Half-life 2 vs Bioshock


2 (100%)
I've never played either, but I have both. I'm wondering which I should play first? I got HL2 through a gifting thread over at anandtech, and I also got EP1 with it.

So my question is which one should I play first, and why?
Bioshock is shorter, may want to get that out of the way. Took me 9 hours.

HL2 took me about 11 or 12 hours, Ep. 1 took me 3 hours. You'll definitely want to pick up Ep. 2 (4 hours) after playing them both.

As for which is the better game, I'll have to give it to HL2.
HL2. While its not revolutionary anymore, when it came out it added so much to the FPS genre especially in regards to physics, it had a meaty storyline (Compared to others of the genre), the levels were almost all unique and its got a lot to it. Plus, I think its just a better game, even today.

Bioshock is gorgeous, its also a pretty interesting premise, but I also find it a bit run of the mill.

I just beat Ep 2 HL2 yesterday, and the ending was shocking and moving emotionally. I cannot wait for Ep 3.
Well, here's the thing. Both are great games. But they're great for different reasons.

Bioshock tells a fantastic story in a clever way and it's very, very immersive. It looks great and, while it certainly isn't revolutionary in gameplay, it's not lacking there either. It's short, yes, but that shouldn't be a factor in judging how "good" a game is.

Half Life 2 was revolutionary in gameplay and it added more cohesiveness than previous FPS's. The problem is that it was revolutionary. Most of the ways it was groundbreaking have been subsumed into future games. It doesn't make any less of a great game, but it does make the experience less for someone playing it today for the first time because it won't feel quite so revolutionary anymore.

Play them both, play Bioshock first. It's shorter and you've waited four years to play HL2 so another few weeks won't change anything.
Play HL2 first so the graphics don't disappoint you after the eye-candy that is Bioshock.

Bioshock has the better story IMO, so there the bonus of that too. Take the good then the awesome to make the awesome more awesome!11!one
Bioshock is sort of a child of Half-Life 2.

It never breaks first person view.
The intro is all in person (rather than a cutscene).
It dumps you into a funny realized, mysterious world.
You find out not only what happened in the past but also what's happening in the present.

I think you should play Half-Life 2 first to see how the genre has changed. And Bioshock will still have the same impact after playing HL2.

Also, You'll want to play EP1 right after HL2. They beg to be played one right after another.
I would play Half Life 2 first, although both are good games. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but I give Half Life 2 the edge.

Bioshock has the better overall story; it touches on themes that go much deeper than the usual “Aliens are taking over the world” scenarios (Halo, Half Life, etc.) that have become cliché in FPS’s. It’s main strength is its atmosphere, the developer did an amazing job of immersing the player in Rapture and connecting the environment to the objectivism theme. However for all the great atmosphere and story, I didn’t find the gameplay as engaging. Although you are given many options in your plasmids, it felt like the plasmids were just a clever way of having a flamethrower, electricity gun, etc. It didn’t feel like the plasmids were used in enough creative ways besides killing enemies.

Although Bioshock has the better overall story, I think Half Life 2 does a better job of conveying story. Although Bioshock takes a page from Valves playbook, since there aren’t many cutscenes, So much of Bioshock’s story (really the backstory) is told through the audio recordings; whereas in HL2 you actually play through the story or meet up with characters that convey the story to you. I really like the way Valve incorporates the story elements into the gameplay such that you never feel taken out of the game to watch a cutscene and they do a great job with the pacing of the story sections. Half Life 2 also incorporates adventure elements into the gameplay to add some variety, one minute it is an FPS the next you are solving a physics puzzle with the gravity gun. Even though Bioshock has the better atmosphere, I think HL2 has better level design IMO.
Half-Life 2 hands down. Half-Life 2 is the best first-person shooter ever made, it has excellent level design, atmosphere, and shooting engine. The characters are great (especially Alyx) and there is a large variety of areas as you play through the game.

