GS TIV: Trade 2/4/7 get extra $10/25/50 on 360/PS3/Wii games, $30 HW bonus on new HW.

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181 (100%)

[quote name='CheapyD']I'd like to encourage you guys to submit your GameStop trade-in values to our database directly. You can access it from the main navigation bar under Retailers -> GameStop or here:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jp0213']I've received a couple pm's from people wanting to contribute prices but don't want to get harassed about selling to someone or getting more at place x. If this is the case for anyone, you can pm me any values and I'll update them in the list and database.[/QUOTE]

Upcoming Promos:

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I didn't see this posted here.

I work at GS and we just got the info on this in today's store informer. Basically 50% trade in credit on ALL games. Yes, every game and no minimum value. As usual it stacks with Edge card.

I know I have some crap to unload come Monday![/QUOTE]

flagg1216 also noted that this promo only goes for a week.

[quote name='flagg1216']wii/ps3/360 trade 2 for 20% bonus 4 for 30%bonus or 6+ for 40%

no other pics.[/QUOTE]
This one will probably start after the week long Extra 50% on all games promo. Information (will post it when they update it)

Trade more, get more! (2/21/2010)
[quote name='']Trade any 2 Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii games and get an extra $10 trade-in credit, trade 4 get $25 or trade 7 get $50.

Expires: 2/21/2010. Games with a trade value of $5.00 or less are excluded from offer. Offer valid only toward games normally accepted in trade. Offer not good on cash trades.[/QUOTE]

$30 Towards New Hardware (2/21/2010)
[quote name='']Trade in any Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DSi, DSlite or PSP toward any new systems and get an extra $30 trade-in credit.

Expires: 2/21/2010. Offer only valid toward the purchase of a new hardware system. Offer not good on cash trades. Trades must be in full working condition to receive full value. Hardware must have all necessary components for trade. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Trade-ins subject to manager approval. See store associate for details. No dealers. Offer vailid in the United States, Puerto Rico and Guam only.[/QUOTE]


:ps2:=938xxx or 939xxx

Can I trade-in sealed games?
No. You might come across the rare GameStop that would let you do it, but they are going to open them anyway.

How much does an EDGE card subscription cost?
It costs $14.99 and is good for a year. It also comes with a 1-year subscription to Game Informer magazine.

What bonuses come with having an EDGE card?
You will get an extra 10% trade-in credit on the base value of the game and an extra 10% off the purchase of used games.

Can I stack two different trade-in promos?
No. The only thing that will stack with trade-ins is your EDGE card.

Does the EDGE Card give me a bonus on hardware trade-ins?
No. You will only get the bonus for games and accessories.

What states charge sales tax on purchases made with credit and which ones don't?
Charge Sales Tax on Credit Purchases: Arkansas, California, Maryland, Michigan, Pennsylvania,
Does Not Charge Sales Tax on Credit Purchases: Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia,

My state doesn't charge sales tax on purchases made by credit, why is charging me tax?
It is just the way they have designed their system. The best theory we have seen is that since you are only inputting the number off of the back of the card, it isn't going to pick up the programming from the specially tagged EDGE cards.

Do trade-ins have to have their original case, insert and manual?
No, however it will be YMMV on if they charge you a refurbish fee for them in that condition. Most GameStops wont charge a fee but there are some that charge for incomplete games.

Will they accept my game if it is really beat up?
YMMV. It really all depends upon the employee you get. Some will charge refurbish fees, some wont, some wont accept the game and others just take them without a second glance.

I have a Collector's/Limited/Special edition of a game, do I have to trade-in all of the extras?
No, but there are a handful of games that their variations have separate listings at GameStop: Madden 09 Anniversary Edition, Battlefield: Bad Company Gold Edition, and a few others.

Can I trade in multiple copies of the same game?
YMMV. The official policy is no, but there are some GameStops that overlook that rule.

Does promo "....." have a minimum trade-in value?
If the promo has a minimum trade-in value requirement, it will be listed in the promo. If it isn't there, then there is no limit. However, as with all trades, they are subject to manager approval so the manager could have setup his own little rule-set requiring a minimum of whatever.

