Guitar Freaks


CAG Veteran
I've been searching Ebay for a couple days now, looking to get into the Guitar Freaks series, but typically they seem to go for like $50... is this the standard? Seems pretty pricey for a PSOne game.

If that's what it is, that's what it is - it'll be worth it, I think. I just don't want to pay more than I should, you know? ^_^

(I'm aware Guitar Hero is on the way, and it's a planned purchase, but I just played Guitar Freaks at GameWorks the other night for the first time and I can't wait.)
Yeah, the guitar freaks series are hard to come buy in the US since its a japanese only game. That is a little high if its the original or second guitar freaks for the psone, back at the beginning of the year I used to see them go for closer to 30-40. But, I wouldn't buy those unless your guitar freaks arcade is an early mix. The later mixes are insanely better then the earlier mixes just in song selection alone. I have GF4th and 3rd and the arcade 8th and 9th(I think?) are much much better for songs.
I don't know what the arcade mix was; I just really dug the gameplay. (No surprise, since I love Taiko no Tatsujin and pretty much every rhythm game under the sun). What would you recommend starting out with, then? They seem pretty hard to find, for some reason. My usual importer doesn't have any, either.
Chances was it was a Guitar Freaks USA Mix (Gameworks seems to have them). My suggestion is to check EBay regularly and look for a low buy it now since $50 seems like a lot even for EBay for the games. I got 1st Mix and the official Konami guitar for $49.99 buy it now last year and got 2nd mix (with 2 other Bemani games) for $24.99 buy it now as well.
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