In for this :D
Los 33x CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 12, 2010 #4,952 I think I'm a little late to get a ticket for commenting in this thread... but I'm going to do it anyway! This is another awesome contest, I hope I win!
I think I'm a little late to get a ticket for commenting in this thread... but I'm going to do it anyway! This is another awesome contest, I hope I win!
H hintzilla CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #4,959 gimme gimme gimme. one of these times, I'll win a CAG contest.
Bazz CAGiversary! Feedback 42 (100%) Sep 12, 2010 #4,961 Hope I can make the live stream, cool sounding contest.
K km3k CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #4,962 Hmm... the ticket for commenting didn't appear instantly like it has in the past.
G gwcommander CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #4,965 I can't wait for this game sorry you guys didn't get a review copy, I thought our website was but it must have got lost in the mail, maybe thats what happened to your copies?
I can't wait for this game sorry you guys didn't get a review copy, I thought our website was but it must have got lost in the mail, maybe thats what happened to your copies?
J JABSEN CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #4,970 [quote name='km3k']Hmm... the ticket for commenting didn't appear instantly like it has in the past.[/QUOTE]Yeah. Same here. Weird.
[quote name='km3k']Hmm... the ticket for commenting didn't appear instantly like it has in the past.[/QUOTE]Yeah. Same here. Weird.
Bazz CAGiversary! Feedback 42 (100%) Sep 12, 2010 #4,973 [quote name='JABSEN']Yeah. Same here. Weird.[/QUOTE] Same here as well.
S Seroth CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #4,975 I would enjoy it very much if I were to win something in this contest.
OOMatter CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #4,976 Could really use a new xbox, current one is being retarded.
T TrevoR2803 CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #4,990 [quote name='Wortdog']I love this contest.[/QUOTE] agreed. REACH!
Q qwpeoriu CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #4,996 hola halo reach. Confession: I've never beaten a Halo game before.