What all do I have to trade in for a console trade-in?
Xbox 360: Console Unit, power brick, A/V Cables, Controller (wired/wireless)
Wii: Console Unit, Power Cable, A/V Cables, Wiimote, Nunchuck, Sensor Bar
Playstation 3: Console Unit, Power Cable, A/V Cable, Controller, USB Cable
Playstation 2: Console Unit, Power Cable, A/V Cable, Controller (Must be a DualShock2)
GameCube: Console Unit, Power Cable, A/V Cable, Controller
PSP: Handheld, A/C Adapter
Nintendo DS/DSLite/DSi: Handheld, A/C Adapter, Stylus

Can I trade in a defective/broken console?
For the most part yes. If it powers on but doesn't play games, they will take the console as a refurb unit and cut the trade-in value in half. You are still required to trade in everything required listed in the question directly above.

I used a Power Trade promo for a pre-order, can I cancel that pre-order and get the credit or move it to another game I want?
Yes on both accounts. However, if you do a bunch of the power trades and just straight drop the pre-order you could create some ill-will between yourself and the employees you cancel on.

I just tried to use a promo that has a select list of games eligible, but they say my game isn't eligible anymore, what gives?
Basically they have the right to change the eligible games at any time. They tend to update these frequently so as to lock out any easy/cheap games. It's best to check the eligible list the day of your trade.

These trade-in values are really low!
While that may be true, if you combine the games with the right promotion they can work to your advantage. There are knowledgeable people in this thread that are normally willing to help.

If I pay for an item using all credit on my card, do I have to pay sales tax?
This varies depending upon the state you live in.

First post contains promo information and the FAQ. Second post has the 360/Wii/PS3 values. Third post has the PS2/GC values. Fourth post has PSP/DS values.

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hmm guess i'll head out to gs today to get rid of
tekken 6
gears 2
burnout paradise
mass effect
halo 3 LE
viva pinata:TIP

if these all hold their value based on the op and ppls posts then i should be getting a nice amt of credit i hope
Guys this will be a little off topic, but jp was interested in the whole tax vs non-tax (if you pay with credit) issue so I'm going to post about this.

I'm in NJ, a no tax if you pay with credit state. Two days in a row, I returned a game that I purchased with credit, on the same transaction I picked up a pre-order (both the deposit and the pre order were paid for with credit). I just noticed that on each transaction I was charged $.33 for tax. Doing the reverse math, this means Gamestop charged me 7% sales tax on $4.71. Does anyone have any insight on this? I post it because many of us may be being ripped off in micro transactions all the time.

Also, to bring it back on topic: Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (360) base 7.50 as of 1/26/2010.
Traded in today(ALL TIV's are Base):
Boom Blox(Wii) $7.50
Halo 3(360) $6.00
Up(Wii) $7.50
Tom Clancy's Hawx(360) $6.00
Where The Wild Things Are(Wii) $4.75
Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm(360) $3.50
Dirt(360) $7.50
TIVs from today:

Burnout Revenge - 2.75
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith - 2.25
Ultimate Spiderman - 2.00
Star Wars Battlefront - 5.75
Scarface - 2.25
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 - 1.75
GTA Vice City - .75

Ghostbusters UMD - 1.00
Resident Evil Apocalypse UMD - .60
Kill Bill Volume 1 UMD - .70

House of the Dead Overkill - 4.75
[quote name='youenvy']does gamestop usually give you a hard time retuning stuff?

never really returned anything there before--[/QUOTE]

I've never had a problem returning new or used items. They have a 7 day "no questions asked" return policy on used stuff. I've even had employees tell me when I buy used games to take the game home try it out and just return it within a week if I don't like it. New stuff obviously has to be unopened if you want your $$$ back.
One thing I do love about GS is the return policy on used games. they don't really question it to much, and what they do question you can really give any response.

I've responded with this game sucks, this game doesn't work, I beat the game already, I picked it up only for the quick achievements, I already downloaded the add on pack which was the only reason I bought it for, the price has dropped since I bought it and want to get my money back and buy it again after, and my backlog was so big that I didn't even get to put it in yet.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I've never had a problem returning new or used items. They have a 7 day "no questions asked" return policy on used stuff. I've even had employees tell me when I buy used games to take the game home try it out and just return it within a week if I don't like it. New stuff obviously has to be unopened if you want your $$$ back.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, 99% of the time they've been hassle free with returns.

