Guitar Hero 2 with guitar for 360 - $16.50 at Best Buy! YMMV

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Theres a lot worse things than hoarding, such as buying used.

Besides, in this country money is the only thing that matters. If you 'out of the kindness in your heart' left one of those sets for some unfortunate kid to have, that kid's parents arent going to help you with the electricity bill, or that months rent.

For anyone who cares, FYE pays either $39 cash or $48.75 credit for GH2 w/ Guitar. So if OP's friend went to FYE to sell them, he'd have turned $313.50 into $741 cash or $926.25 credit.
[quote name='gareman']it's 27.xx at Moline IL, and Davenport, IA stores...........[/quote]

Figures. I just left the cities last week and spent $50 on GH3 all for the want of the xplorer guitar for Rock Band. haha, sometimes I get a good deal AND get burnt at the same time.

EDIT: Actually, I think I will try to get a copy and just return GH3. Thanks, gareman.
[quote name='joey791']None of the stores around me show any in stock[/quote]

Only one store in a 30 mile radius out of 6 has it in stock. I'll try to report back if I can get it cheap. I'm throwing a Rockband party next month and need an extra guitar for bass.
[quote name='FRAUD_WHATS_THAT']Please act like you wouldn't do that as well. You could easily flip those for twice the money. And 19X$33 is damn good profit. I probably wouldn't have bought 19 of them but at least 10 or so![/quote]

Nah, I wouldn't have done that. They could have been $5 a piece and I would have bought probably just two of them. Hoarding to make a profit is not my thing. I do feel for other CAGs that might want to get one.

To put this in perspective. How would you feel if 1 hoarder in your local town bought all the Wiis whenever they were on stock on your only store in town (lets say Walmart) and he sells them on ebay. Would that be alright because he is trying to make $50 on each one of them?
tehy get 39 a piece cash according to second spin, he could just sell em to an FYE if they got them out that way..or he can sell them to since they are brand new
[quote name='tarouza']tehy get 39 a piece cash according to second spin, he could just sell em to an FYE if they got them out that way..or he can sell them to since they are brand new[/quote]

[quote name='Bezerker']FYE pays either $39 cash or $48.75 credit for GH2 w/ Guitar. So if OP's friend went to FYE to sell them, he'd have turned $313.50 into $741 cash or $926.25 credit.[/quote]

Already covered ;-).
[quote name='keiblerfan69']I kinda feel the same way. With the country the way it is you really got to do what you have to do to make ends meat.[/quote]

What in the hell is ends meat? I need people to understand expressions before using them.
[quote name='akashhhhhh']What in the hell is ends meat? I need people to understand expressions before using them.[/quote]

Well how about pay the bills?
[quote name='vidGuy']Figures. I just left the cities last week and spent $50 on GH3 all for the want of the xplorer guitar for Rock Band. haha, sometimes I get a good deal AND get burnt at the same time.

EDIT: Actually, I think I will try to get a copy and just return GH3. Thanks, gareman.[/quote]

No problem, gotta look out for my 2ish other fellow QC-CAGs.

[quote name='Bezerker']Theres a lot worse things than hoarding, such as buying used.

Besides, in this country money is the only thing that matters. If you 'out of the kindness in your heart' left one of those sets for some unfortunate kid to have, that kid's parents arent going to help you with the electricity bill, or that months rent.

For anyone who cares, FYE pays either $39 cash or $48.75 credit for GH2 w/ Guitar. So if OP's friend went to FYE to sell them, he'd have turned $313.50 into $741 cash or $926.25 credit.[/quote]

Well to be fair, someone who has over 300 dollars to arbitrarily drop on a work break knowing that it will be probably at least a week or more to get that money back (plus profit) probably isn't hurting to bad for money.

I understand making money, and flipping things, but really THE WHOLE DAMN PALETTE!

Not to mention, it can delay or eliminate people sharing more ymmv deals. People are going to be hesitant about posting a deal they saw, and din't have the money on them to get it right then and there, in fear that it will be gone in the next 12 hours.
I don't have as much of a problem with the hoarding issue as I do about the OP bragging about it and showing pictures. All you had to do was mention that price and if a poster asked for it, post a picture of the receipt. There was no need to mention that you bought multiples or that your "friend" bought a truckload, nor was it necessary to post pictures of your haul. Doing that just makes you look like a real douche and someone the CAG community could do without.
[quote name='anonymouswhoami']I don't have as much of a problem with the hoarding issue as I do about the OP bragging about it and showing pictures. All you had to do was mention that price and if a poster asked for it, post a picture of the receipt. There was no need to mention that you bought multiples or that your "friend" bought a truckload, nor was it necessary to post pictures of your haul. Doing that just makes you look like a real douche and someone the CAG community could do without.[/quote]

Agreed. Should have printed your receipt showing that you purchased 3 copies for yourself.

Also, it's more than reasonable to assume that you have no "friend" and that is your fuck'n car.

