Good luck to everyone!
Cleaner7 CAGiversary! Feedback 52 (100%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,753 At first I skeptical about Reach but now I can't wait to play the campaign in less than a week. It's definitely looking awesome!
At first I skeptical about Reach but now I can't wait to play the campaign in less than a week. It's definitely looking awesome!
cmp2005 CAGiversary! Feedback 15 (100%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,755 thanxx even though i never win lol anything
F Fastr CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,756 Thought I commented in here already.. but my ticket isn't showing it.. so.. awesome contest!
john718 CAGiversary! Sep 8, 2010 #3,757 Here hoping that I get win something.....but I know my luck, or should I say my bad
Jerry Funk CAGiversary! Sep 8, 2010 #3,764 Sign me up, I could use a win, haven't gotten anything off that subway game yet...
S screech310 CAG Veteran Sep 8, 2010 #3,770 I can't wait to go back and see the story form where it all started
M Monopoly Man 93 CAG Veteran Feedback 9 (100%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,777 whoo hoo! so cool! another contest!
ragingst0rm6 CAGiversary! Feedback 94 (100%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,781 If I win, I'll go and finally buy myself an Xbox 360...unless I win the Console Prize cuz then I won't have to!
If I win, I'll go and finally buy myself an Xbox 360...unless I win the Console Prize cuz then I won't have to!
FatTom25 CAG Veteran Sep 8, 2010 #3,782 cannot wait for this game and it comes out the day after my birthday so double win for me
Richlough CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,793 Cool , I hope you can more contests like this .
D draxxlith CAGiversary! Sep 8, 2010 #3,794 Oh yes, I am in need of another controller, though I could certainly put all the other things to use.
Oh yes, I am in need of another controller, though I could certainly put all the other things to use.
Shockdrop CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (80%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,797 Awesome. I'd be fine with just the game, but a console would be just as good.
xbltheshadow CAGiversary! Feedback 37 (100%) Sep 8, 2010 #3,800 I'll be watching, hope I win! Good luck all!