Just once they got all weird with me when I tried to return a new, sealed game I had preordered three weeks earlier. They said I could only exchange it for something else right away. It was sealed, and I had paid for it in cash except for $5 of store credit to reserve it. They kept asking me why I wanted to return it three weeks after preordering it. It wasn't even one of those trade promotions that people were doing switcharoos on ...
[quote name='salty tbone']Yeah, 99% of the time they've been hassle free with returns.

Just once they got all weird with me when I tried to return a new, sealed game I had preordered three weeks earlier. They said I could only exchange it for something else right away. It was sealed, and I had paid for it in cash except for $5 of store credit to reserve it. They kept asking me why I wanted to return it three weeks after preordering it. It wasn't even one of those trade promotions that people were doing switcharoos on ...[/QUOTE]

Those are easy, it like it been 3 weeks and it still sealed, does it look I was in a rush to play it?
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I've even had employees tell me when I buy used games to take the game home try it out and just return it within a week if I don't like it.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I have had employees tell me the same thing. Stores are pretty cool about it as long as you don't start abusing the system and use GS as a rental service.
TIV from today
ALL 360

TW 10 - $15
Gears 2 - $5.50
Assassins Creed - $5.75
L4D - $7.00
Battlefield BC - $7.00
Madden 10 - $21.00
Halo Wars - $7.00
Lost Odyssey - $9.00

$135.03 in credit after bonuses and EDGE.

Also, saw Mass Effect 2 on the Trade-in board for $35. Not too bad if you stack edge and bonuses on.
w00t! I went into GS with 11 games and got to keep all the ones I really didn't wanna trade. Here's what I traded, base values:

MLB 09 PS3 - 6.75
Pikmin Wii - 6.25
Dead Rising 360 - 5.75
Bioshock 360 - 6.75
Mirror's Edge 360 - 5.75 (bought at Blockbuster today for 9.99)
Eternal Sonata 360 - 7.75 (bought at Blockbuster today for 14.99)
Mass Effect 360 - 6.50

I'm a happy clam. I was doubtful Dead Rising and MLB would qualify. Also, the following game did NOT qualify obviously:

Virtua Tennis 2009 360 - 5.00 - That's cool I hadn't played it yet anyway, even if it's probably very similar to the previous versions and I've played all of them :p
[quote name='Nelo Ice']hmm guess i'll head out to gs today to get rid of
tekken 6
gears 2
burnout paradise
mass effect
halo 3 LE
viva pinata:TIP

if these all hold their value based on the op and ppls posts then i should be getting a nice amt of credit i hope[/QUOTE]

I don't have time to put all the values I've done over the last few days, but I can assure you that Blazblue, Viva Pinata: TIP, Gears 2, and Halo 3 work... just traded them in myself about an hour ago.
so i have a question. I traded in DA:O and got Darksiders for $20 when GS was doing that promo last week. Well, I'm getting a PS3 tomorrow and I would really like Demon's Souls. Can I take my SEALED Darksiders back to a local Gamestop and swap it for a new Demons Souls or get $60 credit on my EDGE card?

I don't have a gift receipt, but i have the original receipt...the white gamestop "NEW" sticker is still on the game cellophane
Base Trade in values tonight, all PS3

Prototype: $9
Darksiders: $25
Dark Void $20
Red Faction Guerrilla $14.25
Call of duty 4 $12.50
Saboteur $17.25
Star Wars Force Unleashed Sith $11
[quote name='shiftymcneely']Also, saw Mass Effect 2 on the Trade-in board for $35. Not too bad if you stack edge and bonuses on.[/QUOTE]

Damn. The game was just released on Tuesday. If you can burn through the game that quickly, it would be much more efficient just to rent it.
[quote name='smcmanus1980']
On the bright side I went to PA today and found a smaller game store chain that seems to kill GS and others on TIVs. They were giving $15 for Wolverine Wii and have a 20%/game bump (standard I believe) when you trade 4+ games. Also they gave 25% off used games (no limit) as long as you purchase a new or used game of equal or greater value at the normal new or used price. (I think that part is a promo but not sure) They take multiple copies on trades and guarantee to beat competitors used game prices. (You do need to pay attention though cuz their used price on Blazblue PS3 was $50 while GS was $26.99.) If you picked up a used game on a pricematch they would still qualify it as the normal priced game so you could get the 25% off a second, third, etc.