I'll need to see both receipts before I retract this comment.
[quote name='FRAUD_WHATS_THAT']Please act like you wouldn't do that as well. You could easily flip those for twice the money. And 19X$33 is damn good profit. I probably wouldn't have bought 19 of them but at least 10 or so![/quote]

I can safely say I would not. Look, I check this site numerous time a day, I'm pretty well informed about stellar deals and I could totally take advantage but I don't even pick up a single copy of a game that I'm not interested in using personally. I actually care about other people, but sadly it's easy to see a division of personality types sometimes. Some people are only looking out for one person: themselves. Frankly, it's depressing.
Yes, I hate hoarders too. Yes, I've commented on it before.


[quote name='dkim064']I'll need to see both receipts before I retract this comment.[/QUOTE]
Get a life, princess. Jesus.
Went to 3 Best Buys. Two of them didn't have them in stock and the last one had one left in stock at $39.99 so I passed on it...

I would really like a second guitar for Rock Band and would prefer the wireless one (from GH3), but I would definately not pass on this wired guitar if I could find it for $20!
I can confirm I also received a similar deal at a Best Buy in Mankato, MN. I bought 6 of them... their price was listed at $15.99. Made nice profit on them on eBay plus kept one for an extra guitar.
OP, just disregard any response like "Asshole" or "Hoarder!" or "But what about the children!?"

Anyone who posts the like is simply jealous... had they been there, they would have done the exact same. End of story.
[quote name='Josef']Any other Fargo, ND CAGs out there? You guys just got fucked.[/QUOTE]

I luckily got one last Saturday night. Didn't know it was such a big deal here on CAG. btw your friend is a dick. :roll:
I talked to an employee at the BB, Airport way in portland, Or. She said they were liquidating tons of games, and they were. tons of random crap lots of PS2 for 25-50% off. nothing really great though. There was 2 $30 gamecubes? meh. All out of GH2 though.

Hazel Del location in vancouver Wa. was no stock too.
[quote name='gareman']it's 27.xx at Moline IL, and Davenport, IA stores...........[/QUOTE]Yep, I was surprised when I saw them there today, and wished I had a 360 to justify buying a couple.
[quote name='psiufoxx2']
Anyone who posts the like is simply jealous... had they been there, they would have done the exact same. End of story.[/quote]

Don't tell me what I would or wouldn't do. You don't know me.
The only reason this bothers me is that Best Buy has a specific 3-per-customer corporate limit on items simply to prevent this kind of behavior.
Nice! I would have been so scared to clean out the place. But I would have done it if I thought it was possible. What a deal!
[quote name='Danil ACE']I wouldn't have bought 18, but I would've gotten a couple so I could flip and end up getting one free for me to use.[/QUOTE]

Thats the extent I would have went to if I was there... most of the time I do pick up games to sell, its only to pay for my hobby... how can I feel bad about buying so many games and not playing some of them if I essentially get them for free?
[quote name='zman73']Thats the extent I would have went to if I was there... most of the time I do pick up games to sell, its only to pay for my hobby... how can I feel bad about buying so many games and not playing some of them if I essentially get them for free?[/QUOTE]

Cause your taking perfectly good games from gamers that would actually play the games that you pick up and flip. Taking away from us other Caggers.

Some of you need to limit yourselves to how much you hoard. There's a thin line between making a profit off flipping a game or two and hoarding. It diminishes the amount of games others are able to get. Who really do want in on a great deal.

This place has lost its ways.
[quote name='Vegan']Don't tell me what I would or wouldn't do. You don't know me.[/QUOTE]
He's projecting, don't worry about it. When people have nagging guilt about something they justify it to themselves by convincing themselves it's okay because "everyone else does it".

On topic, the two BB's near me in northern CT didn't even have a GHII in the store, nevermind cheaply. I would have loved a pair for my wife and I. I should check eBay and see if anyone locally is selling them to see if they were hoarded.
[quote name='Danil ACE']I wouldn't have bought 18, but I would've gotten a couple so I could flip and end up getting one free for me to use.[/quote]
Exactly. I did this with the TRU Live Vision Gold bundle. I found a store that had 10 of them. I bought 3, one for me.. two to make mine free after flipping them. I don't take more than I need to make mine free.
[quote name='sassylaurie']$23.99 here in Sheboygan, WI

They had about 25 of them yesterday. Thinking about picking one up for the extra guitar and selling the game.[/quote]

driving to green bay and happened to stop by sheboygan bb on the way and picked up a bundle. now i'm really dissapointed in not getting 2 bundles. crap!
[quote name='Access_Denied']Nice guys finish last. Quit your pissing and moaning. I would have done the same thing, and so would most of you. Capitalism at it's finest. You don't like it, move to Russia.[/quote]

That opinion truly makes me sad for humanity. Sincerely sad. No wonder the world is so f'ed up.
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