H: FF1-2, Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, New Super Mario Bros DS. W: PP,...Crafting Mama

Tybalt Flux

43 (100%)

Final Fantasy 1+2 (GBA/game only)
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones (GBA/game only)
New Mario Bros. DS (DS/game only)

All of it for $40, takers? Will consider interesting trades, and, of course...Crafting Mama (DS), FOR MY GIRLFRIEND GEEZ
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You might be able to reap some rewards for getting it:

Once she plays Crafting Mama, she might also be willing to play Crafty Butcher.
...I have NO idea what you mean by that. At first I assumed something sexist but than I thought of meats which made me hungry. And rewards-wise, it's just a Christmas present, so I'll get something in kind ;x.

Anyways, buuuump.
Ah... The "It's for my girlfriend!" cover story.


Here is a free bump for you to fill your "girlfriend's" want. :lol:
I am thankful that my wife isn't in to crappy games. She doesn't really like video games overall, but she likes Tetris, Professor Layton, and Scene It? At least she has good taste in casual games. Anyways, good luck looking for Crafting Mama. Might I suggest dump bins during the holiday season?
Well, since it is getting close to Thanksgiving...

I'm thankful that my girlfriend would rather slay a beast in a video game than knit it some fuzzy socks. It's nice to know that we're both looking forward to the next Darksiders/Dante's Inferno "kill-everything-quickly" game. Although, she is really good at sewing...

And OP, I would really suggest using ebay for this one. Crafting Mama? Even if you were to find a CAG with a copy of such a...game...I doubt he/she/it would be bold enough to actually admit it to anyone other than a priest.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I might be a girl, but even I don't want to play Crafting Mama. ;)[/QUOTE]
I'm a girl and I do want to play Crafting Mama! But I still wouldn't pay more than $10 to do so :p

I'm VERY thankful that my girlfriend is a Zelda fan who will also play Black Ops and L4D/L4D2 splitscreen with me. Playing Scene-it is about as casual as we get with gaming. Good luck with your hunt and hopefully transforming your lady into a true gamer.
Hey Hey quit beating the man up because of his GFs tastes, granted he's getting free bumps. Sorry I wish I could help, but check out bins and flea markets.
I'm showing my girlfriend the thread after the holidays just to get a laugh out of her ;p.

In her defense, she's beaten me at Smash before. Though I don't know if that speaks to her gaming talents or to my lack of skill in the game.

She's actually a big fan of the Mama series, and she's uuuh, into Pokemon and Zelda, but video games are definitely my things and I'm okay with that...she cooks me food. I try not to abuse the privilege or take it for granted, hence Crafting Mama as a gift ;p.

That being said, I agree- I wouldn't pay much for the game, so I hence the hopes of someone discretely selling me their copy on CAG. Cannon-fire not unexpected ;p.
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This is a fun thread haha. Don't know about crafting mama but my g/f has me co-op Dancing With The Stars Wii with her, and that game....sucks. Ugh just thinking about it haha.Good luck sellin.
bread's done