The store is called GameTrader. I never heard of it b4. The cashier says they have a few in PA, DE, a couple in NJ and some other spots.[/QUOTE]

But how is their selection of stuff to buy? I went to a semi-local Play N Trade once just to check out the other options, but even if they gave more for trade ins, the credit at GS was still more "valuable" to me as GS has just about every game available in one of my (several) local used even within just a few days of release. This PNT, otoh, had a paltry selection of current gen games, though they had a fair collection of PS2 & DC games. It seems that only Amazon really matches GS in selection and price...and depending on the promos, GS even can win out against them.

Now if Amazon started offering a constant 10-26% off or frequent B2G1 sales like GS, I might sing a different tune.
Just getting back from trading these in. The trade in bonuses stacked, so 16 games gave a bonus of $110.

Halo 3: ODST - 24.75
Lego Batman/Pure - 6.25
Orange Box - 7.00
Assassin's Creed - 5.75
James Cameron Avatar - 10.00
Spiderman Web of Shadows - 6.00
Infinite Undiscovery - 6.00
Dynasty Warriors 6 - 6.00
Forza 3 - 23.50
Burnout Paradise - 6.75
Left 4 Dead - 7.00
Magna Carta 2 - 15.00
Mass Effect - 6.50


Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers - 15.00


Infamous - 6.50
Uncharted - 9.50

Total after Edge Card, total credit was 287.76
[quote name='jcp42877']so i have a question. I traded in DA:O and got Darksiders for $20 when GS was doing that promo last week. Well, I'm getting a PS3 tomorrow and I would really like Demon's Souls. Can I take my SEALED Darksiders back to a local Gamestop and swap it for a new Demons Souls or get $60 credit on my EDGE card?

I don't have a gift receipt, but i have the original receipt...the white gamestop "NEW" sticker is still on the game cellophane[/QUOTE]

yeah just came back n returned 2 games bought with tekken 6 promo-had no gift receipt and was worried i might get shot down but after hearing people say gamestop is cool with returns i decided to go the hell with it--n surprisingly the whole exchange was painless no hassles--dude was cool was just talking to him about mass effect 2 and this months game informer while he did the whole return process-at the end i even got $65 cash for 1 of the games-wich is funny cuz i didnt pay any part of the 2 games with cash--it was all done with trades from tekken 6 -n the transformers promo about 2-3 weeks ago--

all he asked was why i was returning the games and i said they were ment as gifts for my nephew but i was unawre that his ps3 was acting up and kept freezing so he wouldnt be able to play the games and that was it.

so yeah big thumbs up for gamestops return process-and their last 2 promos. starting to really like gamestop now.
[quote name='scrapple']when does this deal expire?[/QUOTE]

If you go to the website it says:

Trade More, Get More!

Trade any 2 Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii games and get an extra $10 trade-in credit, trade 4 get $25 or trade 7 get $50.

Expires: 2/21/2010. Games with a trade value of $5.00 or less are excluded from offer. Offer valid only toward games normally accepted in trade. Offer not good on cash trades.
Can't confirm personally, but I just saw in the $40 Assassin's Creed 2 Gamestop thread that the trade-in price of AC 2 has plummeted down to $10.

Makes sense, as they probably have a ton of copies, the price is lowered, and it's not a hot item anymore.

I'll ask when I go in today.

