Harry Potter and....


the Deathly Hallows

Im betting on June 4th, July 7th, or July 31st for a release date. :bouncy:
I like 7/7 but 7/31 seems to fit better. However if we see it in '07 I think it will be late like 10/31 or 12/31 (I like the Idea of Voldemort's Birthday givin the title)
[quote name='Kfoster1979']I like 7/7 but 7/31 seems to fit better. However if we see it in '07 I think it will be late like 10/31 or 12/31 (I like the Idea of Voldemort's Birthday givin the title)[/QUOTE]

The only reason I'm guessing 7/31 as an option is that its Harry's birthday (as well as Rowling's).

Also, with the exception of Prisoner of Azkaban (September), all of the books have come out in June or July.
[quote name='mikej012']I thought a few months ago they said it would be released July 7th. Are they thinking it might not be done by then or something?[/QUOTE]

There is no official date. Thats a rumor that has been circulating forever. The only reason I'm guessing it is because its the first Saturday in July.
[quote name='Rihan']There is no official date. Thats a rumor that has been circulating forever. The only reason I'm guessing it is because its the first Saturday in July.[/QUOTE]

And 7 is the most Magical number ....
If the books ships on 7/7/07, that ought to sit well with all of the ass-backwards Fundamentalists and evangelicals that think the series is poorly-veiled devil worship.

Here are my 'bullet point predictions' (some spoilers for the uninitiated):

--Dumbledore returns in some form for a brief period of time.
--Fulfilling the prophecy, Harry dies at the hands of Voldemort.
--The act of killing Harry destroys the 'connection' the two have, and somehow robs Voldemort of his powers (but not his immortality).
--Voldemort is captured and tried, or given 'the kiss' by Dementors on the spot. He is then thrown into Azkaban with a life sentence, never dying, without a soul, basically living forever in his own mental Hell.
--We see some sort of evidence that Harry is back with his parent and Sirius 'beyond the veil'. Maybe the mirror, as seen by Ron and Hermione?
--The four Houses unite when Lucius Malfoy is killed by Voldemort for somehow failing him. I think you can connect the dots there.
--Snape either dies as being 'outed' as a 'double agent' for the good guys, or lives and finally becomes the Dark Arts teacher. But, yeah, he's on the good side, I'm convinced.
--Hagrid lives.
--We see the army of those fire creatures that the Ministry of Magic supposedly has, as mentioned by Luna.
--The last chapter is an epilogue where Ron and Hermione are married. Their child has a familiar-looking scar. That explains the last word of the novel and series ("scar").

Anything else?
[quote name='jollydwarf']If the books ships on 7/7/07, that ought to sit well with all of the ass-backwards Fundamentalists and evangelicals that think the series is poorly-veiled devil worship.

Here are my 'bullet point predictions' (some spoilers for the uninitiated):

--Dumbledore returns in some form for a brief period of time.
--Fulfilling the prophecy, Harry dies at the hands of Voldemort.
--The act of killing Harry destroys the 'connection' the two have, and somehow robs Voldemort of his powers (but not his immortality).
--Voldemort is captured and tried, or given 'the kiss' by Dementors on the spot. He is then thrown into Azkaban with a life sentence, never dying, without a soul, basically living forever in his own mental Hell.
--We see some sort of evidence that Harry is back with his parent and Sirius 'beyond the veil'. Maybe the mirror, as seen by Ron and Hermione?
--The four Houses unite when Lucius Malfoy is killed by Voldemort for somehow failing him. I think you can connect the dots there.
--Snape either dies as being 'outed' as a 'double agent' for the good guys, or lives and finally becomes the Dark Arts teacher. But, yeah, he's on the good side, I'm convinced.
--Hagrid lives.
--We see the army of those fire creatures that the Ministry of Magic supposedly has, as mentioned by Luna.
--The last chapter is an epilogue where Ron and Hermione are married. Their child has a familiar-looking scar. That explains the last word of the novel and series ("scar").

Anything else?[/QUOTE]

I agree with some of this but Voldemort has to die any other ending will suck. He is pure evil he has to die not a half life again but dead his worst fear. I hope Harry lives but I just dont see it happening
[quote name='jollydwarf']If the books ships on 7/7/07, that ought to sit well with all of the ass-backwards Fundamentalists and evangelicals that think the series is poorly-veiled devil worship.

