Had a 360, it broke, so I returned it. Now I regret the decision.


10 (100%)
So I managed to get a 360 when walmart.com had them in stock. 24 hours later it died on me and I was majorly annoyed. So I decided to just return it and get my money back and wait for them to fix some of the hardware issues. Sounded good at the time. Now I'm looking at my extra controller and Call of Duty 2 with longing. Wish I would have just sent it to Microsoft for repairs now. And its going to be a pain to get another one. So what would you guys have done? Or am I as stupid as I feel right now?
I would've sent it in, chances are good they would have just send you a new one altogether. anything but return it to wally world....
If I were you I would have just sent it to MS because you are still under your 90 Days and at least that way you would have been able to get another one instead of waiting.
Depends. Would they fix it for free? How long would have they taken to get it back to you? Do you need the money back badly?
I think waiting until they have resolved the overheating or other problems they have in 1st run systems is a good idea.
Don't feel too bad about returning it. At least you're not in any danger of spending $400+ on a broken piece of smoldering silicon. You'll find a replacement system soon enough I think, and even if you don't... again, least you're not out $400+.
as many others have said you should've sent it in. MS would've probably sent you a new one quicker than it would take for you to wait for retailers to get them back in soon. then you factor in the demand for them right now.
Actually the angry impulse return might be paying off. Dead or alive 4 was delayed again so I'm not missing that. And I actually got a ton of work done for school I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't returned it. Passing finals might make my stupidity worth it. Still wish I would have kept it though.
[quote name='Sulik2']Actually the angry impulse return might be paying off. Dead or alive 4 was delayed again so I'm not missing that. And I actually got a ton of work done for school I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't returned it. Passing finals might make my stupidity worth it. Still wish I would have kept it though.[/QUOTE]

That's it, keep reassuring yourself.. ;)
sorry buddy, dumb move. MS would have sent you a new one. but don't worry, just get to EB & order a new one... you only have to wait till Jan.
But still it's good to wait awhile so they release ones that have the kinks worked out and they will probably make more XBOX games compatible.
I would have probably sent it back to MS, but I can see how the system crashing would make someone mad enough after paying $400+ for it to just return it for a refund.. and as stated above, if you wait a little bit longer that should give MS the time needed to correct the intial problems with the 360.
I actually think you made a smart move because who knows what Microsoft would have sent you. Maybe down the road they'll get the thing quieter or tone down the heating a bit. I think some of the replacements Microsoft are sending may have problems down the road also. I got mine from walmart.com also and I wouldn't mind if mine started acting up just so I wouldn't have a launch batch system, but so far I've had no problems. If I do though its Walmart I'll return to first and then get Microsoft's protection plan on the second one.
Haha actually feel better after those last couple of posts. And the new PoP isnt backwards compatable. So back to old xbox for me. Added a poll, that was good idea.
My 360 just crashed, and I decided to go ahead and send it in to Microsoft. I can see why it would be smart to just return it, however, since you can wait until later when all the kinks are worked out of it and more games are out. I only sent mine in because there isn't really much besides the Xbox 360 that interests me right now in video games. I'd be bored to death without it. Plus, I still have my 2 year warranty from Best Buy, so if it messes up again later on down the road I can just return it for a new one.
Return to wally world was smart move.To send it to microsoft you would have had to pay to send it to them and who knows when you would have gotten it back, if they dont have one's to sell what makes people think you would get one back quick.You made a smart move
[quote name='bears9']Return to wally world was smart move.To send it to microsoft you would have had to pay to send it to them and who knows when you would have gotten it back, if they dont have one's to sell what makes people think you would get one back quick.You made a smart move[/QUOTE]

People who have sent their 360's back to MS already have said they got their new systems in average of 5 days. Nice try though.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Sk8r how much time did u put into ur 360 before it crashed?[/QUOTE] I can't really give you any numbers (I don't really keep track of that :lol: ), but I can say that I did play it quite a lot. If it helps at all, my Xbox 360 was manufactured 10-18-2005.
[quote name='bears9']Return to wally world was smart move.To send it to microsoft you would have had to pay to send it to them and who knows when you would have gotten it back, if they dont have one's to sell what makes people think you would get one back quick.You made a smart move[/QUOTE]

I had to send mine back because of game freezes. Sent it in Monday and got a new xbox360 back Friday. Didn't have to pay shipping.
[quote name='bears9']Return to wally world was smart move.To send it to microsoft you would have had to pay to send it to them and who knows when you would have gotten it back, if they dont have one's to sell what makes people think you would get one back quick.You made a smart move[/QUOTE] You don't have to pay for shipping. Microsoft sends you a box that has been pre-paid and you ship your 360 in that box. Then within a short amount of time (I hear that they are pretty quick to send it back) you get your Xbox 360 back (or a brand new 360).
Wow got a lot of votes in the poll. Hey another impromptu survey here. My 360 was manufactured 10-24-05. Sk8r yours was october as well. Anyone else know the date who had one crash. I wonder if most of the bad ones are coming from some of the earliest batches in october. Hummmm. Makes you wonder.
I sent mine in Monday Nov28th for repairs. I hoping to get it back this week.

I had black screen, error messages during gameplay and game freezes. This would happen all the time. I had one brief period on Wednesday that I had it where it only freezed once or twice. All the other times it would freeze or give me error messages on a constant basis.
BigMes, when yours froze did it have to be on awhile? I'm just wondering when people talk about it overheating if it needs to run awhile to get hot. Your situation sounds like it was crapping before it ever had a chance to get hot.
You did right. It probably sucks right now, but when you finally do get the new one, you probably won't ever look back. Send it in now, and chances are you will get the same problem, different machine.

As bad as I want one, I'm glad I waited. I have the money, just decided to wait for possibly a slightly newer revision, and for the used games to fill the channel. :)
I've got the 1yr PRP from GS for mine, it's acting up a few times on me, gamesaves dissappearing a couple times and crashing once, but I'm really happy otherwise, so I figure I'll play it to death now while it's 99% working, and if it's still freaking out on me when the systems are back in stock again i'll take it back then and replace it.
*shrug* I just had to leave the options open at least, too much money to risk not having a warrenty other then microsoft's.
bread's done