Bioshock is merely okay. I didn't think the atmosphere was all that great as the only dialog in the game is basically boring characters telling you what to do and old messages of what happened in Rapture before you arrived, neither are all that engrossing. There is very little character interaction either. It would have been much more exciting to be playing through it as everything was going to hell instead of arriving afterwards. Additionally most of the game feels pretty much the same and neither the shooting engine nor level design are particularly good.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']Half-Life 2 is the best first-person shooter ever made,[/QUOTE]
According to GameRankings Metroid Prime is the best FPS ever made. The Orange Box is second, but that can't really be counted since it's multiple unrelated games. That really makes Goldeneye for N64 the second with Halo 1 and HL2 tied for third. Bioshock is fourth by only two tenths of a percent, and has a higher user vote (9.2 to 8.9).

There's no way to categorically say which one is "best" (not that that was even the question but people can't help but be fanboys). Not only because such a thing is highly subjective but also because even ostensibly objective sources are so close as to be statistically insignificant.
[quote name='Damian']According to GameRankings Metroid Prime is the best FPS ever made. The Orange Box is second, but that can't really be counted since it's multiple unrelated games. That really makes Goldeneye for N64 the second with Halo 1 and HL2 tied for third. Bioshock is fourth by only two tenths of a percent, and has a higher user vote (9.2 to 8.9).

There's no way to categorically say which one is "best" (not that that was even the question but people can't help but be fanboys). Not only because such a thing is highly subjective but also because even ostensibly objective sources are so close as to be statistically insignificant.[/QUOTE]

I'm not stating anyone else's opinion but my own,I like playing Half-Life 2 more than any other First Person Shooter so in my opinion it is the best First Person Shooter. Best is always an opinion and you shouldn't take it any other way.
[quote name='Pajama_Man']Neither!

Deus Ex beats them both by like kajibilimil miles! :whistle2:#[/quote]

Nice post. Deus Ex is the only pc game that can compete with the Half-Life series for my favorite game of all-time. Deus Ex is so incredible. It has a GREAT story, great characters, awesome RPG elements, lots of variety, ect. The only thing is that I don't think it would stand up very well today gameplay wise. It was original back in 2000 but now a lot of other games have used some of its traits.

Anyone who hasn't played it should give it a try, it truly is an amazing game.
Half life has some great aspects. Bioshock is unforgettable. Really it came down to the story telling ways each took. Half Life almost put the game on pause to explain the story. Then you ran and gunned your way to the next "in game" cutscene. It was very cool but the cutscenes tookt he action down a knotch and got frustrating on replaying through. Also the load points in the levels were oddly placed and took quite a while when I played.
Bioshock told the story as you run and gunned. The diaries were great and added to the creepiness of the zone you were in. They even added quite a level of foreshadowing. The load points were in better locations, at the end of a level. And they didn't take all that long.

Play both. They are great in their own respect. Half Life is probably more important as the game's engine provided us the CS:S, TF2, Portal. Bioshock though will never leave my gaming psyche, and is by far one of my favorite single player experiences I have had on any system ever.
I think Half-Life 2 set the bar for first person shooters. Bioshock is the only game to have even come close to topping it. Is it better? I don't know, but just the fact that it might be means it's a damn good game.
I love Bioshock, a lot.

But HL2 wins, no contest at all. Bioshock is an excellent, excellent game, but HL2 does it all better.
[quote name='Pajama_Man']Neither!

Deus Ex beats them both by like kajibilimil miles! :whistle2:#[/quote]

Is that an exact number?
[quote name='n25philly']Crap, I haven't even gotten through the first half life yet[/QUOTE]

I tried the 1st Half Life and hated the controls. Don't ask me why, I just couldn't get them right. HL2, though, is amazing. Play it now!
I personally like Half-Life 2 a lot more than Bioshock, and I'd play Half-Life 2 and then Episode 1 and 2 immediately after, it's what I did recently (on the 360 though.) Definitely an amazing experience.
I like how BioShock did things... it had a great story and great gameplay.

But HL2 is just so much damn fun! The action is so varied and the is paced well with action and puzzles. I mean, I spent so many hours messing with the games physics when I first got it... and even to this day, the game holds up so well.

BioShock is just one of those great adventure games that you'll play once or twice but will rarely think back to.
[quote name='munch']I tried the 1st Half Life and hated the controls. Don't ask me why, I just couldn't get them right. HL2, though, is amazing. Play it now![/quote]

I bought the HL2 package that came with the source version of HL1 so my plans have always been to play 1 then 2. I'm not the biggest shooter fan, and I also tend to suck at them, so I never get anywhere with it. The only way I ever get through a shooter is with a god code.
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