Hamas Government Unveils Hopes For Palestinian Children: Suicide Bombing Careers!

Three Dollar Hooker

Hamas Launches Web Site Encouraging Kids to Become 'Martyrs'

21:55 Mar 07, '06 / 7 Adar 5766

By Ezra HaLevi

The Palestinian Authority's ruling Hamas terror group has launched a web site for children, preaching the moral desirability of being a suicide terrorist through cartoons and children's stories.

The Hamas-run Al-Fateh.net glorifies shahada, martyrdom, and presents the deaths of terrorists attacking Israelis as a time of celebration, according to a report by Palestinian Media Watch.

One of the stories on the site quotes a mother saying that when she heard her son had become a shahid, a martyr, she bought dates, candies and coffee to give out. An entire section of the site is called "Stories of the Shahids" and the most recently posted story honors Hamas terrorist Naseem Ja'abari, who murdered 16 people when he blew himself up on a bus in Be'er Sheva on August 31, 2004.

The page is egalitarian in its encouragement of martyrdom, with a prominently featured drawing of a religiously garbed girl participating in violent attacks (pictured above) on both the homepage and on a second page with a poem glorifying Jihad, Islamic conquest, and Shahada.

Hamas recently won the Palestinian Authority's parliamentary elections by a landslide and has since been subject to requests and demands that it at least verbally recognize Israel. One the web site, though, according to PMW, "Israel is repeatedly referred to as 'thief' and 'invader' and its defeat in battle is both desired and anticipated."

Though the site shares its name with Yassir Arafat's rival terror group, Al-Fateh, the name means "The Conqueror" and is run by Hamas.

The following are excerpts from PMW's translation of a poem on the site and excerpts from the "Stories of the Shahids" section:

We rose up
We rose up against the thieves
We rose up against [them], and we shall never surrender
We will rise up in determination, like our ancestors
We will sacrifice, sacrifice our lives

Our father's bidding has taught us
That Jihad is the eternal path
And that the oppressors will be defeated...
We have become devoted and we will never surrender
One day we will defeat all the invaders
We bless and honor the proud
The blood of the shahid has taught us
That Shahada is a new life
O Allah, bless the steps of the rebels
Indeed, Shahada is an open victory
[Al-Fateh website, March 7, 2006]

Stories of the Shahids

"...Our shahid today is the the Shahada-seeker, the hero Naseem Al-Ja'abari."

Naseem's mother tells of her son's merits and says that when she heard of his terrorist action, she took the money he had left her and "went to buy dates and candies for the people who came to congratulate [us]." She goes on to tell how she heard her son committed the suicide bombing. Finally, she sends her greetings to all those people who want to become shahids.

Naseem's mother also gloats that "[in light] of the success of the heroic attack in Be'er Sheva, the Zionist Secret Service admitted they failed in eliminating the Resistance [euphemism for terror group], its roots and infrastructure".
[Al-Fateh website, March 7, 2006]
Israel National News

That's a great and noble career to drive your children into, suicide bombing. Why bother with education? What's the point of educating someone for 12-14 years and then sending them off to kill themselves? Yet Hamas and the Palestinian government can't even pay their own people.

So, do any of you doubt the intentions of a Hamas led government? Does this look like moderation? Does this at all resemble sanity or a civilized people?

This is their representative government. Key word representative this is the majority of popular though.

Click the links contained in the articles, learn a little and then come back and tell us how we're just misunderstanding people insensitive to cultural differences.
mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm .....

just hanging around waiting for a local liberal to post a thoughtful rebuttal about some random jew comitting atrocities on an unnamed, innocent palestinian freedom fighter ...

They also make music videos praising suicide bombings.

"My message to the loathed Jews is that there is no god but Allah, we will chase you everywhere! We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no blood better than the blood of Jews. This is not an uncommon saying for homocide bombers. I had a quote not far from that as my signature which the mentally ill on the board questioned as legitimate. We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood. We will not leave until you leave the Muslim countries."

"In the name of Allah, we will destroy you, blow you up, take revenge against you, purify the land of you, pigs that have defiled our country... This operation is revenge against the sons of monkeys and pigs."

"I dedicate this wedding [i.e. death for Allah] to all of those who have chosen Allah as their goal, the Quran as their constitution and the Prophet [Muhammad] as their role model. Jihad is the only way to liberate Palestine - all of Palestine - from the impurity of the Jews...

"My dear mother, you who have cared for me, today I sacrifice my life to be your intercessor [on Judgment Day]. O my love and soul, wipe your tears, don't be saddened. In the name of Allah, I've achieve all that I've aspired. Don't let me see you sad on my wedding day with the Maidens of Paradise. So be happy and not sad, because in the name of Allah, after death is merciful Allah's paradise."

