Halo 4 out November 6th!!

[quote name='Danil ACE']The 2nd map pack was the best IMO (Majestic?). Not sure any of them were a good purchase though because they never come up in any playlists...[/QUOTE]
Or, if they do, they don't get voted for.

I think the reason the second map pack stood out to me is because they finally added a legit Free For All. After all the bullshit of teammates firing plasma pistol shots at your vehicles when they didn't get it, and the issues of people quitting out and not being replaced with the horrible join-in progress setup, I just can't bring myself to go back to team based games in Halo anymore. Same thing happened to me with Halo: Reach. I was so glad when they added the Free For All Anniversary playlist, but then they got rid of it...
Halo maps are OK, just nothing really sticks out for me.

But yes, the worst part IMHO is not having a separate playlist for each map pack. I'm still missing the achievement for killling someone in the air with a warthog because the achievement is tied to that map playlist, so my chances of getting it are slim to none right now.
I doubt highly that I'll buy a map pass for the next Halo. There is no point if you never get to play the maps. Hopefully at some point they add a DLC maps playlist that has all the new maps and none of the old ones. Then we'd at least be able to get some value out of them.
Do you reckon they will release new maps in the future? it's only been like 7 months and we've already got three map packs. If Halo 5 isn't out for 2-3 years they must be supporting this game with something else.

Season pass v2?
[quote name='Trakan']Halo 2 Anniversary.[/QUOTE]
You mean another Anniversary playlist featuring previous maps from a new game that includes them?

While that would be nice, it's sad that the only way to really encourage play of their new game is to feature (and make you pay for) old maps from previous games. If that's what it takes, they need to start firing their level designers. Seriously, that would save them some money.
Halo 2 Anniversary seems like the logical choice for them, whether It's in a new map pack or a stand alone game.

But from all the outrage over Halo CE: Anniversary multiplayer not playing like Halo 1 MP, rather just maps for Reach and a Halo 1 like pistol I have my doubts on the experience. I hope It's a Halo 2 MP experience and not just maps after that stunt they pulled last time.
[quote name='saunderscowie']Do you reckon they will release new maps in the future? it's only been like 7 months and we've already got three map packs.[/QUOTE]
I think they're just rushing to get content out before the next console announcement steals all the thunder from current-gen games.
If they do release new maps, I won't be buying them, that's for sure... UNLESS they make changes such that we can actually play on the new maps more than just temporarily.

Microsoft has announced the impending arrival of Halo: Spartan Assault, an omni-directional top-down shooter for Windows 8 devices. Set between Halos 3 and 4, the space-hoop stopgap will be available this July for an "estimated retail price" of $6.99, though the Windows 8 version (supporting PCs and tablets) will be sold separately from the game made for Windows Phone 8.

As with other twin-stick shooters, Halo: Spartan Assault hinges on maneuvering your character out of harm's way while aiming and firing back in 360 degrees. The game retains controllable vehicles, established franchise weapons (see: canon canons) and covenant enemies, but moves the perspective to high above the battlefield and replaces the controls with a touch-screen interface. It's obviously more simplistic than Halo proper, and certainly more likely to be mentioned in an article with Microsoft's range of Surface tablets.

Halo: Spartan Assault is developed by 343 Industries and Vanguard Games (Greed Corp, Gatling Gears), and comes complete with leaderboards, weekly challenges, and connectivity rewards for Halo 4, firstly in the form of new Spartan emblems. It will also be accompanied by a three-part prequel comic series called "Halo: Initiation."

If dragging thumbs across a capacitive screen isn't ideal, you can play the Windows 8 version of Spartan Assault with a mouse and keyboard. According to Microsoft, "Halo: Spartan Assault will add support for the Wired Xbox 360 controller for Windows on Windows 8 PCs, tablets and Surface devices shortly after launch, via a title update."
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So I played some multiplayer, haven't played in a while, and the update is actually really tight. The maps were played differently and there were less sniping situations. I think that was their objective here.

Yeah the update is nice, makes some of the weapons that were previously pretty useless actually worthwhile depending on situation. Glad I've almost maxed my DMR kills since it looks like that's the one thing that has actually taken a step back.

