Look forward to some co-op
J Juncti CAG Veteran Sep 7, 2010 #3,154 CAG has to be the best site with these style contests. Always good prizes.
G GundNataku CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,157 Well, you can't win if you don't try. I'm in!!
erniemac CAGiversary! Sep 7, 2010 #3,158 Considering I don't even have an xBox, this would be interesting if I won. But I doubt it.
truckasauras CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,163 always some good contests here... count me in
Flexei CAGiversary! Sep 7, 2010 #3,165 After ODST, I haven't been too hyped for another Halo, but I'd gladly take Reach for free.
S Spartan 117 CAG Veteran Sep 7, 2010 #3,177 so would like the Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo: Reach Console still good luck everyone.
hustletron CAGiversary! Feedback 13 (100%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,181 Awww man a Legendary edition would be legit!