Here are my 'bullet point predictions' (some spoilers for the uninitiated):

--Dumbledore returns in some form for a brief period of time.
--Fulfilling the prophecy, Harry dies at the hands of Voldemort.
--The act of killing Harry destroys the 'connection' the two have, and somehow robs Voldemort of his powers (but not his immortality).
--Voldemort is captured and tried, or given 'the kiss' by Dementors on the spot. He is then thrown into Azkaban with a life sentence, never dying, without a soul, basically living forever in his own mental Hell.
--We see some sort of evidence that Harry is back with his parent and Sirius 'beyond the veil'. Maybe the mirror, as seen by Ron and Hermione?
--The four Houses unite when Lucius Malfoy is killed by Voldemort for somehow failing him. I think you can connect the dots there.
--Snape either dies as being 'outed' as a 'double agent' for the good guys, or lives and finally becomes the Dark Arts teacher. But, yeah, he's on the good side, I'm convinced.
--Hagrid lives.
--We see the army of those fire creatures that the Ministry of Magic supposedly has, as mentioned by Luna.
--The last chapter is an epilogue where Ron and Hermione are married. Their child has a familiar-looking scar. That explains the last word of the novel and series ("scar").

Anything else?[/QUOTE]

Probably one of the kids will Die maybe one of the Twins or Neville

We will prob see a Werewolf fight at some point

I think Wormtale will betray Vold

I think Draco will prob do something Heroic, possibly unintentional

Krum will be back to help get at least one of the soul parts
I agree with some of this but Voldemort has to die any other ending will suck. He is pure evil he has to die not a half life again but dead his worst fear. I hope Harry lives but I just dont see it happening

Well, if you'll recall, in Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore casts an unnamed spell at Voldemort that perplexes him, as it's not intended to kill. Dumbledore reminds him that there are some things worse than Death. Of course, Tom Riddle can't comprehend that, which is exactly why I think an eternal 'life' of misery is his fate.

Also, the prophecy says that one must kill the other. Not both dying. If you look at the journey of the Hero, most of the time, he must die to complete his journey and save his people. All the stars are lining up for Harry to take this same path.

Besides, what does Harry want more than anything? To see his parents and his uncle again. His misfire of a romance with Cho Chang says to me that a long life in the real world with a family is not part of his destiny.

Lastly, the evidence is throughout all the books in the series that Rowling's main goal is to comfort children about Death, and imply that it's not the end. Sure, children (and 'grown-ups') across the globe will bawl and bawl and bawl, but ultimately they'll cope. This will also ensure that Rowling doesn't have to face the outcry and temptation to continue the series. Personally, I don't want Harry Potter and the 9 to 5 Muggle Job.

If (read: when) he dies, you'll realize that it won't "suck" as an ending. In hindsight, unless you're really childish, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
[quote name='jollydwarf']--Dumbledore returns in some form for a brief period of time.

Everyone seems to forget this. He already is back. He is in the picture in his office.
[quote name='jollydwarf']

If (read: when) he dies, you'll realize that it won't "suck" as an ending. In hindsight, unless you're really childish, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.[/QUOTE]

It just seems so cliche to have a hero die at the end of a story. I would think she would have something up her sleeve beside that
The only reason I don't want Harry to die is so that she won't have to magically bring him back to life in 10 years when she realizes that no one gives a crap about anything she writes after this is over. Look for "Harry Potter Adventures" or something similar in the future about Harry's life after Hogwarts. You know it's coming...
Well, it's the same thing over and over and over in storytelling. Even (spoiler?) Frodo 'dies' in the metaphorical sense when he sets sail from the Grey Haven. No one ever said that pure originality was the strong point of this series. (And if they did, they're crazy.)

The only reason I don't want Harry to die is so that she won't have to magically bring him back to life in 10 years when she realizes that no one gives a crap about anything she writes after this is over. Look for "Harry Potter Adventures" or something similar in the future about Harry's life after Hogwarts. You know it's coming...

