Guitar Hero wIII - Thread of Bitchin' Friend Codes and Killer Graphics


50 (100%)

Disc Replacement Program
If you want to get a game with more than mono audio:
[quote name='Miranda']You can also pre-register for replacement discs online:

Looks like we'll have to be without our GH3 disc for a while before we get the replacement:

Once the replacement discs are available, the replacement program will begin. We will send you a disc replacement package which will consist of exchange instructions, a replacement disc claim form, and a postage paid envelope for you to return your current copy of the Wii version of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. Once you receive your package, please complete the claim form and return your original game as directed. Once we receive your game, we will mail you the free replacement disc.[/quote]


We'll post friend codes here for online play. Depending on how many people there are, we can get a Tour Group put together on (if I can figure out how to do that). If not, we'll just have to band together with the rest of CAG and do it since it doesn't appear to be platform-specific.

TheYellowDart - 287877506119
muffinman943 - 055949283992
CombatCraig - 240632845320
botticus - 257812761420
munch - 425316609245
1modernboy - 541280763968
MisterHand - 365187021869
jlseal - 300762875560
Rocko - 515511239075
1SwtDeception - 360892403518
TomCloud9 - 206273082279
Mr.FoodMonster - 532691485033
lanleague - 103194899036
natureboy46 - 240633892758
KhaosX - 360892141890
dmunkee - 494037235573
I'll register when I get home. Exactly what can you do online? Is there multiplayer, or does it just keep up with stats?
[quote name='munch']Oh shit, Co-op and battle? I'm definitely doing this.[/quote]Yeah, I haven't tried it yet, you can play against friends or random people if you don't care to deal with FCs. Which surprisingly, is even more robust than the PS3 online, apparently they have no friend matching.
[quote name='muffinman943']added you botticus, my number is 055949283992[/quote]Just to be clear, that first code isn't mine, it was posted in another thread. I'll be hopefully keeping the OP updated with codes.
got my copy at 330am on sunday at walmart friend name matt.....anyone using an hdtv and think its off at all?? or think the play is different from ps2 cause someone of my friends are sayin the timing is way off i tried that calbrate thing but then it seems like the sound dont match up
Mine was delivered this morning. I haven't checked the online stuff yet though.

This is my first GH game and I only ever played one song, one time on GH2 for PS2. I suck, but I'm having fun with it.

Did anybody notice in the instruction manual that you can use the Wii Remote as a guitar?

d-pad up - Star Power
B - Green
d-pad right - Red
A - Yellow
1 - Blue
2 - Orange
Shake Wii Remote - Whammy Bar

I just tried it out and it works. It automatically strums for you when you hit the buttons. Kind of an odd way to play though. But since they don't sell guitar controllers separately for Wii yet, I guess you could use the remote as a 2nd guitar until you can buy another guitar controller (without having to buy a whole game bundle).
[quote name='Zen Davis']When You Were Young is easily my favorite song to play along with My Name Is Jonas.[/quote]What tier are those in? Slowly making my way through Career in Easy, just beat Tom Morello last night, so on to tier 3.
Where can I find the FC? I looked in the WFC part and couldn't find it.

I went online and no one was there! We need to have a match tonight!
[quote name='munch']Where can I find the FC? I looked in the WFC part and couldn't find it.

I went online and no one was there! We need to have a match tonight![/quote]Your FC is at the top of the screen when you look at your friend roster. More games need to start calling that out, rather than just finding a screen to slap it on.
Thanks botticus. I knew it would be right in front of me, but like you said I wish there was a THIS IS YOUR FC screen
[quote name='Zen Davis']When You Were Young is easily my favorite song to play along with My Name Is Jonas.[/quote]

I agree with you. I'm up to the end of tier 5 playing on Hard and "When You Were Young" is basically the most fun song I've played so far. I haven't had any issues with timing or the guitar (playing the PS2 version with the original SG), but the songs just don't seem to be as fun as the first GH (I never played GH2). Maybe I am just getting burned out.
[quote name='daroga']I wish I was going to get the Wii version to jam with all the Nintendo CAGs :([/quote]For now it seems like the Wii version is lacking in participants, so don't feel too bad. I know a bunch of people are waiting on deliveries though.
Mine is due from RedOctane on Friday.

I'm currently trying to decide if I should play Medium or not. I can't suffer through the hell that is easy mode, but I don't know if I want to do medium or just go straight to hard.
Who wants to play some co-op tonight? Let's try and get something going.

