This is an awesome contest!
Lucian CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #754 CAG always has cool contests. This one looks like the best in recent memory.
bjstucker CAGiversary! Feedback 22 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #760 how awesome is this I can get Halo: Reach Around for free.
Class CAGiversary! Sep 6, 2010 #763 First Halo game I've been excited about since looking forward to [and being disappointed by] Halo 2.
I Iron Past CAGiversary! Sep 6, 2010 #765 Cool contest, appreciate it. Will there ever be constests where it's not just random chance, though?
DoubleD CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #769 Unbelievable! Another great contest. Thanks, Cheaply.
I Imallvol7 CAGiversary! Sep 6, 2010 #770 Awesome Contest Guys. Also, Shipwreck. You went to University of Memphis?
N neverletthem CAGiversary! Feedback 15 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #773 Generic post to gain tickets ACTIVATE!
oscargrouch CAGiversary! Feedback 12 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #782 Wow this has to be the most elaborate giveaway CAG has ever had. Sweetness CheapyD!
mac101010 CAGiversary! Feedback 43 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #783 Hurray for being a longer-than-one-year member!
Draekon CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #786 Man, these threads really fill up quick. Then again it is free stuff.
rogXue CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #788 You guys kick so much ass with these contests. Thanks Cheapy for another opportunity to win!
blackjaw CAGiversary! Feedback 50 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #795 I'll be out of town for the actual announcement but hopefully come back to a nice PM to spin that wheel!
I'll be out of town for the actual announcement but hopefully come back to a nice PM to spin that wheel!
h3llbring3r CAGiversary! Feedback 58 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #800 I could sho' use a new wireless headset, sho'nuff!