"My dear mother, don't cry over us
We have to seek, my mother, the help of Allah
My dear mother, don't cry over us
We have to seek, my mother, the help of Allah"
[Hamas website, February 12, 2006]

Such words are eerily familiar to a music video that ran on Palestinian Authority Television for years, in which a boy asks his parents to be happy over his sought after death. Two lines from the music video ran,

"My beloved, my mother, dearest to me most
Be joyous over my blood and do not cry for me"

Palestinian Media Watch has noted that on numerous occasions, the final messages of Palestinians that went on suicide missions reflected the messages they had been hearing in the Palestinian Authority media. You can view the music video by clicking here.

I found a new treasure trove of this Palesinian/Hamas filth from TDH links, enough for 1,000 ROP Updates. The IDF might as well unleash hell on them. There will be no end until one side wins a war.
Well, I would be more willing to comment on the actual site if I could read it, or at least read the review of an unbiased source, instead of taken the word of a biased source. I'm not saying those things are or aren't there, just that the website itself may not be as vile as its presented as. Because all I have is the word of a biased source (palestinian media watch), I can't really comment.

But, if you want to say everything Hamas does is with the backing of all who voted for them, then I guess that means everything Bush does is with the backing of all who voted for him. But, in reality, that's not the case. Besides, this ignores the rampant corruption and lies associated with Fatah, which led to their downfall. The population saw fatah as a dead end. Hamas is extended well beyond its normal constituency.

We're essentially dealing with two sides at war. Many palestinians innocents are killed, and many palestinians view these killing as unprovoked and senseless. As far as they are concerned their innocent civilians are being killed without legitimate reasons, and even sometimes killed intentionally. How much outrage are you going to garner by having your enemy deal with the same fate on a much smaller scale? Publicly encouraging, supporting, not caring, disapproving, and publicly denouncing are all different degrees. You can't assume that because the extreme on one end (publicly denouncing) isn't always present, that, in the times when that doesn't occur, that its automatically the opposite.

Less innocent israelis are killed than innocent palestinians. You can argue over innocents needlessly killed, but simply killed there's no real debate.

In american society those most likely to engage in violence are the impoverished, unemployed, uneducated, those lacking hope for their future, and males in their late teens to mid 20's. In palestine you have a large group that combines all those things. Then add in the struggle against a brutal occupation (you can't realistically deny that the palestinians see it as brutal), the perversion of religious teachings, as well as personal relations to victims (either killed, jailed or beaten) its no wonder that many choose violence. Also look into their history, particularly the first intifada. Peaceful palestinian protests were met with force by the Israeli's. The peaceful method didn't work, and that's why militants like Hamas gained significant power.

Violence forces people to focus on the situation. It's sad to say but, if they hadn't become more violent, I don't think anything like the roadmap, or any other serious attempts at a palestinian state, would be in place.

Though homocide bomber always made little sense. If I plant a bomb in madison square garden and then walk out, only to have it blow up an hour later and kill 5 people, aren't I a homicide bomber? I'm going to kill people by staying or leaving, and either would fit that definition. Suicide bomber indicates a more specific type of bomb killing.
In american society those most likely to engage in violence are the impoverished, unemployed, uneducated, those lacking hope for their future, and males in their late teens to mid 20's. In palestine you have a large group that combines all those things. Then add in the struggle against a brutal occupation (you can't realistically deny that the palestinians see it as brutal), the perversion of religious teachings, as well as personal relations to victims (either killed, jailed or beaten) its no wonder that many choose violence.

Sorry, I don't buy into the notion that poor people are prone to commit violence. Violence is a state of mind no matter what your economic background. In the face of the existence of a jewish state, Arab leaders have an insane notion that they can win a war against zion and eradicate jews from the planet. They have molded an entire society to be used as a weapon in this war, a tactic which has brought nothing but misery, poverty, and hoplessness to it's own people.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Well, I would be more willing to comment on the actual site if I could read it, or at least read the review of an unbiased source, instead of taken the word of a biased source. I'm not saying those things are or aren't there, just that the website itself may not be as vile as its presented as. Because all I have is the word of a biased source (palestinian media watch), I can't really comment.

