GTAIV (360) $27.97 at Amazon

I want this, and it's a steal but I have a huge backlog. Plus I played and beat this when it came out so I am waiting until I can snag one for 10-15
Instead of making a new thread, I will just post this here. I saw a used copy at BBV for $14.99. Definitely YMMV, though.
[quote name='Thrinn']Link's busted. Try this: GTAIV X360 $27.97

Thanks a lot, much appreciated. Now I can finally get around to playing this and seeing what all the fuss is about.
Now that you mention it, I was at blockbuster on saturday perusing the leftover pogs and when I checked out the used game sections there was about 3 gta IV for $14.99. They are definately out there for anyone that is looking for it.
Fry's is cheaper though isn't it? 24.99 +tax has got to be better than 27.97 + shipping.

Especially now that the price is up to 34 bucks.
[quote name='mr_bungle']I want this, and it's a steal but I have a huge backlog. Plus I played and beat this when it came out so I am waiting until I can snag one for 10-15
Same here I am waiting on a price drop for this one as well, Want it but not at this price.
10-15? Are any games as good as GTA in that range? The only two games I can think of this gen on PS3/X360 (home of the 60 dollar games) is Dark Sector and Lair. I'm sure there's been others but....waiting for 10-15 on a game as high profile as GTA seems crazy to me. Like something that will never happen while this generation is still alive.
[quote name='Nameless One']10-15? Are any games as good as GTA in that range? [/QUOTE]
Crackdown jumps (bad pun, I know) to mind.
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I'm glad that I picked it up during the holidays. This game amazingly still holds value.
Damn, tempting the hell out of me...!!! Pretty good price for the game itself... but it should be lower than $20. by the time it is... Wait a bit more?! Oh noooo
[quote name='mr_bungle']I want this, and it's a steal but I have a huge backlog. Plus I played and beat this when it came out so I am waiting until I can snag one for 10-15[/QUOTE]

If you can find one at Blockbuster, they are $14.99 USED all day, every day. Unless they raised the price on them recently, that's an across the board price at EVERY BBV too.

[quote name='Nameless One']10-15? Are any games as good as GTA in that range? The only two games I can think of this gen on PS3/X360 (home of the 60 dollar games) is Dark Sector and Lair. I'm sure there's been others but....waiting for 10-15 on a game as high profile as GTA seems crazy to me. Like something that will never happen while this generation is still alive.[/QUOTE]

Lair is a good game? Seriously? The only 'high profile' game that I haven't seen really drop in price too far has been Uncharted. Although, just like GTA IV, you can get it used from Blockbuster fairly cheap. I think it just dropped to $19.99 not too long ago.
[quote name='Arcturiang']This is a deal? I got it for $15 used a couple months ago. It's also by far the worst game I've played this generation.[/QUOTE]

I highly doubt that. Seriously...
[quote name='Arcturiang']This is a deal? I got it for $15 used a couple months ago. It's also by far the worst game I've played this generation.[/QUOTE]
Worst game this generation? Really? How many games have you played? There are so many crap games out there. I mean, I've only dinked around on GTA4 a little, but it seemed pretty good albeit a bit overhyped.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']The only 'high profile' game that I haven't seen really drop in price too far has been Uncharted. [/QUOTE]
What about CoD4? That's been out out for 1.5yrs and it's still $40-$60 new. It's only beginning to drop now because of MW2 coming out soon.
I don't think this was mentioned in here, and it doesn't really deserve its own thread, so: the Special Edition is only $43 at Amazon, just use the link from the OP, and click Special.

Personally, I want the Special edition, but I've waited this long to play GTAIV, and I'm sure there will be some deal in the future for it and the DLC episodes, so I'll wait.
[quote name='Arcturiang']This is a deal? I got it for $15 used a couple months ago. It's also by far the worst game I've played this generation.[/QUOTE]
so what's the only other game you've played?
Well, here are my games:

As for GTA4, well, for starters the controls are wonky and often unpredictable, and it's like they do as much as they can to inconvenience you at every step -- you have to mash a button to run, so you can't look anywhere but straight; cars control terribly, and the vehicle management system runs into the annoying dilemma that it's only close to being fun (or tolerable) to drive the best ones, yet they're so rare that it'll take a while to find one usable for that high-speed chase you're currently trying out; shooting from a vehicle seems to do fuck all, but it skews the camera angle so you can't see where you're going; obnoxious lack of checkpoints; and any and all work that you put toward building an inventory of weapons is undone instantly if you get arrested or killed.

Even worse, if you die during a mission, you'll respawn at the beginning of the mission, minus any ammo you spent during the last time you tried the mission. So you're expected to do the same thing, but with less than you had before. Then less again. And again. And it takes forever to do anything in this game, so it's quicker to just reload every time you fail than it would be to find an ammo shop and buy it again. Not that that's even remotely quick, since you load at your safehouse, which is never anywhere near the objective you're trying. And either way you still have to find that elusive playable car to even stand a chance.

It's just so muddled with boringness and inconvenience that really the only plausible way of playing this game is not as a single-player experience to go through, like a normal video game, but to do what any sane person does in all GTAs -- spawn tanks with cheat codes and blow the world to bits. I'm pretty sure the only reason this game was received so well is that now you can do that in multiplayer online (and the free play mode with friends is the only online mode worth trying, the auto-aim makes all the other modes incredibly stupid).

Save your money.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Lair is a good game? Seriously? The only 'high profile' game that I haven't seen really drop in price too far has been Uncharted. Although, just like GTA IV, you can get it used from Blockbuster fairly cheap. I think it just dropped to $19.99 not too long ago.[/QUOTE]

No, I was using those two games to show what kind of quality is that cheap.
bread's done