Halo 2.5 and Xbox 2!

But that is not the only info our insider had for us as soon after he dropped the bomb: “Now, here is the twist. Halo 2.5 will come preloaded with the optional HDD. It’ll be one of the two reasons to get the Xbox 2 that comes with a hard drive. The other reason… well, you’ll just have to wait”

fuck XBox 2. I should sell Halo 2.
I actually kind of like this idea, and I guess Ill be getting an Xbox 2 with the HDD. I hope that it has more multiplayer maps, more single player levels, multiplayer bots, and more mutliplayer game modes.
Anyone know what email address we can use to email Bungie suggestions?
Edit: If this is true I bet the other thing on the Xbox 2 hard drive is Fable 1.5
Wow. Very informative article. I'm probally not going to get the Xbox 2 until the hard drive version is at $200. Maybe $250 if I hear good things about it. :)
If the Xbox 2 has a good launch lineup (including Perfect Dark 0 and Halo 2 on the HDD) and the HDD version isnt too much (maybe $350-400) I think Ill pick it up on day one.
I rather they would have delayed the game a few more weeks, so they could get everything that they wanted to get in the game into it.
Stupid Shaq fuers if this is ture. But yet, I'm now probably going to buy the next XBOX the day it comes out. STUPID BUNGIE!!!
I really hope this is ture.. I need conclusion.
I knew this was going to happen, it was just the smart thing to do. MS needs something to sell Xbox 2 next year and with out doing a rush job on Halo 3 a SE version of Halo 2 is the smart thing to do. Infact MS should do a SE version of both Halo and Halo 2.

on another note, there is no way Rare is going to get Perfect Dark 0 out in time for the Xbox 2 launch. If it ever does happen its going to be 2 years after the Xbox 2 is released. Rare couldn't even get 1 game out for Nintendo for the GameCube Launch let alone the 3 they promised or the 5 games in 2 years for MS.
Rare sucks at releaseing games on time. It wouldn't surprize me if MS had Rare push Kameo back to the Xbox 2. and it wouldn't surprize me if MS desided to desolve Rare into MS Game Studios because they can't release games on time.
On the plus side if MS were to do that Bungie could make Perfect Dark 0 =P
[quote name='CapAmerica']I knew this was going to happen, it was just the smart thing to do. MS needs something to sell Xbox 2 next year and with out doing a rush job on Halo 3 a SE version of Halo 2 is the smart thing to do. Infact MS should do a SE version of both Halo and Halo 2.

on another note, there is no way Rare is going to get Perfect Dark 0 out in time for the Xbox 2 launch. If it ever does happen its going to be 2 years after the Xbox 2 is released. Rare couldn't even get 1 game out for Nintendo for the GameCube Launch let alone the 3 they promised or the 5 games in 2 years for MS.
Rare sucks at releaseing games on time. It wouldn't surprize me if MS had Rare push Kameo back to the Xbox 2. and it wouldn't surprize me if MS desided to desolve Rare into MS Game Studios because they can't release games on time.
On the plus side if MS were to do that Bungie could make Perfect Dark 0 =P[/quote]

Rare sure has turned out to be the biggest load of crap studio ever. Goldeneye, admittedly, was awesome. I also really liked Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark. However, everything else has been mediocre at best. I remember thinking that Nintendo had made a big mistake letting them go, but boy was I wrong.
I hope they don't source their drives from the lowest bidder again.

Also, I would think that they'd also have the Halo 1 campaign playable on the new engine. But I don't think thats their big surprise.
Wow. We certainly live in an unpredictable gaming environment right now my friends. What with Microsoft breaking (supposedly anyways...) the standard console lifespan and Nintendo being challenged in the portable arena... all I know is that Xbox2 will not be my first console... (I say that now...)
I was thinking about it last night, and if this does prove to be true it would be cool if the other thing on the Xbox 2 hard drive is Halo 1.5.
yeah but how much would the HD cost ? It's going to suck to have to pay 200 bucks or more then another $100 on top of that for the HD. No matter when the xbox 2 comes out I'm waiting for the ps3. I want to see some price wars and price drops before I buy any next gen console.
[quote name='KingDox']yeah but how much would the HD cost ? It's going to suck to have to pay 200 bucks or more then another $100 on top of that for the HD. No matter when the xbox 2 comes out I'm waiting for the ps3. I want to see some price wars and price drops before I buy any next gen console.[/quote]
The PS2 charged what, $100 for theirs? I don't think they'll deviate much from that price point, if anything it'll be less, since it appears to be less of an add-on and more of its own hardware version.

They were previously discussing letting users add their own USB hard drives, but I dunno if that'll happen. They certainly won't come preloaded with a game, either.
[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='KingDox']yeah but how much would the HD cost ? It's going to suck to have to pay 200 bucks or more then another $100 on top of that for the HD. No matter when the xbox 2 comes out I'm waiting for the ps3. I want to see some price wars and price drops before I buy any next gen console.[/quote]
The PS2 charged what, $100 for theirs? I don't think they'll deviate much from that price point, if anything it'll be less, since it appears to be less of an add-on and more of its own hardware version.

They were previously discussing letting users add their own USB hard drives, but I dunno if that'll happen. They certainly won't come preloaded with a game, either.[/quote]
I guess it depends on the size of the Hard Drive, but I bet Microsoft will charge $50-$100 more for the Hard Drive.
I'm mainly interested in this for the multiplayer implications. Maybe there will be some new skins for characters, levels, vehicles, and what I'd really like would be 32 player support. Oh, and being able to find random games might be nice too.

I don't like the idea of adding a better ending to the game. We know Halo 3 is coming so there isn't going to be much more closure either way, I wish they'd just leave it alone.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']I don't like the idea of adding a better ending to the game. We know Halo 3 is coming so there isn't going to be much more closure either way, I wish they'd just leave it alone.[/quote]

Thank you and AMEN!
bread's done