Has anybody had this problem yet, with their 360?


181 (100%)
I woke up this morning wanting to play a little Fight Night on my 360, booted it up and stated fighting and in the 2nd round the screen froze, no red lights, no buzzing sound, just froze. Ok this was the first time this has ever happened to me since I have had my 360, and I have had it since launch. So I take the disc out clean it and try again everything boots up fine but in the first round I get the freeze again, ok maybe try another game, so I pop in NHK2K6 and it freezes twice in a row in the first period of games.

So now I call Microsoft the gut I get is a real goober telling me that my 360 is overheating and I need to move it to a better spot. I try and tell him that it froze maybe 10 minutes into playing and its been in the same spot since I got it. So now he tells me to check date and time both are set correctly, next he tells me to remove the hard drive and play a game without it on. So I do that and try NHL2K6 again and I make it through a whole game with no problems. I call back and tell them that it seemed to play fine without the hard drive being on, so they tell me that my Hard Drive is bad and I need to send it in as soon as they send the replacement. Now before I tell them to send out the new hard drive I tell them I would like to find a memory card to move all my saves over to first and I will call back when I get on. So the guy gives me a ticket number to use next time I call so I dont have to explain everything again. When we hangup I but the hard drive back on and for shits and giggles I try Fight Night again and now have no problems with it freezing at all I played four fights each going at least three rounds each.

I would really hate to but the memory card for no reason if the hard drive is not bad and I would hate to have the console be bad and only get the hard drive replaced first. Has anybody had this problem and what has been your solution to it. And if you did not have a problem like what do you tyhink I should do. I do have the 2 year extended warranty form Microsoft so I do have time to wait to send it in.
I rented Ghost Recon and it freezes on me about 10-15 min into a game of single or multi.. not every time, but i'd say 1/2 of the times that i've booted it up and played. No problems with Fight Night though. I did play a good hour/hour and a half of ghost recon this morning with no problems though.. its weird. not sure if i should get ghost recon for this reason.
I'm not entirely sure--- I had a similar problem last night with my 360 as well-- though it didn't have to do with the HDD at all. I just got the box on Thursday mind you, so needless to say I was a little perplexed.

What happened to me was I was playing offline GRAW while still signed in to Live. Whenever somone shot me a voice message-- the game would freeze, then take me back to the dashboard without any notification, thereby removing all the progress I had made. This happened a few times before Live then crashed and I couldn't sign back on.

Called Microsoft, got a sweet foriegn guy and told him about the problem. He said I needed to provide my xbox with an alternate MAC address so that I could reconnect. Did that-- and then everything worked fine and dandy. Strange that it worked Thursday night, but crapped out on me Friday.

Anyhow, have yet to open FNR3, but i'll let you know if I run in to any problems. I'd say if it's working fine now, then you should be ok-- maybe it was just a glitch in the matrix--- As I'm not sure how FNR3 uses the HDD and Gamer Profile.
My first 360 did that constantly it would freeze almost every half hour. I was playing PGR3, CD2 and PDZ at launch. The only time my new one froze was when I was playing NFSMW. I think you might have an issue with the hard drive. My orginial 360 seemed to freeze while loading or autosaving.
The only time my console froze was when I was playing the Full Auto demo that came with OXM. I think it was because of how high up I set my resolution.
I think that update they released last week is hosing people's systems. I could be wrong, but mine froze and bit the dust 10 minutes after updating. It's being repaired by Microsoft as I type this.
Mine started freezing after the update and evenutally it turned into the 3 red lights. Hasnt frozen since I got the refurbed one back from Microsoft.
Man, this is amazing. I have been scouring the city for a 360 lately, but every forum I read is full of people reporting problems... Looks like I may just wait a while before I hop on this console... it obviously wasn't ready for launch.
Yeah really... I was planning to get one around May or something, but I really hope that the problems get fixed and that backwards compatibility isn't such a joke by then.
Now to the people who have had this problem should I send both my console and hard drive in, just the console, or just the hard drive?
My 360 has froze a few times before, I don't know what causes it, maybe it's software related.

It happened a couple times when I was waiting for PDZ to load and I hit the guide button to check a voice message someone on my buddy list gave me.

Also, when playing DOA 4, it seems that if a person immediately quits or turns their 360 off right after the fight, this can cause the game to freeze on the fighter select screen or victory screen.

The freezing worried me at first, but it seems to be very rare in my case so it doesn't bother me much anymore, but I'm real glad I decided to buy the in-store 2 year warranty... hopefully as more updates come out it will get better.
[quote name='Blackshear']My 360 has froze a few times before, I don't know what causes it, maybe it's software related.

It happened a couple times when I was waiting for PDZ to load and I hit the guide button to check a voice message someone on my buddy list gave me.

Also, when playing DOA 4, it seems that if a person immediately quits or turns their 360 off right after the fight, this can cause the game to freeze on the fighter select screen or victory screen.

The freezing worried me at first, but it seems to be very rare in my case so it doesn't bother me much anymore, but I'm real glad I decided to buy the in-store 2 year warranty... hopefully as more updates come out it will get better.[/QUOTE]

Neither of those are a system error. Neither has to do with the 360 hardware. The 360 guide is a bug with the blade. The system doesn't freeze, but the blade does, and you have to reboot the system. The second bug has to do with network issues on DOA4. I haven't had that since the patch. The system also does not freeze with it, but the online match does.
Just had to stop playing GRAW because my 360 unit makes all the enemy transports stretch all over the place, Looks like when a graphics card overheats. Im so mad right now. Never had any porblems before, I hope its a GRAW only thing.
[quote name='ajh2298']Now to the people who have had this problem should I send both my console and hard drive in, just the console, or just the hard drive?[/QUOTE]

In my case, I just had to send the console in.

They overnighted me an empty box which had a label for me to overnight it back to them.

Mine froze last weekend and it was at their doorstep Wednesday morning. Pretty good response time.
I gotta admit I'm a bit apprehensive because everyone says the update has been nothing but trouble and unfortunately I had to update via the disc to play GR: AW. I hate when the make you update simply to play games offline...
Reading threads like this makes me happy that I didn't buy a 360 again. After buying a PS2 at launch, I decided that I will never buy a console again. I hope MSFT fixes all these problems by the time Too Human and Gears of War come out.
I really wish non-360 owners would stop coming into these threads only to say bullshit like "I'm glad I didn't buy a 360 yet". Yes, we get it, you want to live in a world with rainbow bridges where everyone rides unicorns to work and everything works perfectly and there's never any problems with anything ever.

Now shut up already.
I'm so glad I haven't bought a NES yet, I hear you have to blow in them to get them to work and some times the cartridge wont stay down, I'll wait for the 8th gen model.
bread's done