Well, if you're convinced she's going annoyingly and inevitably to bring him back regardless, does it really matter what the context is? Personally, I disagree, and I think she wants to be done with the character. We might get more Hogwart's-oriented material from different time periods, but Harry's story arch will be over one way or another. Highly doubt she'll be hurting for money.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']cool but what the hell is a deathly hallow?[/quote]

Isn't a hollow like a valley? I'm guessing it's the place where Harry and Voldemort have their final confrontation?
[quote name='jollydwarf']I agree with some of this but Voldemort has to die any other ending will suck. He is pure evil he has to die not a half life again but dead his worst fear. I hope Harry lives but I just dont see it happening

Well, if you'll recall, in Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore casts an unnamed spell at Voldemort that perplexes him, as it's not intended to kill. Dumbledore reminds him that there are some things worse than Death. Of course, Tom Riddle can't comprehend that, which is exactly why I think an eternal 'life' of misery is his fate.

Also, the prophecy says that one must kill the other. Not both dying. If you look at the journey of the Hero, most of the time, he must die to complete his journey and save his people. All the stars are lining up for Harry to take this same path.

Besides, what does Harry want more than anything? To see his parents and his uncle again. His misfire of a romance with Cho Chang says to me that a long life in the real world with a family is not part of his destiny.

Lastly, the evidence is throughout all the books in the series that Rowling's main goal is to comfort children about Death, and imply that it's not the end. Sure, children (and 'grown-ups') across the globe will bawl and bawl and bawl, but ultimately they'll cope. This will also ensure that Rowling doesn't have to face the outcry and temptation to continue the series. Personally, I don't want Harry Potter and the 9 to 5 Muggle Job.

If (read: when) he dies, you'll realize that it won't "suck" as an ending. In hindsight, unless you're really childish, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.[/QUOTE]

I know I know... lets not forget poor Ginny, Harry has something to live for and the fact his whole life has been crap and I dont want to see the Heros journey end with him dead maybe its childish but I dont want to see him die. And I agree there will be more books in this world J.K. wont stop with this one.
[quote name='gunm']Isn't a hollow like a valley? I'm guessing it's the place where Harry and Voldemort have their final confrontation?[/QUOTE]

but its Hallow, meaning like Holy, so its Harry potter and the Holly Deaths or something like that
Hallow: To give over by or as if by vow to a higher purpose.
To make sacred by a religious rite.
To make or set apart as holy.
To respect or honor greatly; revere.

(Source: Yahoo! Thesaurus and Dictionary)

As usual with the titles, not a lot to work with. But I like the fact that it's such a somber name for the last book.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']It just seems so cliche to have a hero die at the end of a story. I would think she would have something up her sleeve beside that[/quote]

It is cliche. In fact, it's even considered the worst thing a writer can do to her main character because it shows lack of creativity etc etc. It's the sign of a weak writer.

If she does it, she does it. Either way, everyone has an opinion as to how the last book should be written but only one has the capability of writing it and that's its creator.

But yes, cliche. and novice.
[quote name='jollydwarf']
Besides, what does Harry want more than anything? To see his parents and his uncle again. His misfire of a romance with Cho Chang says to me that a long life in the real world with a family is not part of his destiny.

Remember he does have Ginny. And quite frankly, thats what suits him better then Cho as he has no "real" family left, but for the past 6 years, the Weasleys have taken him in as their own. If he married Ginny, that would officialy make him part of the family, and make official what has been true since the first book.

But I'm not going to get into this because I hate people that only dwell on the relationship crap in the book. That and if she does kill him off, its all moot.
No matter who lives, who dies, who gets married, or what the book is called, Rowling has a massive task on her hands, tying up all the loose ends from the previous 6 books. I don't think she'll pull it off (but that's different from saying it won't be a satisfying book).

EDIT: And, FWIW, I hate when "stupid flash game you only get results from by randomly clicking everywhere" is called a puzzle. Puzzles involve thought and luck, but not exclusively the latter.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Well, if you're convinced she's going annoyingly and inevitably to bring him back regardless, does it really matter what the context is? Personally, I disagree, and I think she wants to be done with the character. We might get more Hogwart's-oriented material from different time periods, but Harry's story arch will be over one way or another. Highly doubt she'll be hurting for money.[/quote]

Did you ever watch the last season of Magnum P.I.? I agree with you in that she wants to be done with the character for now but it won't last. Leonard Nimoy was done with Spock and had him killed in The Wrath of Kahn only to be brought back in The Search for Spock (and he's written two autobiographies - "I am Not Spock" and "I am Spock" - make up your damn mind).