Is anyone else having trouble enterinf FCs? My Wii crashes every other time I try and do it. It's really odd.
My copy was delivered yesterday, but I only had time to do a couple of quick songs in free play. It felt good to rock the fuck out to "Story of My Life" in my underwear. :)

So far the guitar "shell" feels pretty solid and the Star Power vibe functions adds a little something. I just really need to boost the volume on my Wii-mote; I cut it way down when I played Red Steel and then never bothered to go back and fix it.

I'll post my FC this evening.
Am I correct that with the friend codes in this game, after you add somebody they just accept/deny you? No mutual friend code entry as in first party games?
[quote name='MisterHand']Am I correct that with the friend codes in this game, after you add somebody they just accept/deny you? No mutual friend code entry as in first party games?[/quote]It's the usual mutual entry.
[quote name='munch']Botticus, did you add me? I think you're the only one that I was able to add before my Wii kept crashing.[/quote]Didn't get a chance to add you last night, I'll get you in there tonight.

Whose name is DONGSLOL, cause it made me LOL. I'll find you, since I only added three people to my list so far.
My copy arrives tomorrow. Excited!

I'll probably drag through Medium just for easy 5-star cash to buy the bonus songs. I don't think I'll do Easy, though.

How do they handle online? Wouldn't it be easy for someone who rocks on Expert to search for a Medium game and destroy their opponent?
Still haven't tried out online, but I imagine you could do that.

My RO order should be here tomorrow, but that's only if it gets to Cleveland from Indiana before the morning shipments. Looking forward to my fancy faceplate, if it got shipped.

Just finished up Easy tonight, really wish they hadn't been stupid and excluded non-boss battle playthroughs of the boss songs. Looks like it'll be DLC, but who knows when/how much that will be for the Wii.

I enjoy the fact that I'm going to have to learn all over again how to play on Medium with fourth fret thrown in there.
You should for Medium Rocko. Easy would be a long torturous run.. the slooooooowwwwwwnessss (slowness).

I gotta get my wireless to work so I'll post my code later.

Also does anyone find the gameplay a little off? Well when I play, it seems like I have to hit everything faster? like .25 second faster than what I play on PS2. Maybe I'm just paranoid or I suck, but it feels a little different.
Since you're re-learning, may I suggest trying to play with your index on red, middle on yellow, and so on. When you get to hard with all 5 buttons, it's easier to stretch your index from red to green than your pinky from blue to orange. If you learn to play the game with index on green, though, it's hard to switch up your play since you associate green with the index finger, red with middle, etc.
Yeah, this is the first guitar hero game I've played, handled medium pretty well but having a tough time with hard as I can't handle the additional orange button.
Okay, my friend code is 541280763968.

I haven't played a GH game in ages so I'm rusty as shit, but I'm slowly starting to get back up to speed.

What's everyone's band name? Mine's Don Knotts Landing.
Just got mine in today (Without the bonus faceplate. Thanks RedOctane, fuck you too). Can't really get into it until tonight, but once I do I'll throw my friend code up.
[quote name='Rocko']Just got mine in today (Without the bonus faceplate. Thanks RedOctane, fuck you too). Can't really get into it until tonight, but once I do I'll throw my friend code up.[/QUOTE]

Rocko, I challenge you to a game once you get it up and running. I've yet to play anyone online. It seems NO ONE goes online with the Wii.
Sounds good. I have to leave in a little less than an hour and I want be back until around 8 eastern, but I'll try to get online then.

For anyone who has the Wii version, is the whammy bar really loose, or is mine broken? It seems way more loose than my GHI guitar. It works, though. :whistle2:k

I guess it isn't crazy loose, like it doesn't fall from gravity, but it's definitely looser than GHI.
It's loose where it basically moves when I touch it, but not otherwise.

Plenty of people are online, munch, just not on this board. GH3 is about to debut at the #2 spot behind Pokemon Diamond/Pearl on WFC. I should be able to get online this weekend, finally. Now that I've at least experienced all the songs.
Everytime I try and get a game no one is on there. Maybe I'm getting on at the wrong time, but it seems as if there isn't anyone on.
Finally got online, had to disable my firewall for some reason. Anybody know which ports to leave open?

Friend Code: 3007 6287 5560
This game froze up on me three times last night. The whammy bar stopped working too. I haven't tried it again today, but I'm starting to get frustrated with this game. First, you have to be really careful how you pick since it double hits. Now this shit! It makes the game not so much fun.
[quote name='munch']This game froze up on me three times last night. The whammy bar stopped working too. I haven't tried it again today, but I'm starting to get frustrated with this game. First, you have to be really careful how you pick since it double hits. Now this shit! It makes the game not so much fun.[/quote]Sure it's not the guitar? I know I heard some people complaining about the double-hits with the strum bar, but either I don't strum hard enough for it to cause the issue, or it's a accessory defect.

Anyone up for some online today?
bread's done