Mine bundle, I wouldn't give it a second thought.. insta-purchase.

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Just a heads up, steam keys for Enola (unlocks today/7 hours of this post) are up.

They were in both the Alpha and Ajay bundles. I find it funny that the Alpha bundle sold more than the Ajay bundle, and that was when groupees wasn't really well known.

I seem to have bought both of the bundles to my surprise.

The preorder numbers must have been pretty good on the last Greenlight bundle for them to throw up two more with preorders.  For $1.00 I'm willing to take the gamble on these as I was happy with what I got from the Greenlight bundle.

New Shiny Loot bundle:

2 games/$1 minimum

Host Holic

On The Shoulders of Ancestors

Ostrich Island

Crystal Picnic

DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale

DROD: Gunthro and the Epic Blunder

Plazma Being

I might be in for Host Holic
Ostrich Island is goofy fun, but don't expect there to be much to do. It's pretty much what it sounds like: running around an island as an ostrich, occasionally uncovering eggs and finding other odd and ends. Too bad it's not on Steam.

Ostrich Island is goofy fun, but don't expect there to be much to do. It's pretty much what it sounds like: running around an island as an ostrich, occasionally uncovering eggs and finding other odd and ends. Too bad it's not on Steam.
Yeah, I played it with Drabe. We bought it from ShinyLoot a while back. I was surprised it has online multiplayer

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Looks like unused Groupees BM13 Nekro keys has been voided. Better have used it already.

Just as a non-helpful tip.
Crap. I have one in my spreadsheet I haven't used. That sucks and seems like a dick move on the dev's part. Since when have Steam keys expired?

Even my activated key shows as invalid. But when activating used key afterwards it shows name of first valid key, in this case Nekro.

So they are definitely disabled, but not removed from accounts.

Even my activated key shows as invalid. But when activating used key afterwards it shows name of first valid key, in this case Nekro.

So they are definitely disabled, but not removed from accounts.
That doesn't make any sense. Why the hell would they do that?

Makes a lot of sense to me. It's a dick move, but by disabling keys they prevent people from trading keys.. so the value of the game can go back up faster.
Basically. The problem is if that's your tactic TELL PEOPLE UP FRONT WHEN THEY PURCHASE THE BUNDLE SO THEY KNOW.

Didn't affect me, but still a major dick move by the dev.

Shinyloot bundle looks ok likely will get that Holic game and the Crystal one. That chiptune playing was quite bumping as well. The DROD games are excellent puzzle games. I greatly enjoyed the original game (download it since it's free) and the Under the Rooted Hold. Just excellent and fun puzzle games. Killing giant cockroaches has never been as fun.

fuck you, Groupees. You got me to preorder these probably shit bundles despite your recent shenanigans (e.g. Be Mine 13 last second Dollar Days extension).

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bread's done