I can confirm that the original Army of Two for 360 now gets OVER $5, I can't find my receipt but I just used it fine on 1/28 for the trade x deal. I believe it's $5.50 now but I'll confirm when I find the receipt.
And here are some confirmed values for things I traded in and values I got while in store, from 1/28/10 -

Xbox 360 -

GTA 4 - $4.00
Fable 2 - $2.50
Prince of Persia - $3.00
Dead Rising - $5.75
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand - $4.75
Force Unleashed - $2
Silent Hill Homecoming - $4.75
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - $5
Pure - $1.75
Crackdown - $2.50
Gears of War - $1.75
Tony Hawk's Project 8 - $2.25
Alone in the Dark - $1
Fight Night Round 4 - $3
Unreal Tournament 3 - $1
Rainbow Six Vegas 1 - $1
Guitar Hero 3 - .80
Condemned 2 - $1.50
Bionic Commando - $2.75
about to head over to gamestop. anyone had experience trading these games in recently: banjo kazooie nuts and bolts, heavenly sword, and sonic UGC (360)? I hope that the database prices are good, I'd love to get $50 trade in credit.
[quote name='AndresON777']about to head over to gamestop. anyone had experience trading these games in recently: banjo kazooie nuts and bolts, heavenly sword, and sonic UGC (360)? I hope that the database prices are good, I'd love to get $50 trade in credit.[/QUOTE]

let us know. i'm especially curious about nuts and bolts
I just called to see about trading in some of my GCN games, what with the 30% coupon this week, and got these values:
Donkey Konga 1 $1.00
Donkey Konga 2 $1.00
Mario Party 7: $3.00
Super Smash Bros. Melee: $2.50
Medabots Infinity: $0.55
Ultimate Muscle Legends vs. New Generation: $0.85

Needless to say, I won't be making a trip to GS today for trade-ins.

edit: I should mention those are all base values, not effected by the coupon or my edge card.
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I just got back from gamestop. I'm pretty satisfied.

Bloom Blox $7.50
MLB 09: The Show $6.75
Batman: Arkham Asylum $16.75
Little Big Planet $11.25
Halo 3 $6.00
Gears Of War 2 $5.50
Far Cry 2 $7.00

Plus $50.00 promo

Xbox Core system w/ wireless controller $80.00 - $110 w/ promo

With my Edge card I got a total of $226.88. I chipped in an extra $100.00 and bought my son an Elite. Funny thing was the Xbox 360 that I traded in had disc read errors, overheat problems, and showed no picture, only sound and the warranty was up. I did the towel trick just to get it working before trading it in. I was a little paranoid that the junk box was going to red ring on me when the employee was testing it out. Fortunately it didn't. I'm just happy I got $110 for it
Base TIV for 1/30/10

Army of Two - 5.75
Left 4 Dead - 7.00
HAWX - 6.00
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood - 10.00
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania - 7.25
Banjo Nuts and Bolts - 6.00
Orange Box - 7.00

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - 21.25
1/30 base 360:

GTA Episodes of Liberty City - $15
Red Faction - $11
Konami Classics Vol. 1 - $5.50
Tom Clancy's HAWK - $6
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - $14.25
Spider-Man Web of Shadow - $6
Hasbro Family Game Night - $12
With my Edge card I got a total of $226.88. I chipped in an extra $100.00 and bought my son an Elite. Funny thing was the Xbox 360 that I traded in had disc read errors, overheat problems, and showed no picture, only sound and the warranty was up. I did the towel trick just to get it working before trading it in. I was a little paranoid that the junk box was going to red ring on me when the employee was testing it out. Fortunately it didn't. I'm just happy I got $110 for it

Way to go! I love seeing these stories :applause:
[quote name='Snirandone']

With my Edge card I got a total of $226.88. I chipped in an extra $100.00 and bought my son an Elite. Funny thing was the Xbox 360 that I traded in had disc read errors, overheat problems, and showed no picture, only sound and the warranty was up. I did the towel trick just to get it working before trading it in. I was a little paranoid that the junk box was going to red ring on me when the employee was testing it out. Fortunately it didn't. I'm just happy I got $110 for it[/QUOTE]
TIV values as of 1/30/10

All games are for the Xbox360
Lost Odyssey - $9
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection - $8
Infinite Undiscovery - $6
Assassin's Creed - $5.75
Halo 3 - $6
Eternal Sonata - $7.75
Legends of Wrestlemania - $7.25
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