Wish I wasn't fucking terrible with the Splaser, I'd have little trouble unlocking the UNSC ordinance stance if it were not for that...

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The Halo series' current Reclaimer Trilogy is now a "saga," a Microsoft representative confirmed with GameSpot during E3.

"While we originally said trilogy, we've actually expanded this to more of a saga, so we don't want to limit the Reclaimer story within a trilogy," the representative explained. The Reclaimer Trilogy was originally set to span from 2012's Halo 4 through the eventual Halo 6.

Xbox head Don Mattrick recently referred to the franchise's E3 showing as "Halo 5." Speaking with GameSpot, Microsoft Game Studios corporate VP Phil Spencer declined to say whether the next Halo game will be a fully fledged sequel or a spinoff in the vein of Halo: Reach.

"It is the next Halo game that we are working on," Spencer told GameSpot. "We will talk more about actually the story arc in the game and how it plays out; we've got more time to talk about that." Whether the next game is Halo 5 or something else, Spencer did note that it will be "a legitimate version of Halo."

More Halo, makes me happy.

Anybody getting Halo Spartan Assault next month?

Spent the majority of Sunday boosting all the MP achievements and had a blast. A couple of tough ones, but possible.

Thanks for everyone's help recommending me to play Spartan Ops first for the Mt. Dew double XP promo (from a million years ago), however, the double XP only works on MP for some reason, so I got a TON while boosting.

And to top it off, I won my weekly 360 Voice Challenge on this one boosting session alone :)

I picked Spartan Ops back up over the weekend. I absolutely loved it. I basically only play it for the story and the story is very well done. 

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Picked this up at launch and only played MP. Just started the campaign the other day and I'm loving it! As soon as it is done I am definitely jumping right into Spartan Ops.

What did you guys think of the campaign?
I thought 343 did a really good job on the campaign for Halo 4.

Looks like there's a Global Competition starting soon. http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/halo4globalchampionship



Play at least 20 games a week to qualify to win other prizes.

Register now and receive your very own "sKills" avatar shirt.
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I enjoyed the campaign. The ending was a bit meh, but the cutscenes were amazing and the music was well done. Spartan Ops also has a good story if you're into the Halo Universe. If you don't know much about the Halo universe I would definitely advise you to find and watch the terminals either in game or on youtube or on halo waypoint. It will fill in some spots of the story for you

Or read the books; I noticed while going through the campaign that a lot of the dialoge involved things that someone who'd only played the games wouldn't know anything about. Mostly things that the Didact and Librarian talked about, but also some stuff about the Covenant.

I enjoyed the campaign. The ending was a bit meh, but the cutscenes were amazing and the music was well done. Spartan Ops also has a good story if you're into the Halo Universe. If you don't know much about the Halo universe I would definitely advise you to find and watch the terminals either in game or on youtube or on halo waypoint. It will fill in some spots of the story for you
Yea the books are good too. I enjoy watching all the videos they have on Halo waypoint. So many good stories. Halo Legends (the anime) was much better than I thought it would be. 

Yeah, pretty much my favorite game mythology next to Mortal Kombat. Nice that, unlike a lot of other fictions like Star Wars or whatever, they don't just toss away extended fiction every time there is a new main entry to the series. It all fits together pretty well. Not flawlessly, as those who read Fall of Reach and then played the game will attest, but close enough.

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I looked it up on Google and found the information, but didn't link it. If you type in Halo 4 Champions DLC, it includes new maps and armor for 800 points. I thought Frank swore that 343i couldn't add any more armor due to RAM limits, but they are. A screenshot shows The Pit from Halo 3 coming to Halo 4.

Not included with the Season Pass. The packs can be bought individually, but buying them together includes limited time offer "things."

Yeah why the hell do we buy the season pass thing if DLC comes out that is not part of it!?
Content includes “Crimson, Majestic & Castle Map Packs” plus 2 in-game helmets and an emblem at a special value. If you own this Map Pass, access map packs thru the Halo 4 in-game store. Do not download from Xbox LIVE Marketplace or you will be charged twice. Halo 4 game, 4GB storage, & Xbox LIVE Gold membership (each sold separately) required to use this content. (Map Pass included with Halo 4 Limited Edition.)