She'd be smart to keep Harry alive or at least raise questions about whether he is really dead (if she does kill him off). It's not about money - it rarely is. She is going to want to prove to the world she can write something other than Harry Potter and when that fails she will just want to write something everyone will talk about to be back into the spotlight - so we will get another Harry Potter book. It's not a bad thing though but there's definitely a trend of famous people wanting recognition for something other than what got them famous in the first place. I think she would have been better off writing each HP sequel in between 2 or 3 other unrelated books. Sure it would have spread things out but at least she'd have other material. I really don't know... just random thoughts I guess.
Oops, not sure why I thought it was "Hollows". Not that "Hallows" makes it a lot clearer. I can only guess what kind of importance the ritual referred to by the title has to the central story.

I kind of figured Dumbledore was some kind of Obi Wan to Harry's Luke Skywalker, but I guess we'll have to wait and see how he figures into the last book.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']but its Hallow, meaning like Holy, so its Harry potter and the Holly Deaths or something like that[/quote]

Is that for sure? MSN.com is reporting it as "Hollow." I haven't looked anywhere else, but I'd just like to know for sure so I can begin speculating as to what it means.

Edit: Nevermind, everywhere else I've looked says "Hallows" also.
[quote name='mykevermin']

EDIT: And, FWIW, I hate when "stupid flash game you only get results from by randomly clicking everywhere" is called a puzzle. Puzzles involve thought and luck, but not exclusively the latter.[/QUOTE]

yeah at least take something from the book to solve the puzzles or something. It just turns into a game of hangman at the end.
Didn't see that 'bakery fresh' zinger coming, Vanilla.

I think she would have been better off writing each HP sequel in between 2 or 3 other unrelated books. Sure it would have spread things out but at least she'd have other material.

At that rate, those of us that are the "28-year-old losers" would be dead, and the kids that the books are (mostly) intended for would be "28-year-old losers". And we can give 'winners' like our good Gorilla friend another generation of joke fodder, now can we?
[quote name='jollydwarf']Didn't see that 'bakery fresh' zinger coming, Vanilla.

I think she would have been better off writing each HP sequel in between 2 or 3 other unrelated books. Sure it would have spread things out but at least she'd have other material.

At that rate, those of us that are the "28-year-old losers" would be dead, and the kids that the books are (mostly) intended for would be "28-year-old losers". And we can give 'winners' like our good Gorilla friend another generation of joke fodder, now can we?[/quote]Good to see at least 1 person annoyed by my phoned-in joke. Who cares about the book, when you can buy 2 versions of the DVD (1 with 3 minutes of extra footage not seen in theaters!) in 9 years? Harry Potter and The Drivers Test Anxiety! Harry Potter and the Acne Cure of Sharazazaba!
[quote name='javeryh']The only reason I don't want Harry to die is so that she won't have to magically bring him back to life in 10 years when she realizes that no one gives a crap about anything she writes after this is over. Look for "Harry Potter Adventures" or something similar in the future about Harry's life after Hogwarts. You know it's coming...[/quote]

Well, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys need company, don't they?
I mean, I've not seen any major "evergreen" line of children's novel as of late. The last major even loosely related line I can think of are the "Choose your Own Adventure" books that stuffed the shelves of libraries and primary school classrooms back in the 80s.
I love how some people consider these strictly childrens books.....when was the last time you saw a 750-800 page "childrens" book?
[quote name='JSweeney']Well, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys need company, don't they?
I mean, I've not seen any major "evergreen" line of children's novel as of late. The last major even loosely related line I can think of are the "Choose your Own Adventure" books that stuffed the shelves of libraries and primary school classrooms back in the 80s.[/quote]

Choose Your Own Adventure books were great - you could read like 20 pages and say you read a book. I had a bunch of them when I was little...
bread's done