TRANSLATION: How can you trust a site that does nothing but translate Arabic into English but doesn't support my view of the world? It MUST be biased!
[quote name='bmulligan']Sorry, I don't buy into the notion that poor people are prone to commit violence. [/quote]

Well, its the factors that poverty brings with it of course, not simply "poor people". But maybe I should have emphasized income disparity. There's something called the "young male syndrome". Basically it attempts to explain why males in their late teens to mid twenties engage in violence at much higher rates than the rest of society. Essentially it comes down to mating. People with no job, no education and no hope are not very promising mates, so violence and other crime is a way of showing their strength and attracting a mate. The less socially acceptable ways they have of attracting a mate, the more likely they are to engage in socially unacceptable behaviors. This is not a conscious thing mind you, and can result in behaviors that clearly harm mating potential. This period coincides with with peak levels of hormones (particularly testosterone). Testosterone is not linked with violence per se, but linked with dominance. It's all in how that dominance reflects itself. Many suicide bombers (or at least the ones who didn't go through with it) give very masculine reasons as to why they wanted to be a suicide bomber. And the average age of a suicide bomber is 20, right at the peak of hormone production.

Even after hezbollah achieved great success with the use of suicide bombs (and subsequent use in lebanon, the IRA etc.), it was extremely rare for palestinians to engage in such behavior, and the general consensus (at least what I can gather by reading) seemed to be that it was a waste. But with the collapse of the economy, the rapid increase in poverty, joblessness and Israeli attacks, the amount of willing bombers increased.

Violence is a state of mind no matter what your economic background. In the face of the existence of a jewish state, Arab leaders have an insane notion that they can win a war against zion and eradicate jews from the planet. They have molded an entire society to be used as a weapon in this war, a tactic which has brought nothing but misery, poverty, and hoplessness to it's own people.

It's about what causes that state of mind. Arab leaders have not molded an entire society to be weapons, the only way this can realistically argued is if hamas and similar groups are what is meant by "arab leaders".

As for wiping out jews (like hitler), it would be interesting to see where you could find any leaders of signifigance (and not real extremists) advocating that. Wiping out israel is different, and not anywhere near the same league. There's also the aspect of language, israel repeatedly refers to itself as a jewish nation, any attack on it is an attack on jews, their actions are to protect jews etc. It is much more common for them to use the term jew than israeli (the term I prefer), at least when making public announcements or speaches. In turn, many seem to use the terms interchangeably. Now obviously there is antisemitism in these areas. But, anti-israeli jews have, on multiple occasions, been found to have high level contacts with militant palestinians, and commonly deal directly with palestinians. Most of them seem to report that while some do hate all jews, many have no problem with "jews" as long as they are not zionists. This is particularly true among the older, and less radical, portions of the population. Now, I'm not going to say both aren't problems, but, one is linked to hatred of political goals and the other is linked to hatred of the people themselves. The latter is much harder to remedy. The terms jew and israeli must be distinguished, and they should be seen as two separate things. Otherwise antisemitism will continue to increase.

TRANSLATION: How can you trust a site that does nothing but translate Arabic into English but doesn't support my view of the world? It MUST be biased!

Well, one thing that stands out is the criticism of palestinians for referring to Israel as an "invader". I'm not sure whats so clearly wrong about that. It would be like an Iraqi newspaper being criticized for calling the u.s. an occupying force.

But, looking at that site, I see nothing indicating any balance. Every possible step is taken to show israel as this great humanitarian nation and palestinian as ruthless thugs. It's not just attacking on side, it attacks one and supports another. There seems to be nothing out of character, no minimal praise of anything palestinians do, no minimal criticism of anything Israel does. There is nothing at all suggesting that it is an unbiased source. Newsmax is less biased.

If you're saying that all it does is translate text, then you haven't looked at the site. It seems like all those anti-bush documentaries. Sure, they use quotes and official documents, but emphasis on certain parts and what is being showed can provoke wildly different responses.
There's something called the "young male syndrome". Basically it attempts to explain why males in their late teens to mid twenties engage in violence at much higher rates than the rest of society. Essentially it comes down to mating. People with no job, no education and no hope are not very promising mates, so violence and other crime is a way of showing their strength and attracting a mate. The less socially acceptable ways they have of attracting a mate, the more likely they are to engage in socially unacceptable behaviors. This is not a conscious thing mind you, and can result in behaviors that clearly harm mating potential. This period coincides with with peak levels of hormones (particularly testosterone). Testosterone is not linked with violence per se, but linked with dominance. It's all in how that dominance reflects itself. Many suicide bombers (or at least the ones who didn't go through with it) give very masculine reasons as to why they wanted to be a suicide bomber. And the average age of a suicide bomber is 20, right at the peak of hormone production.

See, I don't buy that either. Testosterone or not, it's a conscious choice to commit an act of violence. When you're 20, you can choose to better yourself, or choose to take the coward's way out and be violent for it's own sake. When you grow up in a culture that worships it and includes it as part of religious iconography, you're more apt to commit it, I'd agree, but not becuase it's some kind of "syndrome" natural to humans. Plenty of 'poor' people I've known seem to have suffered from "good work ethic" syndrome in their late teen years so I can't give the violence theory much credence.
bread's done