It was only for three map packs. I don't understand the outrage over this. You don't have to buy it or you can just buy the map pack for 480 MSPs.

Anybody know of the release date for Spartan Assault? Almost half way through July and not date, kinda odd.

It was only for three map packs. I don't understand the outrage over this. You don't have to buy it or you can just buy the map pack for 480 MSPs.

Anybody know of the release date for Spartan Assault? Almost half way through July and not date, kinda odd.
Not outrage, just annoyance. The game has only been out for 8 months and the "season" is already over? Dumb.

The complaining seems valid.  Like Spybreak8 said, we already paid for a pass.  This content feels more like actual DLC than the map packs we already paid for did, but that's still an odd thing. 

The previous maps felt like the way most current DLC feels; potentially withheld stuff that actually might have added more to the game.  It's not just a Halo issue, as I see many games that have map packs that come out shortly after release and seem like they were just kept away to be charged for later.  I know that's how captialism works, and that content gets worked on while games go gold, but releasing content that early begins to immediately divide the multiplayer base before the game is six months old.  I also hate buying multiplayer maps that you rarely get to play, and, if they add a seperate playlist for them, seperate and segregate the community.  It's annoying that these types of issues just can't be resolved by making the map packs free, or something, and allowing people to pay for more cosmetic things. 

Almost like the way Mass Effect 3 does it, where the maps are free, but the extra stuff you need to pay for.  I know that's a different type of game, and since it's playing with people against AI opponents there isn't a real concern of super powered players dominating the game, but the setup I think works better.  I'd rather pay for things like more Spartan Armor and weapon skins than pay for maps that I rarely get to use. 

It was said by Frankie on a Youtube video that the new DLC does not include achievements, and on several sites I'm already seeing people saying they won't buy it now since it doesn't include them.  That's sad by itself, that rather than play a game they play for a number, but that also means that the potential of playing on these maps has already lessened before they even come out.  That's what bothers me about it.  At least if it came with the Season Pass as an added extra and thank you for sticking with the title, you might see it more frequently.  As a stand alone thing, it just seems like it'll be a fluke thing you see in the vote option, and even then it might not be a frequently played option.

While they might give it a special playlist initially, I just figure it'll go away eventually, and it'll be a bitter thing that you paid for to support and add longevity to the game, but instead you regret buying and never get to use. 

Oh, and apparently there will be an update soon that adds 2 more specializations or armor abilities soon.  A 3rd only comes with the new DLC, though.  I kind of wish that the 2 other abilities only came with the DLC so that more people would buy it.

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I picked up the Map Pass because I knew I'd be playing the game online for a while. The one thing that Halo has is playlists and so you can actually play with others who grabbed the DLC, unlike most other games. However the same kind of vein move when Gearbox launched the Physco character as a non-Season Pass download, it just feels wrong. Basically fans are willing to support you and then you pull this crap. That's my opinion anyways.

There's supposed to be limited time bonuses exclusive to the bundle.  No information on what the bonuses are, or how long this limited time window is.

First Halo Map pack ever I wont be picking up at launch.  Halo 4 was a bust for me.  I still play it with friends, but I don't have the passionf or it that I had for the other games.  343 has handled DLC terribly.  DLC should be required for old map packs for some of the playlists. No point in buying this (at least until it goes on sale) as none of the maps will pop up in rotation EVER.  I have the season pass, and Ive had DLC pop up ONE fuckING TIME. Not getting scammed into this nonsense again.  DLC doesn't work with a matchmaking system, we need server browsing. 

The Global Championship started yesterday.  Make sure you sign up before you play this week.  Even if you don't think you have a chance, 343i is giving away random prizes; the first 2 weeks prizes are avatar items or Nike+ Kinect (first week) and then Fable: The Journey (second week).  While the prizes aren't initially great, it just gives you an extra excuse to maybe play and possibly get something from it.

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bread's done